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tv   Documentary  RT  February 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

6:30 am
for years of also make it possible to showcase an impressive array of developmental projects across the lens and rest of the country now on the issue of food security pres out. quite a said he would with, with a private sector to ensure that every parts of the country doesn't need that shay of food supply. now the presidents also spoke about transport and on the issue of transport, he said that he and his governments have been working to expand the rule was set to ensure that as much as possible, the 6 up comes on board to help on man transportation, be the county, however, the president was silent on issues of unemployment, even though in the last few years, many young people have been without jobs. presidents also spoke about space is way you said that says january 20 to 54. all facing is how putting in the money's by 15 percent. those are the top stories, the ssl,
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uh website. archie dot com has more i'm, i do show a josh next is a documentary about a group of young people who feel their lifelong dream of participation in the world . and you had the festival. the, [000:00:00;00] the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia
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with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 32 on sunday. i mean, you stuck up some issues with all the cars. do and dick's shown the list to the content of who they on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question that you download the class you followed the diesel april the national most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed off for us to get the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on a journey to africa. peach races, general good eyes, flood drenched roots in an effort to establish value. it's legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and ask,
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i'm ready to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully, and a script in, in the region. the more you seen on the printer, this color, does it go through with you on select that it's near to an identity. so click here to tell a couple of minutes of the got it real quick. the shot. yeah . read the pitch to since it was done. now. see at the top i see a digit there. oh boy. yeah. that is a go for. it's not. yes,
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but the child started yes. how much it weighs. couple got solutions for you to but some not some good. mm hm. yeah, but a little tricky is this, some special category detract in fact, you fact you knew below really it was before you chose to provide the support of st . muted them. first of all, and while i do homeless career professional associates and such was smith know at the time, is there some way to my usually my name is laurie shuffle. i'm familiar with the mark c, which has to be a composer. first of all of those who do not so, so just develop just this interest of most of the issues with the good. but i do know those are particularly will be the most out of can what seem to through. yeah. can do the different skill flow kind of felt
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a lot of converse investing lot and you'll just have to put a substrate here the which has to come yes, a lot of positions or they won't see that there has to either by chance logo role like old logo over, let me see if i received the name in the divine. yeah, supposedly the well it doesn't lower than the customer, the, well, the assignments are set up for the commercial proposal and i'm gonna go on a slide 1st. thoughts? well, well 1st question, the, the 1st of the request for let me pull up the questions. if i'm going to get on the list for you, i was thinking about was kind of both a little the stitch and the reason, of course, the justices below a show of uh human more that i just clicked on the control center for that. okay. and the last thing is,
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i guess not as comfortable uh all these reasons nursing done what i mean if you started watching just uh, a lot of scheduled up is 3451. well, i don't use the general even blue cross to most of the units for c, and would it be with us, please send me a name or the office to what i'm going to dislodge it is just to let you know that you tell us the opportunity now is the lowest, e, so those are the for, for the single single 5. and the more, the 135151 sort of a pleasure to get a nice a portion of the causes as to what, what kind of, what for this of your, for stuff the,
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let me know the move because the little snow. chester was still pretty much really remember because i live here. yes, i do. and so there's the woman who chose some muscle students with like a fish living is that gives us, thank you for truly of looks for over in the we believe in, you know, the a washing machine where stuff i've got a kind of problem which i think
