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tv   Documentary  RT  February 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

10:30 pm
the, the status to move is know fox sort of a for the ship. if i get them to send them over this, but you more and more was just for you to place them on. so i'll just show room for, you know, the teachers just fell asleep able to stay for the next night and assisted to down here. and he crushed them, needing carefully if the
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beautiful patch to live in china and $14.00 a pot of cannibal customer dissolving those actions of a single question. just once that's shown in front of me. and if i should talk pinterest, i'm show corner g of a dose of 7, and i'm wondering where the question is. it's just for them to come in this stuff on. okay, hold on, i'm going to share the sessions for sure. lots of thoughts in the future or can i push the tools just to kinda should i say anymore is to store it the
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the premiums sign in almost a 1000000 custodial syncing it's almost $2.00 of extra mobility shift sculpus quote . you don't even know which one i saw. i saw a place to store those codes that appear to have been showing them a lot. and what was wrong in your car to decide to bring items to the core? i am in the front, but any ports the number on does not occur. provision with those new most of boards,
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carports that are thrown in as a slots of dosh come talk to expect for and the krashib that was your wish to bring up. not all of this from the finance team is doing the storage room is done. which is the the trimble awesome place that he was trying to get in touch with the you know, some of the console just stuck. and i mean, you have pushed the, the,
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the, the, the, um, you know, and i shall test until fish now decided to disk usage it good sheeley in italy. them disease can dig a globally them, i mean grow the but you may go book or, and you the the the
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side stone. sure. sure. and that's because it looks like it's disney. yeah. it's a function of control across the ships and i was gonna share something with didn't even get
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a chance. thank you much less than school the go. yeah. so that especially is going to the people scrolling hopefully by the way i spoke. so people don't know what is the 1st couple 100
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people in similar to such as the days so the mom will just stop by today. let's check on the progress trip as a shuttle to produce. i conditioned in by this is a very good thing is i've been thinking some of the hold on look i turned on i think it's just not. 6 because it is hold on. 2
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the whole case, the none of the school district, i'm not sure when the closing stars molly with those of my daughter before that and there's any way that's pretty fast because he's going to go for just the whole thing just calling on for just communicating. so what about if i learn that's less, that's a problem crane and that's what's great about the, the get, those are the ones you pick up, the be much more than just getting into and that'll harness to find the supervisor
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to family, watch them, and you go to see them, you just put the question mark on the condition of the command to spend the residential model in your english drive. so you produce to do it to pick them up. admissions are great because you know, solution. ready ready ready most of the most of us the say and yet the. ready the credit, i'm sure quoted here, go to negotiate with us with us us now just on us for detroit instruction here. so it's good to go to collection because somebody knows of college and they are not wasting machine, nature's and that which you don't, that's the place to kind the district to move on to the community and then the da and i'm just team and so my and then the dental vision and the understanding solution at this moment,
10:40 pm
the shooting is now for the dine equal funds of demo to possibly to which 32 ish all changed since may still get to the local business or financial for club dash. and what's the name of the game, and then they took a young, exclusively tantalize through his team, on the list of pets, in the notes and use not much new potato, a name or perspective, or to rebuild. i'd choose and yet to see are pursuing a good deal if she could voice your thoughts every bit. i to see. cuz i was thinking of the post guide system participated extenders to slums, and they know what the, what the shows at the woodson provision. the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're such shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various things with artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the team and the most protect this phone existence was on the executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different sort of hands that he won't
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get anywhere else. welcome it, please. did you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the content of what's on the guns in there when you remove or to the movies. you want us to go to the reserve system just took it off during eastern scenario. of course, historical email is when you bundle screw, we're seeing it as we already have to the phone. he's on the my phone here. unfortunately, check over to play escalated on previously. the number for the one for them can sense when you come up, they ask them to have the phone was affected by you. so to close that window
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feature was nothing showing me. if i, you are the ones cause on this, it has to come down to smuggle and you should be on because of some of the it needs to be new. did some, yes. able to screw up, so nothing doesn't to shelter that go to some of the young. if i don't, if i look to show what that study discharge is star fine. i shouldn't. brung vince with the to the, you know, go to post industrial industrial people to do to die. you can go ahead and finish up some slide to the thought is position with not to join them as soon as you too bye to what to some lunch and go to the store. 3 is to me. yeah, of course the. no, it's got to sit alone so so much cool. younger than i am when your student, i'm going to turn on one orders book on your shoes. i need because most deal with an assessment ideas shown that i'm on the, on clerical. so model is just new of which new york between gen the
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you'll get things. so i need for on the most because to your own uh, critical goal is to ship projections for several on um, no electricity. i will try upgrade, you which new company and go to that store. uh yes it, when you put into it by this. yep. i searched young. i was bring it to the phone on the store. so the shuttle stops. typically it is. yep, welcome to west move. the motion smelled spitting w,
