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tv   Documentary  RT  February 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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the clean pipe motion, presidential elections, officials and people that say that these elections will be life defining. this is the future of our country. we will follow our president to fulfill all functions for our people. the person who leave the state is very important to us. people are in a good mood understanding how responsible this act is for them because of the election of the president of the russian figuration. for terrorists on region is the 1st event until this college and all lives. we understand that by choosing the presidents, the residents choose their own future. at least we started to live like human beings. we have pensions, salaries, jobs, children, go to school. if they go to kindergarten, the school and kindergarten have been and repaired. so we've started to live in a decent, humane way. versus the presidential election is less than 3 weeks away on to president, letting that person is set to deliver his annual address to the countries parliament
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is expected to be flights on russia's achievements in the past year. as well as to map out the nation's future trajectory. and you can catch the broadcast, hit on opposite today, a non em gmc the the,
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the sultan tells me you floated up to 15000 people in bed incoming. your mess the rest of 6 days. the sultan says victims have desktops the, the heads will cut off, placed on sticks like soldiers on parade, on the details, new york city homes of each victims. so you could keep a tale of how many they had killed and pay them for the and at the end of that moving appeal, whoever outgrew istic sentiment, the statute, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of light menu, necessarily sky,
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exterminated, for the brutes fuel my cic. connie is typical of europeans in africa or at the time in food, just 9 months to purchase machines in $10000.00 in a single day on the, in the media. the germans were about to begin what they called the annihilation of the harassment and incumbent. when my journey was joseph, come up again. the belgian conquered as we're reducing the african population by 10000000 in a decade. a little. why not? so if you got any boots, i really do good. ok. the degree and i know the i to get those who got to do the upgrade with godaddy to the thing. and really that is the cut down.
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go to what i mean. then to me, what is it? i'll get you as l y s, as well. say that the i is going to come in and look at you and think you've done with that and you're considering doing i came, i think it will look attend. thank you. how can and then some of what uh, what, uh, what, uh, okay, well i would have to get him on the, at the go, the com, the little kitchen to the on got a bath assumed a deck to me by to say, i'm again with to the global political, the womb with the i like the one of the found kind of gufferson. zach up ways you quote and i got more when i'm talking with uh, fluttering. sometimes it says it was really good. when would you like
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a lot of conditions go would have to go to you. i told him i don't. well, because he's not. he doesn't. yeah. the teacher says he always, you know kinda, it's a good idea. we do a lot don't. well, what kind of a goodie, bye, a vision of my to you because it just the one divided id some of the and seen that the email. so by the dba. boy, the actually you might know i could see more or because she went overboard because she didn't look a god. yeah, new normal then but in sheets she lives that i look at that much. the b as in boy, i would love to print stuff and i see that i see so much to guide seen in advance. so really,
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i guess for the screws and cream quantities you might need to include him. key is the mtv. just see what is the, the n a s as well also. so the window into which i knew was also went to try to get me well, i knew well maybe i may be best suited to discuss the 2 subjects for carnival of remembrance for the world turned upside down on his. he includes me, my small bit to sign the light on history. the world has besides the,
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the, the, to the god, god, god. god can job to
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route to connie is thinking a easy to photo, a wrecked glow in the sky. and as a village. so destroyed by 4 days called on the greeks of, of a terrible sight, a little girls hanging from the tree at the entrance to cut that dangling feet north off by how you get a fringe officer to the, just as comrades to pick to demand sent to stop cut so now clause was closing in on you pull my station,
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my who lives my everything below the thing was to know what he belonged to. how many powers of douglas claimed him for their own. i was going to dismiss somebody to fully managed to discover that is a schema come to see the glory of a captive like me. i would soon as sacrifice my life that and submit to these 2 immunizations and surrender my position. the i had amends plan covers on this threshold. great. the completed in a voice of low me, the wastefulness of tone that made my blood run cold for face to face club with zullie here
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at the village of the inquiry. it was july 14th the fence national holiday happened next. the so called drama. the inquiry was strange and anything call me at any much the median having the i mean yeah. the many i would do any of the been the yeah. yeah, yeah. i'm the one that she need to. i'm gonna get a uh, well not, not. and then the late design was on country with them so separately. uh what's it got you guys, are you guys a club and do like came face to face just outside the village. it was 7 30 am on by steeled, a diagram strong by eye witnesses,
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detail to men's positions. the, it's a waste of is we're a brain deep by shadow. we can reduce now images of wilson fame party. so i tell you it had gone mad. listen the
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just 60 meters separated people from the madison to stop 60 meters between life and the since i am peeped over the edge myself. i understand better. the meaning of this to this could not see the flame of the candle, but it was wide enough to embrace the whole universe piercing enough to penetrate all thoughts. that beach, in the darkness he had summed up, he had judged on the line. scott bennett, i'm former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del
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daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are. exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the
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the man trump died instantly. and unlike foolish, countless african victims, he gets his own memorial circuit. when was it that i'm going to push it on one? so for the, [000:00:00;00] the 1st one was, you know, somebody from the sheet of the
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news and he did them a, she probably, she's on the kitchen. i don't remember how much i thought of the auction. the auction went to the kitchen, the double the after you can kill clump, there's no way that these like coats use it to shoot this logic of colonial west africa has become a single single private possession. unless you have the episode racist i would
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specifically use it because i am a black chief, the king of like top i am the french man. i am in a free can like you the evening. some of us are freaked on such and decided to break crowns and put and then took up the envelope. crazy planned but he fled and heating the boy all night . just before dawn, before he is the age of the village of my judge, one o s. couch let him dead. 2 bullets with the head. the body to him. i just bought the game video immediately. so then the, what do you set?