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a couple of people are in your senior national vice that that will somebody but for, for us to finding a parking lot. again, patient portion is good because this is how much music just from which i can care the item to fill up. i don't, i don't so far. the delta authority, elizabeth village, the way it should be changed. because that means it's from the street. i can't it, it isn't gas to be in charge for stealing. what's
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your 1st the 1st serve as horses? no. so we're still for some problems. this was me, it was nice picture when you have this, but i know my scar for i need says that if there's a few years showing what was fine, could you be it serve as more suspension or what is a function of notion. so for products, cause and that should do for mr much or just divine up. i'm sure i'm not sure who i can get that. here's pleasure for us. you could do that. there's a given this prior to the for the key labelled sylvania base for your blood, take you even the food or something and they will take up next to the flush out because i've seen that coming across as human systems to by the that was on the previous, see if for you the more can you see so after that the so you want me to know music . yes. divorced above categories that work next to me and can you just give me, you know, some good uh because i to store honest dropped off. know that the thing if it was
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for me to do the switch, that is a terrible music change though. so i do not go can you go to the doctor there? can you go down to originally to jamalia or charlotte? i'm gonna present for sure what this is about, where we're going to progress at the canadian national by your successors, just as billing. and the expiration shift cost efficient candidates keeping yeah, we show you the business that people from the bus is going to the shadow. so you step above the probably the last step of allows you to assess this assignment i've seen by the english think that other stuff. what about the oldest? i'm was i showed it to the state of friend. that was my 1st. yeah. yeah, we're just, i'm just not only uh, just to was signing for almost like changing the item in with we're going to move
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your, his new book to ship with another. give somebody to search on that as no. uh, my style. baubles will say, you know, probably just the 1st is the, all the sure sort of friendship road in english. this is a ford pay down for a sheet or freshman of short stories. and okay, so long to find this boat, i have to wait for expectation from organize or from here to our to and are you are the it contains fake story from short stories from bush can go grove of story, cut them in good shape golf should equal funding you prine work and so look group and the only story i have read feels it and is it the 1st one is color a booster club. se pushkin's, the nice thing, i like the most because his framing is just, you know, unique and it's kind of like this kind of,
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you more that i just like you to pipsqueak info. now i've never been to russia, but of course, i think indonesian is always supposed to be fresh out from this cartoon, serious because most and the battery or the russian. most that you miss viv and from there we get an idea of what the rest of these like. although i'm very stereotypical like, well of and i was russian calls, i get involved with songs by colleen costs and then got and farm. it was 5 young guy and i can do like it. and both of them like, wow, these are some really nice stuff. and then i saw the fences, you know, the one from what is called the moist a valid if i arrive 1st and last go, i think the 1st thing i want to see is a 43 and square. and for this one, she, i just for one place essentially i want to take a walk around the cpa and get the phase of how the see that you squared. because i
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saying that is where many of my best experiences and light impressions come from. the visitor for nicholas itself is enough from which i thought it would have reached me. would you put this dish so far before to them substituted for them to find me something affordable to the window. so you project and so that you will come. what types of what come on the uh mr. somebody come on the phone just to make a cushion. it was not done, not still, but uh, now the push out to you physically cuz she's queued about the front of me. it needs to deal with it, but i tend to stand up, which is the one that just like integrate on a volkswagen, almost as to why that would the cost the discharge of course is to find out what time to jump for. also there's a little high ex, before i get off the bus, you can find a girl by the by street. what is that? what is just going to consider the features. so the, the program would be on storage coordinate golf is just, no, it's no, no problem. let me just, how can i speak to a customer on the border of done will seduce me?
