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tv   News  RT  February 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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nato believes long range weapons will do the trick, and money is the hand served to everything. the fact is for ukraine, at least, that in the nature rejects the french president, suggest in a sending you troops to ukraine. months ago says it's a manuel ma cronic doesn't realize the significance of what he's saying. russian defense minister says the russian troops have taken 3 residential areas and done yet in one week. and the ukraine is using its remaining reserves to prevent co ops plus instead of making a collective effort to de escalate us. some of the u. k. have chosen a forceful response versus while i'm and it's the ones that's continued violence in and around the jobs that will create additional political and military risks. and the region made the comments during the main thing with the many prime minister and
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most of the very will welcome to you from the russian capital early this wednesday morning. my name is peter scots and thank you for choosing n. wherever you are. joining us natal chief again, salton beck says that the alliance is not considering sending troops to ukraine, but that comes up to the french president's amendable buckroe. and that said that he had not ruled out the move. i'll still says it's sending nature soldiers to ukraine, wouldn't send well we are well aware of mac cross position on the needs to inflict the strategic defeat on russia and so on. we have noticed the fact that the topic of sending troops to the crane was indeed discussed. we have also taken note that there was a very rich pallet of opinions on this matter. indeed, there is no consensus. okay, but it's a number of countries participating in the parents event. remain sober in their
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assessment of the potential risks of subtractions and the potential risks of being directly involved in a hot conflict. well out of. busy all the leaders of all the nato member states macro on the is the only one who's suggested this plan, this idea that sending nato troops to crane to fight. there is not off the table to take people gifts as well. everything was this cause this evening in a very open and direct manner. there is no consensus to day to officially openly and with endorsements and troops on the ground. but in terms of dynamics, nothing should be ruled out. we will do everything necessary to ensure that russia cannot win this war book with us as foreign minister. certainly alive, rob, explain the reasoning behind the shocking proposal as a means for the west to try and compensate for the lack of results that the ukrainians are seeing on the battlefield right now. but at any rate, a proposal like this is enough to set off alarm bells, but coming from the head of a major western state, it set the main stream media into a frenzy with headlines,
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talking about potential world war 3 erupt. and what about other european leaders? what have they been say? well many of them are not happy about the tone of monday's meeting. we for example, heard from slovakia as prime minister who said that piece was not even mentioned. there are several put, it was completely bull like meaning to support the war at all costs and to do everything you know, is it for the boys to continue? i was very surprised that it was not a single was about any piece plan or piece of they should to. i can confirm that the all countries that are all ready to send their own soldiers to ukraine, all the say never so la case among them. they are also countries that say that this proposal should be considered all governments this piece oriented have rejects the continuation of the war, will not sound weapons to ukraine will focus on severely on projects of you will settle in that same realm of thought. we heard from hunger use for administer, who said that there
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a flat outside of this country is not going to be under any circumstances sending troops to ukraine. this anti war, a message from slovakia and hungry comes as no surprise. what are we hearing from the other european countries in support of ukraine? well, even the more pro, key of figures, like germany's chancellor, the leadership of the european commission and even the secretary general of nato himself. they're all saying that they're not going to be sending troops to ukraine and many other nato states, or it's at the very least saying that the, the block is divided on this outlanders idea. really, let's take a listen to what they said. there was a heated discussion about sending soldiers to you frame, and there was no absolute mutual understanding on this issue. there are different opinions, but i want to emphasize that there are absolutely no such decisions. right now, we are busy sending advanced systems from sweden to ukraine in various ways. as many other countries are doing, it's a completely different matter. there is also no such demand on the part of ukraine
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. this issue is irrelevant. i want to assure you that there's no question of sending european nato forces inside ukraine. an issue that for greece does not exist and i believe doesn't exist for the great majority of our colleagues. and let's shift to the average citizen here. don't old. what has the reaction being from the french public to them across things? but because, you know, sometimes it's usually a disconnect between the leadership what the leadership of a country wants and what the people want. what have you seen? well, it seems that people are just as afraid as the kind of fear we've been seeing. and these mainstream media headlines, a lot of stuff has been echoing between those headlines and what people are saying specifically talking about fears of world war 3, sending french ground troops to ukraine, cronies. crazy, completely crazy. it would obviously be well with russia, world war 3, sending troops to ukraine would make us belligerence. war against russia would be madness. this belligerent verbal escalation by a nuclear power against another major nuclear power is already an air responsible
