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tv   News  RT  February 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news from northern and gaza, where at least 112 pallets finance had been massacred as they were rushing it to receive aid. we get a 1st hand account comes for 5 years and i witnessed we were on our sheets. truth, certainly tax stormed us, it was chaos. there were crowds of people for the occupation kept acquiring the task. there were so many martyrs and casualties. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with colonial habits, needs a defendant fading dying states, instead of russia. western attempts to instill fear and russian, we cannot have collided with the firm. will of the people as president vladimir put
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in an estate of the nation drive. and poland says it might have to close its quarters that the cranes protected the agriculture industry from cheaper imports. and what the prime minister describes as a temporary and mutually painful decision. the son rachel ruble live in the russian capital here watching r t international. we begin with breaking news from northern that guys according to local official. busy is at least 112 palestinians and a crowd desperate for food aid had been killed and 760 more wounded irregardless city. this distressing footage that circulating online shows the aftermath of a striking local media report suggests the civilian desktop was even higher and that the idea of killed 150 of the age seekers survivors tried to help the wounded so they could be taken to nearby. i'll shufa and come all on one hospitals and make shift cards. palestinian authorities have condemned the attack, calling it a cold blooded mastercard,
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of the occupation had the premeditated intention to commit this horrific massacre as it gets. now. the exact fusion of this month is intentionally and in the context of genocide and ethnic cleansing, of the people of guys a, the occupational. and we also need of these victims had arise and these dates of things, food and aids, but still kill them in cold blood. according to the palestinian reports, the idea of opening fire on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets, treating guys a city where they have been waiting for food distribution. the palestinian health ministry blames israel for the deadly attack. how my soul so reacted. say this assault is possible face rose efforts to fully displace palestinians from the land and quote, obliterate the palestinian cause. for hours there was no any official reaction from a as well. and just recently the idea of released a statement, the initial idea of investigation revealed,
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the militants opened fire on humanitarian aid trucks and the resulting russian trampling. many gases were killed. the idea of responded by firing a warning shot as gas approached them, believing they were endangering our forces. many of the wounded were evacuated to the chief un all their hospitals, those few that was still functioning in the north. all the probably seen in and play, including come all at one hospital from which we received a confirmation and a video of the injured and killed. here's what the victims have to say. we were on algebra, she's street and certainly tank stored us. they were the parcels backed with 8 people who don't have food, collect flower, and aid headed to the sea. it was chaos. there were crowds of people, but the occupation kept firing with us. there were so many martyrs and casualties. i am one of the wounded. i was on our sheet street. we were there from 7 in the
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morning in order to get food for our children. they elias, they said we brought site, but we paid for that site with our blog. my nephews went there to bring flower, but the fired on them were under siege to compete on us remedy on his coming soon. people should look at us pay us a humanitarian crisis in gaza, continues deepening with numerous human rights organizations reporting that few. a trucks crossed into the in clave. recently, blaming israel for delays and for blocking the vehicles carrying food, water, and medical supplies. at the check point, if you were emissions were also able to reach those a needs. those organizations also reported that almost no age is distributed outside rough, all the major city and guys of south. we're now around 1500000 people crowded officer. they had to flee the hostilities in other parts of this trip. the food that people were waiting for at the time of the attack on saturday morning was brought by
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a rare convoy the that's which the north has. same claim is really official said the 1st major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area of the un says a quarter of guys is $2300000.00. strong population is one step from fab and including thousands of children, while literally everyone the organization says, is in desperate need of food and all that comes well on the wall. a key humanitarian, a provider, and guys are that almost half of all functioning relief organizations have been relying on even before they swore that it has been forced to pause a deliveries to northern garza. meanwhile, the probably the student house ministry says at least assessed 2000 people have been killed in the gaza strip since the beginning of these really offensive on october 7th. the ministry has also stated that this 3 medical facilities are not able to cope with the current wave of the wounded due to of course,
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lack of medical supplies and medical personnel. and the governmental body has urged the international community to put pressure on israel to open. she went into her in corridors and stopped the atrocities in guys a global average portion for a c spy. also grow as you know, but so far we see that is ro seems to be determined to continue this a stacy war and one more than 30000 guys. and this had been killed and over 70000 wounded and is really strikes and just 5 months. washington continues to justify telling these actions, saying it has a right to self defense by comparison and ukraine under 8000 civilians have been killed in 14000 injured since 2022 are to use steve sweeney brings us more on the us double standard on israel and new crime, the wheel knows a narrative by now as well, has the right to defend itself. a line repeated over and over again by west indeed is as
