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tv   News  RT  February 29, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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a faithful clash that wrapped in chops following an old position groups a tank on the national security agency. countries. officials say the situation is now under control. you and agencies estimates it will take up to 12. yes. just the clever way all the rubble in does that weighs way the strikes have destroyed up to 80 percent of the civilian infrastructure. governments that could be announced in the coming days is said to bring the country closer to the national unity, but most important to bring and then the facilities in the gas and drink a new palace. city and government should take with close ability for both garza on the west bank. that's according to officials who was taking the reforms cabinet of the resignation of the previous one. so this all western officials increasingly
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admit that pays folks are needed for ukraine, but do absolutely nothing to actually bring the best number foutz. that's what the us military industrial complex continues to reprocess from all make here. the a very good morning to you is 11. am here in most go, and this is all the international with the latest as well as headlines. it's good so happy with us. when we start in central africa with the government of chad essays, it has restored cobb in the nation's capital, this off to a deadly attack on the headquarters of the national security agency. by o position groups of the situation is now completely under control. thanks to the prompt and effective intervention of the defense and security forces, those responsible for this act have been arrested or are warranted and will be
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prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. it is important to emphasize that anyone who attempts to undermine the country's ongoing democratic process will be prosecuted in accordance with the existing laws. chad remain steadfast and its commitment to democracy and national stability. we sold cases running quite high in the central fiction country. she also said, often several people were killed following an attack. the country's acts of the country is intended and services needs had, positional government has, at those particular point, the accused of the oppositional um socialist party dogwood. as of attempting to assassinate and disappeared quote to a president during the a take the lead off of the piece. yeah, yeah. be know who's also a big opponent of tax transitional, princeton. how much interest debbie has denied any involvement in the situation calling it's stage. i'm also saying that to the desired goal, one of this is to physically eliminate him to make him upgrade. so he doesn't go to
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the elections and becoming the length of the sound off of those weapons fired. also promoted people to leave the area industry until often, jim domina, with the p a. c. have some legal offices had been surrounded by the armies closer, understands that since around midday, on the day and the telephone network and internet to a well what disrupted them in the capital of chad butram. and many people do not have the opportunity to receive information because the internet has been turned off in the country since the morning is difficult to send even a semester messages from the capital. chad, the situation is complicated. a curfew has been imposed in the capital since 6 clock were trapped inside the city and cannot move freely. the attacker came just a few hours off to the government's office had announced a d, v d v d. the elections will take place in at this coming a may of this year, a mocking,
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of course, the end and all the transitional government that has been in power since the distance off of prison interest in 2021. during flashes with ramble forces in that side, and since then he's sudden law. how much interest debbie has been in power and speaks to maintain the presidency with the nations that come in which had previously also been delayed. also important to the child is yes, another form, a friend call in the seeings henderson's only rise recently. to what extent do you think this is possible? why the tendency across africa? well, i must say that have seen the nasa use in the central in the west and also in the st. the whole region, the why the hell region over the past 2 years, i'm to suggest that to the is a patch and to the problems in that region and also attend as the and all these
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violent activities and crews seems to be accelerating and unavoidable processes of downsizing the influence and the presence of off of the french government to within the african continent to explore decades off the vehicle in a zation for us continue to pull streams and green benefits of all factory. colorado in africa and as crews have sprained across the continent and on that region, that is a bring focus on which other countries of could be next. and which other countries are in easy talking to p at this moment. taking due to gauze and now what type of specific levels of destruction is being reported in the nearly 5 months known will . the world health organization stays as wally attacks. it'd be the damage to destroyed up to 80 percent of the civilian infrastructure in the enclave, including schools, homes, and hospitals, picturesque locations that they would use to level this was a hotel on the coast of garza. the idea has been targeting civilian buildings on
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not causation, is that they use by how must minutes of the ones environment program has estimated it could take up to 12 years to clear away the massive amounts of day bri across the enclave. we heard from a political analysts from dogs, a whose home was destroyed by an idea strike. and i think 8 or 9 of my neighbors will look jill and the some of the drum. and this also who was standing there beside the building. big old joke to so look at might, might want to possibly do some support close. no one will have to tell you in this for a ios my apartment and for the complete building. my uh, mom lost her apartment, my system off to the apartment and we are all living in the different neighborhoods, the different buildings and uh, no one is close to the other. i'm sure that the remote as for the to watch it,
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they're saying that they're selecting their targets. no, actually it was like a moss started thing for everything for every one, for all the buildings regardless if it is having any thing which is suspicious of law and regarding the relatives. yeah, i have relatives, especially those who are living in the north end of does this term. there are some putting a little bit on it. whenever it, like every 10 or 16 days, i get pull up a new one of my uncles, he tells me that we are unable to find any food. and if we find maybe we can eat anything, even if it is uh, like for any most phones, we already deleted the hunger in northern of dogs and gotten a cd specially is so bad. and the same also goals for them to solve positive a little bit less about the situation and especially in the north ending office with each other. so i'm sorry, i'm gonna say the west bank of the dollars should be treated as one. he added that a new government should take full responsibility for the entire palestinian people,
