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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

12:30 am
the rest of the sense, use their own future exist. we started to live like she may be, we have pension salaries, jobs, children go to school if they go to kindergarten through the school and kindergarten has been repaired. so we've started to live in a decent, humane way. well, actually the presidential election is less than 3 weeks away. um, so that's me a page this set to deliver his annual state of the nation address to the countries parliament later today. the president is expected to reflect on russia's achievements in the past year, as well as map out the nation's future to direct to trajectory. you can got to be direct board cash pay all to you today to 9 and gmc, the many banks way company here and on the international this morning with back to the
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top of the hour with plenty more. hope. see you then the the hi, i'm changed. yeah. and i am from indonesia kind of added the 2nd act. making sure that all of them will change their loose cause. okay. to florida. knows what it was put in. yeah. after a civil and sort of submitting us divided mod, georgia, a be representing my country, indonesia, and the world news 1st before the 1000 and before the conduct solutions for you to find the truth. and he says some special catch track to try to fight this out. for small kitchen chairs,
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the jobs typically shape the the, the little for my guys to beats and wait for us to send him some word friday. so it's a deal with music guys. i know those are but i am very excited for it. i'm and i'm looking forward to meet all of you, all the participants from all over the work in the rest of all the class, the smaller dish, the dish guy stays the 2 minutes to another doors at the mitsubishi with the new blue coat seated. we should be in school system and you must dobbins middle,
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the theater by sweet price. and i've seen your coming across the federal, the chance to get on the 2 to 3 to talk to not, you know, due to the unload by football, people shopkeepers, divider us growing them. could each one of these, my thoughts succession that i was in the problem is to be sure to pro, when you were sick, you have to find me that an employee should you. but i see those id on the plan the
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really up with somebody to see if she could go to that kind of support you as soon as i have another question, you left me a message to one more of yours. it just has to post the system just again on the middle of the i just listed on them is in regards to me, you would just have somebody specific for those that are going for the much what, but the much decided she's close to discourse. option 12, but like i am, uh, so the other thing is that so, but the bookstore honestly beneficial to the person must be just like nations that you do is they ask you basically to use the piece each chilly. is that even most of the spelling of your bite, the more at the middle of you should be thinking much problem. motion them could i see them close? i would say was that i see. yeah. and then you go to an opinion molar that came that appeared to should nicole, my stomach. so i'm good, good you too. as relation question longer i do still in the but i don't know how to show most of them. what do we need? the
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scanning the in the okay, the photos are waiting around. i usually do the same thing when i switch the, the, this is like one of the oldest part of this whole complex. so the ones who are here, there are still lives people moving here from the start and like you spend them amazing remembering how much has changed since i was a kid. you know, i used to play here with an albert is, but like me, they've gone up and really finding you live somewhere, their families to. so i know,
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pending the my name is india a year. i'm from the local. it's a place in his show for indonesia. i lived here in the bill is full of books all gone down. and my school is uh, uh, hif location of school, the 1st of for yolanda and i am 17 years old. so here my complex where i live there, as you can see that these are ice fields and then they grow like various types of plans. some of them cro far by them but the score far away. 1 and then right there is like i'm the, when you pick sugar from new initiatives, kind of like 23. and this is as you can see, another pen and a 3. and then the co inside the house, the. here we go. this
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is my own. come on this number the the so this is my good and this is like my larger home and there's like my uniform and my daily where my child gets into some places right here. good. good . good. i speak indonesia and so one is mainly and i also speak english and i'm currently like learning less russians and repeat the, the share my and french on the side. the people from indonesia that will travel to
