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tv   News  RT  February 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the the, the home gary impala mens improves with is paid to join the native block half of nearly 2 years of negotiations. a situational folding of the use of the quarter with tech to escalate significantly for almost throughout europe by taking to the streets, edging european authorities to address the issue of cheap you create in production . lot in the region and active duty member of the united states air force and genocide, state side, the member of the us air force makes the ultimate sacrifice for the policy and cost settling himself on fire outside the gates of these ruddy embassies, washington dc. denmark drops its investigation into the bloss that
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destroyed the north stream gas pipelines while saying it's obvious, stop a pause. united there are no grounds to be sealed criminal case. moscow drugs, the decision has upset the others, is odd to international reaching. you live from a new center in the russian and capital i, a michael, quite chat with the updates out of hong gear empowerment has finally approved sweden's bid to join nato. and this comes out to nearly 2 years of intense negotiations as put up as the approval was the final bill for us to come to join the block. the key in the hungry had been raising concerns on that matter, and correct, keeps reading of harboring courtesy separate these groups, which the country considered as terrorist. hungry was vague over its position on
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sweden, but claimed it spread out, lied lies, the boundaries fadia to it had to european union standards, a floor. and this led to the use this session to freeze premiums walk for funds meant for hungry. on, on 2 sides cut sands where a draft also known as what some have called bending to the use combined of the un nato, a debating whether to send troops to ukraine. that's the nation strongest to make headway on the battlefield. and that's according to slovak problem minister, but people as the rules out sending his nations forces to assist you. k. yeah, key of got to that address is that for me, you know, and european member states are considering sending troops to ukraine on a bilateral basis. i cannot specify further, i cannot say for what purpose and what they should do there is yeah, the boy. yeah. no soldier from slovakia will go to ukraine. yeah, i will not make political statements or any other statements on this matter. now,
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we will discuss a new caliber in scope of support for ukraine in the coming period. i would even dare to say that the convening of this medium, but also the content of the themes to be discussed, which were the subject of a secret meeting between the security council and the government of the slovak republic confirms that things are not going merely as well, as expected in ukraine of the word so slow about prime minister can because my bucko field of footage from ukraine. s one i brahms tank out of $0.51. a kid by washington now has been destroyed by russian attacks. according to a preliminary information. the american made of one, a bronze made in buffalo tank was sticking out near at the left, but in the fields after its defeat bother austin, 15th beast, keeping brigade to otherwise in defense ministry says it's for say is have kept it the village of the last book, you know, in the didn't ask for public, it's not far from the city of, of the, which also came on the,
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their control area of this month. and in a crock of region of eastern your trade, the russian ministry of defense has released for to just key of drug control positions being targeted in coupons, antea, crop mess. all systems can also be seen in auction, protecting against you creating strikes. the item is the last key and made his country is not the only territorial personnel office. state of the casualty. number c summed up 2 years of finding how the account did thousands add up compared to what the chief us of the bundle a and said long ago. threats, it's not 31000 soldiers have died in this war. and yet it's a great loss for us. it is estimated that more than 20000 civilians and more than 100000 ukranian military officers have been killed so far. lost amongst the russian defense ministry released as estimate of ukrainian casualties,
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which indicated that key of losses in 2023 were over 200000 elliot, either killed or wounded, adding that up to december last year. the overall number had grown significantly. as you can see on the screen right now, suggesting that as skis estimate is way off a small key to key of a stalling with the bass. continuing in washington, kyla papa, a senior senate aide is now under investigation. according to reports. the issue is frequent trips to ukraine and providing snap. i get the kids for his walk around $13000.00 according to the new york times, which viewed the confidential report, the good taskbar could make cobb park output and, and registered for an agent that we discussed all the latest developments on the ground with political come and data and ready to host the gil, who's tact, but nothing is accurate that comes from ukraine or the west media that is coating key as well. i think we wait
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a minute to bring into some nation. the next propaganda push from me was a wednesday when he glances the there virtually no casualties on the refraining side. there on the verge of waiting there for the best, the camera offensive as a withdrawal and withdrawal and withdrawal. nothing that we're hearing from the frame for the western media he's putting, are you printing propaganda is, is that kind of? so i think a lot of members of congress are wanting some truth before they are right. another big check, particularly when there's been no account abilities of the hundreds of millions of dollars that have already been extended. we don't know where it's gone, but it's not been stolen. and there's plenty of evidence that the septic are up to use in your brain. i think another official was talking a $1000000.00 in cash to box was recently. so i think i got groceries for like, the more, i don't know how i spent the money that's already been set that were control industry and the use out of hand. farm is across europe,
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ignited fiery protest enrolled through the streets, pressuring european officials to solve the problem of cheap ukrainian products flooded in the region. the united message in belgium in spain is that giving advantage to tmj, recall, so instead of their own has created unfair competition in the blog, putting media farmers, livelihoods address, and they're also demanding that a you do something on it's planned to provide funding, emissions, and changes climate policy demonstrations, thomas, i will call to administer as gather in process to discuss the intensifying prices.
