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tv   The 360 View  RT  February 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

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so that is just clear cut between democrats and republicans. no, this is republicans trying to make an issue because they feel like making an issue . a joe biden arrested more people to border in one year than donald trump didn't 4 years of age out in maley, in the 8000000 out of the 12000000 mexicans who cross the border across the board during the george w bush administration. was this is republicans desperately trying to take attention away from the fact that they're likely candidate has been invited for times is having his business strict away from them because of fraud and so on and so forth. he's literally the worst person in america, and they're the ones he's, he's the one that they're putting up to be present, united states. they're just trying to distract us. okay. so space, do you agree that they're just trying to distract from their kid up and using immigration? is the issue. yeah, right. well then that then it's the most successful and distraction in the history
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of the world. look at the polls. love. this is all become a horrific joke of joe biden on day one on did all the advances that donald trump put into place to keep our border secure, the did it with the pen. now he's walking around pathetically, of course and saying he needs congress. i need congress for the power or the terms with the power to get, take the same don pin and do what he did on day one and put trumps executive orders and policies back in action. well, you have people, you have minority communities in new york city, chicago, and all over the place up in arms over the illegals that are coming into their communities, getting housing, getting sleep or getting free medical care. they're saying what about us? what about our kids? so this is, this speaks to old demographics. everybody's upset about this, and this is a, a winning issue. i don't wish it wasn't an issue,
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but the democrats don't want to put the border. guns is up. they don't want to keep it close. and yet i've got to ask you steve this weekend or this past week, but they've been doing these rallies at the borders. not many people are showing up . so i want to bring this back to the topic today of, of the power of mag on single issues like immigration. do you think the truck or crumbling canada was successful? and why are you not seeing that same type of success when it comes to immigration orders in the united states at the southern border? well, if you're talking to me, i, i think got as far as the rallies and people not showing up. i don't know. i mean, i, you know, it's, uh, i, i can't answer for anybody else, but i, i will say this, listen to this job, kirby, the national security spokesman. when asked, why would you want to take down the, the barbed wire, the razor band dues, and it really separates, keeping the people out as me. and his answer was, what a boarder regence have to do their jobs, they up the process to be both. so think about that. we have to let the illegals in
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. so the board of regents and they think their job to do is to process them not to keep them out. that's the logic. this sick twisted, cemented logic of this administration. oh, we don't want to keep them out cuz the border agents have to do their job. that's. that's insanity. well, jesse, you look at this from an actual policy standpoint. do you feel like any of the bills are being crafted right now in washington dc? you're actually going to help bring a by both sides of the aisle are actually going to bring a solution to this problem. a. well, the bill that was passed in the house of representatives called h r 2 definitely would restore security at our border. it would and the catch and release it would reform the assign on system in a constructive way so that it can be abused by illegal migrants making frivolous asylum claims. it would go after sanctuary. cities. it would go after employers who
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agreed just the higher illegal workers and bypass american workers. it would give money to ice, to enforce the immigration laws in the interior of the country. you know, all the, the 8000000 illegal aliens ant bite and it has allowed in. so yes, that's a solution. and there are executive actions that could be taken as well. but this, this deal that was just negotiated and went down in flames in the senate was not a so was not a border security bill. it was a, a massive codification of the disastrous and reckless by the administration catch and release policies with increases in legal immigration on top of it. i mean what, what kind of a big, i mean they really thing people were going to vote for a bill that during and mass migration crisis required the government to let it in admissible migraines, through the ports of entry. it was nonsense and it was due to fail. well,
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alex and you don't take the necessary, there's a problem. this is just being used by republicans. then why are democrats all of a sudden i'm putting attention to this in the house and a sent it right now. watching you see, you've been up on the hill before. nothing usually gets done. it takes a lot. and yet you are having democrats starting to have a conversation about what is going on at the southern border. could you even think that this might even affect the election in some form, as well as the, the republicans, including on the show apparently are simply lying about the democrats. there's no open border policy. there never has been. it's nonsense. well, if there were an open border policy was by never arrested 2 and a half 1000000 people, the southern border last year. this is just absolute flagrant nonsense. a democrats responding to it because they have to respond to every lot. if you don't respond to like, people assume it's true how many times that we hear about the lies about obamacare, through 60 votes to reveal it. now it's the border of the border of the border. and it's, it's simply because the republicans are desperate to play. busy part people's fear
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and people's hatred. well, it's true that immigrants can, but there's many, you're the problem for me or you like to live. you know. awesome. have you been watching anything user of your turn? i mean, are you really that route? well, but here's the thing that i don't like. i would never library calling about taylor . i don't think that i don't think anybody can purposely live on this show. that being said, i, this is definitely a political issue. and so you kind of fire back and forth, but if there isn't in the result, what do you respond to around there? so the reason why joe biden is arrested more. busy donald trump, that because there's more coming across the border to arrest that with the us during the bible ministration, letting the people that they arrest into the country instead of removing them, which is what happened on during the resume, including a rock obama. okay, so alex, i just what you're saying, and i'll let you back and then i'll just say, okay, the only reason why the flow was reduced during the less the ministration. because