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act. emmanuel le chrome explained volt, but it's our children's lives. he's talking about so carelessly. it's a question of peace over in our country now in terms of the actual idea of sending troops to ukraine, although there might not be consensus among european leaders. there certainly is a consensus among the general population across the west, but that consensus is absolutely against sending troops to ukraine. we've got statistics from polls here, sending us troops to ukraine, and people who strongly support that that's the only 6 percent of the population. well, strongly opposes 41 percent in terms of, of europe sending uh, troops to ukraine. support for that in germany is 13 percent. i mean the highest we have here is in sweden 33 percent, which is still extremely low. when you take the population as a whole, so there's no doubt that there's very little supports in the west or among the general population for starting
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a potential world war 3 months ago. says this such statements from the prince, the french president raised questions of his ability as a leader and companies to watch c vs for ministry spokesman. so the pie should remember its own history. a beautiful white and what's 1st, just weeks ago, french president, my crown and his representatives, denied paris having any official role in recruiting volunteers or mercenaries, quite a few of whom were on ukrainian territory. and despite the facts presented by the russian side, in particular by our investor in paris, the palace denied it in every possible way. then the french president says he is considering sending his military to ukraine is one of the options. the question arises as to the adequacy of people who mix up statements, but it seems to me that the problem is much deeper than that. it is that people who are running things in the e. u in france now do not know. and in the context of parents do not appreciate
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their history. i want to remind mr. my chrome that there are other pages in francis history that would be worth paris turning to now and realizing in the 21st century . for example, the emergence and growth of anti fascist organizations, an enter french resistance to naziism during the 2nd world war and the joining the citizens and all of civil society in france and the fight against naziism, against the 3rd reich. when it was not an official trans in france, this is what needs to be done now, to counteract the rise of naziism in ukraine. and we understand very well that enough facts have been provided to make even those who didn't want to believe it. to now believe it, so who side is background on? what is this is ridiculous to attempt that hype to make a spectacular statement to gather more hits, or is it just disrespect for his own heroes? the heroes of france, who gave their lives in the fight against naziism, this but meanwhile, the leader of the french opposition party, the patriots level task criticism against my cons,
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handling of the war in ukraine. just as opposed to switching things. i think that this is an extremely serious and very irresponsible statement because sending troops to ukraine, obviously means becoming a belligerent party. means fighting against russia, fonts as a nuclear power, like russia, which means we are talking about the 3rd world war to be honest. so this statement from the menu on the chrome is very ill considered and very, very dangerous. to be honest, i'm not surprised. perhaps i'm only surprised that he said this now. at 1st he didn't want us any time. then he sent them. if he didn't want to send planes, i mean, certainly, well, he didn't want to send long range missiles. he will obviously send them. this has already been decided. and by the way, it is another stability. and now here of the troops. so i'm not really surprised. listen, my phone has gone crazy. she needs to be stopped by phone and everyone else, because in this case, he is not the only one who says this, pretend that vladimir fulton wants to attack all the countries of europe. starting of course, with poland on the multi countries and ending even with france and germany, they pretend that they don't understand anything, even though vladimir putin has dealt with the ice many times. in general,
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they pretend that they don't understand this because they need to create an enemy for themselves, a terrible villainy. in fact, they need to create a new hitler. they definitely need the public and to believe that our case is absolutely the same as in 1939 when hitler talked the countries one by one. and in order to create anatomy for themselves, so that nato can justify its expansion so that the west can justify allocating billions of dollars and supplying weapons. they need justification in the eyes of the public. they need to instill fear home or form a british diplomats. william robinson believes that washington may even use not chrome, as opposed to escalates mentions with moscow. he's playing fire. secondly, it's rather selecting language in which isn't, which does not become a president of a big country. you think it might become missile fanatic. just member of parliament, my talk like that. he's stopping the attitude. i think the stakes and he's also
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trying to balance the fact that trumps has been humiliated decency very much in africa, especially like having to get out by trying to show the problems is actually um you know, no, not come down on the beach. you mean the agent and wants to take the lead? so it's somewhat chavez. it's also very logistical because we the big best with the egos. and there's another aspect of that is that every time the button, for example, with america stops doing something from jumps in to show that it's also very big. this happened with bill gray, the top of the libya and it's happening now. it could be as americans, useful idiots, and that's what my call is showing himself to be at the moment. so this is options . you choose it early on, defense try to take a different kind of independent line saying, well, wait a minute, let's not go to your boss. but slowly office. they have being pressed fries in