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russia for the world use for us. default is $155.00 and about, according to the latest info i got, there will be 7 children birthday supers. so 1st of all, i thing will all kids are into car the and from there we'll go together as like a big team from indonesia. just because obviously it was more snow of 150. she, who's the policy system, while with doors we're discussion god for us to face the pressing the see or she say plug you but me most of the me the percentage of the reasonable reviews loose or do you live 5th or live your ideas, okay. of the is also me in 1st the
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the way, the and the of, of but in, ah, yeah, to coordinate to number of so what kind of conditions forensic were due to the solar go to the, to the whole school for this and why is it to me? that's just a car, so long a center for you is the one who loves those guy single for the to the show, the sonata, to what you, what does a taught a phone for the position to go to the and you finish some of them with the which notion, but some of you know,
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if i say it was flipped because those on the side of the video and video. but that sees news almost. i'm waiting for someone to look for the see on the on sort of 1st reason is almost this, the best of those from on the which we have is the, let's go from the proof of purchase the wireless or phone wish payables around the you see yes, mobile resistors to them, for instance, the squads information is that, so i'm going to put you back. this is
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a full so it's a one sort of same one year. surprising incident got sort of just which i think of that as with knowing you guys done the full 7 of us from next, whenever it is terrible control and the more affordable if it's a city warning, most of the problem in your area, the premiums to try sickness visit the brochure. energy forms or support the chest, which is tools that are shown something that i'm going to trust from ubs is free and off the response. here was a soldier to this vehicle. as you're familiar with the suggestion, we're pushing with a lot of doubling to or what the, the virginia beautiful photos mod. george scale was september and she has some
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boost outdoors. let's just hear what though some wish wish was there any kind of hit the ocean, which is unfortunate assertion that as to what the summer fairly significant down the probably a little more just because there's down with that the. so i'm going to show me a little more to little grab this, which i'm gonna give the present to the man to endorse that this little. the much sauce mental forcing me to sort of move on to still a good. i'm just going to with the words, web district, wonderful shift in the okay. and um, i mean, if you said the almost of all as much as the bed name because sometimes they have a level of trust because player suspicion is lift cuz to
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succeed. so that's the thing you see me, the groom, the style a to play. where is a guy you is chris, the blue t is green that j ashby plaza to the timber to show those are the sort of summer boy and that's great. 0. some of them it then wish list is look, is go on. is to, even though i think your best bet calling up to starting was listed that you say the bad, the guy to spa, all most of us do. oh, nobody is in the good of as christie. yeah. well as your messing with the jim suzy me though. well, knew the last you got so, mary, of all,
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and see all the as much if we did he install a meeting in the, the russian states. never as i've started as i'm one of the most sense community best in most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then
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in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request to check the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the or is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world will receive re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what is, let me, let me on my have very quick propaganda. you know
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a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask the better the answer is will be worth. and they'll just because i have to be the best, i'm always doing what we do. let's use the, the episode. so my extensive concerned that there's developers feel of the sort of phone, the condition of a single millions according to the civic fit. your costs could be in income, is as natural as percent. and as i drove just to barley, nurses inner guts in the me as somebody showed the spelling of a. yeah. which was
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a culture of florida. so my feeling that was put me in minus the 10 years now. yes . because the reason why is is that the bill, the prayers of civil and the relation was submitted for you have sofa national for me. it's a, just a bar, it's a google go them or you put your football. would you? did you move skype singles? this video should been, you've scramble to the left hand corner version of it and let somebody know choose when you would have to come to see the status. you guys would. it's a quarter sharing it with the person that you're printing was full, which is so slow right now. i'm not going to have to be in touch with me because i'm leaving ideals of stuff like that. we must close this meeting. this did show up on the spanish movies. do you have the use of the us?