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cove it, it's because of mexican, see where it costs the border that are likely died. and. busy that was a temporary situation. now we're basically back to normal except for the back to button in australian is in fact enforcing the law despite the fact that people that are on it mostly the open borders simply isn't the case. that is a lie. well then i'm gonna, i wanna let in, steve, have a word here because you're objecting to steve. you're in new york city right now. if we don't have a problem, the little illegal immigration, why is the mayor are asking for money and the governor asking for money from the federal government to help subsidize what is happening in their own city. but you know, they've been, they didn't even network adams and kept the whole go, have said that the administration is not doing enough to, to help facilitate what the needs of the city which has been overrun. and, and i'm glad that it's been overrun because texas should not have to bear the
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burden of dividing policy while these cities, like new york city, call themselves the sanctuary cities proudly. but then it's our mothers vineyard, are like, oh, don't send them to us where a sanctuary city, but we don't want them. so i'm glad that new york and other cities are tasting what it's like for texas, and it's only a little taste, but it's outrages and we all saw the 2 police officers beaten by a bunch of illegals thugs. and um, that's a big problem, especially in new york city right now and elsewhere around the country. crime from illegals. well, i'm glad you're not dodge song, because if you called somebody a thought, it would be national headlights on. that's the one. i want my panel to stick around because we're going to can choose discussion because i guess all the attention of the border has started to take a toll on politicians, on both sides the aisle. because when we return, we're going to look at the legislation being proposed on the federal level. and if it's solve the problem, the why is one border state governor having to make his own border security policy
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will be right back the same just don't you have to shape house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the hi, i'm executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department? c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed
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and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. ok, welcome back and scroll down here and you are watching 360 view. texas governor greg abbott is defined the wishes of president biden, as well as the supreme court and is expanding operation lonestar. and this is the controversial border security initiative that he launched in 2021. the operation has included the point, texas national guard members along the mexican border, installing a floating barrier in the rio grande river and initiating safety inspections on commercial trucks arriving at ports of entry from mexico. so our governors in america going to start making their own policies for their states when the federal government fails to. let's bring back in our panel. we have former democratic
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congressman from florida, alan grayson, political analysts, the most burg and director of policy studies at the center of emigration stays. jessie von, you know, before we left i, there was one question that i wanted to carry over from it. i wanna, i wanna actually go back to you, alan grace and on this one. because at this stage, this past year over the, over some of these rallies, there was one stage, the feature an anti immigrated fear mongering, an anti trans bigotry, wrapped in a christian nationalist package. that was what was quoted observed from one reporter for vice magazine. and as you've looked into these rallies that had been happening at the border at this time, is that what you sort of gleamed from the message that is happening at these rallies? i think it's largely a failure of these rallies, the fundamental messages that there are failure, that the despite their best efforts, the republicans are having difficulty whipping up people's fear and hatred against other people. and the result of that is, is that they probably will fail in november and compare that's what we were talking
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about before the tea party. what happened the tea party is that the cope, brothers spend hundreds of millions of dollars to bus people. then on these protests, put them up and nice hotels, show them a good time in washington dc. but the feel is that they were on vacation while fox news and cnbc relentlessly promoted these events. that's not happening now. it's not happening ever. this cope or others are on the other side of this right now. they want their cheap labor costs across the board as much as they can. so they can staff the refineries in texas and ends and obviously foxes and trump don't get along that well these days. so what, what's happened is that the money and the power that was put by the tea party protest simply isn't there right now for these protests, no state laws, burge and now, and i know you probably don't agree with him, but steve, you have to agree with what allen just said that i name is have changed, especially amongst a traditional republican support, including the cope brothers as they've been very much pro the chamber of commerce position of open border agreements with mexico and the immigration issue. how does
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that go? how does that change the dynamics within the republican party and the motivation of the people within that make up the party? and i, i think that the american public. oh, in general, if you look at the polls over whelming lead by almost 40 percent, they said donald trump is better equipped to handle the immigration problem, then they are the hands. and then it is the joe by abortion, is war in order of importance by immigration, which is right up there with the economy. and i know the left likes to cry, you know, they to boise is going to be their winning issue to say that americans don't care and know and it's not working. and no one's interested in. and, and, you know, this is a made up issue and you've got to be living underground. you've got to be out of touch with america. everybody's talking about this. you got them emptying schools
