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tv   News  RT  February 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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of the dramatic ordeals the philippines was finally able to achieve the independence. the don't get any parliaments abuse regions of nato a session bit. that's nearly up to 2 years of negotiations, effectively ending 2 quantities of neutrality. bombers throughout europe to take to the streets, urging your funeral authorities to address the issue of ukrainian products to put in the market. we have from some protesters from door to door to us, very long ally. and there is no income because our products have no service too much bureaucracy in the union in the country have an active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be
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in genocide on state side. amend the us uh, forth makes the ultimate sacrifice for the policy and you the cause setting himself on fire outside the gates. so these really embassy in washington dc. the july from us studio here it must go. you'll watching oxy? my name's pizza. scott's here with all the very latest this tuesday. so gary apartments has finally approved suite as bid to join nate, so that i comes opportunity to yes, i mean tends to go stations as be the best approval was the final hurdle to stop. com joining the book. this looks like a hungry had previously raised concerns over suite as a session into the block, incorrect queues, the nation of how bring it to a different substance groups which it considers to be serviced. but the best was on good by stop comes accusations, to be to all buttoned,
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was undermining the rule of law as something that he denies. according to sweden's prime minister, these countries acceptance into the group has been a long time coming to the new tools weed. it is now leaving 200 years of neutrality and non alignment behind. it is a big step. we must take that seriously. what it is also a very natural step that we take. membership of nato means that we now have a large number of democracies to cooperate with for peace and freedom, told them that you and nato are debating whether to send troops to grain following setbacks on the battlefield. as according to this love, our prime minister robots pico as he was sending any false is to claim a set of twins. several nato and european member states are considering sending troops to ukraine on a bilateral basis. i cannot specify further, i cannot say for what purpose and what they should do there is young people, you know, soldier from slovakia will go to ukraine. i will not make political statements or any other statements on this matter. now we just said we will discuss
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a new caliber and scope of support for ukraine in the coming period. i would even dare to say that the convening of this meeting, but also the content of the themes to be discussed, which were the subject of a secret meeting between the security council and the government of the slovak republic confirms that things are not going nearly as well, as expected in ukraine. meanwhile, francis presidents hosted a conference on solidarity with ukraine in paris. high ranking officials from various european countries attended the meeting, almost picking out the form. i can't stress that there's no consensus among kias pon is to send soldiers to ukraine. fav favorite gift as well. everything was this cause this evening in a very open and direct manner. there is no consensus a day to officially openly and with endorsements and troops on the ground. but in terms of dynamics, nothing should be ruled out. we will do everything necessary to ensure that the russia can not win this war. the football could, at least, like we spoke with the code, all right, so the international action sense,
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etc flounders. she says the only reason so expand nato is to prepare for mobile. it shows that the us plan for the expansion of nato and the threats on russia continue one step after the other. no regard to what is happening in ukraine, which is an absolute howling defeat in terms of us policy. but nevertheless, they go right on ahead. so we shouldn't be too surprised that they're trying to strong arm every country. consequences will surely be more, more, more efforts, more and more reading up from that is a real danger. i mean, why expand nato nato is a us commanded controlled equipped military alliance. so the only reason to expand it and the only reason to exert this level of political pressure is preparation for more. i think it's pastoring, i don't think any of the countries of the european union are willing to go forward
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with this as they seen what's happened so far. and they've seen that in the ukraine . they're completely unable. this is a co, rough right. when really fascist regime, the of folks who are lining their pockets, they think they, the money disappears, the equipment disappears, the weapons disappear and they certainly aren't being used. and it has led to thousands and thousands of gas of ukrainians. and it's not going to get better or sending more forces a little far from the city of dave co, which rested so early this month. the village of less thought is gonna end the dance republic is also being captured according to the russian ministry of defense . and in the cold calls region in east and ukraine, which is about the released this voltage off key of drunk control positions being targets of inc. coupons across systems could also be seen providing protection from
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ukrainian strikes. and i mean, these countries last as well to me is that landscape claim that ukraine, i don't know slightly more than 51000 soldiers since the world begun 2 years ago. the figure that contradicts what the chief, as low under land said long ago threats, it's not 31000 soldiers have died in this war. and yet it's a great loss for us. it is estimated that more than 20000 civilians and more than 100000 ukrainian military officers have been killed so far. this old photos estimates released last month by russia's defense ministry, which claimed the ukraine's losses in 2023 exceeded 200000 of killed or wounded, a significant increase since the previous. yeah, and the figure that zalinski dismissed as lies on this lloyd to kid of is stalled a mid debates in washington called pocket who was a senior sentence, a is currently on the investigation. and i also have to report say that the issue
