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tv   News  RT  February 27, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the, the, the, for the most completely world like many to support the was, it was a single was about any piece of flat flow back later, a posted war mongering or the ukraine. i think going system fellow european need is a considering sending desperate to fight the. meanwhile, the serious tom is history to close the e u. a general thirty's to stem. the flow of cheap produce from ukraine is putting many locals out with business human rights organizations. a cute as well, of quote, intensifying the repression of goes up by blocking more aid from and so with them back. so then today,
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in violation of the ruling for the international court of justice plus public damage that needs her attacks went from place across africa in the wake of western military intervention for the be exacerbates of the crisis. that's according to the a very good morning. keith, more about team here in moscow. it's just on 9 am and this is all the international with the latest world news. i think it's great that be with us today. our top story, we would get the continuation of the war. that's the message from the small back data to fellow wisdom politicians who are considering sending that troops to ukraine. appointment is to robot fits, service clearly stated that he won't be approving any military support to keep if he also said a diplomatic solution motion to even discuss to the meeting of top your p and officials in paris on monday that are so simple. it was completely bull like
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meaning to support the war at all costs and to do everything you know, is it for the want to continue? i was very surprised that it was not a single was about any piece plan or piece sedation to i can confirm that the all countries that are all ready to send their own soldiers to ukraine and i all the say never so long case among them they also count trees that say that this proposal should be considered all government. this piece oriented rejection, the continuation of the wall jack, but we'll mostly sound what funds to ukraine will focus on disability and project on the federal. i told him in the studio this morning is all if he's done course at all. many thanks for coming in. let's start off with the possibility of nato troops being sent in to ukraine. what exactly do we know about this? well, the controversy over this frightening development is not just confined to slovakia . actually, according to the polish president, he says that there's widespread disagreement in nato. and so a decision hasn't been made yet as to what to do. and we've seen some nato member
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states just outright refuse to participate in such an off. and i'm think of a move like as we just saw slovakia, but also check republic greece. athens said that this is something that's not even on the table for them. let's take a listen. i want to assure you that there is no question of sending europe in nato forces inside ukraine and issue that for greece does not exist and i believe doesn't exist for the great majority of our colleagues. at the same time, the dutch prime minister, who is also expected to be the next secretary general of nato, said that this wasn't really at the top of the agenda, monday's meeting. i mean, who knows why? he said that maybe to back track because of the controversy that he saw or happen with these members states, or maybe just to sort of play down the significance of such a potential decision. i mean, well, we know that ukraine is in dire need of more wet buttons that what's being said about that. well, things aren't so great for care of. honestly, i mean, germany's trensler has already ruled out the possibility of sending long range
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torres missiles to ukraine, because berlin is afraid of escalation to the point of outright war between nato and russia. then we've got a proposal from the czech republic to buy up a ammunition from 3rd party countries and send them to crane. but this is something that france actually doesn't want, because parents are saying, hey, our economy should benefit from the war production associated with sending ad munition to ukraine. and for its part, key of says that it wants all of the ammunition exports from the european union to go directly to key of all contracts for the export of the ammunition produced in europe to 3rd party countries must be put on hold. and all such emulation should be sent to ukraine, every cartridge produced in europe should serve the purpose of defending europe. and then while we have these e u countries pledging to step up that suppose in continue funding,