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in new york city. so how's the illegals? hey, let the kids learn from home. you got crowd people sleeping in the streets, beating up. cough? i mean, you can't walk the streets and nobody cares. this is a made up issue. and again, it's all joe biden small because the on did everything that donald trump put in place to keep it in. check the on did it on day one with his pin. and you get, do it again in reverse already pretends. and the media is compressed and in this and so a democrats like the congressman here, they say, oh no, it's got to be congress to do it alone. well, one person is doing for the bows. governor abbot. so jesse, do you agree with how governor abbot has handled the situation in the past and is decision about taking actions into his own hand and lives the federal government, not doing what he feels is necessary for the people of his state? yes, i think governor governor abbot, it needs to be applauded for on taking, trying to take control of the situation and you're doing the job. the federal
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government will not do with respect to keeping the border secure. he has to do this for the sake of the citizens of texas, and frankly, the citizens of the rest of the country. he has shown also that we actually can control the board or if we have the right leadership and the will to do so. he has shut down the parts of the border that he is tried to get control of. he's taken over entire islands in, in the river fair border that were occupied by the cartels with impunity. that were part of us territory. so he showed us exactly what can be done, and i think on not only texans, but also americans all over the country, appreciate it. and you know, he's been the target for a lot of criticism by the sanctuary. mayers and governors for sending illegal migrants that have been released by the, by the administration into their jurisdictions. but in fact, um, that's just
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a small share of the total number of a legal border crossers who's been allowed to come in. and those people are voting with their feet and heading for the sanctuaries. um so you know, it, i think we all should be thankful for what texas has been willing to do. but alan, look at this long term because i know governor newsome is not going to do a governor at abbot has done at his border. but i want to go on this from a broader scale. could this be the opening? i'm a new approach we see by governors. did you not agree with the federal government's policy? not only on this case, but any case they don't agree with what the made in the oval office is doing. and the policies they put for governors, just start making their own policies for what they feel is best for their state as well. that is why we have the civil war is the s, i mean the whole thing is that it's literally immigration theater, by the republicans. the fact that the rhonda status rank for president would waste
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$10000000.00 in florida taxpayer money to fly. what a 75 is on documented people from texas to martha's vineyard, just so that he can get on foxes that, that shows you the soldiers fate. it's fake nonsense. and who is, by the way of paying for those people to be a float or trucked way from texas to new york or anywhere else. and why do we call new york? and martha's vineyard century cities, when they've never said that, i mean, what is this pathological need that the roadway seems to have to make stuff up? that isn't even true. where do you say new york city is not a sanctuary city? is that what you're say? new york, the new york city has never said a we have, we welcome immigrants with open arms or anything like that in the way that you were saying they're not saying to you. and she is definitely a surely a sanctuary. city. there are other gods, but do you agree there are 6, there is
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a. do you agree? there are sites for cities in the united states. alan, can we agree on that? on that point that there are garbage that are said that they will not let ice arrest illegal immigrants within their boards and there they are welcoming their tap. not welcome, but they are protected in their borders. well, that actually is the law. well, well, the thing is that to the law, well there are certain may or is there certain cities where the mayors will not allow eyes to go in interest of the people they know are legally within the city that they're projected to be in their a no that's not what's happened with the sanctuary. cities. what's happened is that you're legally isis tried to recruit local police forces to help them in their work . and that's a violation of federalism to have state police officers working with the federal government and sanctuary. citizens said, that's a legal, we're not going to do that. and the court's really showing all these officers don't work with the f b i. that's the legal for immigration law. yes,
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that's the legal go look at what the court. so certainly, why don't we ask our expert, 1st of all, we could, i just wanna make sure, am i right in new york city, a sanctuary city? yes indeed. it's illegal for any public official in new york to communicate with the immigration authorities or to spend any public funds on cooperating with defense for immigration pro. so that's what we're, we're re defining now. what st george city means that wouldn't be the bad makeup. this isn't the red queen, 1370 this guy, jesse well, re saying us code what it was a, there is a federal definition of a sanctuary jurisdiction in federal law. and it says that no state or local jurisdiction may prohibit in any way any local official from communicating with federal immigration authorities. and that is exactly what new york city and about
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300 other jurisdictions in the country are doing well. the result is, you know, criminal aliens are protected from immigration enforcement and go on to commit more crimes against citizens and immigrants. well that's a, that's the thing is looking at this. and even if you say it's just a made it, the republicans are making it up. do you not wonder though, don't you see there's some sort of danger to democrats if you ignore the issue completely and you don't address it. that there are obviously some concerns by the electorate right now. aren't you worried about this hat? hurting any of not only joe, by the top is a good but any of the candidates underneath him? it is, the president is arresting, 2 and a half 1000000 people at the board of each year, which is the largest number in all of history. i don't think he's ignoring the problem. you know, you to pick joe biden is somebody who actually favors open borders as joe biden, or anyone else in democratic leadership ever actually said that. no, you feel compelled to put words in his mouth words in my mouth. he just did that.
