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tv   News  RT  February 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the the, the, do you have any of it tensions with nato allies? there's tons of the olaf sholtes and said breton, i'm from south and ukraine. file long range missiles of the rest of the forces. also, we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habit needs a dependent fading dying state instead of russian. press the settings to instill fed and we can invest active, failed pass. the message from president may have fruits in any state of the nation addressed. at least a 112 palestinians have been domestic yet as they were rushing to receive age in northern garza, we get a 1st ton of accounts from survivors and eye witnesses. we were on the
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street, sally tank store and task. it was chaos. there were crowds of people with the occupation tips pirates us. there were so many marchers and the casualties disturbing images that had the shot in prosecute to confess, to the opposition leader. yeah, zillow is dead. he was killed in all the classes that brought to the nation's capital on wednesday. the 20 live from on moscow studio. you are watching oxy international bonding. speak to scouts. hey, with all the very latest this friday morning. that's our top story. this all a slap in the face of the allies. that's how the u. k. c's and jim, and chance the law schultz has been busting claims about britain in front, supposedly helping ukraine. 5 long range missiles that russian forces. the soldiers comments are wrong, irresponsible, and a step in the face to allies. we have
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a choice either will give you credit with needs or we will see more bloodshed and a complete failure of the parents. this is a flagrant abuse of intelligence deliberately designed to distract from germany's reluctance to arm ukraine with its own long range missile system. this will no doubt be used by russia to wrap it up the escalator letter. the german chancellor is facing blow back from his allies because of the fact that he said the quiet part out loud. saying that parents in london are actually eating and target control in senior, waiting, that they are then helping ukraine by conducting a task for them against russians. now this comes after schultz refused to make germany what he said, a part of a conflict in ukraine. also insinuating that both france and the u. k. are doing exactly that. he also affirmed that there's absolutely no way that germany would provide these tourist missiles to ukraine. go down to farm. german
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soldiers must a new point and in no place be linked to target's that the tar system reaches. this is a very far reaching weapon and what is being done on the part of the british and french in terms of target control and target control assistance cannot be done in germany . everyone who has dealt with the system knows that what ukraine is missing is ammunition and all possible distances, but decisively not this thing from germany. so for making a clear boundary and as to what, how far germany is willing to go for ukraine, he was slammed as not being the man for the job also accused of working as a propagandist for the kremlin. and a former, a senior m p from angela merkel is former party also said that this is an irresponsible remark. now last week, german lawmakers did call on the government and to actually deliver a further long range missiles, but the they've actually voted down opposition to specifically send these tours
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missile. so he's clearly not alone here. so has there been further clarification from schultz as to what he meant? yes, actually the chancellor reiterated his stands out basically because he said that the long range of the tourist is really dangerous and it risk having perhaps an accident because it's likely to go as far as moscow and could ignite a global catastrophe. the tourist has a range of 500 kilometers and if applied incorrectly, it can hit a target somewhere in moscow. so clearly con trade or some leaders in the u schultz is admitting not only to the capability of their weapons, but also to who is actually behind the scenes in control of ukraine's defense. and this is of course, all in spite of it being supposedly a proxy war as well of 0, we've seen response from the u. k. but what's been the reaction from france? well, france was a little bit more subdued. the reaction was
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a little bit more calm. that's despite the friction between germany and france in terms of arming you frame. now the government didn't have an official comment, but an m p. same benjamin had died from president and norma. crohn's renaissance party did tweet that. the chancellor's comments were divisive and could lead to a diplomatic crisis shots, his reaction to the troops and ukraine create a major diplomatic crisis between germany and the united kingdom. berlin is very isolated, but that's not all michael ross who is also from schultz. his own party also said that he regret it. they've changed, but they need to re focus on together come back to him putting and his all legit war on you prayed and they're strong or when they're all opposing putting but nevertheless showed, says a british allies and says that if the you k, they provide the storm shadow missile and the french did provide the stops, then germany needs to do his part and send these a tourist missiles and they're holding back the security office. and will
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correspondence. thomas roper says that the chancellor statements comes as london and parse plus a line gymnast unwilling to touch. i think we haven't quite, quite frankly residing the scouts and they have a storm, a shadow rockets that denise also that this is leg. so they all that, um, even more uh, there are many, many information about the question that uh its western uh, buffers us at least offices uh, combining the patio uh 7 systems. um no i, i good information to, to save. uh, how much is switch back from, from friends, could not be used to the nature of data and that the, the trash give the, the dates of the codes to video pregnancy. i also have some doubts. so the complicated weapon systems might be under control of less than soul just already. so this is at least by russian experts say, and what is logical for me?