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or maybe the federal government for designs. maybe it's was not seen as a 3rd for such responsibility. and that's why you know, we sold that to you government. we'd be seen as a government stuck with a possibility both in what spectrum you guys up because most times in the us that should be seeing a 3 fits as one suited to your units, a time of and 2nd thing. so palestine, the prime minister and office since 2019 has resigned and need the diff, a state to war in gaza. and you government has yet to take shape. but it has already clear that it will say some challenging missions. the jewelry, the palestinian authority ruled over all palestinian territories, including the west bank and gaza. in reality though, it was expelled from them in determining and claim in 2007 up to how much to power their tax very saving you cabinet. we'll have to tackle this issue before anything
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else and the whole on the time to restore internal national unity and unite the 2 parts of the homeland between the gaza strip and the west bank. well, the other matter is not to give a chance to the american administration. so it became inactive and direct partner in this aggressive war on our palestinian people and well and not to give a chance to the most fascist racist is really occupation government in the history of israel on that 6 and pushes towards deciding the conflict and eliminating the palestinian national project to, to make things happen, whole posting infections, including rivals like santa hunt, him as need to join forces. these 2 have been at odds for many years since i'm asked to control those guys are experts say a technocrat, a government one that doesn't play favorites with any political party. would it be the way to go to pull this off of the template, internal divisions?
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once we the only hurdle the resignation team does days after these really parliament supports as prime minister. netanyahu has declared ration against any unilateral recognition of a palestinian state, the dresser, to oppose any attempt to enter latterly, impose a palestinian state on his way. such an attempt will only endanger his room and will prevent the genuine peace that we all 6 had deal up of the biggest challenge for the government. the next day will be fundamental issues foiling the is really plan to entrench the division between the west bank and the gaza strip aimed at sabotaging the international communities efforts to reach a 2 state solution. and even more colossal task for the new government lies in the reconstruction of gaza. experts i throw in around estimates, suggestion it could take up to $70000000000.00 to events award to and then place ordinary palestinians or others kept tickled about upcoming changes. many refused
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to talk on cameras feeling for his safety. say even the lions on the rimless iconic square and the the palestinian president's office has ears. those who agreed to speak or anything but in t. z as to what is needed now is a ceasefire. not changing governments or anything else, not an immediate cease fire to stop the genocide happening in gaza. they say about the bus, but the who knows what there's a guarantee that the there will be anything, get different domains. an empty promise here. honestly, that's a disaster. adult that there is a clear vision and that's something that's planned for the next stage. unfortunately. and the model for the current conditions do not depend on the prime minister himself. there's a reality in an existing occupational model. so whether we talk about the issue or not, there's a reality we're in a crisis, we're in a war, we're in that we can't control,
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we hope god willing that things will change. but the apparent reality now is that the resignation doesn't play any role to washington. welcome to resignation. it had pushed for us. and so did some of your pain countries. now the world is waiting for the outcome of the visit of the palestinian delegation, including have mass to russia. it starts on says, day and is going to last for 3 days. the guys are war, so the reason, same thing, waves of change all across the area, including here in the west bank. the new governments that could be announced in the coming days is said to bring the country closer to national unity intern, polly state in consensus, and eventually to along the way to international recognition. but the most important to bring an end to his suicide is in the gaz a street. the public here is not very optimistic. well, israel, the key players to deal with a new authority still refrains from commenting, making it on clear what changes the move will actually lead to refill notion at all
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to reporting from ramallah in palestine. the head of next month, russian presidential election in plasma painting. his points to invalid his annual state to the nation addressed to the country's parliament later today as not close to a correspondence lorina called to a man who is covering me much anticipation defense marina. i get to see you this morning. so all lies on most ago today, i had to be president of the address what exactly, all the expectations. absolutely. and the kids. so i get them ready to start in less than an hour now. and as you can probably see behind me, the guests are making their way now to their seats and on the screen switching to playing some of process biggest achievements so far this year. because we are expecting a lot of our people to go through exactly what russia has managed to achieve over the past year, which is something that we've seen in this previous union of the states addresses where of course, expected him to address domestic issues of foreign policy socio economic concerns
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and if we will base it by his previous speeches as well as what he has been saying in the past couple of months. we are, of course a, but then to address most of those military achievements in ukraine, of course, as well as helps russia has managed to effectively weather all the storm. so survive despite all western sanctions that are about a 1000 guests. also in attendance are invited. every single year, and also this will be a lot of which is 19 the state of the union address. all of this coming, of course, around 2 weeks before the presidential election, the crucial time in this address will actually be shown on the hundreds of a media of the salt across moscow and the region. so people will be able to watch this on their way to work, for example, because it will be broadcast on electronic signs on the streets, on business center as residential buildings. and after he finishes his address, that will be showing well. so this is a very highly anticipated event, and not only here in russia, bottom for support,
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and we will be bringing you the very latest. and it's expected to start, as i said at about less than an hour from now. marina, thank you very much, that se marina cause rebecca keeping that covered for us? well, do say with is full of resume putin's annual states of the nation address to the countries parliament. it's going to be life hit on on the starting next style. marine is that far as, as we've seen, that's 9 am gmc, the us senate minority data. mitch mcconnell says he will resign often november elections. that means the republican party is losing its most prominent support of ukraine. the waltz, i'm g o p sentences are both really admitted that kids will eventually have to 12 piece with most good policies. it's all the defense can looks into the shifting
