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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EST

7:30 am
so even the former president has several honey who was bored from running, has urged for a mass turn out. it will supreme leader i to law how many as underscore the election significance as the main pillar of these bombings republic roll? it's of the past. so free forms for the construct passes through the elections. those who are sick to solve the problems must result to the elections taken part in the election is the right solution for the future as calm as it was, the economy is winning from the impacts of stringent western sanctions that have depreciated the reel and fuel inflation different candidates have plans to tackle vehicles on the clothes, but some iranians do not expect things to change. loving tell them that i have participated in all of the previous elections, but nothing changed in terms of the economy and culture. on the contrary, we ever graphed tabular t a t changes of mind to always repeated by candidates before elections, but they cannot completely fulfill it. it's a game played ahead of the photo to boost that roman electro. philip, uh. however,
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there are. those will see things differently saying they participate in order to quote, disappoint the enemy, sort of this others. it's all religious and legitimate duty to vote. those who are trying to decide, i'll fight, we would show them that it's us to decide our own future. but yeah, it's true that we're facing economic hardship, but we all have to take part in the elections to choose the best representatives and helped develop our country candidates to secure the majority of votes on march . the 1st one assume their seats in parliament, the leader in may, was too soon to predict the outcome. the 1st of all as candidates, our number or for much more significant margin indicating continued dominance of entries. and with for us it as easy as for a policy approach such reverse eastern engagement overtime with the western world. and those are the top stores this our don't forget to check out our website r t dot com for more. i'm i do show on josh, i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest complex rates for documents for
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title 9, the hi i am seeing. yeah. and i am from indonesia. i left out of the 2nd act. maybe 2 of them, which was attended to a folder who knows what it was put in. yeah. after a civil and sort of submitted us to write them all at georgia. the bio and fee are presenting later on to indonesia in the world news 1st before the $1000.00 incident before gosh, solutions for you to find the truth. and he says some for special catch fact to try to fight this out. for small chair,
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this is to be quite honest, i appreciate the the, the little off of my guys debates and wait for us to send him some on friday. so it's a joyous music guys the period i am very excited for it. i must. and i am looking forward to meet all of you, all the participants from all over the work and the rest of all the class. we've smaller dish, the dish guy stays the same units to another doors at the moment. so we to, more than you to go see to we see a facebook system and you place where am i stop in the middle of the for yeah,
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to buy sweet price. i've seen you're coming across the federal government to the 30th. i could not, you know, do sonya unload by football to push out could just do either of them could each of these and if both succession that wasn't the problem is to show people when you were sick, you have to me that an employer should do, but i see to side in the the
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really up of somebody to see if she could have the kind of support you. so is that have not progressing in a single interest to one more of yours or just as the post. this is to write a book because it's begun that in the middle of the i just listed on the image of the gods. to me, you would just have some of the specific for those that are going for much what, but then what you saw, this is close to discourse, option 12, but like i m uh so specimens the level of the thing is that so, but the books are on the specificity, if the person wants to just have the actions that you do is they ask you, basically the 3 is the piece. each chile is thing. even most of you, by tomorrow, at the middle tier 2 of you should be thinking much problem. moisten them, could i see them close? i would say was that i see. yeah. and then you go to an opinion molar that came that appear to should be nicole, my stomach. so i'm good, good you too. as relation question longer i do still in the but i do it in the ocean most like i'm wondering if the
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scanning go for the okay. 2 the photos are waiting around. i usually do the same thing when i was 16. the is like one of the oldest part of this whole complex. so the ones who were here, there are still lives people moving here from the start. and my is spending amazing remembering how much it has changed since i was a kid. you know, i used to play here with an alber kids, but. 2 like me, they've gone uh, maybe they finding you live somewhere, their families to so i know the,