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and it works in the males of people because you can't make your case on the merits . of course the law should be enforced. and in fact, joe biden has been enforcing in spite which said, well, i wanna thank all 3 of you and you know, what time would tell. the good news is we have an election here united states and just a few months. and we'll just see how important this issue is to the voter electorate at that time. thank you for joining me, alan and steve and jesse. we will talk again. so let's bring this all back, help. the rally at the border was more than just about immigration. i guess is actually about the overall impact, the mag and move it holds in the united states today. now there is no debate the now infamous events on january 6th, 2021. and the demon ization prosecution, which followed, has severely hurt public, involve it in any gathering which presents the former president and his policies positively. this is exactly what those on the left were hoping to do. and the ones
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they elected can say they aren't doing anything to take away the constitutional right to peacefully protest from american citizens. yes, by using intimidation, fear, and retaliation. the same objectives can be accomplished without a law ever being changed. this was the goal, all of law by those who see the right as the enemy. you know, part of the violets, the vandalism, the hate in the vulgar in this, which was very present during the women's march and black lives matter protest that would never receive near the negative blow back on the cause. or the organizers which motivated the protesters as well. we have seen on the january 6th protesters and donald trump with most of pop culture and the media. a part of this anti trump cobol, that can push whatever narrative necessary to justify silencing anyone who opposes
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their agenda. and by the looks of the layers, protest, attendance of the border are actually achieving their goal a means. and this has been in your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the have gave us and has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial. in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict independence, the mere of
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a dentist den. doors to homage turned for help to russia. waste the british considered their d. o political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the afghani. in august 18, 39, the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus, is deli. they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta pen, raped hundreds of women. seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone less capable and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position in jello. but the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire through the world. the victory of the
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afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance, civic, allow me a list. it just failed the racist smith of that your at the end. vince ability, the little to no one. no, no, no. no pleasure. luna. for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so i guess it will show the great
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deal to the youth. suddenly look as little as you keep on my mazda thought, this name, nguyen, moore. and if i'm doing my god, the most, do i go on monday? i've wished to know, i've got to wait on you. i know you didn't got some more or less than a j o side to put the name of the party bill because you cannot push the couch. so for those people to deal with a 0. so i want this on this to should buy a new on it. hold on, so i can send more simone catering done on the, on the, on the put the ticket bucket together the every spring and summer. the
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melting optics move reveals a band and machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most unix similar territories. yes, i used to move forward to a customer on both of us. for some of the doors at the post to be done as an issue to us from clean optic travel to highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied a go. really asked me for i was my was or more you have to do should. so it means if you have would it be over when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this. i'm gonna stay on the whole stuff last time. i feel like i'm a former student. let me see, mean membership. when you to i've got to what i don't see. i don't know, boys to mail it. please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice, the so it's pretty at the cost of systems of multiple in your company to include
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have to deal with the issue the in the late $18.00 ninety's french soldiers, led by general poll arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa, to the territory of more than shot one or 32 the most on you. i mean,
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he's stuck up some issues with all the cars. just showing this to the tent, the on least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody, i know the question, richard dental and i'm philosophy followed there to do so. they put the lecture on socrates multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home. for us to get the movie guessing, i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey through africa. the traces general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is penny, and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of
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lake and the history in the region, the nato allies distance themselves from the idea of sending troops to kias. as the french president says, he cannot rule out european to send you print in soil. moscow says my crime doesn't realize the significance of what he's saying. the russian defense minister says russian troops haven't liberated the 3 residential areas on the funds in one week. adding that ukraine in turn is in thing is remaining reserves to prevent collapse requests. instead of making a collective effort to de escalate the us, somebody u k, have chosen a forceful response. rushes at foreign minister warns that continued violence in and around the gods of all pray, additional political and military risk in the region. you said that during.


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