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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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to everything, the fact is for ukraine, at least the in the we have always supported the formula for african problems, african solutions. and we are ready to assist all countries in the region in the south folks west, the interference and hubris, a jointly reject set by the russian. and molly and foreign ministers as they meet in moscow for told the new governments that could be announced in the coming days is said to bring the country closer to national unity intern. polly seed in consensus, and eventually to along the way to international recognition. most important to bring and then the facilities in the gas as well as the indian prime minister in the westbank designs raising questions about what does the next government will be able to restore unity meet the war. and if i gossip under major chinese
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comp produce, it rejects you claims that it's right. the success was based on the state subsidies as a you've 6 to protect his own industry from chief of a coast on china because it headlines at 3. i'm most good time, i'll be back with the full news run down in just under an hour's time. i'll see you then the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. non peter lavelle . ukraine comes like has now moved into the realm of magical thinking. zalinski declares that will be a new offensive. nato believes long range weapons will do the trick, and money is the answer to everything. the fact is for ukraine, at least,
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the end is very near the cross talking ukraine. i'm joined by my guess miss the wind speed in columbus. she is a political activist, as well as host of both miss the winston show on t n. t radio in nashville. we have steve gill, he is an attorney and political commentator. and in belgrade we cross to alexander cottage. he is a serbian member of parliament. welcome to you all prospect rolls in effect, that means you can jump into anytime you want. i always appreciate, alexander, let me go to you in belgrade, you know i, i looked at the latest message coming from jake sullivan and victoria newland. and if i'm not mistaken, they're getting into panic mode here. i'm calling this program magical thinking, but that's what everyone here is a displaying for all of us to see magical thinking that somehow ukraine is just around the corner. your thoughts, alexander, as well,
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was used to their magical thinking because they keep saying that costs are always estates and without actual proof that it's a state, you know, they, they recognize the unilateral in 2008. and here we are. 16 years later, i still have nato troops there there's, they still have international supervisors there. they are holding them by their hand and, and everything that they do. so, you know, we've seen that here. they're also trying to convince everyone in boston and has to go in as a state. and of course they still have a high representative 28 years after the after the dayton peace agreement. so yes, the west has been added for a while. you know, they keep thinking better still. the 1980 yard late 19 eighties, early 19 ninety's, unipolar world. they are the only game in town. everyone else is on their knees. everyone actually is thinking that the liberal democracy is the best system. and
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that we're going to have a new pax romana, we're going to have peace cooperation, love no borders. everything's going to be great. but you know, that was 30 years ago and they just can't get over it that the world has changed. people have seen the west or what it really is, and it's not what it used to be. you know, you know that very well. i know that very well. i grew up in america. that's not the same american. it was 30 years ago. so, but they're trying to pebble the west like it's the west of from 30 years ago. well, i mean, alexander, the west that they believe in works for them. it doesn't work for the rest of us. that's the problem. and that's including the people in the west. okay. you know, let's say you're nodding your head here. you know, we had this us all locked in prime minister a few call. he was a contact a contact in paris on monday and he came out and then he quoted here, talk was purely martial and in atmosphere. i was surprised that not a single word was said about a, any piece plan here. i mean, this is, you know,
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so it, on top of that we have, uh, we have my crown um saying, you know, maybe individual a nato countries bilateral was sent start sending troops to ukraine. are they there on the escalade escalation, lighter misty? yeah, no question about it. i think that the level of delusion here is fascinating to watch, play out because, you know, as we've just discussed, i think that the west is still in quite a state of denial. the world has in fact change. and i think that there is a desperate attempt to try to hold on to maintain that power and control. i think frankly the west has already lost it. i think that we're seeing other countries rush or china around come together. i think that that has been a long time in the making and frankly, the west has pushed that into fruition. we've kind of created our, our own monster. and it's a frankly long overdue. but yeah, i think that there, there's this. um uh you know, uh, massive state of denial that we think that we can just muscle our way through this conflict and that we can just continue to send weapons and money. and that somehow