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weston now or tape on the complex. we need to talk about ukraine. no mix just plain talking and that means bringing both sides together and flashing out a deal. and it's not just me saying that this is what republican senate is in the us. a suddenly starting to gap about the reality at this point that we have to confront is that that war ends with a negotiated settlement. and the question is, when they finally figured that out, when we finally get to that point, who has more leverage, put in, or ukraine, washington always seems to be a few months behind the reality on the ground. i think there is a stalemate, probably and definitely, and hopefully that leads to some sort of settlement where ukraine gets to keep its country and the killing stops. if the house is going to come up with their own compromise, then do it. but don't just stole this whole thing out. do something more than 2 years since we're new to escalations. this is
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a view that gaining traction well outside the white house bubble. just weeks ago. it what else again rejected, caused by russia's president preaching for talks all the while the white house has shifted its strategy in ukraine, suggesting negotiations all possible, but not quite yet. we want ukraine to have the strongest hand possible when that comes. we want them to be in a stronger position to hold their territory. it's not the we're discouraging them from launching any new offensive. so just why is the by didn't administration so focused on the notes yet? i'll give you a clue. no americans are getting killed any right. we're really rebuilding our industrial base. one of the ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our bigger travels. i have a hard time finding anything wrong with it and most of the support we are providing
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actually goes right back into the us economy and defense, industrial base helping to modernize and scale our own vital defense infrastructure while creating american jobs and economic growth. in fact, the 1st $75000000000.00 package created good paying american jobs and at least 40 states across the united states and 90 percent of this next request will do the same. and the money being made by big u. s. defense companies is staggering. the conflict in ukraine helping to swell the pulses in some cases, to record levels. meanwhile, over in europe says a mixed bag with some lead is openly cooling for peace. i don't know what to do. you just look, i can confirm that the icons trees that are all ready to send their own soldiers to ukraine, call the say never so long case among them. they are also countries that say that
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this proposal should be considered. all governments of speech oriented have rejects the continuation of the war, will not sound weapons to ukraine will focus on severely on projects. while others have suggested the look just send alms. they could put boots on the ground to take people gifts as well. there was no consensus today to officially open leon with endorsement send troops on the ground and many of them. but in terms of dynamics, nothing should be ruled out if we will do everything necessary to ensure that russia cannot win. this was that that was a gigantic change in direction from mac. on the 1st time the western need has left the door wide open to sending its troops to crank. and what would be a game changer for conflicts that until now, nathan members have said they want to contain on it scanned the pens of the others to quickly we've back from black ones, comments exposing them as empty woods. there will be no ground troops. no soldiers
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on ukrainian soil, were sent there by european states or nato states. president biden has been clear that the us will not send troops to fight and ukraine. west seems unable to do is commit one way or a nova. it's clearly happy to retain the economic benefits of supplying weapons, pumping up the industrial base at home. but it won't send its own soldiers to fight . it brings that angel phrase to mine. put your money way. you my face, the west it seems, isn't ready to are your claims follow spring will effect on the presidents refusal to hold elections as leading to rising on to government sentiment across the country. the key of is trying to shift the blame to most guide you quite and secure to serve as times the criminal is cooking up a new revolution. the my john 3 special peroration will reach its culmination in march may 2024 in the common to weeks of possible devote maximum efforts to
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disseminate and narratives disruptive to global security and attempts to inside conflicts both within ukraine and in other parts of the world. whether it's active support for ukraine, a hell of a longer miss lensky himself. as i load media outlets that do not comply with his government's agenda, his presidential time expires in may, but he has suspended elections that were due next month, claiming that the ongoing will makes it impossible to hold. so then sky recently sucks the country's top military command, the general solution easy was more popular than the president according to polls. american also and journalist daniel as has called, keeps attempts to play most go for it. so i'm saying is that adults some of the few times the demon ization of russia has that has been a, a very effective propaganda again, best it seems to have worked. and i'm sure zalinski will go on using this same drum
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. but it's uh, this, this, the story is running out of steam, and i think that that's a lensky has to own that for his own military. reversals, over reliance on the us was a disaster after the fact the us really pushed him into this war. so, and essentially uh, as a lensky i is in a position of being used in a band and by america, and now finds himself in an increasingly hot water, new cranes, national security service says the rising sentiment against the landscape. government is basically because of so called a russian propaganda. what are your thoughts about that as well? that is obviously absurd. there is growing fatigue in the west for the war. uh the um this, the summer military offensive was a disaster. and zaleski himself is staying in office, is canceled the elections and this thing and office, even though his term supposedly expires in may 20th. and the legal basis for doing
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that is unclear. so things are turning rocky in the ukraine. i think the instability is rising and i think the government is growing increasingly nervous as to how all this will end because i can get to the castle region now where people are taking part in the 3rd and final day of, of the votes and getting the size to russian presidential election, just by concerns about possible ukrainian attacks, of a 50 mobile posting stations, a trampling throughout the remote areas and of the front line to facilitate se, phone, se cassandra, along with live guns condone yet scans, i, for those he had joined russia off the referendums, in september 2022 ukrainian forces showed buildings on the 1st day of lo thing, causing minimal damage to infrastructure. despite the switch from k of the military, the to announce that some local pulse has been unexpectedly high, official says say the importance of the votes cannot be underestimated.