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of his frequent trips, due crane and the provision of a sniper gets, keeps false as with around to $30000.00. according to the new york times, which viewed the confidential findings to get transfer could make out of pocket and then registered for an agent. we discuss the developments with a political commentator on video host a steve can well, i think we waited so great in terms of ation. the next propaganda for some money near zalinski. when he glances the, there virtually no casualties on the brand new inside is wiped out the russian army as they are on the verge of winning the 4th or 5th, the camera offensive as a withdrawal and withdrawal. and we saw nothing that we're hearing from the frame for the western media. he's putting, printing and propaganda is, is accurate. so i think a lot of members of congress are wanting some truth before they ran another big check, particularly when there's been no accountability for the hundreds of millions of dollars that have already been extended. we don't know where it's gone, but it's not been stolen. when there's plenty of evidence that the septic or up to
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use, i and the branding another official, we've got a $1000000.00 in cash in 2 boxes recently. so i think i got persons for like the more internally i spent the money and it's already been set and even not too old and use this tuesday morning. the agricultural industry in the u. s. entails farmers across europe are taken to the streets, pressuring european officials to solve the problem if she ukrainian products for the, for region, for the in the market. the, the message in belgium in spain is a cheap ukranian purchase is putting money for this livelihood,
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said miss demonstrates as also do bundle with a you give up on these funds of changes kind of policy. we had from some of those the rather the monthly work from june to task very long hours. and there is no income because our products have no values and everything is much more expensive. now we spend a lot of trouble with the price of diesel oil and fi to sound that 3 products. a super high, similar to a lot of things phase on from the farm is marketing dent. and we've gotten a major victory in the sale of, of cities public land to big investors, like in germany, france and everywhere they're a big invest is speculating on farm lands and public lands end up in the hands. we come from spain today to united with old european farm is in the united message. although the claims are reach at the national level. they are obviously different. but the background and the union are the same. there is too much bureaucracy in the european union ending european lo towards member countries. minnesota acts of
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protest polish farmers have blocked the border crossings with ukraine and spilled a 160 tons of ukrainian grain on the trunks where they stand. now this is the 4th search case of destruction of the printing. good said polish right away stations gives deputy prime minister called instance irresponsible. miss bolan's agriculture minister, also called the green dump unproductive. meanwhile, the european commission, as is keith, to consider the position of european farmers and to start exporting you courtney green to 3rd party countries. elections, most of them do a move. the best way would be to support through creating transit and transport, receive ports and send products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. this is what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some cooperation. we spoke earlier with a specialist in geo politics, who says that people are waiting for a definitive action from the government. and the administrative burden on farmers
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is enormous and small from owners find a huge amount of time dealing with administrative issues. while large companies over this to have the stuff to make their lives easier at the same time, it is safe to say that this movement will not stop unless they are a concrete actions rather than promises. it must be realized that the demands of small farms will be different from demands of big companies. so it's necessary to create a basis of trust in order to stop this. try and trust is aaron through actions, did people of weight and flex the destruction of the north stream pipelines back in 2022 will no longer be investigated by denmark. they said it was a clear case of some of the task, but they're shutting down the pro, overlap of evidence. and that comes on the heels of sweden dropping its own investigation, saying that it likes the jurisdiction which is presidential spokesperson that criticize the decisions. this whole mission thoughts because the situation is quite
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some, such on the one hand, there is recognition that they was deliberate, sabotaged, and on the other hand there is no further progress. there are various information leaks, a whole set of facts that became known off the investigation, obviously based on it to reach out to that closest allies in the course of this investigation. at the initial stages of this investigation, we repeatedly approached the dates, requesting information about what happened. we, what refused. we could not take part in the proof. the situation in this case is so obvious that one can express absolute amazement for your visit. well, it's pretty incredible. we've got copenhagen saying that they couldn't take this forward to a criminal case because this isn't sufficient evidence. and yet on the flip side, saying that there's enough evidence to say that this was sabotaged. they know that this was a deliberate act to destroy these pipelines. these multi $1000000000.00 pipelines that were taking a cheap russian gas directory from those gas fields to germany. and this now is the
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2nd west and country that is pulled out of its investigation. say it's not going to take things for that. you sweden did exactly the same just 3 weeks ago. the investigation has led this or just to conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. however, the assessment is that there is not sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in denmark. as we know russia on the west have been pointing the finger at each other since this happened all the way back in 2022. and what's really interesting is that nobody in the west has been able to say why russia, for real reason, russian would blow up a pipe. it's spent years building had spent billions of dollars on providing president clinton, however, has been pretty clear. he was speaking to us during this talk a call soon just a few weeks ago and he said it's the west who blow up north stream. thank you for sure. i was busy that you need it and you have to have it.