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we truly a curriculum is let me on and if you divide you put your email. i mean either the school was they didn't put me to can assume vh. it was a move. it was, it was was, i believe so if it was at the court, but would she just navy and michel floor in the mind years? the blush in the interest i meant to do for you pulled scale at the corner focused phone. you know, that's a pretty it could be, i'm a spanish ship. could i say more like a 2nd when i go to my you know which way i couldn't yorba level little another show because some photos gave them each put me on the ship. if at the core opinion, i'm getting close to be sure to put them another because i'd stories are going to
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progress. but putting in mind it is the co and you those all those local studies. so you could develop a mediator, the interested ideas, should the visual and you have the most of what goes into the share. this image is the event, the color suddenly rushing and to move some stuff. i need pretty model are still the same up in my name is the level of them is that the us, the list of all the pieces you have list that i mean definitely most useful in the don't believe what is the median. you prove the through
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the really awesome, you know, i don't expect myself to see so square footage of many people for many countries coming together. russia, they've been still soviet union and i'm very impressed of how soon can the people are on the plate. how like, the russians that are in the stadium, really genuinely happy as we're seeing, you know, forwarding as i saw here, you know, this and i need you to do rights as much be a funeral. we strongly followed sides of the city pretty died. so you've got a new job that's not the cause. yeah, yeah. problem. no pet rent. yes, there, these listenings. i do usually show home or of the so is
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mad la. no. deborah is here, boys now and you re caulk and daughter the moscow. they see the daisy visit was kind of what you do is night. there will be better. okay. who is the treasure stressor? this is the payment forced up the is that style boyce products? how much the hello. hello. i could buy that to sick. that must create that will guide you in the next case, you didn't t come sewage typed it in. the said i started per board said,
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can you just made it through the yeah, this is the bullet point. that's a very nice we can actually plug the i showed you the man is by the arching. can i see reviews, who deal with the what that to take to happen enough as to why do i have the right to to let me how
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do i suppose that right. the news is, um, well, i saw a guy who was interested in and he said that's a score of, of silly through me. yeah. gives me weekly. and i was like, that is finally adorable. do you want me to feel the same emotions? sure. i was real that and to be honest, it's only what they expect. that's how i imagine it is. and seeing like from how it was. i think it's kind of quick save me the i decided to take part in the world to suppress football. because 1st of all, the event itself is very interesting to me and based on reading where the 1st before is a fall it's, i think i would k in so many,
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many experiences more knowledge. and of course, the thing that i really, really like is getting to getting closer to russia and russian culture condemned to know the people the i wouldn't say the people of my country is full of like islands and has many languages and have so many cultures to explore, i think this would be the 1st thing i say the custom says is i'm only indonesia that are actually a lot of them. the so the people here i think, depends on where you call the, but there are a lot of farmers and also the people that catch fish in the sea and in the river.
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there are like very much a lot of them just like another small regions in indonesia. but the shops here are why is um, savers maybe older than that? there are many people here who choose like professionals, like fishing and being a business person. the, as i've worked kind of dividing that it is did you have now, which might even katie, of now we spending and you must be buying the for see on it and actually just need belie, i need to go,
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but i think can you get in your head because b, b can koran, arching you have now, what is it that is why say against that up very you, you don't want to hear from that is uh where you bought the item. all we certainly be should be w d. and you should, i said now she doesn't she followed by the test the test run because you can avoid k gonzales test domestic sky. those are right. so must this guy or to input every tv name is instead of 20? i think he really isn't a know me, i knew that was just about to say what
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they tempe arizona. it was, you know, quite good. you have which is the, the knowledge status way, not an issue. you don't have a and the not she will be talking to cook. so i kept up a pallet and she has a semester july vehicle. i gave you the today she is actually through she on nash associates or if she gets out there that way not it's nice you have to but it made it there was you but i mean the somebody here already gone. sure. i
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am ready. gosh, can somebody get up installing a bus much ministry? only keyless got pretty offensive the to the g for the kinds of stories for this most of them. at the close, i mean us man, the
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issue is the most important and the homeowner westbrook. learn how to match the higher lane fluid and this, you know, the little plus the show me the, your even which more the, [000:00:00;00]
1:00 am
the, the fatal cache is it wrapped in china? following and all position groups in the tank on the national security agency, the countries officials say the situation is now under control. you and agencies estimates it would take up to 12 is just to clear away only level in gaza. ways where the strikes have destroyed up to 80 percent of the civilian infrastructure. and governments that could be announced in the coming days is said to bring the country closer to national unity. but most importantly, to bring an end to as soon as he is in the guise of any other city. and government should take responsibility for both gone on the west spine. as according to


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