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this is the future of our country. we will follow our president to fulfill all functions for our people. the person who leave the state is very important to us. people are in a good mood understanding how responsible this is for them because of the election of the presidents of the russian federation for terror. southern region is the 1st event until this college and all lives. we understand that by choosing the presidents, the presidents choose their own future. at least we started to live like human beings. we have pensions, salaries, jobs, children, go to school. if they go to kindergarten, the school and kindergarten has been and repaired. so we've started to live in a decent, humane way. why russia is presidential election is less than 3 weeks away now on slide to be a page. and it said to deliver his annual state to the nation address of the countries parliament late in the day. the president is expected to reflect on
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russia's achievements in the policy as well as map out the country's future. and so another reminder for you, you can watch his speech in full live here, and i'll tell you starting at 9 am and gmc, the google us a i told gemini, has sparks backlash when the indian government us off the giving a raw the positive on. so to the question whether plumbing us a new entry movie is a fascist and indian official points out, there's such a controversial claims violate the country's laws. visa died 8 violations of intermediary rule. so the ip act and of several provisions of the criminal code. i am bringing this to the attention of google india. our
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citizens are not to be experimented on with unreliable platforms. i'll grab this and models safety entrust part of the platform, legal obligations. sorry, it's a reliable, does not exempt them from the little earlier. an indian journalist to all the google a i was a new, went with moody, was a fascist. the devin i platform, stated that based on the prime minister's track record some expose to characterize his policies that way. however, when the $200.00 is put a similar question concerning documents, the lensky donald trump, the i tool, opted for allusive, ounces a claim that the cases that those 2 politicians are more complex and advise to use that to search for more information outside the platform. we go reaction from an indian international us as express every a i would have it's regional and national buyers. you know, out of florida been, you know, when they talk about genocide, you know,
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they would all of us talk about some, some specific on fees. but the more into type genocide i knew ask these a i about genocide. there was never connected genocide to enable auto united states in spite of the fact that we know what the natal has done in your dog called see the goto gun is gone. so there is this bias. i think for a long time, you know, the data of the word has been consorted about the list and they want to contribute to doing that. but today, because of a lot more access to information, people are not accepting the western bias. as well as many thanks for joining us. head on, on the international. i hope you'll be staying with us throughout the day. does the good you can check our website for all the latest news. documentaries on analysis. we're back in 30 minutes and then the
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the the joseph conrad wrote heart of darkness at the height of units colonial scramble. 5. it's about the search for a mysterious white crater. for mister cuts is become a monster, is kenneth cope symbolizes
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a type of savagery at the hall of western civilization. shops of african heads for fun. the 1st read joseph conventional was studying at oxford university. i felt cups was just an operation. i twisted from to see of conrad's imagination. he had summed up to the judge the hard i didn't really get it. but the more i learned about colonialism, the more i realized it always started with men like cuts and that sex link to this day. then i made a discovery that changed everything for me. at the same time that comrade was writing his book, life was imitating art. in an astounding way, a french army officer was leading an invasion of west africa. and his true story
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was even more terrifying than comrades fiction. i began to plant a journey across space. time in search of this real the joke to read. so i can move in both of my parents come from nigeria in west off for a little bit. when i go into opposite the old a, tony ends in my youth, some black students like me. but it was here. i begin to research the imperial history that made my was the history they didn't teach at school. the i discovered a heart in london sites in congress which.


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