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i just uploaded or whatever it takes. you know, you personally may have an alibi, but the c, i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato, or did it made to, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested. but in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities. when the blame game 1st kicked off, it was a very famous john list who pointed the finger. it wasn't this. yeah, this white, this is a pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, who had an incredible tale to tell. he basically said that he had spoken to sol, stays with direct knowledge of a military operation. a you estimate that your operation that so us the only buzz deep diving down to the pipes punting see for explosives. he said that this was all done while the need to opperation was on going to be covered. definitely nobody
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would be suspicious as to why these us opportunities with the and he said the reason behind this was because the us feed that the was addicted to cheap russian gas. and in fact, he said that this operation was planned prior to the ukraine rule. that's how scared america was, so that cheap flushing gas biden's decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than 9 months of highly secret back and forth the bait inside washington's national security community about how to best achieve that goal. to see more hers is not the only person saying this, it sounds like spying no full. but all those we've had a reports in the washington post as well. all suggesting that the west played a very large hand in this if it wasn't them directly, it was as a thing. you quite look. i mean, it wasn't that long ago. it was, it was a couple of years. what's it and job i basically said we have all ways we're gonna stop that pipeline in victoria at noon in the might. on midwife,
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she says something very similar as well. and yet still somehow no one's taking responsibility. yeah, that's why to me is pretty incredible way. well, uh, 18 months on from that now. and nobody has been able to say, well, this is what happened. an interesting lee. this was a huge logical dissolves. so when the pipelines were up below, not masses of me same came into the this is greenhouse gases, this is what western experts say is causing climate change. so you'd think if nothing else would prompt them to investigate that, the fact that this was such an ecological dis off, that would've been the reason i'm. and of course we've got the fact that germany all still investigating. we've had a statement from germany on monday saying that, but i'm not going to hopefully press give them that we for it just seem to of the cases not being proceed any further on that specific. the interesting because germany is the country that really has been who soft as a result of best germany,
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you know, the industrial base of europe. it's a engine of money. essentially. it's the industrial base needed to achieve energy to be able to continue pumping out the goods at still thing that russian energy coming into germany has an impact not just on to and they would just say higher inflation. and now apparently is going into a light to recession, but it had an impact and runs occasions across western europe. but despite all of that, we know that one pipeline is still for ratio. and present. pitching says he's a very still giving money, and he says that russia remains ready to use this also confuses me. but today's german leadership is guided by the interest of the collective west rather than its national interest. otherwise, it is difficult to explain the logic of their action or inaction. after all, it is not only about north stream one which was blown up, and north stream too was damaged. but one pipe is safe and sound and gas can be
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supplied to europe through it. but germany does not open it. we already please. and then to view a pin parliaments full, the alternative for germany poxy gonna back says he shows that the german investigation will also not reach any conclusions. i didn't say get any of these investigations when the day where they have an adverb. i function and i tell you now with absolute certainty that the job investigation will not need to be met. there's an obvious reason they don't want to get to results. so yes is the, there are many possible a political threats when it's cold emissions, internal external compulsions, which provides uh, policies concerned getting to the,
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to so the best is the connectivity interest on the west. i'd say germany today is be said by a whole host of external and internal functions and this the pace, john, pharmacy, and economic policy, either migration policy on to the american capital. now where a member of the us uh, force as died of the assessing himself a place outside the gates of these really embassy. and the video of the began streaming seconds before the tragedy. the bunch said that he wants have no pods and what's happening. and gosh, the same and active duty member of the united states air force that i will no longer be complicit in genocide about to engage in an extreme active protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine
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said the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all this is what our ruling class has decided. a warning, disturbing images coming up. now. the men who set themselves on fire has been identified in the thoughts as 25 year old. our bushnell is lost with was said to be free, palestine let me spell. the 5th such a protest in december demonstrates as self emulates it outside these really concepts and us state of georgia. we spoke with the grace and editor in chief mex blumenthal, and he says that these extreme bucks of protests have done violets also getting the attention of politicians on capital hill to this extreme protest by aaron bush mill and active duty air force service member is not having the same impact that for example, the quaker and norman morrison, who burned himself alive in front of the pentagon, had in protest of the vietnam war, robert mcnamara then the defense secretary actually witnessed morris's self