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this will machine and you quote, what's the latest on across the atlanta can? yes, well the political off is opposition is stronger than ever when it comes to sending more money to ukraine from the united states. i mean, the pro key of lobbies truck been trying to pass some more uh, aides to key up since last year, really. but its been blocked over and over and the way washington is talking about this a really makes you think that it's more about the west then key of actually, i mean, we heard from washington that the proposed aid that's going to go to ukraine. if it's past would be 90 percent spence in the united states and that goes along with what i mentioned earlier about france talking about uh, taking advantage of this uh, aids to crane by helping its economy through our production. so it really means that that's just going to be more money for the west. that's going to be more violence. and as long as key of refuses to negotiate with russia, it's going to be no, please don't. many things that are coming in with the dates have still no
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discussions of a pace, no discussions of negotiations, a what a shame any thanks to this house. i mean, well be on. gary impala mentions finally approved the exception of sweden to nasal infinity 2 years of tough tools, permanent civic, to open phase of 5 project deal, help secure budapest loads. we've got all the details plus no updates, opinions and analysis, as always on our website, r t dot com. make sure you check it out the. now there's bouncing c, r e in the agriculture industry, across the u farm is that taking to the streets, pressuring european officials to solve the problem of cheap ukrainian products flooding. local mock is to the
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furthest to say, low cost ukrainian pro jesus has the livelihoods of many european farm. is it with 7 sweets as in belgium and stay that amount thing. the brussels ulta, its climate change with phones, which are needing to much higher costs to som, is in the use, his voice, how some of them have been, say some of this, and i saw it monthly work from june to task very long hours. and there is no income
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because our products have no value. everything is much more expensive. now, we spend a lot of trouble with the price of diesel oil and fighters found that 3 products a super high, similar to a lot of things such as history. phase one from the farms marketing debt. and we've gotten a major victory in the sale of the cities public land to big investors, like in germany, france, and everywhere as either a big investment, speculating on farm lands on public lands, end up in the hands. we come from spain today to united, we thomas in the united message, the claims to reach at the national level. they obviously different background and the union on the saying there is too much bureaucracy in the european union and in european more towards men, the country police farmers of blokes border crossings with ukraine and spelled a 160 tons of ukrainian grade at the trading facts where they stand. meanwhile, the u commission has large key of to consider the position of europeans, thomas, and sauce exposing great into countries outside the book. looks and suppose,
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tell them to be the best way, would be disappointed acquaintance rides. the tents run support to see ports and sun products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products are set up because we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some corporation name oh ukrainian partners. most of them this town, the situation fall, fall moses, i know mark is kind of stand such a level of supplying preschool, but i think i do it. but as it goes, specialist from brussels that she had her take on the agricultural route with this area that needs to receive up to the administration building and farmers is enormous. and small farm owners found a huge amount of time dealing with administrative issues. while large companies over is to have the stop to make their lives easier at the same time, it is safe to say that this movement will not stop unless there are a concrete actions rather than promises. it must be realized that the demands of small farms will be different from demands of big companies. so it's necessary to
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create a basis of trust in order to stop this. try and trust is aaron through actions. did people of weight and flex the to america's capital. now, when a member of the us uh, forces died of dispensing himself a blaze outside the gates of these rainy embassy and a video that began streaming to seconds before the tragedy. the month said he was staging a final protest against the washington's backing of the wall in gaza. the same and active duty member of the united states air force and i will no longer be complicit in genocide, i'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine said the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all this is what our ruling class has decided.
