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tv   News  RT  February 28, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the sending troops to ukraine only seems to be coming, a belligerent hall to please fighting against russia. my phone has gone crazy. she needs to be stalled or french all position of policy latest sounds perfect. the chrome suggestion to send western springs to ukraine. a spell of nato allies reject the idea. we get some opinions from all again. he has been working very hard to create a large gap between the interest of the french population and to be in population. and on the i'm in price. this is not an alternative, this is yet another license that you killed was the united states want to give to israel the side with the security council signature on this most go to the
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washington of taking to use the un security council to legalize the relentless is way they can just tell us that e, as in god and in africa, 100 protests of the country buyer. they need to know make crisis as low pools pointing fingers name and western groups like the i m f and 12 band. the a very good morning. sleep my team here in most go, this is all to international with the late as well news out state. it's great to have you with us. a top story this our, the us and several european countries have denied plans to send soldiers to ukraine . the same statement was that code by nato chief, yet in stoughton book with us off the french president to manuel mcclellan said he did not wrote without posting west them boots on the ground, a friend to opposition positive voice. some domain criticism of the president is
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handling the conflicts just as opposed to switching things. i think that this is an extremely serious and very irresponsible statement. because sending christian ukraine obviously means becoming a belligerent party base, fighting against russia. so process a nuclear power like russia, which means we are talking about the 3rd world war and not to be honest, clear. so this statement on the menu on the phone is very ill considered and very, very dangerous. but to be honest, i'm not surprised. perhaps i'm only surprised, but he said this is not 1st, he didn't want to send your final. then he sent the model. if he didn't want to send planes, i certainly will. he didn't want to send long range missiles. he will obviously send them this has already been decided by the way, it was a notice to get it to the phone. i'm not sure of the truth, so i'm not really surprised which listen, my phone has gone crazy to me really stuff. we look on and everyone else because in this case, the only one who says we pretend that vladimir fulton wants to attack all the countries. the starting of course, with poland on the multi countries and ending even with france and germany. they pretend that they don't understand any, even though vladimir putin has gone to the ice many times. in general,
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they pretend that they don't understand it because they need to create an enemy for themselves. a terrible villainy was in fact they need to create a new hitler. they definitely need the public not to believe that our case. it was an officer lutely the same as in 1939 when hitler in the country is one by one. and in order to create anatomy for themselves, so that nato can justify his extension, then you have so that the west can justify allocating billions of dollars, you know, supplying weapons. so they need justification in the eyes of the public. they need to instill fear home with speaking also, and me think that you are can lead it empowers on monday mcclellan said that, well, they did not agree on deploying it, includes move crating. the prospect was i really just stuff. but the fellow nato officials were quick to distance themselves from his comments before the president tools to attracted criticism from the russian foreign ministry spokesman movie as our i'll shoot you a loan. if i feel a little while 1st, just weeks ago, french president, my crown and his representatives are denied paris having any official role in
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recruiting volunteers or more scenario, you still have quite a few of us who were on ukrainian territory. i just understand why my facts presented by the russian side, in particular by our investor in paris. nbc palace denied it in every possible way . i got solid in the french president says he's considering sending his military to ukraine is one of the options to question arises as to the adequacy of people who make such statements. but it seems to me that the problem is much deeper than that . it is that people who are running things in the e. u in france, now i do not know, and in the context of parents do not appreciate their history. the problem is my colleague way to be able to discuss the french president's proposal to escalate the military conflict with a panel of political affairs experts a little say more sense. even think about this idea of what the next one is. what do you mean at the moment? i just, i wanna say that idea from an unpopular verse. i like to put these all nations and put the rest of the your in on the,
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i mean friday we wouldn't do much good nation america use the euro. and the idea is less. yeah, this is a clear to the french president. there's one by 24 percent of the votes on the 1st round, and he came to power, not because the population wants him, but because the population didn't want to use the opposition side of the someone babe for straight. that was a french people, and he has been working very hard for me to create a large gap between the interest of the french population and to europe and population of cities and the eh, and he's emission, there is no agreement among the european leaders and the all matters are stationed
