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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

2:30 pm
the joys made of the cries of those are, but i am very excited for it. i must and i am looking forward to meet all of you, all the participants from all over the work and the rest of all the class. the smaller dish is this guy stays the 2 minutes to another doors at the mitsubishi. would the new book see to we should be in school system and you place where am i stop and just little dinner for yeah, to my sweet price. i've seen you coming across the settled to do the 2 to 3. i'd like to not, you know, do when you unload by football to push out, cookies divider us growing them. could each of these have thoughts succession,
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that wasn't the problem is can you show people when you were sick? you have to me that an employer should you? but i see to said in the doing the really ethics, how much is this? you can go to the kind of support you as soon as i have nothing frustrating. i'm assuming i'm interested one more deals with just as the post this is to learn about because just again that in the middle. but yeah, just look around the image of the gods to me, you would just images specific for those of the sort of much what,
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but then what you saw, this is close to discourse, option 12, but like i am, uh so that means the middle of the thing is that so, but the bookstore honestly beneficial? we presume us project nation. so to you, you do is they ask you the basically the 3 is the piece. each chile is that even most of the spelling of your item or the mid appear to be should be thinking much problem. moisten them, can i see them close? i was to say was that i see. yeah. and then you go to an opinion molar thinking that appear to should be an approval, much them. so i'm good, good you too. as early as your question longer, i do still in the but i don't know how to shall most of i'm wondering if the
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scanning the the okay. 2 the photos are waiting around the same thing when i was thinking, the news is like one of the oldest part of this whole complex. so the ones who live here, there are still lives people moving here from the stars. and like, is spending amazing remembering how much has changed since i was the kids. you know, i used to play here with an alber kids but. 2 like me, they've gone up and they really finding you live somewhere, their families to. so i mean the, my name is sharon dea, a year i'm from the local. it's a place in his show for indonesia. i live here in nashville is also condos,
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and my school is a, uh, hateful vision of school. the 1st of for yolanda and i am 17 years old. so here my complex where i live there, as you can see that these are ice fields and then they grow like various types of plans. some of them cro far by them but the score far away event. and then right there is like i'm the when you fix to hear from me issues kind of like 23. and this is as you can see in the. 2 3, and i'm on the on the go inside the house, the, here we go. this is my own. go on this number.
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the so this is my did. and this is like, my larger organization is like my uniform and my daily where my child gets in there is some places right here. good, good, good, high speed internet. yeah. and so one use mainly and i also speak english and i'm currently like learning less russians. and when people share more in french on the side, the people from indonesia that will travel to russia for the world use for us default is 155. and about, according to the latest info i got, there would be 7 children birthday supers. so 1st of all,
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i thing will all kids are into car the and from there will code because as like a big team from indonesia, just because of 150 c history policy, houston, while we're discussion god, 1st of the surface, you know, in a sea of she say, plug here, but me, most of the, me the percentage of the phrase know who is the solution, the do you live 5th or live your ideas. okay. this is also highly impressed. the the the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the way, the, the of, of but in, ah, yeah, record you to number. so what kind of conditions forensic were due to the solar go to the, to the whole school. was this and why is it to me that you was to parse along a center for you? is the one who loves those guy single for the to the show. listen, i'm going to pay to what you, what does a tour of both the positioning cause of that and you finish some of that. so which notion definitely do not use the facilities for the, for those on the side of the video. and you do that. it's, you know, almost i'm waiting for someone to look for the see on the,
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on sort of fuzzies new. but almost 1st the rest of those from on the which we have with us. sure. thing. got the proof of purchase the wireless or phone . we should be able to rather you see yes, mobile is this the receive everything. is this a squad inform wish or is that so i'm going to put you back to 3 full. so to find sort of the same one year surprising you said you've got sort of just which i think of anything else. but knowing you guys done the full 7 of us and that's one of the
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simple control and the both. it's a city warning, most of the problem in your area are both on the premiums to try sickness, visit the brochure, energy forms or support the task chest with the tools that are shown something that i'm going to trust forestry, golf tours, thoughts, where was it for this to be a pleasure for me, with the suggestion, with pushing with the volunteer or what the, the virginia, beautiful photo smart george scale was september and she has some boost outdoors. let's just hear what though, some wish wish list when you kind of get the wish you wishing for portion of the solution that as to what the summer college because they've gone down to probably
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a little more just because i know that the so i'm going to show me a new voice to little grab this, which i'm going to give to present to him when nancy endorsed that this is a little the mental formula. so i'm going to send a good. i'm just going to with the vibe stripped one percent in the. okay. and um, i mean, if you said the, so the almost of all as much as the bed name because somebody owns the, our level of trust. because for your suspicion your solution goes to succeed. so that's the thing you see me, the girl know style a to play. where is a guy you is chris, the blue t is green,
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the j ashby plaza to the timber to show that's where the sort of summer boy thought and that's great 0. some of them then wish list is look, is go on is to, even though i think your best bet is probably not gonna start much this list of the you say, but the bad it's not to do the guy to go on was supposed to. nobody is in the, the good of his christie. yeah. well, and still all messed in with the jim suzy. me though. yeah. well knew the mass you got, so mary ball and see all the as much if we did he install a made it may go
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the the in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their colon. one of the 1st to start collaborating was the dutch empire. on august 17 1945,
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the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge colony was proclaimed the liberation movement 1st led by the national hero of the indonesian people to gardens. however, amsterdam had his own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village of rubble got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indonesians were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities,
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the world community demanded to put an end to violence. and the empire started negotiations. in 1949, the head round table conference was held in the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world. the north end of august. because the guy, previous cheapest automotive whom i've read, you must use july 5th. sorry. so mike soon concerned that there's developers, sheila, to sort of form the condition of a is in your mind, according to the civic 5th equals could be an income is as natural