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pollutant is going to, uh, you know, take any and dial out of this and that's just not the case. and i think that there's no reason for russia to do that. they are in fact, winning this whole war. i think there's a lot of denial about that taking place. i think we have the landscape trying to muddy the numbers on how many ukrainian lives have been lost. but i think that there is no question about of ukraine situation is coming to an end. frankly, it's just really depressing to me to watch the untold numbers of ukrainian lives that have just been sacrificed on the altar of western imperialism. it's very sad, it's steven. it's so convenient for these people to sacrifice other people. oh i oh, by the way, if this is good for business, i never in my life that i thought they would say the, the quiet part out loud. okay. this is good for arms manufacturers. i mean, they're actually saying this right now. i mean before it was tab. oh, you never went. oh, it's about democracy. it's not democracy. ports. okay. now they're saying the quiet part out loud. okay. shareholders and these companies are becoming rich. steve, a well, the went from a leaving, the un almost broke to worth
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a $1000000.00. thanks to going on the board for some of these military industrial list and now she's continued to carry the water. i love last week when the window volleys deaf was announced, and you'd have to use retired generals immediately rushing on all the year. waves declared that murder. yeah. because that's what they want. they need more war because their new bosses maybe by serbs buying and they renew for their new bosses deep or, or to sell more stuff. so they're quick to announce anything without the facts and now even to the ukraine, the intelligence agencies are telling us no natural causes. but you weren't gonna see any of those generals going back on fox remiss in dc. say i was wrong as usual . i ended up getting more of the say, and they are saying the funny part out, well, you got him sky, i'm getting paid for it on a few months ago. say, well, these aren't really donations, right? these are a lot of, are we gonna get paid back those last 3 days after world war 2? again, the big industrial complex is getting all this money,
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or are they going to share that with the american taxpayers just put it in their own pocket. it is frankly disgusting and i am waiting with great anticipation the net offensive counter offensive that goes on wednesday is planning because the other ones have worked so well. oh, absolutely. alexander missed the already brought up. the point is 31000 casualties on the ukrainian side. i have to doubt the mental health of the ukrainian president . i mean, even his own inner circle of admitted they and casualties are extraordinary. what do you, what are your thoughts there? i mean, i don't know if you saw the interview, but let's move. it's be honest folks, it didn't seem like the man was all there. alexander what you are, this is the thing. uh, if they really uh tell me the truth and everything is over. uh, that's the thing, you know, the robot uh, the, the robot was supposed to be turn into rubble. uh,
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2 years ago, uh, rochelle was supposed to have run out of artillery shells about 2 years ago. that didn't happen. so what are we going to do? either we're going to tell the truth, but that's totally unacceptable. or we're going to keep plus spreading these fantasies. because what else is there? you know, if they start telling the truth, ha, too many questions, that kind of stuff being at start being asked. and people are going to have to start answering for everything that they've been doing. they've been selling this story that ukraine can actually defeat russia. and you know, how can you me, you've been repeating this obvious lie to anyone has any sort of knowledge for 2 years. how can you all of a sudden back track now you can't, you know, they're just going to go to the end. it's like chip those last days. you know the ship where thought until the very last moment that you know some miracles going to happen. some winter welfare is going to save the day. i think the last keys in his
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own bunk are thinking the same thing and all the people supporting him. that includes the me, a condo in washington, they have the same mentality. now it's the hitler bumper mentality and you can't, they can't get away from it because if they do, they have to admit defeat. but what happens when you admit the fate found the, this indispensable nation? all of a sudden is shown to be mortal. that suffering to feed the hands of these lowly russians. and that's it. that's the end of everything. everything crumbles. the stakes up too high. yeah. well the and alexander alexander also being complicit in a jet aside in, in gods. i mean, this is a double when it is. so you're in, you're in columbus. i mean, and they're, they're banding about $60000000000.00 a bit. columbus could use a little bit of that money. maybe nashville could use a little bit about money. i this victoria new and said, you know, they come when congress comes back, they're in their districts right now, you know,