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in the streets of europe by the agriculture, by all the other people who are extremely unhappy because of the late you nation. you to the european decision says, february 2022. the french defense minister commented on the crohn's statement, same quote. to say that we exclude and nothing is neither weak nor escalade towards what do you think about the position? was he basically shrugging off what my problem said? sure, obviously, i think maxwell actually broke rang. the idea is not to come out obviously. all right, then said we'll, we'll send folks there. my call is vying for the post of uh, president of the european union. that's really what until about 4 my phone. and so, in that sense, this man is very dangerous because he doesn't really care about differential interest, per se. and the problem, what i'm afraid of is that up to the next, that's as you says, you know, we, the, we may not have to send french troops to fight russia. but what was that you many day? and we've seen that before again, recently with, you know,
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a friendship nationals, the casualties in ukraine. so we know that french shorter was operating down to do just covers and so on. it. or the idea would be that you have to sacrifice french troops once technically, or visually presented as long vigilance. but i'll know the last french troops, you know, official french troops and the victim of the falls like disk would then be the guests valley that gets all the members of the alliance involving more details all be full out simone can. nathan, members of the french presidents, the advice if i did put students on the ground a new trade, it could always had to have to our website to all the common sense and most to be found that the in other developments most go, has accused wash and sort of see things you hand as well, a license to kill palestinians and goss, i'm the russian and voice remarks came during the late to see when security council
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meeting on the will in the middle east. i don't look like you're doing good done this thing when you read the data, it makes your blood run cold. that's the only kind of a terrorist sake we could do to the tragic statistics so that every 4th gas on is one step away from the desk from hunger. it is very difficult to acknowledge the, this is not something does happen in the middle ages, but in 2024. but all was and colleagues concerns with the fates of palestinian children. it is very difficult not to off this question considering the background . so watson is simulations when it comes to crying, and children's ross is actually saving against the background. so been humans are the counter activities, the, the last time delegations hold. i want to ask them as the b one single activity c o meeting didn't wanted to the tool. now garza so according to you and zeta audits use it. all you know is concerned with it all because it will not allow you to scroll and the propaganda points the gays small shot,
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the alternative americans drawing the resolution does not contain an appeal for a ceasefire. and the st. the broadening the, the umbrella for these right away off your racial input and clay. this is not and alternative. this is yet another license to kill was the united states wants to give to israel this side with the security council signature on this. multiple officials are the you and have supported the sentiment. that's an immediate c spot is the only viable way to solve the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. however, the us and boy attempted to discredit those calls by bringing up a conflict to see if it has nothing to do with ms. lee, just to kind of we, i would just remind everyone in this room is that the russian federation is a country that doesn't contribute to resolving humanitarian crises. it creates them . just look at ukraine and don't take my word for it. so you're bringing people that have to live under the savage for barbaric
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bombings and killings that they have to deal with every single day for the loan is the youngest. the not just stay should be ashamed of comparing ukraine and garza. they called me come pads. describe what you say. russia does not fall ukrainian civilians. and who are you to lecture all of us, the country that destroyed the rack i've done is on cbs comp involved to can solve a new test take the beam of would also fuel i and them. you will see clearly to take this plan to all of you for all the side. it's the united states is way of attempting to control the narrative and the direction of the united nations for decades. do us as essentially controlled the vector sum of everything the united nations does. this is starting to shift as the balance of global power ships. and the united states is trying to reassert itself over this process. and they, they believe by deciding the situation in ukraine. they can distract people from
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their head pop per se. regarding the conflict and gaza. united states has no intention of contributing to any sort of peace process regarding israel and palestine. this is a point when they, when they claim that they are, it's a form of producing plausible deniability. they want that conflict can, can you, they are the chief engineers of this conflict. they want to destabilize the region, but they can't say that they have to pretend that they're committed to peace and that this conflict is beyond their control. so this is all part of a act that looks like more and more people are starting to see through. in the us states of michigan, the presidential primaries have wrapped up. the event was boy coasted by a number of local muslim voters. i have a president replied, is it supposed if the war in garza and today i feel very disappointed in in joe biden? i plan on going on submitted, i want to send