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shows when you did the, the not prior to me that the permanent, you know, basically done the machine that will change who's going to look at the matrix. it doesn't funny and i have to sell the unit probably and lower than what you deal with. and they'll probably make us needs to call a, give me interesting at the ensure he's put a pro is not going to so she's looking for a program with this to me. we have to support pentigrast over orchestra program, which is to either email. so excuse me, to explain this to go through with this dealership i get on the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. the so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people,
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the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand, the scars of war. the buddhist includes the show of life, sometime the who dismissal go to the news mission come up. and yet it was one of the you typically a lot it will just do out
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a bunch for in the through it is the most of the most was a little to most appreciate a lot of it isn't the see what the to the image and this what it's a group of show up pushing anybody would see that shifted to the that you some of the intuitive, is there any sort of any person to do stuff because i guess a lot of the, the control when you're a strip of sales force. but i'm put it with the solution was a steel. and what was that? oh good. that's good to shut that so by the yeah, just to get the labels to jump the post the some you me the bill. last with the customer, the 1st kind of thing with the security concern was much the let's
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see here cause also for to do for could us who, who just shift that's kind of what it was most of the cost of the permanent, even the modeling which your last class sample on the left of prolong his teacher not on the small mode on the young e. what on the, on the same one day, the bus for asking about 3, but you seem dumb way in the morning who's the phone number on this for me on my team. just a moment let us see when you might look was might, could i see you at that point on that? it's actually me, you a funny. i don't want them to let somebody know to go back to your glove and them by god alone. so do you have a video start? i see it at the other one i thought, chris,
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i have something of interest on that or not thought i chose to buy a lot. sure. but in general about them, go ahead and when you're going to continue, we're going to want you to let us because i'd still love to trust me. you would, you will have to cross us to allow us to costly. i'm will adjust the the by the by so
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the whole idea of support is that see when i chose to buy the ticket. so modest scale it was to somebody to be able to locate a q some of the of the i see we got the little but it was that as and then was be to the opinion was, dose is dividing, we've got always the very top row. it's got got it set double. so the c d 's divided what i do is you're not sure what i'm doing a timeline is that these? yeah. in the system that i don't know, but i'm slow service costs through the process of the list that i was news of for the
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election. so super supervisor were you able to go? because someone in the blue water system on the bus and you know, it is not the valuable to, to get a job to the sort of the, the need is the gloves, the motions of sale, which are the only. so what is the us the impulse to collide with them or see go on this stuff. see that was let me see. so they were still something i'm going to go with for 10, if of in any of the,
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the basically was, it doesn't go through this is i'm going to go for quite a little bit of what it was, cuz some of the work simple. so many calls the 1st 5 in the corner of
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the outside of the senate. the animal tropical people have a john plus was call the chevy because it has to do this. any kids every can one to shot students a shot. if you have a monitor, they have the search, the job is i'm a few months go if it gets to the ship, but yeah, the extent to the sand is apple and to show every ship public yeah, true. read 1st divide. it showed us how to read it. it's, it's not a shot i said, but for us,
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his name or james could try. you have to redo the because i did. so i don't know if i saw the right. everybody echo specially above off i c by georgia community to but i don't see any government guys actively redid the budget with the, with the household orders. man, i've met the treasury system which says just to let them make customs tricia
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a story. i was your question, just the chest to become a mobile video to shake and the deputy h and that i can about the latest k the if i would. i see you a read it to risk if a hey, trish ways to a to do it. this way, wells and donations for this seems like a strong leader that is like sheriff and can have a hold of his country. so you know, if you've been noticing it around this 3, as you know, there are low. so when is causing even mobile site goes, that is where they put like their passion flexibility and then so you know, all go see it. i like many uh, like cross the border so fresh actually. and there are also many indonesians going
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through russia and they are very friendly and i know most of them are in a big old phones because better spending university this space university and also in the area to in sure i want to connect my future with russia because you know, when you already have this initial liking for the countries uh, people call ser and music. i think it would be much more of a place that you would like to live in
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the or
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the a the, in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot the most on you. i mean, he stuck up some new shoes or all the cars just shown the list to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the
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history of the continent. somebody, i know the question, richard dental and i'm philosophy followed there to do so. they put the national multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey to africa. the traces general with a slug drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is penny, and i come from england and i'm ready to find out more about the the mission. hopefully and based,
7:00 am
grew up in the region the the, this is not an alternative. this is yet another license to kill was the united states born to give to israel this time with the security council signature on that? moscow slammed the western disregard for the policy in your lives as tragic statistics from the embattled english show. but every 4th gas and this close to stopping to death. the us have. i located 400000000 dollars to um, the opposition group and civil war sticking me on my over the past 2 years, are 2 sofas. say the conflicts are spinning over and flooding. neighboring india with refugees and arms. according to the former indian impasse that are to me in law people who are affected by fighting with this drive to sleep for the


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