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every area strongly as possible. one area, as i said, is where people like johnson and cameron get up and say, look, what we're doing now. come on, you french help us as much on makes controversial statements about ukraine. francis a foreign minister has been trying to mend relations with morocco. they especially support for the north african nations, a full time in a pond for western sahara. that's coming up just a bit later in the program. the russian troops have made gains on the done yet in front of the caption of gift. they know they can see more residential areas in the past week or what's the advantage? the rest of them is reportedly taken down several units of western supply. the equipment must go confirmed destroying and no region nothings on across system. meanwhile, footage of an american patriot defense system and swedish audra, how it's been overwhelmed by russian drone under 3 bar us has imaged online,
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says the russian defense minister reports that ukraine law says now exceed 400000. she was already missed. it said that during the russian special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces have lost a total of more than $444000.00 service men. after the failure of their counter offensive, the ukrainian military command is trying to stabilize the situation and prevent of the collapse of the front at the expense of its remaining reserves. well, the russian defense minister was talking about the recent games made by russian troops down in ab d. s. good in particular. and he said in general, russian troops have been getting more control of the don't ex region. he talks about the size, the controller and said since the beginning of 20 towards full. so just this year, the russian troops have been able to take an extra 327 square kilometers of territory just to put you in to context. well,
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that means that is larger than the size of an ease state. that is the space to malta. he also talks about, of ukrainian dead saying that soldiers, they were laughing at losing more than $800.00 individuals on a daily basis on average. and therefore, as you heard and not quite, russia was estimating the total loss of ukrainian sold as is some 444000 individuals since the source of the conflict back in february 2022. that is very different to what we heard from ukraine this week. president uh, zalinski saying that the law says was 31000 individuals. i'm not sure why should that saying that there's a huge disparity here is actually the figures are a lot higher. we heard from the washington post back in 2023 saying it had sources within the us government that was already pushing the losses of recording and soldiers as around a 170000. so you can see. busy there was
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a huge difference to what you claim is putting out it towards probably is a reality on the ground. oh, we also heard that this was the 1st time the russian troops, i'm unable to take out. the american outcomes told now adds to a long list of military equipment. the russian soldiers have been able to look to right on the front lines. he also talked about the issues in the south pacific saying that need to have increased its exercises in the region. and also its presence in the region that and said that as a result rusher is having to do what it needs to do to protect it. see, eastern board is especially for for those. the washington continues to use the rising tensions on the korean peninsula. and in the area of tie one island as a pretext to expand the presence of its military forces in the western pacific ocean. because this year,
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the scope of joint exercises between the united states and his allies is expected to increase due to the military potential of nato member countries or persons to as well as a result of that there will be increased equipment put down into the eastern own so they will be more training of preservice in the east and rush will also be carrying out international missions with several countries, including a loud vietnam and india. moving on. now the escalating situation in the middle east was at the top of the agenda impulse between the russian foreign ministry and the yeah, many pmi must go on choose day. so the level of so that you have an easier fee of tax on commercial vessels and the red sea was a consequence of the israel does a conflict. you know, we do not condone to showing the merchant ships, but we also cannot justify the aggressive actions that the united states and the u . k. are taken against that service or of the republican pm and on the bed protects,
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without any international mandate in the form of a un security council resolution. the did not allow it to report minutes as i grade level over the course of the last 3 months, had issues maintenance, highlighted his position, but more problem with highlighting bosco's position on this matter. that is, that the united states, along with the united kingdom are currently defiant international law. i'm a push to an expense business because nothing new point of moscow that the united states have being nice to have some means to justify intervention. so that intervention cannot be military intervention more so it cannot include the bombing of the stage or the southern states as well as the people, particularly young man that has been in the comes from a contract for the better part of the decade, which is really highlight some of the kinetic german crises over that period as well for ministers, that grade level and that the money problem is the kind of discuss the number of possible outcomes. i didn't get many satisfied with things like no for this law.