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a message with my community that no candidate will receive our votes as the continued support genocide, as though i voted uncommitted for genocide prizes. and donald trump has unsurprisingly taking the lead among republicans. michigan has historically been hotly contested when it comes to elections. the tea with western state is home to the largest our american population in the us. but as protests may prove to be a stumbling blocks of bite and in michigan, the president seems to be hidden, saying that the seas find a deal between is wanting him. us is in the final stages of negotiation. well i hope we do the end of the weekend. my, my not security wise, you're telling me that it's we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday, but well do it by the claims to be waiting for
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a cease via the us as opposed to be provided roughly 21000 precision guided munitions of 810000 schedule pub this palms too as well since october, the 7th and the types of military aid include on salary shows bunker boston, munitions, and kamikaze drives me while the us state department spokes person has jokingly referred to his briefing on the middle east conflict as a stand up routine. the united states does not dictate to israel. what it must do, just as we don't dictate to any country, what do you must do? we present what we believe we present what we believe are this. is this a good one? that's no good car and yes we should we present data of our the memories and roofs while i'm but let's look again size the us spokespersons laughter shows washington is a way of. ringback and hip hop, christie,
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when he was laughing about his own hypocrisy, claiming that the us has no control over israel. the us does not dictate to any nation in regards to their domestic and foreign policy. and a member of the media presence at the briefing pointed out that the us literally invades countries when it wants to coerce them into changing different types of policies. so it was his own hypocrisy that he was laughing at. and what it indicates is they don't, they don't even believe what they are saying to the american people. us support is central to everything. israel is doing right now without us support. israel would not be able to do the c administration of benjamin netanyahu would not exist without constant us. supports people have to remember that even with in israel itself, as this current administration is not popular, there is lots of opposition even even if it's not a majority is still a very large minority. opposed to what is going on right now. really,
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benjamin that in the off in the circles of interest around him in israel, their only friends are those in washington encouraging this conflict to continue. a lot of city officials say more than 11000 children have been killed by the idea. think gosh, this is october, the 7th. how as a form is way, the prime minister has attempted to downplay those casualties by comparing them to figures from the 2nd world war not to be, but it made the statement doing an interview with bruce history at all. as pears mulligan, you'll basically waging more on a very small area of land, densely populated by 50 percent children. and in the process of killing thousands and thousands of children will continue to do so. is this actually the right way to prosecute this will it appears i'd rather be on the popular and alive then beloved and dead,
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and i can guarantee that more not see children in german. children died in world war 2. then the in garza noticed the percentage of those who died, that's the point. let me also look, i'm not, i'm not in a math class right now. i'm in the room to be pretty sure that's the 1st time in history that it is really is ever set. the numbers don't matter when invoking world war 2 atrocities like, what is this anyway? man? math class one plus one equals 40 care. so i have a point to make what the presenter piers morgan is trying to say here is that nazi kids really weren't of thing because the number of kids who died in nazi germany compared to the. ringback overall german population in world war 2 is a much lower percentage than the number of palestinian kids were dying compared to the total overall population of guys up right now. so the largest jewish organizations in the u. s. like is not now and jewish voices for peace have banded
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together to call for peace on all sides of. and another message that they've been hammer, right, is for israel. and it's western enablers to just stop for what the noise in the hollow cost in an attempt to minimize israel's bombing a pell city is. oh, but surely they exaggerate. october 7th, which was sacred due a sacred jewish holiday became to definitely stay for the jewish people. since the holocaust words have meaning and accusing the jewish state of genocide is crossing a moral threshold. we cannot exploit the motion of genocide for political purposes . that is our consistent position. it was the worst act of actually submitted violence since the holocaust i just got through some of the hardest. it's impossible to describe all of them. but like on frank jewish children, hidden addicts from these monsters. and they were founded, butchered oh, and by the way, whenever any of these western or is really officials are looking for