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a cover for the massacre of thousands of palestinians in garza. but the story is very different when it comes to the ukraine conflict. it's time for the us to give israel some tough moral love. disputes are shameful. there has to be accountability for these war crimes, no targeting civilians in war. and this was today, could happen right now. i'm being told the administration was talking about russia bombing ukraine. i apologize, but i'm sure they're giving equally started advice to israel. how is real, does this matters. israel must do more to protect innocent civilians. we want to see the government of israel takes steps to minimize civilian are the more surgical and more precise. and while the us told show who was just joking, there was a serious points. the double stand is it play as the west continues to demonize, supposedly even russia. well, the thing is, well off the hook was and that washington has owned israel to the teeth and able to get to carry out what many are describing as
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a genocide and garza. i'm welding is vito, the un security council, the book who was received by leading to widespread condemnation, demanding an immediate unconditional cease fire with out an agreement requiring him us to release the hostages will not bring about a durable peace. instead, it could extend the fighting between the months and israel soon after the russian minute to operation began in february 2022 european countries from open the doors to millions of ukrainians. the very same countries that made every effort to stop the flow, refugees and nations i informed including syria, afghanistan and iraq. the health sciences were imposed on russia. the country was bombed from sports and competitions. rushing right to the musicians dropped from university courses. the country was held up as a global pariah,
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but russia reminded the us of its hypocritical stones when it comes to washington's own actions. as a new sort of new was you would be a shame to compare the situation in ukraine and gaza. you know, they are in comparable firstly, contrary to what you claim the russian federation does not subject the civilian population of ukraine to barbaric bombing around you. it is absolutely impossible to compare scales with the 2nd lady who would lecture us about this for a country that destroyed iraq, afghanistan, syria, and carry down barbaric carpet bombings on these countries as well as yugoslavia. before you try to see the spec in someone else's, i next time you take a look at the log in yours. and if we really want to compare the 2 complex, then let's take a look at the numbers again. as the women and children, this desk told a garza of the 5 months of these rady gauze, the war is 6 times higher. so i need to use of the ukraine conflict. just to put a score to look at the special military operation and what is happening in gaza and
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see what the difference is that there is nothing like this and you cream. you mentioned the deaths of thousands of children and women, the un secretary general call. today's because the largest cemetery of children in the world, this assessment says a lot. so i think this is an objective assessment of what can i say here. even the foreign policy, the chief, has expressed his concerns over how the different responses to the goals. and when you crank complex, i've led to a crisis of credibility in the west. even suggesting that it's global dominance has come to an end. if the current global geo political tensions continue to evolve in the direction of the west against the rest, europe's future risks being bleak. the era of western dominance has indeed definitively ended. the combination of the war of aggression against ukraine and the war in gaza has significantly increased this risk, as we have recently seen in the cycle and elsewhere in africa. many in the global south accuse us of double standards. he went onto kia ca,
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as well as using simon is a weapon in gaza and slammed nothing. you all have governments for labeling even the model to solve a criticism and see some mistake. we are already witnessing a catastrophe. the u. n. has had to suspend its aid, and israel is using salmon as a weapon of war which runs the country to international law. in reality, the nets and yahoo government does not accept any criticism or nuance wherever it comes from. even if it is from the secretary general of the un, and the accusation of being an anti semite quickly falls on you, i claim the rights to criticize the decisions of the government of israel without being considered empty semitic. it has nothing to do with it. even south africa was branded on to somebody take autherette both a case against as well before the international court of justice. the state of israel does not need to be lectured on morality in order to distinguish between terrorists and the civilian population and gaza. the i c,
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j went above and beyond when it granted south africa's anti semitic request to discuss the claim of genocide and gaza. and if it's not empty, somebody take is come us to you and really from works agency. they don't chief a hospital, south africa, nothing you know whose government condemns them. oh, as elements, so from us, you get the picture. so is well continues to compete in sporting events, just participating in the eurovision song contest with a song cold october rain about idea of soldiers at the same time, maybe 2000000 people in gauze or displaced children a starving to death. one is right and he's blocking aid from entering the besieged enclave and the massacre continues. or was it cannot even so the united states, yet they are trying to convince the world, the russia of the bad guys double standards. indeed. russia is a top diplomat circuit lab. rob has welcomed representatives from the palestinian political factions,