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while what does a $160.00 tons of ukrainian green looked like at mid widespread protests of the polish railway stations upon this problem is have blocked a border crossings with the train and spilled dradian pro death from the train carriages protesting against onset competition from ukraine. and e with the mental regulations. this is the 4th case of death destruction of ukrainian products as a polished railway stations. now the previous cases took place on the border with ukraine, equally named deputy prime said that these were not an act of, quote, infinity and irresponsibility. i put one's i've got to administer as a protest, but take the form of grains. catherine not helpful, or the trade in commission has a key of to consider all the european rather as an attempt to consider the position of you, european farmers, and start exporting ukrainian drain into 3rd countries. a,
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my options for southern to a bit of the best way would be to support to creating transit and transport to see ports and send products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. this is what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some cooperation. earlier we spoke with a specialist in your politics whose task but people are waiting for definite actions from the government. and the administrative burden on farmers is enormous and small farm owners fund a huge amount of time dealing with administrative issues. while large companies over the us to have the stuff to make their lives easier. at the same time, it is safe to say that this movement will not stop unless they are a concrete actions rather than promises. it must be realized that the demands of small farms will be different from demands of big companies. so it's necessary to create a basis of trust in order to stop this. strike and trust is aaron through actions
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to the people of waiting for action. the was biggest echosign event in the history will no longer be investigated. according to danish police, the destruction of the north stream pipeline in 2022 was sabotage. however, they're struggling to pull down the siding in sufficient evidence to proceed with criminal case. and it comes with the hue of, of sweden, dropping its own investigation. say that the last jurisdiction russians presidential spokes bus, they blasted the parties involved of this whole mission thoughts because the situation is quite so absurd. on the one hand, there is recognition that they was deliberate, sabotaged. and on the other hand, there is no further progress. there are various information leaks, a whole set of facts that became known off the investigation, obviously based on it to reach out to that closest allies in the course of this investigation. at the initial stages of this investigation, we repeatedly approached the danes requesting information about what happened. we,
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what refused. we could not take part in the private. the situation in this case is so obvious that one can express absolute amazement for your visit. well, it's pretty incredible. we've got copenhagen saying that they can't take this for to a criminal case because this isn't sufficient evidence. and yet on the flip side, saying that there's enough evidence to say that this was sabotaged. they know that this was a deliberate act to destroy these pipelines. these multi $1000000000.00 pipelines that were taking a cheap russian gas directory from those gas bills to germany. and this now is the 2nd west and country that is pulled out of its investigation, saying it's not going to take things for that. sweden did exactly the same just 3 weeks ago. the investigation has led this or just to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. however, the assessment is that there is not sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in denmark. as we know russia on the west have been pointing the
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finger at each other since this happened all the way back in 2022. and what's really interesting is that nobody in the west has been able to say, why russia, for what reason? russia would blow up a pipe. it's spent years building had spent billions of dollars on providing president preaching, however, has been politically. he was speaking to us during this talk a call soon just a few weeks ago. and he said it's the west who blow up north stream. thank you for sure. i was busy that you need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up in order for a uh excuse though you personally may have an alibi, but the c. i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato, or did it let you know? i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested. but in this case,
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we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. when the blame game 1st kicked off, it was a very famous john old as to point the finger. it wasn't that yeah, this white, this is a pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, who had an incredible tale to tell. he basically said that he had spoken to sources with direct knowledge of a military operation, a u. s. military operation that so us don't leave as deep diving down to the pipes punting see for explosives. he said that this was all done. while a nature operation was on going to be covered up and nobody would be suspicious as to why these us opportunities with the. and he said the reason behind this was because the us food that the was addicted to cheap russian gas. and in fact, he said that this operation was planned prior to the ukraine rule. that's how sky the america was a so that cheap flushing gas biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after
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more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth the bait. inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal, to see more hers is not the only person saying, as it sounds like spying no food, but others. we've had a reports in the washington post as well. all suggesting that the west played a very large hand in this if it wasn't him directly, it was as a thing. you quite look at me. it wasn't that long ago. it was, it was a couple of years. what's a good job? i basically said we have a ways we're gonna stop that pipeline in victoria newton, the my down midwife. she says something very similar as well. and yet still somehow no one's taking responsibility. yeah, that's why to me is pretty incredible way. well, an 18 months on from that now, and nobody has been able to say, well, this is what happened. an interesting lee. this was a huge, logical dissolves. so when the pipelines were up below, not mass is of me. same came into the, this is greenhouse gas,