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and they're gonna sell the war. i'm sure a lot of people say, well, what about bridges? what about schools? what about health care? and let's face it half the countries poor. they some people need some help. misty. yeah, no question about it. and yes, i do live in ohio and we often joke in the state of ohio that our state symbol should be changed to the orange traffic coming because our roads are a mess. so yes, peter, we could use quite a bit of that money, frankly, for our infrastructure here in the state of ohio. so, and we know, listen, we know this is not new to anybody who isn't paying any bit of attention to foreign policy in this country for any amount of time. scores or racket smoothly. butler told us that years ago joined us on showed us in 2014, that the goal is not a successful war. the goal is unless when we're seeing, i mean we have a report out that lockheed martin is going to increase the production of high mars rocket rocket launchers by 60 percent. as you mentioned, we have the u. s. official officials are now openly saying in reports of the washington post that they see ukraine is an active and bountiful military research opportunity. they kind of reminded me of hillary clinton with a rock that we need to see a rock as
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a business opportunity. they are just saying it out loud and what's so frustrating about that is that they can get away with that and that the american public doesn't immediately stop everything that they're doing and say, wait a minute, that's not right. and so uh, but i think that we're starting to see that they'll be lifted on that for sure. yeah. see by the misuse making reference that pop piece that came up in the new york times. i mean that thing was a biblical in length. ok. what they, they talked to over a 100 operatives and all that. i mean, it was a disgusting puff piece, but they, when you read the article, you're going to come to the conclusion that the united states and russia were at war our, we had war. but you know what with the see how i is doing helping the ukrainians is the i is involved in killing russian civilians. steve as well, i think that's what they want because when you've got the chrome talking about food, it's on the ground of salt and germany. is saying, no, we're not going that way. they're talking about the sending the balance building to find the you can't even stop russia and after the, you're going to go into the crime and you know, next, i mean,
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it is just absolute easy. but you really getting some glimmer of truth in that piece and in the archives relating how this all started back with the crew that the c i a and us did back 2004 and they're not talking about the assault on get us a diesel engine done gas in that region for the last 40 years. you don't see any us reporters, western media reporters on the, on the russian side of the battlefield. all the guys and don't do interviews with them. but it's tucker carlson talks to you. right. or i think it is, it is deplorable when they are doing well by the media. let's get off. the media equates itself in. no glory whatsoever. and that's the point of this program is the shame the media and the people that they support. i'm going to jump in here right now, we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team the
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same wrong just on the safe house to come to after care and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground. the scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts,
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to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front lines, the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the go. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war. the welcome back. across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter the about around you were discussing. you create the
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okay, let's go back to alexandra in belgrade. what are the in the it's for bowden in mainstream media to talk about peace. okay. that, and we never hear that from politicians in the media. oh, well the media is more hawkish. been. politicians are it's, it's a, it's a different age right now. it used to be the other way around. okay. and now we have the media tearing on endless war here. but this is a problem here. we had a process and it's simple. we except to the complex started. i'm sure you all know about it. if you watch, i do this, i didn't, so you know about it. you watch gun greenwald, you know about it a jimmy door, you know, about in the account with other really smart, smart people that are not credited with the establishment. but that was a process. and it was the west that torpedoed it and its still carpios' negotiations. alexander yes, well i can not drop barrels in 1992 in february and march uh
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actually uh the 3 people that make up the boss being good. so going on. uh sir, is the service model forms in the crow? it's under uh get your pin community at the time. it wasn't claudio then. a peace agreement was broke or uh, let this call list have been agreement on the quote, the vehicle plan is always call and uh, all 3 sides agreed to uh, to an independent boss now, uh, the pool power sharing, etc. you know, what happened? well, the american ambassador to yugoslavia which still existed at the time warrant zimmerman. he met with the moslem leader, i'll use a declaration, he told them all, you don't have to sign that, you know, will help you. so what happened? he backed out of the piece. the disagreement and war broke up. a similar thing happened regarding possible in late 1998 or early 1999. there
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were uh they were peace negotiations and a french castle in rumble. yeah. and then madeline albright decided to raise the bar to offer some unacceptable conditions on the serbian side which no country could accept. and but that was used as an excuse to start bombing yugoslavia in 1999 without, without the security console was totally illegal. but they actually cause warrant, they wanted more, they didn't want pics and was the same thing. and ukraine. so when we watch your brain from serbia, it's like watching uh, rear on all the very that. uh, you know, tv series. yeah. it, well, you know, missed the that they, this is what it, what it always gets down to. i mean, when there's a possibility for peace, it's always squashed. oh, okay. we know this uh, december uh, in 2021. the russians, as it would tensions were building up, they said, you know,