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the discussion in the review of this, right? quite aggressive at this moment. and by the way, i want to remember, at least i have read that the office of the bridge is prime minister, also admitted that they have that they don't want to send many troops. additionally, to the few forces, they only already having ukraine supporting the ukranian army. so if the british are right now, uh english also they offices as soon as the offices of mister, so that's what she's doing. while the okay has repeated any involvements, francis gets a comment on the gym and chancellors as a heads. that's his presence a bundle. not a problem, said sons, by his statement that the deployments of nato troops to ukraine is not out of the question. the funds need to emphasize that's all or of his remarks on the complete a well considered these are sufficiently serious issues. every one of the words that i say on this issue is weighed, thought through and measured us on monday, micheal, and said he would not give up the idea of sending to ground troops to ukraine. the
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comments was quickly rejected by frances nato allies with us. you can germany saying that troops will not fight on ukrainian soil because of the person that has called out to the west of the times to spend an uncertain russian narrative that's about the way. but anyway, no, the west claim is, without any embarrassment, that the restaurant is supposedly going to attack europe at the same time. they are choosing targets for strikes on our territory and choosing effective means of defeat as they themselves think. they talk about the possibility of sending a nato contingent, the training, but we remember the fate of those who weren't sent to the territory of our country . but now the consequences of possible interventionists will be much more treasure . we'll cover that. they must finally realize that we who have weapons that can hit targets on the territory and everything that they are inventing. now, what they are scaring the whole world with usually is. but all this really presents a nuclear conflict. and this week, the destruction of civilization. but i don't,
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they realize bad news, but then you what, what he means are the people who have not gone through hard trials. they have forgotten what war is before the conflict and no cunning and international consultants. l rasmussen says the microns comments signal and they just shift and the french president's policies pushing him further away from both his allies and his own people. since he has a fairly okay, relationship of food and over the years it's uh, it's interesting that it's shifted so far in this direction. his, his population does not support this at all with almost 2 thirds a 3 fourths against us. so it's not improving his popularity, which is very much in the lower portion. so it's, it is and, and it's my view, it's a very for statement. i know he's trying to double down on it and say that a lot through this. but it's clearly not strong sort through and it's barely poorly placed and definitely does not have the support of other nato members as well. so
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you're seeing a division within nato itself occurring here. very dangerous, remarking, and potential escalation, the close by my from the russian president of the me puts in, says that the objective of western countries, too, we can dig sites of russia has not come into fruition. says he delivered his state of the nation address to the russian parliamentary musk you and you said we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habits, habits that inside national conflicts around the world, strives not only to hold back on development. instead of russia, they need a dependent fading, dying state. and that's a place where you can create whatever is beneficial and in essence, they would like to do to rush of the same thing they did in many other areas of the world, including in ukraine. they want to bring this forward into our home. and we can us
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from the inside, but they miss calculated that if this is already absolutely obvious today, their plans have collided with the firm position and determination of how people port mostly it was on domestic issues, progress concerns, goals for the future. i'll get to that a little bit later, but that was an international blog which will no doubt make headlines in the west. now watermark hooton's started by addressing all the rumors and western propaganda that was in here in 4 months, if not years. and that's regarding russia's electric plans to attack its neighbors . and this call is now after recent statements, of course, also by the french precedence to set the europe shouldn't be allowed, sending ground troops into your brain in order to guarantee that rough shot loses because there's no way that they can have that. now, something else that we heard today is that russia's opponents should remember about the rushes in nuclear weapons and out of the system is ready to go and will be
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activated if need be. but only in terms of defense. now another wild room or that's been going around in particular in the western press of course is about rushes electric plans to sudden nuclear weapons into space. the nobody met recently, there had been more and more unsubstantiated accusations against russia, for example, that we are supposedly going to build nuclear weapons and spaces such allegations, which are nothing but allegations are just deployed to dr. goes into negotiations on their own terms of age are favorable only to the us. so looking at the same time, they block a proposal that has been on the pavement for more than 15 years. let's have a meeting, the draft treaty on preventing the deployment, which ends the space, which we prepared back in 2008. there was no reaction. therefore, we have every reason to believe that the words of today's american authorities about their religion interest in negotiations with us on issues of strategic stability or demagoguery. on the eve of the us like presidential election,
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they just want to show the citizens and everyone else, if they still rule the world that they say that we will talk to the russians on those issues that are favorable for america to negotiate to. well, as we've seen, the west trying to contain russia economically, politically, we've seen russia reaching out to other countries building on existing partnerships . for example, with china. it's become one of its most valued partners over the last year, but also reaching out to all the countries and building relationship, a partnerships there, which seems for an expanded brooks, for example, they'll be more countries added into that. and there's a lot that's been set about the bricks and for some of the shanghai corporation organizations, these other organizations now that are expanding their becoming stronger and more conscious wants to join them and all together, all these organizations, aside from the west, they actually make up more of the world's population, which is quite significant, especially when we see charts and we see that in figures and numbers and just how much of the world that encompasses,