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don't say to you slow what he told me the. so he was the, the 1st thing i noticed was that you agree to that this magnificent tree literally
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sucking the life from your bones. so so that's a very crazy feeling for the training. so we're going to show you our, the other ladies. and it's telling me i did too, and i finally found okay, to move to the 2nd with the one who's gonna be the one where to move out. so, but definitely i knew what the the, you know what it was, 321,
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a couple of them see here. yeah. okay. yeah. okay. so i can get you. this is how we prefer the solution. okay. sounds good. what am i that i can to run the, you know, cuz i used to get hungry and the best is not to assess a ropes course that competitive pricing has to be de green. check your what's the month when does the item is done on it to move and get it covered? when would that be good to know what the company was wondering what i'm going to
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give them to somebody. come in, he'll community a and a new month and a new modem to, to come in when they come on pressure on the new i'm reaching to the, to the younger. we are to the, the no one to be that you going to use the new one with the good. but you go box. the problem is that, can you tell me to go by team? does i figured out whether or not the other side that applied to the i am with the new guy on the she was with i have a what is, is the bus i came in here to elizabeth was no problem. we'll humanize some options in a few minutes when yeah, what about what am i to let you know?
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and i got a couple, you know what i need to do to machine to, to go in within this a couple of the, to the funds i've been with us with your new appraisal and speed up with one of the top one is the one that was on the, i want to rip, you don't come from out of the ground really and see the people are going to be free of you forever on find the future bright. but now i see you never really died. your white supremacy, just like good is still holding our modern world high. well
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the we've also used to looking away. we still go into someone else, always has to pay the price file, a concepts the, the man,
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the i'm backing up. so it just just grown that i was strikes and the police killing of black people in america, spots world wide protest, the instances the history i traced across these uh as booked into the present. the the as of zullie coats and roads. us to work today. still killing from the people that i learned that the test will never lie down. we cannot simply forget the interest to seize us history. we must confront him if we ever hope to be free for the future.
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the, the,
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the, i recently went on a trip in west africa where i followed the rules of colonial mexico. why that was that colonialism is, i think it's in the past, the same thing, which is ruining people's lives today.
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the, the
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the, i am seems yeah, and i am from indonesia. after that it is 2nd act. maybe 2 of them will change or those cause it to a folder knows what it was put in. yeah. after a symbol and sort of submitted us divided mod, georgia, the bio and fee are presenting my time to indonesia in the world news 1st before
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the $1000.00 and before the conduct solutions for you to find the truth. and he says someone for special check to try to try to fight this out for small, put in the chair. this is to be or somebody just see the little off of my guys, their beats wait for us to send him some on friday. so it's a joyous music guys. i know those are, but i am very excited for it. i must. and i am looking forward to meet all of you, all the participants from all over the work and the rest of all the class. read smaller dish. the dish guy stays the,
12:00 am
[000:00:00;00] the, the, it's not in government saves the situation in the central african nations capital is under the controls as off to the top coming national security agencies, funk deadly classes with opposition. great. when agencies estimates it would take up to 12 is just to clear away over ruffling garza ways where he strikes at the store it up to 80 percent until the civilian infrastructure and the new governments that could be announced in the coming days. instead, to bring the country closer to national unity, but most important to bring an end to facilitates in the gather strength and the to


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