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my name is sharon dea, a year i'm from the local. it's a place in his show for indonesia. i live here in the bill is philip, also condo, and my school is uh, uh, hyphen chanel school, the 1st of all yellow, and i am 17 years old. so here my complex where i leave them as you can see that these are ice fields and then they grow like various types of plans. some of them cro far by them. that is going far away then and then right there is like i'm the, when you pick sugar from new initiatives, kind of like the 23. and this is, as you can see in the. 2 mid threes, and i'm on the, on the co, inside the house, the,
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here we go. this is my own. go on this number. the so this is my did. and this is like my larger organization like my uniform and my daily where my child gets in there is some places right here. good, good, good. i speak indonesia. and so one use mainly and i also speak english and i'm currently like learning less russians and repeat the share more in french on the side. the people from indonesia that will travel to russia
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for the world use for us default is $155.00 and about according to the latest info i got, there would be 7 children birthday supers. so 1st of all, i thing will all kids are into car the and from there will code because it has like a big theme from indonesia. just because of 150. she who's the policy houston while we're discussion guys, most of the surfaces are in a see or she say plug here, but me, most of the me the percentage of the phrase know who is loose or do you live 5th or live your ideas. okay. is a, is also me in 1st the
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the way, the, the of, of but in, ah, yeah, record you too number of so what kind of conditions subsequent to, to the solar go to the, to the whole school for this and why is it? it's me that's just a car so long a center for you is the one who loves those guys single for just to at the shoulders to nominate a bit to hold up. did you, what does a tour of both the positioning of the and you finish some of that so which notion, but some of you know,
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if i say it was flipped because those live sites on the video and you do that. it's, you know, almost i'm waiting for someone to look where they're supposed to be on the on sort of fuzzies move with almost bias. the rest of those from which the, which we just visual and totally screwed up and go to the wireless or phone. we should be able to rather you see yes, mobile resistors to them, for instance, with quest to phone, which is that, so i'm going to play as well. this is
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a full set of points orders that are more years surprising instead of got sort of just which i think that as with knowing you guys done the full 7 of us from next one up at a tipping sample control and the both. it's a city warning, most of the problem in your area, the premiums to try sickness, visit the brochure interview forms or support the chest, which is tools that are shown something that i'm going to trust forestry, golf. the response here was it forces this of your social for me with the suggestion we're pushing with a lot of doubling through or what the dumb design is. beautiful photo smudge or
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scale was september and she has some boost outdoors. let's just say of, of the some wish wish list when you kind of hit the ocean, which is a voicemail assertion that as to what the summer polish could come down to. probably not the little one was because i was down with that the so i'm going to show me a new voice to little grab this real quick if the person feeling when me on 3, in the worst that this is a little the much saw spend little frustrated was sort of going to still a good i'm just going to with the words web stripped one percent in the. okay. and um, i mean, if you said the, so the almost of all is most of the big name because of the level of trust. because for your suspicion your solution goes to
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succeed. so that's the thing you see me, the girl know style a to play. where is a guy you is chris, we see is grandma j ash day gloves out today? to murder shows us are the sort of summer boy go and ask your 0. some of the do it then wish list is look, is go on. that there is to, even though we're thinking back to pratt calling, i'm gonna start with this list of this is the, the, the, the guy to spa, all, most of us do all the, the go to mr. c. yeah. while on zillow or messing with the gym series, even though well knew the mass you got so mary ball and see all
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the us, not you. if we did he install a meter, it's always good to go the, to the g for the kinds of stuff i school, you know, some of those. i mean us mag, the,
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which is the most important and the homeowner westbrook learn how to match the, the higher will be fluid, as you'll see, a little faster, the cheaper
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the cheapest, automotive we do. let's use the website. so my extensive assign, the rich developers truly sort of phone conditionally is in your mind for quinn to see if it's fits your co screenings. the hi, this is not true. if this is percent, as i drop this to barley nursery, dinner go see the me is or somebody showed the phone number. yeah. which was a candidate to florida. so were you seeing that was put in line it?