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is this is what western experts say is causing climate change. so you'd think if nothing else would prompt them to investigate that, the fact that this was such an ecological dis off, that would've been the reason. and of course, we've got the fact that germany aust, still investigating, we've had a statement from germany on monday saying that, but i'm not going to hopefully press give them that we for it just seemed to of the cases not being pursued any further on that specific interesting because germany is the country that really has been who yourself as a result of best germany, you know, the industrial base of europe. it's a engine of money. essentially. it's not industrial based, needed a cheap energy to be able to continue pumping out the goods at still thing that russian energy coming into germany has an impact not just on to and they would just say higher inflation. and now apparently is going into a light to recession, but it had an impact and runs occasions across western europe. but despite all of
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that, we know that one pipeline is still for ratio. and present, pitching says he's a very is the giving man. and he says that russia remains ready to use this also confuses me. but today's german leadership is guided by the interest of the collective west rather than its national interests. otherwise, it is difficult to explain the logic of their action or inaction. after all, it is not only about north stream one which was blowing up a north stream too was damaged, but one pipe is safe and sound and gas can be supplied to europe through it. but germany does not open it. we already please a member of the european parliament for the alternative for jeremy, do not back says his shoulder, the german investigation when to reach any conclusions. i didn't see any of these investigations when the, where they have an alibi function. and i tell you now
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with absolute certainty that the job of investigation will not need to be met. there's an obvious reason they don't want to get to results. so yes is the, there are very powerful, a political threats when it's cold issues, internal and external compulsions which prevent all parties concerned from getting to the, to so the match is the connecting interest on the west. i would say germany today is be said by a whole host of external and internal functions and this the pace john policy and economic policy, either migration policy now the ultimate self sacrifice
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for the policy. and course you would say, let's go to the u. s. capital where a member of the us air force has died after setting himself a blaze outside the gates of these righty embassy in a video of the big on streaming seconds before the tragedy occurred. the man said he wanted no involvement of what was happening in gaza. the same and active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be complicit in genocide, i'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine said the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all this is what our ruling classes decided wanting that they got a disturbing image just ahead. the man who set themselves on fire has been identified in reports as 25 year old air on bush. no. his last words was said to be
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free paula spine. it's not the 1st of such protests in december demonstrate a self emulated outside these very calculate the us state of georgia. we spoke with the grey zillow and the editor in chief, max, both bloom and fell. and he says that the extreme as of protest has done little to gain the attention of politicians on capitol hill of this extreme protest by aaron bush mill and active duty air force service member is not having the same impact that for example, the quaker and norman morrison, who burned himself alive in front of the pentagon, had in protest of the vietnam war, robert mcnamara then the defense secretary actually witnessed morris's self immolation and it shook him to his core. no one in official washington that i can think of is shaken up by bush knows protest. the slaughter continues to weapons
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deliveries continue. but it has galvanized the protest movement here in washington . there is a vigil in one hour at the israeli embassy. there is a global awareness now of the anger, not only within american civil society, but within the american military at the us. the director all of the u. s. is playing in this genocide in gaza. and for those who are tempted to dismiss bush now as simply some crazy guy protesting some other countries war that he's witness through social media, they should consider the documents exposed by the intercept earlier this month, which show that air force service members have actually been called up and deployed to israel to help is real in targeting and surveillance of the civilian population
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in gaza. these orders were mark mandatory, so the u. s. air force is directly involved in implicated along with every other waiting of the us government in this genocide and gaza in response to attacks on eastern lab and has belie, has 5 thousands of rockets. i think he's really a military headquarters to hezbollah members were killed and these really strikes and the eastern bound back area, according to local officials of us for trade shows the after back tombs of smoke fill, the cities surprise as rescue crews cool the debris for survivors of these ruddy army says it is find the jets targeted sides used by has blocked for each ad defense system. it is the 1st such as sold in eastern 11 and since funding we began in october against the backdrop of the tensions we were able to talk to liberty as minister of information. the odd mckyrie during an extraordinary session. all