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a genocide to revoke for compared to purposes why they always have to go straight to hell, or anyone who slept through their entire high school history. class could have come up with that example. they always talked about. hitler was mix it up a bit, put him around a playlist with maybe some other genocides or genocide. will media acts like, for example, that could talk about the genocide that the us government perpetrated on indigenous people or germany's genocide in the maybe i'd be getting of the 20th century wide be viewed as the pre cursor to the holocaust and still so much of an issue for the libya even now that they didn't even have to resort to drawing jo. hitler with talking about the current situation and gaza. germany cannot morally express commitment to the united nations convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide and the may be a while supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide in gaza. there's also the brush over it's colonial abuse
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and kenya acknowledged as quote app for it by king charles during a trip there last october. they were even causing tracy caps involved there too. so maybe hitler nazi kids and the holocaust could take a break from running interference for today's politicians, looking for excuses to justify more atrocities or their own task that supported them. all the cost. uh no c, analogies are being thrown around increasingly more often than not only and as well, but among the countries weston allies too. since that ukraine, conflicts were up to 2 years ago, the russian president has been lapkins to out of love by some all the russians. special military operation was compact to the territorial expenses of no c gemini, u k. foreign secretary david cameron, is also used to such a knowledge as to further the agenda of raising more money for key f. and i believe all joins. history shows the folly of giving name to tyrants in europe for
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believing to read, drawing bones erased by force. i do not want us to show the weakness displayed against hipaa in the 19th thirty's. he came back for more cost in us far more lives to stop. he's like russian. but now we have something even worse. this happened in the 1930s before hitler moved to create an access of power, right? with italy and japan. all countries want to expand their sphere of influence. before put and invaded afghanistan, what did they do? create an access of power with china? north korea and iran, all countries want us to expand their sphere of influence. we didn't use chemical weapons in world war 2. you know, you had a you know, someone is despicable as hitler who didn't even sink to the, to the, to using chemical weapons. so you have to, if you are russia, ask yourself, is this a country that you and a regime that you want to align yourself with that so that cost live now to go out
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the list, alessandra blue know many thanks for joining us on the program. this morning it's good to see you. so what are you saying hit there is such a specific historical figure that has been use more and more often to point as an enemy, especially by west and officials these days. yes, um, i've always noticed this like it's called, it's an actual phenomenon scholar. i took you up a little you know, to take the lights and everything is reduced to hitler. but um, the same to me, i think, is uh for uh, historical education and the level of historical education in particularly in western countries, is dropping quickly because the more of history you know, and the better you understand it, the more uh the, the, the harder it is more government to push through certain policies because knowing
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history, understanding it means more than anything, not memorizing names, but uh, or making comparisons, but rather understanding phenomena. understanding 1st of all that, um the, uh let's, let's take the hitler example the, the reason why western politicians particularly british ones bring up hitler in certain cases is because of a chamberlain and the so called a peace month of hitler and 1938 when chamberlain came back from the munich conference after learning basic czechoslovakia was holding a piece of paper from the airplane piece in our time. and chamberlain was i might you, wrongly uh, blamed for that, please. because chamberlain did what she could and what the best thing he could achieve given the information he had. and given the state of british military at the time does not forget that 20 years. it was only 20 years since world war 1. 1
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of the worst wars in history had ended so that the image is used consummately. i remember it was that was used widely in 1991 when we 1990 when saddam hussein invaded kuwait. and the reasons for that invasion were not explained at all. there were specific reasons and we of course we, i heard the hitler, the comparisons to president assad, syria. and of course, that was another caustic, that ended up drawing the russians in. and the western governments doing very much what they're doing to ukraine of our maintenance and funding it to a road the power of the local government and to i wrote rushes power. so
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i think it's reducing everything to hitler is a symptom of bad education. yeah, so it's about reaching for an instant, a recognizable name for your repairs at the holocaust references the often the maids in as well too, since october, the 7th says people are in as well as saying it's a new hollow coal. see that? so officials that have even referred to him us as not see. so what all the dangers of using such a knowledge g c? thank well, it's like i know it's like when you play cards is the johnny car. it beats everything, a kryptonite for, for superman. it's the problem is that, um, as i mentioned, history might read does not repeat itself as someone said it rides. so while some things there are certain phenomena that can teach us and to prevent and to be a future of problems and nobody ever seems learned those things. and