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some distressing images now showing 25 year old aaron specials show king protest. he was a jonathan free palestine as he was engulfed in flames. he was late to pronounce that in hospital, however, is not the 1st so to act in december. another demonstrates itself and relates outside the use way, the consulate in the us state of georgia. we spoke with the grace of the editor in chief max bloom himself. he say, such extreme acts of protest have unfortunately doesn't list tools to gain the attention of politicians in washington. this extreme protest by aaron bush mill and active duty air force service member is not having the same impact that for example, the quaker norm in morrison, who burned himself alive in front of the pentagon, had in protest of the vietnam war, robert mcnamara then the defense secretary actually witnessed morris's self immolation and it shook him to his core. no one in official washington that i can
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think of is shaken up by bush knows protest. the slaughter continues to weapons deliveries continue. but it has galvanized the protest movement here in washington . there is a vigil in one hour at the israeli embassy. there is a global awareness now of the anger, not only with it, the american civil society, but within the american military. as the us, the director, all of the u. s. is playing in this genocide in gaza. and for those who are tempted to dismiss bush now as simply some crazy guy protesting some other countries war that he's witnessed through social media. they should consider the documents exposed by the intercept earlier this month,
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which show that air force service members have actually been called up and deployed to israel to help is real in targeting and surveillance of the civilian population in gaza. these orders were marked mandatory, so the u. s. air force is directly involved in implicated along with every other waiting of the us government in this genocide and gaza when in gaza, less and less territory is considered safe each day. several people were killed including children, and the latest is ready. so i called the southern low city of rossa on monday. so teach from the same stories, people sifting through the daybreak and a desperate race. the games time locals try to find those who may still be alive under the rubble. here's what ones. the 5, the had to say about the scale of the devastation. the wireless, there were entire families, including the people who owned the house. they were targeted with one missile that made a huge explosion and the building collapse. we recovered the dead,
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including women and a child who was 7 years old, and many others were injured including my sons. so to my i'm still looking for also on monday crowd to displace palestinians was seen rushing to get bags of flour and with wide spread famine like conditions in garza human rights groups of sound to be a lot of it as well as failure to comply with the old as if the international court of justice to prevent the acts of genocide in the end place advocates say as well as allowing less and less humanitarian aid to. and so these really government is serving causes 2300000 palestinians, putting them and even more perils in before the world courts binding order. these really government has simply ignored the court's ruling. and in some ways even intensified it's repression. including further blocking life saving a we can get more details now for mom, at least the bureau chief maria the notion of speaking to us from jerusalem. good to see you this morning, maria,
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up. what's the latest on the humanitarian dissolves to in the past? so that he plays on the coast, the international aid efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians. the a good morning to you and the king days, according to the recent report by new york based human rights watch situation with a delivery to guys, it has worse and one months after the international court of justice, instructed israel to basically work on improving it. the daily average number of trucks with food aid and madison entering guys have dropped by more than a 3rd following the i. c. j. roland. in january. that is, according to the un office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. 147 vehicles a day and months ago versus only 57 trucks daily, recently worth mentioning before these rarely offensive in gaza and humanitarian crisis that followed about 500. how many turn trots were sent to guys every day and
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it was never enough. also $24.00 humanitarian organizations operating in guys a complaint about the lack of transparency around how exactly a trucks can enter a gas, a delays and denials that is rarely, crossings and inspection points. and also concerns about the safety of trucks. fuel humanitarian missions were permitted to reach the northern garza with a survey said almost new aid is distributed beyond rafa, which is the biggest threat to engage the south where more than a 1000000 people, according to the u. n. estimates and our crowding up to most of them were forced to flee the war in the northern parts of the street. also human rights watch claims that israel prevents gas the 14th for repairing the water infrastructure that has been severely damaged and is where the air strikes with only one out of 3 pipelines coming from israel. now operating and at less than 50 percent of its capacity. also after the acetate ruling and january's real started a war against on it was
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a key for military and provide and gas. and israel alleged that 12 of agencies. 30000 employees has participation in october, a 7 attack. and while the rent is still investigation and a number of big donors, positive funds to the agency already packed more than half of all these committees carrying organizations working in the area, rely on the emissions and reports. now say that israel destroyed on the why offices in guys and blocking any food coming to the street. if it goes to the agency. the head of one of the announced in alaska to the un general assembly presidents that the agency has reached a breaking point due to multiple governments, suspensions of funds in these rooms contained to set the agency down. and then about that all does waiting for the military and catastrophe now in folding. is it guys a street on israel? let's take a listen. a struggle is to enter, does this tribute,