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this is what we've got many tried me to say i have to say for them. and i thought for us, we suppose the palestinian people say has the right to have their own independent states with the capital in east jerusalem. and we will work in this direction to mitigate the consequences of the humanitarian disaster that we're now witnessing happening that there a double standards applied to this situation. then we in the m and a taking a class stance in regard to the palestinian issue. and we shared the russian approach to that issue from this is best document that hasn't been issued over the course of not just the last 2 months, but over the past 2 years, or even longer, back to united states or the connected west hasn't been involved in some sort of double standard where a double standard suggests that i took leave me by standing at any given time, is by without the theme do force of international law or the new i security council carry out strikes, leaving the wage war against the states. but more formulas, the russian position on with mattel involved as
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a samsung washer is currently acting as a mediator. despite the impressions from the united states under united kingdom, trying to ensure that this also does not spill over to send out your students are grade level for minister. we now look it up to 3 to finish that if we haven't been only warrant that continued violence in and around together, street will create additional political and military risk in the region. but instead of making a collective effort to de escalate the us, somebody u. k. have chosen a forceful response, is that a level of less than one, issued a statement suggesting that the united states or the collective, less physical interested when they go shooting. and that statement, who said that, according to these dynamics and the, and then somebody's dynamics, it'd be a general sense of the west has been extremely negative, which is getting wise for truly suggest, i mean less of interested in negotiating. and that based potentially slight role often, you know what works before it, let's say no better than. well, i'd say if it, due to member of the us force has died well protesting outside the is really
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embassy in washington. the service when substance of them fired during the live stream after denouncing is governments involvement in the boeing cause. the same and active duty member of the united states air force. and i will no longer be complicit in genocide about to engage in an extreme active protest compared to what people have been experiencing in palestine said the hands of their colonizers, extreme at all. this is what our ruling classes decided. some distressing images, a head noun for this show, the 25 year old and bush announced shocking protest. he was shouting free palestine as he was in ghost in flames. and it was late to pronounce that and hospital. but it's not the 1st search. it's back in december. another demonstrates as self emulates as outside these very conflicts in the us state of georgia. after bush,
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those deadly processed crowds gathered for the vigil outside these really embassy in washington. they belong to us soldiers, as well as all civilians killed by the idea and called them us government to stop its support for israel. which side us at full left tending kennel town across coast cases of the us protest show that the government is alta taught from this people. the money money talks in the media is owned and controlled by defense corporations which are making money. they don't want to see these shipments stop. they don't want to see spending reduce, store contracts suspended. they don't want that. so it is really not going to happen. i think what, what you have washington doing is hoping that netanyahu and the idea will be able to exterminate enough palestinians so that they can then say it's over with. and then for as far as the american press and washington, they can say, oh well, it's over, it's over now and then go on to something else. i think that's what they're hoping
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. the ruling class in this country doesn't listen to the people. it is not responsive to the people and that is indicators of a split, a political split in our country, which is not right and left, but it's the authorities versus the anti authorities. so the rest of the world sees america in many ways as weak, but certainly sees the domestic political situation in the united states as vulnerable. and that for a country that has nukes, when their domestic political situation is unstable, all the rest of the world has story and it was in use. now paris is looking to full . it's diplomatic relations with morocco. the comments as the friendship top different much i acknowledge the north african countries aspirations to control the disputes, the territory of westminster har. so she liked his folder, so visa, heart questionnaire is an existential issue for morocco or an autonomy plan was presented by morocco and has been on the table since 2007. it is now time to move
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forward and i will see to which personally, so they send a lot to the new territory of western sahara has long been disputed the kingdom of morocco blade claim. over the long dr. spanish forces withdrew from the beach and back in the 1970s boats fighting a rope to us locals of the western sahara. sold independence. you instead send with the peace making mission bucking the independence movements. the conflict escalated 4 years ago when rocko deployed this ministry to stop processing and surgery breaking a ceasefire. deal fences remain neutral. so find the conflicts mean while for us the size to the north african nation very increasingly straightened to back in 2021 . far as the keys morocco a spying on present my form, which the country denied sanctions continues to grow with morocco going so far as to reject french aid. after w earthquake. funds has been losing substantial influence all across the african