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mazda and 5 to 4 talks and moscow. he pin the blame for the current war and gaza, directly on israel's closest ally, the united states, a gift that it has a cause that has been hit by a wave of violence on an unprecedented scale. this was largely the result of a long term stagnation in the process of middle east regulation, stagnation that was caused by us attempts to monopolize the mediation process. in fact, it was to stop the work of the portent of international mediators consisting of the us russia, the e u, and the un to promote the policies that the u. s. considers necessary for themselves without particularly paying attention to the interest that the countries of the region have and that have been distorted and unfulfilled for many years. the tragic events of recent months have claimed the lives of thousands of people. the
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absolute majority of them civilians, most of them women, the number of wounded has exceeded 70000. the majority of whom are also women and children. the scale of the can mandatory catastrophe, is expanding the other day special united nations representatives responsible for humanitarian issues reported to the un security council and the figures were truly depressing. about 700000 people are on the verge of starvation. this is out of a total of just over $2000000.00 residents of gaza. it is clear that the top priority now is to stop the blood. should we have been doing this since the 1st days after the attack on october 7th, which of course causes condemnation, but it is also impossible to respond to it with methods of collective punishment of the palestinians. we wish the palestinians and the present to palestine success in forming a new cabinets. we hope that it will also reflect the tendency to overcome differences
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and will be made up of people who are fully reflect the interests of the entire palestinian people to russia has been hosting tox for pablo, sending authorities to form a new government after the prime minister in the west bank, abruptly resigned. a moss and other posted in political factions had been at odds in recent years and prussia as providing a neutral location for their negotiations. they heard from political analyst, sod, numer in the west bank. it says all eyes are on moscow right now is palestinians hope for unity among the political parties versus. busy you said there was people do appreciate the russian hill that they this mutual mr. lot of in the legion together, or very few infections in order in what's going on and get a o d. and these are ation drew's back. i guess that's the biggest mark this for us. uh,
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this is not the 1st time that i see that infections beads in most courses. second time as it was a few years ago that was out of everything. but this time the changes are on what's going on. this one works sure that i'm asked to be participating after what happens on the 7th of october the showed a, a, to the docs and invite to these are, these are the able to combine or wrench as the us from i was on. right. this is our right that we chose our leadership. now the america suggestion is quite clear that the government, the government providing that from us is not going to box region, is what we want as garcia's. we need this need be like, draw, they show the government. right, but what about the extra to just about what do we want as. ready student and how we
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are going to do it. we need to end this evaluation or sections and to be your right to. and once we, are you likely we can force a unit you government based on order based on the guys that and that was good or that a student infections? jazz is, i'm, did you have, i'm tell us, this is our right expert. i seem to choose our leadership, i'd love to get back as to add on our, our leadership, and for so long, you know, people to accept the ship that is endorsed by the americans. this is that i do, i who we are diversity is about the ice most go for the that we is that the person affections any more school good reach kind of an agreement to each other. informed me that you don't live in the lease of ocean on this side of the company that we have with us. and guess i was russian president vladimir putin says the objective of western countries to weaken and dictate to russia has
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not come to fruition. that's us, he delivered his state of the nation address to the russian parliament in moscow. you and you said we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habits, habits that inside national conflicts around the world, strives not only to hold back on development. instead of russia, they need a dependent fading, dying state. and that's a place where you can create whatever is beneficial. in essence, they would like to do to rush of the same thing they did in many other areas of the world, including in ukraine. they want to bring discord into our home and we can us from the inside, but they missed calculated. this is already absolutely obvious. today, their plans have collided with the firm position and determination of our people. port mostly it was on domestic issues, progress concerns, goals for the future. i'll get to that
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a little bit later. but that was an international blog which will no doubt make headlines in the west. now watermark hooton's sorted by addressing all the rumors and western propaganda that we've been hearing for months, if not years. and that's regarding russia's largest crimes, to attack its neighbors, to, uh, to attack you are. and this is what he had to say about that. the push to know the west claims without any embarrassment that russia is supposedly going to attack you . at the same time, they are choosing targets for strikes. so not territory. choosing effective means of defeat, as they themselves think. they talk about the possibility of sending a nato contingent to ukraine. but we remember the fate of those who once sent their troops to the territory of our country. but now the consequences for possible intervention is, will be much more tragic. they must finally realize that we too have weapons that can hit targets on their territory and everything that they are inventing. now, what they are scaring the whole world with all this really threatens