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here we have 2 proposals, one the dealt with our ukrainian neutrality and nato. okay. and not expansion of nato and nato should need to go back to in the 1997 parameters, completely ignored. i mean, those were doable, very doable things, very reasonable things. then in this simple it was doable. it was reasonable that was rejected as well. or as johnson denies it, but everyone and a knows the truth that did he was involved in the go ahead, misty. yeah, no question about that. listen that peter, there is no profit in peace. and that's really the issue here is that the west is essentially the economies of the west or run on deaf and war and chaos and destruction. and so they, they need to continue these words, they need, it is necessary, essentially for their survival for the survival of the people that own the politicians. and so, i mean, you mentioned that you know, the, in my opinion and i agree with you 100 percent. i'm so glad you speak on this and that you hold them accountable. but i think that the media is a far bigger threat than most people are giving them credit for. i think that
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easily they're one of the greatest threats that he about humanity faces right now because they're the ones that sell these wise. they're the ones that sell these words. i mean to bring up a sondra again, join us on said that every well a more of the last 50 years has been a result of media lies. and if we're can be started by lies in peace, can be started by truth and that is why the media works overtime to sell this stuff and why they so infrequently. and in fact, never talk about peace. and when they do, it's usually to smear out it into that make it seem as if that's a, a ridiculous and unreasonable request that there be peace in the world. and so it is, it is an insane world that we live in where the it talking a piece gets you looked at is some kind of a, you know, crazy qu bring trader. it is interesting times. yeah, yeah. i a steve, it's always newness. 1938, isn't it? with these people here. yeah. and you and it unit happen, but that is a unique event. it doesn't repeat over and over again as i liked the thing, you know, steve, what is your feeling and will congress eventually give the money? will with the speaker of the house cave, because you know, they, this is ridiculous man for that. you know, money will solve everything. it doesn't,
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steve. i think what stops it is misty was saying, cruise i make, keep in mind it's not just what the media says that are live. it's what they don't cover. there is truth. i mean, they're good in dozens of people killed and ends on their face. reason, other suspicion locations have no military involvement at all, and yet that does not get reported at all in the west. if one's division is still engaged. so it gets, you know, headline news. why is the media not covering what's going on and on this can done bass, and there's other reasons what they silence is more important sometimes in the life but the lives they're telling or is it that if you take pete is going right. the parents who's going right to play that, that but they have to have this beer planted that he's going to conquer. you're in the next. uh oh, steve, i mean, you know, you, the years what, what the american public is fed in the west in general is that the russians are aiming to conquer france, but they can't,
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they can't conquer half of ukraine. how can they both be true with the same time? i mean, they've never been able to explain that to me. keep going to be the same way. they can explain how we set hundreds of billions of dollars there. and they refused, and our side refuses to give them the accounting of where the money is going. but i have funds for teenagers not that many years ago when i would give them money on friday and they would ask for more on saturday. i would say, what did you do when you do have some of the congress finally asked that question? it's well, i wanted to say something, but i shouldn't say it on air. okay, but i know what you mean. okay. this though, you know it's spending money like there is no tomorrow. oh alexandra, you're from the very, very beginning. this has been a lead project. the crane is an elite project. here we solve this in this, the munich security conference we solve this concept in paris is completely at odds with what people think on the ground. i did on monday when these uh you leaders
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meant that they talk about farmers in agriculture. i wonder because that's a real issue from of many, many people in europe, alexander. yeah. but the thing is, uh, obviously of it is the rolling leads in the west have totally lost touch with the people. and the main goal is actually get the goals and geopolitical and, you know, people are just being used as instruments. jim vocal goal has been the same for 30 years. i get moscow under control get basing under control. it's that simple. you know, it's like i've jumped out of some james bond movie, you know, that really is a conspiracy to, to rule the world. i mean, what, what else can you say? obviously they're not interested in this. as we say, they don't care what the people say. they don't care that their own farmers are in trouble. they don't care about any of it. they, they import migrants, not just through the united states, but to europe. so, you know,