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confidence in the past couple of years with crews and several countries of a think. governments that's had been amenable to paris on c. french sentiments has been on the rise as of conditions including body museum, picking a faster objects of historical size with the former colonial ruler. we had from a senior different month from western sahara. the says the funds, like most of the western powers, will see africa as worthy of any punish. since the position is not always being assigned in with the organization, i'm call me. i was out of suspension 75 years. unfortunately, this is the 2 friends. as soon as i have issues with the off the conditions or too much to so how it tells grammar side with the patient, a glass international. and it goes to the united nation so that she didn't seem new . right, added for really uh, says about the completion of such position, but i'm
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a country that's a surprise to be a member of the security concept and most of the members and that should be part of the solution or should i please refer to it for some of the much of the nation instead of the credit union member courtney continuing to uh like, uh i just like of the price of it is an ocean in the to discuss what to do about this defense and coming out as a, again, my name is pamela. sebastian of the people should be for the patient. she's the one that has my ration patching her 1st ash and it goes to humanity. you must actually can. i have never, i've just met a treat to assume that to give him a message. i think that is a big potential to uh, you know, to, uh, an ads to the,
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to the government come and talk to you. it'll be as of the rest of the rent because we haven't met because we have resources. we have the young group. that's a nation. we have a much better potential to. i'm just, i'm now, i'm interested in the rest and i was the best of them all. if i see them actually, you can actually come as much the, the most frustrated you to really contribute. i will send to you different types of the a, a few, many to young i'm step i missed. so we we always have twice february and march. the 2nd attempt to move in is in the nation really to fund. so hold on each other's end, you call them yes. and it's a, it's a graph, posts risk, tenants risk them, problems still didn't get too often except must be subsidy period. we have just
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that just fix investment that she can decisions. and due to this situation between us, because the risk is go with isn't worse. and finally, polish farmers have been expanding their protests against ukrainian great impulse, as well as the policies that they say harming the industry of tens of thousands of demonstrates as to the streets of law. so on tuesday nights we say the must impulse of cheap grain from ukraine or a threat to local produces well enough. and no standers are impose on products from ukraine, which means that production costs there are much lower and we can not compete with this prizes out. all the proposal simply cannot be that our farmers have to produce less in that ukraine by the fact that there is a war imposes its prices and its screen. our people want to live to what is the pay
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for the impulse of grain from ukraine has a negative impact on us because it distorts all markets. we have large stock so great in warehouses that we are able to exports. and if all market is this to buy the imports of rain from another country, we cannot even sell all grade to all mills or field processing plants. this is thomas, how being blockading the ukrainian border for several weeks now. the agreed assume your cleaning products transiting 3 poland. i'll be sold on the local markets. both testers demanding a softening of a huge green rates regulations, as well as most subsidies and compensation from all pharmacies. farmers have also been rallying even classic with police and several other european countries which are affected by the same problem. the
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limit, the rising wave of protests, the commission as now it's keith, to consider the position of european farms and stuff like supporting grades, 2 countries outside the block. it looks in small southern the best way would be to support you great in transit. it tends to run support to see ports and sun products to countries,
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whereas ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some cooperation. o ukrainian partners must understand the situation a fall fall most no markets kind of stand such a level of supply, increase lillia, we heard from the european apartments, men, but muscle degrass. the politicians said that there was a clear conflict of interest between governments and regular people within the the block is willing to support ukraine by any means. so a derek considering the police, the phone and as per romantic there, um, i would say on the, on, on streets of the united states of america. so they're absolutely committed in terms of folding the supports for ukraine even when it's the damages, the economy of the e. u. member states itself. so that's, that's really where.


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