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a nuclear conflict and the destruction of civilization. don't they realize that these are the people who have not gone through hard trials, but they have forgotten? what war is them? this is the they think it's all some kind of cost to yes. plus call us after recent statements, of course, also by the front president who said that you're upset on who allowed sending ground troops into your brain in order to guarantee that rough shot loses because there's no way that they can have that. now, something else that we heard today is that russia's opponents should remember about the rough as a nuclear weapons and out of the system is, are ready to go and will be activated if need be. but only in terms of defense. now another wild rumor that's been going around in particular in the western press of course, is about rushes electric plans to sudden nuclear weapons into space. the nobody met recently, there had been more and more unsubstantiated accusations against russia, for example, that we are supposedly going to build nuclear weapons in space. such allegations,
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which are nothing but allegations are just deployed to drag us into negotiations on their own terms, which are favorable only to the usa. at the same time they block our proposal that has been on the table for more than 15 years. let's have a meeting, the draft treaty on preventing the deployment of weapons in space, which we prepared back in 2008. there was no reaction. therefore, we have every reason to believe that the words of today's american authorities about their amended interest in negotiations with us on issues of strategic stability or demagoguery. on the eve of the us like presidential election, they just want to show the citizens and everyone else. if they still rule the world, they say that we will talk to the russians on those issues that are favorable for america to negotiate to. well, as we've seen, the west trying to contain the rough, it's anomaly, politically. we've seen russia reaching out to other countries building on existing partnerships. for example, with china. it's become one of its most valued partners over the last few years,
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but also reaching out to all the countries and building relationship, a partnerships there which seem to an expanding brooks, for example, they'll be more countries added into not. and there's a lot that's been said about the brakes and for some of the shanghai corporation organization, these other organizations now that are expand things are becoming stronger and more conscious wants to join them and all together, all these organizations, aside from the west, they actually make up more of the world's population, which is quite significant, especially when we see charts. and we see that in figures and numbers and just how much of the world that encompasses, that just goes to show you that the was in my life to presents itself. and as of the ruler of the world, but it's just a small portion of the inside of the world. and russia has been making friends and allies with the rest of the world, which of course, is quite large amount of want to west would like to have us. thanks but another out 10 to minutes. i'll just say not a big country, a content that's been in focus over the past year was definitely apple. google. so
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i had to rush to africa summit. let's not forget. and the african countries are definitely going to be in focus a lot more in the near future. as more business projects are being planned. so there you have it. russian cheese has lice, which is partnerships with all their partners aside from the west to stay and no longer wants to the business, which is ok, important vladimir putin and was just becoming stronger, more in dependence. and during president put in the address of funding, moments was caught on camera showing the rather vivid and facial expression of one russian soldier attending the video instantly went viral. this smiling soldier and star of today's presidential address as warrant officer, sergey tow car, who has been serving in the russian army since 2005. he took part in the special military operation in new crane as an intelligence radio telephone operator. sorry, his arm was seriously injured in battle and it was, and it was not possible to save it. you know, here's how the euro of the mean reacted to his sudden popularity,
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a common internet star. i've seen that who sent that to you if it's not a secret, my wife. well, what can i do? life goes on, right for all the key takeaways from president clinton's address to the russian federal assembly to visit our website, r t dot com, where we have all the latest uptake. the. and while the russian president's address brings up traditional values that are attracting many nations, these days, representatives from some 130 countries have been sitting down in moscow for 2 major events. the 2nd congress of the international risk, the file movements, and the form on multi polarity. the to day gatherings this week attracted intellectuals from across the globe dispense, referred to a common goal, the counter risk of public history. yet in the west, well, fostering multi polarity and a rapidly developing world. earlier my colleagues spoke with jackson, hinkle, medical analyst, and host of the dive, who says western media is over reacting to put in the defense of russian culture
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and sovereignty. role dynamics are favoring multi polarity and washington imperialism is in the time. while i think it's just so hypocritical for all of the western media and all the western politicians to be freaking out about what pollutant is saying. i mean, well, the russians have made every single step possible to achieve peace for years and years and years before february 24, 2022 in there after, as we learned from former israeli prime minister, natalie bennett, who came and said that force johnson knew the peace deal, so if they're so upset about putin defending russian civilization and russian culture, why are they trying to tear it apart? why are they provoking and as they've done this full time, inter may be going to that step of having to threaten nuclear use. it makes no sense and i know you've been attending the firms on multiple already taking place in my scope. what prompted you to attend and what do you make of it?
