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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EST

3:30 pm
nobody has a go for this, i guess the child must, i guess i'm looking for a couple of cook solutions for you to find some nice some good. mm hm. yep. a little tricky. some professional casually detract 252520 below for anybody which as to what the trust boom. send me to them. first of all, and while i do homeless career pressure wash, is that choice, you know, at the time, is there some way to my usually my name is laurie shuffle. i'm familiar with woke mark say, well, chestnut composure. first of all of those who did it now. so 1st of all, it's just this interest of most of the issues with the good, but i do, you know, those are but keep telling me the
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most i can much seem to through each. yeah. can do the different, the flow kind of felt a lot of converse with us and look, and you're just in to the frontier assumption. yeah. the logistical. yes. a lot of positions already, and we'll see that the reference to our, to let you know, go over like almost all over the see if i received the name in the savannah for the whole additional over the customer. the world i look for setup for the commercial proposal. i'm gonna go with a slide 1st, so we'll we'll flush cache with a the 1st of the quest for let me pull up the customer support. can i get on the list for you? what's that about? what's going on with when you get a stitch and the from the, the region, of course the, the justices below
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a show of human was almost commercial insurances. physical and i left thing of that . uh, is it just not as comfortable uh oh, i usually just. and this thing done, and i mean it's your story. you're watching just a lot of scheduled at the study approach as to why? well, i don't use the general, even though some of them the do. you need to sort of see what it does include some of the things as to what i'm going to dislodge it is just to let you know which telecom julia now is the lowest start. you said i was in the before the single single 5 of the more the just let me just go to the thoughts just to run some sort of of what it is i have to push the questions as to what, what it looks like this of the of the stuff the,
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the sooner was shesta most feel comfortable, shyly remember because i live here. yes, i do. and so there's the warm food show, some muscle it is like expansion is like usually cooking for truly of love, sort of in the more we believe in, you know, the,
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the what's on my shower stuff. i've got a connection which i think of, i thought i bloody yesenia national vice that that will somebody but for, for us to finding a parking lot again gosh, patient portion is good because is how much music system which has been to the bathroom to fill up our page and so far, the delta authority, elizabeth village, the way it should be changed and that means it's for me instead of a book the me i can it,
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it says like after you chose such don't with the, the 1st the 1st serve as much as the were still for some problems. this was me, it was nice picture of this, but i know my scar for i need friends definitely just as a new year showing them it was fine. could you be at the of us more suspension order is a function of notion, soul for products because i'm not sure they're in store much, don't want this or just why not functional versus like that. here's pleasure for us . you could do the things again, this prior to for the key labelled sylvania base for your blood. take you out even the food or something and they will take up next to the flush out conception and they're coming across as human just to buy the that was on the previous to you for you to be more can you what i see for off product no,
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i saw you on the music. yes. there's a lot of things that work next to me and can use, you know, sound in uh because i to store honest dropped off. know that the thing if it works for me to be very specific. i kind of want music change though, so i do not go a lot the way you guys run in with a video of good there. can you go to somebody to get a volume or charlie got a present for sure. what this is, what a class at the canadian national or successor, just bear with me. yes. for my shift. co efficient sabotages keeping? yeah. show me the bus is going to the she knows i used to have football. so i probably will set up a wells to, to assess this assignment that's taken by the english take that all that stuff. but about the whole system was i showed it to the state of friend that i was referred
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to, you know, get us things not only uh, just to was started on the packaging and up the item with, you know, your new book to ship with another do you somebody to, uh, search on that as no, uh, my style bubbles at a say, you know, probably just the surface, the other, she sort of impressionable in english. this is a ford pay down for a sheet of freshman insurance stories and nobody so long to find this girl. i have to wait for expectation from organize or from her daughter to arial care car. the it contains fake story from short stories from bush can google story, cut them in good shape? goals should equal funded a year print book and so look group. and the only story i have read till the end is the 1st one is colored side of boost, a co pay it pushkin's by saying i like come for the most because his framing is
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just, you know, unique and it's kind of like this kind of, you more that i just like youtube, it's quick info. now i've never been the russia, but as far as i think indonesian is, are it's most of a t o fresh out from this cartoon. serious go the most. and the battery already invested in much that you made it. and from there we get an idea of what the rest of these like. although i'm very stereotypical, like, well then i was russian call. so i get involved with song site, colleen costs and then got and farm. it was 5 young guy and i can do like it. and both of them are like, wow, these are some really nice stuff. and then i saw the dentist, you know, the one from what is called the moist say a valid if i arrive 1st and last go, i think the 1st thing i want to see is a 43 and square. and for the saw she, i just for both places, actually i want to take
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a walk around the see the and get the face of how the see these. why? because i saying that is where many of my best experiences and light impressions come from the visitors coordinate consult is enough from the quick choice and can put the new chip. what is this uh, provide to them for cereals, for them to find me something affordable about the window for you prior and so that you both have multiple come on, but i guess but somebody come on the pumps, neck a cushion was not done, not so, but now the 4 shots you basically stuck cuz she's queued about that goodness, but i'm used to deal with it, but i at the end of which is the one that just like integrate on the books for programming as to why that would the cost his choice of course if is to find out what time to jump for all the facts before i get off work because it does so i need to go by the by street. what is that with sufficient? you're going to come to the future to the
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a little for going when i'd be on storage coordinate golf is just no, it's the one i probably need me to show a plastic type of problem with the border of done with the juice shows easier to use the not prior to me, but the permanent, you know, basically done, the machine that we're doing is clicking through. there isn't a fit and i probably need to make sure it doesn't funny. and i just got a lower unit, probably a lower than what you deal with. and they'll probably make us needs to call a give me interesting at the ensure you split up pro is not going to officially stick with folded protein. but this time you have to sub boyfriend progressive auction program, which is to why the email starts giving it to send this to got sort of which dealership i could almost take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just sort of, it shows you fractured images, presented to this. but can you see through their illusions,