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is it 10 years now? yes. because the reason why is, is that again, if i bill the ears of civil and then it will issue was submitted for you have sofa national for me, it's a just a bar, it's a google board. them or you for to comple. would you, did you move instead of symbols? this video title should be here, scramble to the other, both options because corner version of it and let somebody know choose when you go to see to come to the status. you guys would, it's a quarter sharing it with the 3 team was full with just the floor. now, i'm not going to have to be in touch with me because i'm leaving ideals of stuff like that. we would certainly love to do the most recent moves. did it show up on the spanish movies? do you use the us we truly
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agreed on this. let me on and if you divide 4th or not, you put your email. i mean either the school was they didn't put me to come and see me. vh. it was a move, it was as it was with the blue. so if that was at the court, but would she just my video and michel floor in the mind years? the blush in the interest i meant to do for you pulled scale at the corner that because phone, you know, that's a pity it could be in the spanish ship. should i say more like a 2nd on the you know what you really couldn't yorba level the one with a little another show the custom builders, photos, you know what i should if at the core opinions i'm getting close to be sure not to put them another because i'd stories are going to progress, but putting in mind it is the social studies. so when you go to the media,
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the interesting audio visual and you have the most of the things it you do share. this image is a bit the color suddenly rushing and to move so much the need for your model are still the same. a pretty my name is the level of them. is that the us the last of the list? i mean, yeah, pretty much is only, don't believe what is the median through the really awesome,
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you know, i don't expect myself to see so square footage of many people from many countries coming together. russia, they've been still soviet union and i'm very impressed of how soon can the people are on the plate. how like, the russians that are in the stadium, really genuinely happy as we're seeing, you know, for it. and as i saw here, you know, nothing. i need you to, devices must be a good we show. can we use different sides of the city pretty tied to it kind of thing. the channel that's not the cause. yeah. yup. no bed, man. yes, there these listening. i do usually show what of the. so is med law, know the is here boys now and you re caulk and daughter
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the mice call. they see the gum visit was kind of what you do is night. there will be through the treasure. so this is the, the payment forced up. this is not star bush products, so much the hello. hello. i could buy that to sick. that must create that will guide you in the next case. you didn't t come sewage typed it in tea that i started per board. see it.
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can it dried? it made it through the yeah, this is the bullet point. that's a really nice. we can actually plug a show you what can i can go with and wayne is by now you can kind of see reviews the deal with the the what that to take to happen enough as to why do i have the right to, to let me how do i suppose that right
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the or something? well, i saw a guy who was interested in and he said, that's a score of, of silly through me. yeah. there's me quickly and i was like, that is finally adorable. do you want me to feel the same emotions? sure, i was real that and to be honest, it's actually what they expect. that's how i imagine it is. and seeing like from how it was. i think it's kind of quick save me the i decided to take part in the world to suppress football because 1st of all, the event itself is very interesting to me. and basically the only thing was the 1st before it's a fall it's, i think i would k in so many,
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many experiences more knowledge. and of course, the thing that i really, really like is getting to getting closer to russia and russian culture condemned to know the people the, i wouldn't say as the people of my country is full of like islands and have many languages and have so many cultures to explore i think this would be the 1st thing i say the custom says is i'm only indonesia that are actually a lot of them. the so the people here i think, depends on where you call the, but there are a lot of farmers and also the people that catch fish in the sea and in the river.
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there are like very much, a lot of them just like another small regions in indonesia. but the shops here are wyatt savers. maybe other than that, there are many people here who choose by, professionals like fishing and being a business person the . and as i worked kind of dividing that it is something that you have now which might inquisitive now wait spending and you must be buying the for c on it and actually just need belie,
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need talk to call but i think you need get in your head because b b, colorado, pickup option you have now. when is it? that is why i say again, that is a demo here. and that is uh where you bought the item. we strongly at a, b, c, d, w, d. and you should, i said now she doesn't, she followed by the test the test run because you can avoid k as alistair domestic sky. there's you right? so much that's kind of what you're putting the tv now as is as instead of 20 i think he really isn't a no me any. that was just about to say the
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like i can't be ever. yeah. a larger increase. good. you have which is the, the julian not no established way, not an issue. you don't have a and the not you will be to, to good real quick. i wish i kept up apologize. she has a semester july be a like gabriel. age t shed is actually through c on nash associates. are seeing a doctor that way. not. it's nice. you have to but it made it, there was you but i mean the somebody did already
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gone short. i am ready. gosh, can somebody get up installing a bus marchness just only feels separately offensive? the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house and engagement? it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of parts,
8:00 am
we choose to look for common ground, the the breaking news room, no been gas, where at least $104.00 pot opinions have been mastic god. as they were rushing to receive aid, we get 1st hand accounts from survivors and i witnessed the we were on our sheets street and certainly tank stores us. it was chaos. there were crowds of people. the occupation kept fire in the task. there were so many martyrs and casualties. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habits, needs a dependent fading dying states, instead of russia. west of attempts to instill fear in russia and we cannot have collided with the fund will.


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