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they don't care about their own people. thereafter. moscow thereafter, the natural resources of russia, the vast natural resources of russia and everything is totally being subordinated to that, to your political goal. people are just being used as cannon fodder. you know, it's like it's easy for them to keep saying. they'll press, we sang and we're going to fight to the last few training. tomorrow they're going to fight to the last european. they don't care about your pm's. they just walk well alex and alex here, let me ask you a question. do your opinions, care about your opinions, okay? because i think, you know, if we have all step back, we look at this ridiculous um, uh, ukraine project unfold. what the most interesting thing for me is how europe came so easily to the united states. this entire elite, this being i didn't, when we all know now the degree of lead capture in europe in being controlled by the united states has been really quite extraordinary. you know,
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you have sergeant schultz or i think he's a chancellor, but i called sergeant schultz standing next to biden and bind is basically saying we're going to destroy the pipeline. i means it is. they are nodding his head like a full body is alexander. yeah. yeah, but you know what? it's not just biting, you know, klaus swap. i'm a big, you know, president of the world economic forum as that is brad about having his own people in all the cabinets of, uh, western uh, countries you know, up to a half. who do the answer to? it seems like the answer to the global is once again, and this a lead capture that you've talked about. i remember during the cold war uh, the western european states, members of the european community, at the same time, members of nato, they had a lot more sovereignty than they do now. how does that happen? well, i mean, alexandra, for example, the whole situation with god. so, i mean,
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20 years 25 years ago, europe had a very specific about position about the middle east, about israel and palestine. that's completely gone right now. okay. and what, you know, missed the but what, but for me that is so surprising and disappointing is that europe is next to russia . okay. is that like, you know, far, far away and, you know, we've seen this with the energy crisis in europe. that was all self induced, misty? yes, a 100 percent. and i think what's so interesting about this as a, as the west points its finger, why does it senior, a lot of are put in for the various things that they do, whether it be war crimes or you know, the, the idea that he wants to take over the world, they themselves are in fact doing that right there. they're also committing to work crimes or i mean, actively engaged in genocide and gaza. that's just one of many places. i mean, we're legally occupying syria. mean, there's a 100 places where we are doing really atrocious things. also the, the idea that he wants to expand and take over the world as nato was literally expanding to his doorstep, despite the fact that promises were made that, that would not happen. so i think what's so interesting here is not only just the
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rank of popular see, but also the uh, you know, the accusing offers or others of that. what you are guilty of. and i think that we're seeing that in such an amazing a multitude of ways. right now taking place. i think what a, what is so fascinating to me is that the people of europe are and listen, i'm an american, uh, you know, i, i can't speak to what they're dealing with, but i think that i'm allowing these things to happen recognizing how it is impacting your life directly and the not holding your leaders to account and not to say that americans are doing any better. we certainly are not. we're not holding our leaders to account either, but i think that those conversations desperately need to be hot. and again, that's where the media comes in, because i think that that's where the media works overtime to stifle those conversations, to make sure that those topics are suppressed and not discussed openly. and that's a real issue. yeah, well, you know, you mentioned julie massage here. it is a this, that this tells you everything about journalism in the west. if they can't defend julian decides, then they're not journalist. okay? yeah, they're far, far worse words. i will not use this broadcast, but they're the ones that have,
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let us down as well. i never put faith into politicians. i used to believe in journalists, i only believe in individual journals. now. that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guess in nashville, columbus and bells later. of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time and we member cross muscles. the the,
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or the 1935 passes easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time l. p. a was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat via tell you and call and us and defend their independence. since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked
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e d o. p a and bombarded it most severely. d. d o. b, an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy volumes knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons, toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation giving the green lights of further fascist expansion in the world and paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. the
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