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going underground can to the g for the kinds of stuff i just told you about some of those? i mean us mag, the
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issue is the most important and the homeowner westbrook learn how to, hey, john, match the you will be looked at this, you know, a little fast. so be sure you keep the, [000:00:00;00]
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the scott bennett. i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front lines and this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding
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the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war. the russian states never is as tight as on the phone in the most sense, community all sense and up the in the 6595 and speed. what else holes? question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the states on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question to steven, closer to the, to the show of life, something i don't know who to, to us, what are the mission come up and yet it was enough to go the particular lot it was you still had a bunch are in there through it is the most of the post was a little bit isn't the here with the to see, i mentioned this what it's
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a google show up pushing. anybody will see that for you to the did you some longer distance learning sort of in person? you just because i guess someone go to the, the control and noticed you have a felt it was put on put it with the solution. was there still and what was that? oh good. that's good. you should've thought so. but yeah, just to get the labels to jump the post the some you may have done the bill. well, i'm supposed to have a customer who's kind of thing with this cuz we've just push to it so much the let's see here cause also for the do let's look at us as well, who just kind of go to what is most of
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the cost of the permanent, even the modeling which will now a player sample probably a little slow level so long as due to not on the small mode on the young e. what on the, on the same one day. the last thing about 3 of these things i'm way is i'm going to use the phone number. if you need on my team, just a moment let us see when you might look was might, can i see what the point on that talk to him. you funny it was and i'm going to let somebody to look up. right. so you go out and then by god alone. so you so much have a range of thought. i see at the other one of the top 3 of the cell phones on that a lot more than i thought i chose to spending a little bit by a lot. sure. but i didn't know about them. go ahead and when you're going to continue,
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we're going to want you to let us because i'd still love to trust me. you would you love the customers to allow us to cross them windows the the by the, by. so the whole idea is to part it was that's what i chose to buy the ticket. so i'm on a scale of was to some of the media to do some of the alpha. i see we got the little but it was that as and then was be to the
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opinion was, dose is dividing, we've got always somebody double of it's got good. it's uh the some steps that the, the the do is you're not sure hold on to it up. that might be in the system that i don't know, but i'm slow. so because she was any parts of the list that i was, there's of. so the election, so super supervisor, were you able to go? because someone in the blue water on the bus and this is not
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the valuable to take it into the system. yeah. send me the last of those. so what should i the so what is the us samples look like a lot of customers for the summer. see, go on and stuff. see that was let me see. so there was some pretty good to go for to if of, if i knew it was the, the basically was, it doesn't go through this is i'm going to goes off for quite
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a bit. i was thinking more, let's see what simple. so many calls the 1st level of the portion of the outside and instead of them on august, the senate, the animal child, a copy of the john plus was called chevy. that i remember causing this to do,
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i have to send a kid every can one of the shots in to try to see how the monitor, the how the, the, the distance of the, the, the know my job is i'm a few months go if it gets to the ship, but yeah, you may not have that. my extension is apple. i'll be showing up as a ship public. yeah, true. read divide. it showed us how to read it. it's not a shot i said, but for us, his name watkins could try to redo the sky side. so i replaced all the rest.
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everybody echo especially above off mostly by george detailed, but i don't see any governor got natively de logistical sure. of, of the of the, with the, with the how you know, i've met the trish race or stuff which says just to let you make confidence tricia, i start out with your question just just to make a new model made it so shake and the
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mini age net, what can i do is tell you the if i would i see you a read it arose case a hey, trish ways to a to do this way. wells and donations for this seems like a strong leader that is like shelves and can have a hold of his country. so, you know, if you know what to say around this 3, as you know, there are also when it's causing even more those side goals, that is, where they put like the pressure and flexibility. and then so you know, the phone calls here. i like many uh, life cross of border so fresh actually and there are also many indonesians going through russia and they are very friendly. and i know most of them are in a big old films because instead of spending university did space university and also in the area to in sure, i want to connect my future with russia. because,
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you know, when you all are to have this in the show i king for the countries, people culture and music. i think it would be much more of a place that you would like to live in
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the or
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the a the same rom just don't have to shape house because after kids and engagement equals the trail,
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when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground the the, the rapid collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. baseball will play cause particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into
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a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft, british war secretary, winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i. omer hale deign bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size all day and recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the medieval girl, the paid off the revolt was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognised us all the 1st as the king of a rag can gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via
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rack. the revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the or at least 112 palestinians have been massacred as they were rushing to receive aid in northern jobs up. we get a 1st hand account from survivors and witnesses. we were on algebra sheets, street and certainly tank storm pass. it was chaos. they were crowds of people, but the occupation tips fire in the us. there were so many martyrs and the casualties. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs, the so called west with its colonial habits, needs independent fading dying states, instead of russia. western attempts to instill fear in russia and we cannot have collided with the firm. will of the people says president vladimir put in his state


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