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so fox, as well. busy the world is changing in a way that is going to allow, you know, countries like russia in china to lift nations that have been under the boots of us imperialism for so many decades to, to finally have a chance, a true sovereignty. true freedom. and that's what multi polarity is all about, about ending this unipolar system of imperialism. and what i learned that there was events happening in moscow and, you know, not only about multi publicity, but also also to celebrate traditionalism as something that is truly upheld here in russia. i knew i had to go, there was tons of great speakers and uh, a lot of really educational um, events that took place within the for them. so i was happy to be here and also there's a number or let's talk about the conflict um, around the world at this time. you know, we know the allies are currently on guys are right now. and as the policy in depth so continues to rise. us president says that he sees
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a $66.00 fire. i'm in the by monday, actually he did say that, how realistic is back to you. i can't trust anything that comes out of jo biden's mouth. i mean, i wouldn't trust him to tell me what he had for breakfast a, you know, earlier in the day i don't, i don't think he is capable of remembering something even from a few hours ago. so for him to say that he's pushing for a ceasefire by the start of next week when they've already slaughtered $30000.00 plus civilians. and according to the israeli officials, they're actually looking more so towards a more with the south of 11 on i don't think we're going to see us. he's for i hope we do, but i don't really trust joe biden. poland is considering closing at the border with ukraine. it says despite the pain, this drastic measure would cause the price of free trade with kev is too high. we're talking with the ukranian side about temporarily closing the border and
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closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe resulting from the russian ukrainian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay back. the bureaucrats come up with these rules that create total double standards between ukraine is use states and then when it leads to friction and drama, like now, like absolutely horrible parents. well, we just happen to be too busy doing their hair or watching the football game on tv to be bothered to deal with the situation. so the kids are left to sort themselves out. that is exactly what's happening right now. whole as foreigners, they spill ukrainian grain all over the ground from the train. and ukraine is demanded compensation for us. big shots they want money,
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then polish truckers say that they will also now be joining the border blockades between you crated, poland to protest, brussels, allowing ukrainian truckers to work in the u under cutting down to so post prime minister donald test says, all right, all right, pulled up, i will talk to you great about a temporary closure of the border and limiting the imports, but ukraine's like, oh, you will a well, that's news to us. no one from the ukrainian side is conducting negotiations on closing the borders with poland. for us, a stable, the functioning border is a matter of survival in a war with the russian aggressor. such a decision will not be beneficial to anyone except our common enemy. so you think that brussels would step in and maybe protect its own family member states, but actually did the exact opposite. brussels bureaucrats of queen ursula as you commission proposed renewing degrades free trade privileges. and member states just kind of went along with it even when their own farmers all across the blog has been
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parking tractors on highways and protests of these exact same rules with waiting and truckers. i've been taking the crating grain and then just diverting it and dump it onto poland as well. and then you have folks like the list waiting and for administer, trying to say that all these irate farmers truckers everywhere across europe must all just be one giant kremlin flush. it's obviously reminiscent of some hybrid operations which are intensively exploited by russian propaganda. i hope that our partners in poland see this as we do and we will do everything possible to prevent it from escalating. farmer po is president mathias more awake? he is watching all this from the very back into the clown car. now because you know, our has the control of our and he's yelling at the guys at the wheel. embargo for products from ukraine is needed immediately. poland is food security is everyone's business and polish farmers deserve strong government support. not


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