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there's always a constant constantly new factors that come in to play the create situations. and instead of focusing on those factors, so for example, in the case of ukraine, instead of focusing on what happened in 2014 and even more so. so the examining what happened since the end of the cold war loading the, the, the, the so called elephant in the room. and how's that correctly shape? uh, that is that while the warsaw pact was dismantled, nato, which was the bar. so packed equivalent was left standing and in fact was allowed to expend instead of diminish. so that was a huge this, this is my view, the most, the fundamental killer, the, the, this, the essence to discuss when, before we did before, we analyze the ukraine complex. you have to understand those specific factors,
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and then we can make some patterns to history, but always within the specific context of each individual situation them. but again, in the west there is a tendency to focus on certain subjects and lead others to be taught badly. and people do not learn how to think. i, i know this very well because i get into arguments all the time and i realize people don't understand that they have to look that the, the at specific incidence that happened now not reduce everything to world war 2. they also think there's a risk that they, you know, with the or the use of comparing situations to the hollow. cool is the thing that might actually detract from acknowledging those unique experiences in sacrifice towards holocaust victims during the 2nd world war. absolutely, because each of these problems is unique and then maybe a, maybe in genocide was
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a horrible act. it was unique, it to that particular uh, the german experience in colonial experience in, in southern africa. there was also one can also bring up the belgian in the, in congo where at least 2000000 people died. or more during the windows about the all way know, did we, there are so many. i mean, we can go back in history of the roman conquests of the just think about what a bottle must have look like in medieval times with swords and, and it's, it's hard. i, i hate to think about these, these are these bloody events and i wish that you, once we learn, but humans don't. at the same time, we, one of the reasons they don't learn is because they, they failed to analyze the things for what they are and in the context in which they occur. we have some really great documentary use on then r t dot com,
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a d telling what exactly happened across the african continent during those times. but he thought he was speaking so today political analyst alessandra bruno appreciate it. thanks. thank you. let's take you to african now when i, jerry and workers have to day to day nationwide protest, i have a sewing and a station and on the premises by the government. local reporter timothy up. you guys are, you takes a closer look in 4 weeks and has been building up about what many describe past on variable cost of living under the compliment of precedent for that terrible, who introduced economy for offense policies. so also assuming office in may last year, the process organized by the workers union has drawn thousands of people across the country to perhaps a popular upward. costly fuel subsidy last may and flawed at the nigerian car and leading to soaring prices for the government says the refunds could potentially
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help stabilize my theory as economy. many here disagree. economic policy is a policy that government needs for the 1st before implementation. what do you think the government house of rush implementation people study these funds? here's what i do for a whole year. i don't. i don't see. i just thought, i don't know how the country will look like the very top moment for this. it is quite, you know, the, i don't get payment for the actual transportation is on the side. the most affordable for you today is a big will as one finance for use nice is to get to 10100 is a difficult task because because the economy is dropping with a cost of living prices failed by the highest rates of inflation in nearly 3 decades. so mccormick, experts say the government reforms were reckless and did not consider plans to present the effects of the managers. they also blamed authorities for pondering to
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foreign influence and implementing what they say are the i, m, f, and world bank policies. the government just calling on citizens to be patient and in, during the initial tough phases of the fans and walk around president bar to move forward on the release of 102000 metric tons of brains response to lower foot prices and has been holding consolidated meetings with the industry play us on how to address, but the challenge on a monday and i submitted. so while the engine said authorities have approved the immediate response on of cash transfer out to soft 1000000 farmable households to present the hardships caused by the reforms. protest as here have presented a letter to the president and upfront means to walk away from their jobs. if nothing changes, many things that for a company, a on a t international up next is documentary time looking at the history of colonialism and in the african continent. so it makes these stay for that other.


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