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and you did choose to do that since you'd have to when you campbell says zoning, smoke, some of the weaknesses, handbooks, instruct, which language, hang on a sugar clinical. yeah, it's a boost unless unless cool, and this time you know, when you, when use on the different most of those in your opinion near to your answering it to decide to try it. but a smaller show portion that's pretty hard to, to stay below to look it up for us on november, december to worry to check on those folks. and of course, excuse me, i'll try to check for theme to. so here's hoping i was a good, it's a furniture was sit, i'm mostly true. what i do financially because it's products, but a 60 mile check. there's, you don't know if it's, i don't want to be it that it was a smart through the post up and they want it done and then go, i'm and if you need me, we'll use that as a partners through when you the course i am from the beach virginia to
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see dealers and they won't get order, but the sooner you come out that's organization steward mobility bush, the basic over on the spanish or english or french middle. i'm electric from star next week, except for an enlightened score called on board the lift jobs really comfortable for the vacant. and then to go what i'm going to get back on your billing account. i knew to mention a holiday bill for the $400.00. so that's actually gonna be difficult. there's a lot that's good. but those
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are the it's so what it, what didn't score on the see me any of the deal almost doing it so who it should be mutually. but that was on the do i pick out a lot in lieu of a level sequence? i think the the money when will you put it? so what's the, what's the, what's the 1st day of which those guys which clearly understood which and i will let them know what the, let's move with us. give a list is i've got to put them. how do you need this done to me is i will go into for you see a window for you to ship the
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the that the good thing and do more for purpose than you can look for. so just hoping you will know was me for the most over to yes, so probably in the florida shipment. so brokers assume that's a good source that utilizing a specialist, i'm going to go to storage signature for cash to show you orange in the sense in the product,
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a commercial machine that goes with the source. and that, that i'm going to put them to the use the then approaching fit to show to extend this request to research some, especially with a question for the theater to see a change in george started to get some additional into a toilet, to invest and evicted me to go to the front of told me to go for visuals along the way. i was in the area to see if it went out to frontier customer or getting cuz like, you know, you help up with anything that goes to the dentist cuz like of others,
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if i lost the tv the the video be the same instead of the more handle centers, media. so in terms of what i'm trying x covered,
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i'm just jumping into you know, some general that what does car at the drum cause that he have navy children? yeah. it should them to come out. that's the thing. most nights you've got to go. this is when you all just junk. i'm there have been yes. good. his renewal could were switched now. for the tours cartoony is escal, this visits extend search and signal for most of them. don't know. some of them gender conducted pretty much the things you wish to to get up. so no storage, you've done those over, didn't you have to jump on the interest of to come with those. there are nice features that they had just thought. typical bias will help smashing shaders through movies know, are total cause a, a good many thought and it forms show it by using put send them yeah. for the service just yeah. ship the thought and i'm losing that. all the cars like, you know, it's good. it's all i feel like and so by the
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1st under which you placed with the good entire to joshua by which you would be should be she loves frontier should've worked for you to initially she had coverage search to show my children. i need it for which i wanted to see which one is she making mobile finances. she can move with the quick beach, not protect them for too much, much protected, which is on the, on the, on porch at,
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during that period. there are no investigate. it does, but it beats me even though got them going even though we're going to sit there and go in and they weren't supposed to. but as of right, yes with me. i'm just probably being there now. my son told me to do it. so what i show is that the glass and the dish could please, what does it be smoke i thought i should do to i need to say if you can provide us with those the need for my go to wish if i so, so that is spinning my name's which one is to 0, is that and leveled to show and actually is that and then be able to show a nice looking just to personally scenarios. and let's check a little but show that, you know, somebody is investigating the name of
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things natural. nobody ever showed us this much space, some bush a little but as we learn bunch of on page it. but the only thing is it will show the dot org or you know, on the corner. send me i can imagine the welcome to the area april still sacrificed to the provide special needs done what kind of eligible for stay on social and they've done what thought about that. they're done most neutral and the credit for damages and rep shit. the
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to service for the with the, the, she's open to the city for in the us, the, the,
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to the city though, the most of those is doing just the parties are as far as the goals. and i'm also gonna go to the publisher almost as soon as you go to it as a full good starting and blue sky normal grows to try to get him. i use to hit those for that to hear this kind of bad concert,
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then they yours. but them page somebody else shifting those choices disorders to down to the could our 1st the really and that saves me from our lives so clear on what he crushed gateway crushed or to towards the shy, took them to get away a financial planning and simple positive evidence see my grandpa's that the
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the russian states. never d as tight as one of the most sense community best, most all sense and up the in the 65.
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95 and speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz food, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say even closer to the the,
11:00 pm
the own gary apartments approve sweden's nato. a session fits nearly 2 years of negotiations, offensively ending 200 years of neutrality. the thomas throughout europe take to the strength urging european all sorts used to address the issue of cheap ukrainian products for the markets. the speeds protested. finally went from door to door last, very long allies. and there is no income because our products have moved on. there is too much bureaucracy in europe and unions tending european towards men of a country. fremont, an active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be complicit.


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