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the security constraints and temporary closure said both crossings. the crisis of the men made disaster. meanwhile, it seems that if they feel but it's hearing aid manages to reached as it becomes a challenge for civilians to get it and often live tracks. and then according to your med human rights monitor, israel target safe car doors and civilians waiting for a tribes near the check point. here are some of the testimonies. the organization has managed to get less stake and listen among the displaced where children, women, and elderly people raising white flags. as we arrived at the bulky junction, south west of garza city, the army suddenly opened fire on us. we fled, leaving many dead, an injured eye. miraculously survived. we did not pose any danger. we complied with their messages, instructions instead of finding safety, we found death. i went to al rashid street to wait for
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a trucks. we discovered shooting and shells coming our way. dozens of others who were exposed to the same also escaped south. so dissertation, all the ground in the guise of street is very dramatic human rights which claims israel is using starvation as a weapon of floor that is ro denies these really governments folks 1st and just recently said there are no limits to age and 3 guys have some is really officials blame the when for distribution delays and accused mass o guys of police full failing to secure convoys. and while these accusations continue from both sides, people and guys, a hundreds of thousands of them continue to suffer a hand just surviving back to you. but he thinks of those dates as maria, that some of the middle east bureau chief, maria, from ocean speaking to his live from jerusalem. thank you so i can use to africa now with poverty is being exacerbated by around power attacks across the continent
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. it's best, according to recent reports. terrorism rates have skyrocketed in the wake of decades of the so called us led war on terror. most recently, at least 9 people were killed by militants and runs, i following a series of defeats higher attacks in between a fossa, tace and the icon gay has more from south africa to be recent attack. so carried all to by the roots of iraq to respond to the in the room. do you has once again so to tara, among the civilian population that side, this time it was a house called in full morning and you know, kind of 2 of 3 know which was the target of these merciless divine. and, um, the tool is quite heavy. what 9 did, including 6 women and the soldiers who came to help, according to the pavilion authorities of the one, the trains. and on the screen, i'm posing a constant reach to the security and peace in that region. he has an eye witness
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describing what exactly happened about the lady a desk where the men were. and my aunt told them that the men were in that home yet . and that we were in morning. they replied, ah, i want to shoot you. and then they shot people who are hiding in a shower. everyone who was in the living room. and then it came here where the food was and did the same issue for which there was no immediate claim of responsibility . took place in the region with armed groups that have carried out so several, a text the, the eastern part of the machine assessed. so just yesterday the african continent has a sort of become a central heart to bid for taylor with them overall the side and then to um, extreme is in what a significant increase in a terrorist attacks on the continent to be. since yes, i mean, the p cost of this is expressed in the violent struggle between many rad you coast is let me a terrorist organization such as the isis and ok, the,
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and many countries on the continent and even between those organizations themselves . and at the moment, we understand that to the so how the 10s of sub saharan africa is responsible for move dates from tim with them in 2022 and 23 to 3. and then both the south asia, the middle east and north africa combined. in fact, it reported that you'd be, since he's, i found that it's free to the cheese due to, to visit a violent increase by 48 christine to stay important to note as well. that if the number of attacks in africa has risen to a 100000 students and the u. s. warranties on terra and right now that america's moving on to a c, c, off a scale lights off. this last isn't the fees. and that you redid case offer to intervene since the united states has watched. it's um, um, if it's improved to inspect you guys protect to the fission, i'm from iraq to his guidance done. but then the greatest for you to offer,
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i'd be admitted to more that may not be in the middle east. of fact, in africa, the numbers the loan speak to the depth of the disasters should move on that fatalities linked to militant as long as violence rose by 20 percent in the past year from 194122022223. $1320.00 to a record level of lisa violence. this represents a near doubling in depth since 2021. 83 percent of the reported fatalities have been in the saw held in somalia, the 2 regions. so a 43 percent and 22 percent annual increases in the number of violins, extremist linked depths respectively. but it's not only that you is um, even when it comes to fraud, in many parts of the african continent vive is only increased. so it is the from stall to it's so cold called to terrorism. and recently, africans have been seen to the waste. and these utopian types, these, that even well, while you prayed in the middle east or in conflicts being invaded and being