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immolation and it shook him to his core. no one in official washington that i can think of is shaken up by bush knows protest. the slaughter continues to weapons deliveries continue. but it has galvanized the protest movement here in washington . there is a vigil in one hour at the is rarely embassy. there is a global awareness now of the anger, not only within american civil society, but within the american military at the us, the direct roll the u. s. is playing in this genocide in gaza. and for those who are tempted to dismiss bush now as simply some crazy guy protesting some other countries war that he's witness through social media,
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they should consider the documents exposed by the intercept earlier this month, which showed that air for service members have actually been co. busy and up and deployed to israel to help is real in targeting and surveillance of the civilian population in gaza. these orders were marked mandatory. so the u. s. air force is directly involved in implicated along with every other waiting of the us government in this genocide and gaza. finally, the 2nd congress of the international, both of following the events on the form on multiple are so you have both kicked off in, must go on monday and i'm on a 300 representatives from 130 countries on taking pots and the events and other yourself to get to discuss them both on to the pressing global issues with the south african m p. the co see is really, really montela the grandson of nelson, my data. it is an opportunity to be able to engage in that looking at how
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do we see a shift from the western imperialism amended the us, our gemini, in particular and create more of the monitor paula system where we can be able to tools eh, c various solutions and being able to share and spread well amongst each other. you have seen the effect to offer you new paula system and how i, uh, the listed imperative countries seem to want to a totally dominate to the entire global community. they've continuously pro top off resume change is if i brought the elected america offered kind in the asian countries and a, in this regard, do we need to do to ensure that we are able to put in the balance in one order? we're talking about costs. i mean, to start us up. i mean the us, vito del jerry and proposal the resolution for an immediate cease far dot com is
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any surprise to you. not at all on the particularly to us on the off the guns said the us as always, student the wrong side of history. they supported the opportunity to achievement salt off to guide to the heat ad children all struggling fully, but they should. so this comes as no surprise to us, that they will continue to support an ally of ballpark dates south africa, which is the, sorry i missed, i bought a state of used by and in this regard to we as international solidarity movement, continue to give our support to total obliteration movements around the globe and in particular on the police being and struggling. what's interesting is that, like you said, it stood historic t on the wrong side of history. and yet at the same time it talks about nobody wants peace. we want everyone to pay bought by the rolls, and it said recently, uh, the web hosting is ryle, uh, not to the pond operation in rough. uh,
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so when it makes statements like this, which of the sink of the games is actual actions is this does empty political rhetoric who's a fool as far as the us is concerned, it's always going to be evicted from them because they are the ones that are aging and on the design and this nonprofit state of is the right to carry out these the genocide war crimes and crimes are going to manage it. i do want to get your take on the west a role in the ukrainian conflict. why do you think that this has become such a min pin of foreign policy for so many your a pin and the american countries in the last 2 years, it is a, be the one of those, the continued the us foreign policy to insure thought to the able to destabilize a region, it is the same and you're seeing in the middle east,
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it will continue to try and ensure that to isolate, say, russia. but in a multi paula systems, this is why we need to ensure that particularly those, that a like minded countries are able to find or tend to do this on corporation, on it coming close and working together. and we believe as a part of the friends family, the south africa has been able to achieve that support in closely with the russia. i'll try not. and the brazil that's all for now to be sure to check out a t dot com for all of the lights is breaking news and updates and we'll see a ride by camp it's, you know, the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd
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world lunacy re washington press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living online. we have very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask a better. the answer is will be the
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the number you need you visits typically from here to nothing comes in the book then actually should see where it gets to the the only showcase is use the so who's going into the, by the ways that the boys, the
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what would be the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them put adults up under that the where you have a shift or specialist if somebody else's came over this disclosures, looked like some numbers that the hooked up. but just to hit me for scholarship because i have on your own that's across it up from nobody seems to most of the flight just to get things on your hands and be given benefits on the get the or the push, the delay go to catch people like the
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flushing, they said us to move the date for the ship if i used them to send them over . just joining my was this for you said there's seats available, going to play as the most of the interest with mushroom for young to the teachers of salad. able to stay for the next night and the 2 down here. and he crushed them. newton, carefully. if the
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