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building is ation of these law. make all cooperation into key. he says it's up to western states to put an end to this as high as on unable to have the services. in fact, this conference has lags behind the events because the genocide taking place in palestine against the policy and people certainly requires broad action. they're going to zation of islamic corporation conference as part of that action engine. and that was the last. and one of those will say that unless these actions are taken to the level of the western countries are most supported as well, there will be no results from all the steps that are now being taken. but there is no doubt that these are necessary steps because we are talking about $57.00 countries condemning israel, it and it's barbarity criminality. unexcused vanity. and of course, there was her as far beyond this room, it is necessary to take this work to a high level, especially considering that in the security council, a single us veto is enough to override the opinions of all the contents of the
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world and still an i live in these minister and of course also spoke here about the attacks only beneath territory one area 11 on his underway. hundreds of houses have been demolished in an area of land or 5000000 square meters has been bombarded with internationally band whites prosperous. thousands of citizens have been killed and of course, tens of thousands displays. so i think the media coverage is important. and the confidence here is important, especially since it is being held in this tumble against the backdrop of marriage on center keeps strong and clear. condemnation of israel's actions in gauze and loving on the not good soft representatives from 130 countries around the world have descended on moscow. here for the 2nd congress of the international rule, 5 movement and the forum on multiple already with kicks up today. now, earlier my colleagues ask, you saw scott taylor talked about this event and all the pressing global issues
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with one of the phones. but it depends. so african m p and cool. c, a monday law, who's also the grandson of the countries antea, pompey to figure a figure head. and it's fast, a president, nelson mandela. it is an opportunity to be able to engage in that, looking at how do we see a shift from the western imperialism amended the usaa gemini, in particular, and create more of the monitor paula system where we can be able to uh see various versions of being able to share and spread the wealth amongst each other. you have seen the effects to offer you new paula system and how i, uh, the western internal countries seem to want to a totally dominate to the entire global community. they've continuously brought up . autism changes right, brought a locked in america,
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offered kind in the asian countries. and the in this regard to we need to, to ensure that we're not able to print not bought a balance in one order. we're talking about costs. i mean, to start us up. i mean the us, vito, the alteri and proposal, the resolution for an immediate cease fire dot com is any surprise to you. not at all on the, particularly to us on the off against say the us as always, student the wrong side of history. they supported the opportunity to achievement salt off to guide to the heat and tutoring all struggling fully, but they should. so this comes as no surprise to us, that they will continue to support an ally of ballpark dates south africa, which is the, is our new stop update state of used by. and in this regard to we as international solidarity movement, continue to give our support to toilet, but ration movements around the globe. and in particular on the posting and
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struggling. what's interesting is that, like you said, it stood historically on the wrong side of history. and yet, at the same time, it talks about no, we want peace, we want everyone to pay bought by the one calls. and it said recently, uh, the web hosting is ryle, uh, not to do the pond operation in rough. uh. so when it makes statements like this, which of the sink of the games is actual actions? is this just the political rhetoric who's a fool? as far as the us is concerned? it's always going to be of interest from them because they are the ones that are aging and on the design and they stop updates. they don't is the right to carry out this uh, jetting aside war crimes and crimes locked into magnitude. i do want to get your take on the west a role in the ukrainian conflict. why do you think that this has become such
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a mint pen of foreign policy for so many? you're a parent and the american countries in, in, in the last 2 years, it is a, be the one of those uh, continued the u. s. foreign policy to ensure thought to the able to destabilize a origin. it is the same, i guessing in the middle east, it will continue to try and ensure that to isolate, say, russia, but in a multi paula systems, this is why we need to ensure that particularly those, that a like minded countries are able to find or tend to do this on corporation on coming closer and working together. and we believe as a part of the briggs family, the south africa has been able to achieve that, supporting closely with the russia tied not, and the brazil as well. that's all for me now. my colleagues be this crowd will be in with you where the top of the out by now
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the acceptance. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside
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the the well interestingly enough that was one of the most valuable things that i wanted to do was question, shall we say these ukrainian prisoners? because i wanted to get inside their minds, i wanted to disentangle the strings that tied them up in knots that enabled and animated their actions. what was their decision making process? what were their biases, their prejudices? what was their psychological profile?
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i wanted to study them in very deep detailed ways. i am an american i see army officer and i have come to ukraine to try and understand and take the understanding back to americans about what has been happening here. so i'm very glad that you will sit down and talk with me, and i'm very glad that you speak english because my russian is not good. i myself, june to all the regiment as old i la combo a girl and won't say that girl or more, somebody to read over it. what does of my name is to 90? my sony is hard to look up and my goal sign was that i had and what i found with the 1st prisoner who was a very bright historian, economic.


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