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attacked to advertise also. and the permanent attack of from terrorism, it has always been with some seeing that to this is no longer the colonial era and periods of countries, even if the all poor have equal dignity. and they are, problems, does have to be solved and handled if the same way. this has also led to, to some sort of glowing critique towards a stance off of wisdom, pets, nice things. and as we can, and as we can stay is that for to, to stay, those are 5 being popular since now with the emerging power houses as a result of all of that. russia and denise uh, making fresh strides in developing that by last will ties installations, monk, a decades of relations issue, i think, responded to rebecca. and i said to purely dev's into the details and standing majestically as the hardest in the nation's capital is the most studio located at the centre of a sports complex with the same title. it is named after cardinal in nations. first,
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president, officer to asian games federation declared jakarta, the host of the 1962 forth asian games back in 1958 precedents of cardinal assigned to 300 hector's site to be turned into a sports arena that would accommodate the game during the same period relations between jakarta and most school reach their peak, so it came as no surprise when president, so cardboard turned to russia for collaboration and inspiration in building the arena rush. i showed support by funding the stadium with $12500000.00 us dollars and began mosse project government got what you're interested partners visit to moscow. he also made a visit to boston, of course, central stadium. it is a very large stadium as the biggest deal or a been car enough of course, the car and i wanted to transfer technology to be obtained through this collaboration. in the end, it was agreed to start a project called last project,
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which consisted of chosen architects and engineers from law school and brought to indonesia to build the stadium. the official grand opening of the stadium came exactly a month before the game president. so calling to describe it as a symbol of innovation russian corporation. it was then the largest stadium in south east asia, with a 110000 seats before it was later reduced for safety reasons. after 62 years, a lot of them carno stadium remains the pride of the nation with 78000 seats inside the stadium. the place has been used for sports competitions, national and international music, concerts, and different kind of gatherings. this includes the 2018 asian games and the recent 2024 presidential grand campaigns. another legacy left is the friendship hospital located in the district. the hospital covers all health apartments for the 1994
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who was designated as the national referral hospital for long diseases. it still serves as one until the state sharing the same background with a lot of forgotten all the hospital was built by the government of the soviet union during the period when the 2 countries were closer than ever, just like its name, the hospital served as a historic reminder symbolizing the close relationship between indonesia and then so union back in the 9th and sixty's built in 1961, the head over to class on november 7th, 1963. and in aggravated by subscribe. know, the 1st president of indonesia, the hanover, was helped to coincide. the $46.00 and the 1st 3 celebrations of the socials revolution of the union of soviet socialist republics. many of russian doctors and nurses work at the hospital, those early days. and even with the very latest technology offered in more modern
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hospitals, some facilities built in the 90s still remain. this building called the orchard building was the very 1st to be built here, walking through the facility. one can tell that the doors and windows are part of history. even the last along the hallways were originally meet for russian submarines, but then use in the hospital not to forget the legendary laundry room that still operates with its original machines. even after all these beckett's and like and what i'm going to the officer all this is an old building that is part of the cultural heritage. we had discussions with the cultural affairs departments and came to an agreement that some parts of the building should be retained. this has to show up miss jason for once has been built into parts as for example, with the orchards building. although we have changed some of the interiors who have maintained the shape of the building, the legacy lives between the 2 countries could go one,
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including the guy that you'll also be supplementing, monument, a retired garage in whiskey class, suffering in suda by east java. back in june 2023, the russian ambassador to any major meal of that'll be a bar, attended the ceremony where a commemorative plaque was built. it is written as a reminder of the friendly indonesian russian relations and the struggle for the territorial integrity of the republic of elisha, just like it proclaims may be a part of the history that evasions will never forget. and now let's head over to the games of the future where hundreds of compacts is from dozens of countries of jobs within central russia to set yourself in, as i said, will lead to a well, it's a full refund on that tooth of the bottle. of both warehousing cars on, on monday, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th phone. so one by russians,
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while the champions prize went to the ds where both 16 from india, they caption that the captain, rasa. it said his emotions of this also, you know, i'd reward is very powerful. you know, we want to make sure because you know everyone you, you wouldn't believe like for the last 3 days we didn't leave it in 2 lines. we came back in the morning. it's not it is not something that families.


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