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as the sun, as i drop this to barley, nurses in regards to the me as old, somebody so the spelling of a yeah. will change at least because the culture of florida. so my feeling that was for me in the next 10 years now. yes. because the reason why is, is that the bill, the prayers of civil and the relation with some new play up so fresh. and for me, it's a just a bar, it's a google go them or you would you couple would you, did you move instead of symbols, this video title should been your scramble to the other book full of scenes cuz corner version of it. if somebody me know, choose when you would assist you with this, of course, you sure. are you able to list the person that you're printing was full, which is so smart? now, i'm not going to have to have to choose me because i'm leaving ideals as to the
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blueprints. i'm assuming liberty, they must close this meeting. this did show up on the spanish movies. do you use to us? we truly agree on this. let me on and if you divide you put the de la. i mean either the school was they didn't put me to couldn't seem vh. it was a move, it was, it was the blues that there was at the quite low entry. just a very, i mention floor in the, near the bush and, you know, a silver submitted to you for your full scale at the corner. that goes phone, you know, a list of 3 of them a spanish ship can i see where that goes? i can still now go to my use my what you live, your couldn't yorba level. 2 of them will let them know to show the cut them photos
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gave them each putting in the rush is at the corner pin. you get as close to the sharing a put them another because i'd store it when you put across the pretty mind it is the co and you those all those local studies. so you go to the meter, the, the visual and you have the most of a police it you do save this image, the any better color, suddenly rushing and to move so much the need for your model are still the same up in my name is the level of them is at the us of the last of the list that i me yeah. for the most useful in the door bri. 40 feet in
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the room. mm hm. the really awesome. you know, i don't expect myself. this is a square foot stage of many people from many countries coming together, russia, they've been still soviet union and i'm very impressed of house. okay. the people are almost like have like the russians that are in the stadium. it was cheryl really have b as we are saying, you know, for you is the why the song, if you know this and i live, i get a divisive must be a get a we saw. can we use you can side, so to brood? can you pretty died so you got it's a new job, a step. not room cause yeah. yup. no bed,
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man. yes, there. nice listening. i do usually show home or of the so is med law. know the is and here boys in argue we call compare daughter, the mice called they see the gum visit was kind of what it is and i don't think it'll get over there to the attention. so this is the email portion of this is not star bush products. so much a hell of a hell of a good idea to stick that must create that
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will guide you in the next take it into the council, which typed it in the stud. i started pub board and made it through the yeah, this is the bullet point that's advice me across the floor. the shows that you can go with and wayne is how do you watch and kind of see videos you deal with the
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what that to take the pull enough as to why do i have the right to to let me how do i suppose that this all right, the news is, um, well, i saw a guy who was interested in and he said that's a score of, of silly through me. yeah. gives me weekly and i was like, that is finally adorable. do you want me to feel the same emotions? sure, i want to be honest, it's actually what they expect. that's how i imagine it is. and seeing like from how it was. i think it's kind of quick save me the i decided to take part in the world
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to suppress football. because 1st of all, the event itself is very interesting to me and based on reading where the 1st before is a problem, i think i would k in so many, many experiences more knowledge. and of course, the thing that i really, really like is getting to getting closer to russia and russian culture condemned to know the people the, i wouldn't say of the people of my country is full of like islands and half many languages and have so many cultures to explore i think this would be the 1st thing i say, the customs that is i'm only indonesia that are actually a lot of them. the so the people here i think, depends on where you go,
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the, but there are a lot of farmers and also the people that catch fish in the sea and in the river that are like very much a lot of them just like another small regions in indonesia, but the shops here are wyatt savers, maybe other than that, there are many people here who choose by professionals like fishing and being a business person. the, as i've worked kind of dividing that it is, i've got to get it now which might inquisitive. now
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wait spending and you must be buying the receipt. and actually it's just me, bill. i need talk to cool. but i think you need. yeah. you know, you've had the cost be can colorado is the option you have now. when is it, that is why i say give that up as a demo here, and that is uh where you bought the item. well, we certainly be should be w d. and you should, i said, nationally, it does issues. how that passed the test, the test run, because you cannot bookcase gonzales, test domestic sky measure,
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right. so must this guy or to input every tv name is settlement d as in here we as a know me and that was just about the what they tell me. yeah. it was you know, quite good. you have a just, you know, status way, not an issue. you hit on a and the ministry will be talking to cook so much tricia. i catch up a paula and she has a semester she'll that'd be like a t shed. i should throw she on nash
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associates or if she gets out there that way, not it's nice you have to but it made it there was you but i mean the, somebody here we go. sure. as many guys came to somebody installing a bus much ministry on the keyless p offensive the v g cause and which device for you at the close and you'd be new us mags, the
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the, the most important and the homeowner westbrook learn how to hey john, match the lady looked at this, you know, a little faster. show me your key, which the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law should we live in to the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than shit. the various jobs, i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the a robot must protect this phone. existence was on the line. scott bennett, i'm former united states army psychological warfare officer is served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily
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the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts to take back to the merits. and people the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war. the
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breaking news from northern guys were at least 100 fault. palestinians had been massed, occurred as they were rushing to receive age. we get a 1st hand account from survivors and i witnesses we were on our sheets street and certainly tax store and us. it was chaos. there were crowds of people for the occupation keeps pirates with us. there were so many martyrs and casualties. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habits, needs a defendant fading dying states instead of russia. western attempts to instill fear in russia and we cannot have collided with the firm. well, of the people as president.


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