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that just goes to show you that was in my life to present itself. but as of the ruler of the world, but it's just a small portion of the inside of the world. and russia has been making friends and allies with the rest of the world, which of course, is quite large amount of want the west would like to have us think. but another options and then such thing that have been countries, content that's been in focus over the past year was definitely applicable. so have the roof for africa summit let's not forget. and the african countries are definitely going to be in focus a lot more in the near future as more business projects are being planned. so there you have it, russian cheese is life, which is partnerships with other partners, aside from the west and stay, no longer wants to the business, which is ok, important. vladimir putin and ross was becoming stronger, more in dependence with only president putin supplementary address. the 1st deputy chapman of the russian federation council's committee on defense and security for the mid cheese of the comments it on the current states of relations between the
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you and russian saying you've got to go with. there are no relations between russia and the you. at least not in the way there were unfortunately one uh yes, formerly there are channels of communication, but nothing more really did. there was no political dialogue that a global trade and economic ties collapsed as a result of the sanctions. you know, it will be very difficult to restore relations with the european union in its current form. the you considered the purpose of its existence to become an independent centre of political influence and economic development. today, contrary to those loud declarations, it is not that i speak about this with bitterness because i have devoted many years to developing relations with the european union. but today the european union has actually turned into a territory that is under external influence. i'm saying this in a politically correct way. as far as i understand from the information publicly
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announced by the russian defense ministry, there are indeed not only european mercenaries, but also some special forces units and ukraine, instructors and so on. their effectiveness is another question. but what we are gradually seeing is the creeping of western countries and their military support into the conflict. well, obviously it's high time they think about the consequences. and let's get more of the key takeaways from president present address to the russian federal assembly do head of it's all websites off seats. adults maybe don't. now to northern garza, well, according to local officials, at least a $112.00 palestinians and the crowd desk with a few days of being killed and $760.00 more wounded. nit, garza sits a now this distressing footage circulating online. it says the aftermath of the strike local media report suggest disability and death toll was even higher under
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the idea of killed a 150 of the aides because survive is trying to help the wounded. so they could be taken to the nearby. i'll shift and come out, antoine hospitals and make shift cards. but i assume you'll start to have condemned the attack calling it's cold blooded masika of the occupation had the primitive changes intention to commit this horrific massacre as it get it out. the exact fusion of this month is intentionally and in the context of genocide and ethnic cleansing, of the people of guys a, the occupational. and we also need of these victims. otherwise, in this say that the food and aids but still kill them in the cold blood. according to the palestinian reports, the idea of opening fire on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets, treating guys of the city where they have been waiting for food distribution. the palestinian health ministry blames israel for the deadly attack. my soul, sir, we acted say, this assault is paul to
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a vase rose efforts to fully displace palestinians from the land and quote, obliterate the palestinian cause for our as there was no, any official reaction for me as well. and just recently, the idea of released a statement, the initial idea of the investigation revealed the militants open fire on humanitarian aid trucks and the resulting russian trampling. many gases were killed . the idea of responded by firing a warning shot as gas approached them, believing they were endangering our forces. many of the wounded were evacuated to the chief un all their hospitals, those few that was still functioning in the north. all the probably seen in and play, including come all at one hospital from which we received a confirmation and a video of the injured and killed. here's what the victims have to say. we were on algebra, she's street and certainly tank stored us. they were the parcels backed with 8 people who don't have food, collect flower and aid headed to the seat. it was chaos. there were crowds of
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people, but the occupation kept firing with us. there were so many martyrs and casualties. i am one of the wounded. i was on our sheet street. we were there from 7 in the morning in order to get food for our children. they elias, they said we brought site, but we paid for that site with our blog. not the my nephews went there to bring flower, but the fire on them were under siege to be don't us remedy on this coming soon? people should look at us. tedious. humanitarian crisis in gaza continues deepening with numerous human rights organizations reporting that few. a trucks crossed into the in clave. recently, blaming israel for delays and for blocking the vehicles carrying food, walter and medical supplies. at the check point, if you are emissions, we're also able to reach those a needs. those organizations also reported that almost no age is distributed
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outside rough, all the major city and guys of south. we're now around 1500000 people crowded officer. they had to flee the hostilities in other parts of this trip. the food that people were waiting for at the time of the attack on saturday morning was brought by a rare convoy the that's where each the north has been. clave is really official, said the 1st major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area of the un says a quarter of guys is $2300000.00. strong population is one step from fab and including thousands of children, while literally everyone the organization says, is in desperate need of food and all that comes well on the wall. acute humanitarian, a provider, and guys with that almost half of all function and relief organizations have been relying on even before they swore that it has been forced to pause a deliveries to northern garza. meanwhile, the probably the student house ministry says at least the 1st 2000 people have been
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killed in the gaza strip since the beginning of these really offensive on october 7th. the ministry has also stated that this 3 medical facilities are not able to cope with the current wave of the wounded due to of course, lack of medical supplies and medical personnel. and the governmental body has urged the international community to put pressure on israel to open, shoot retiring corridors and stop the atrocities in guys, a global average pushing for a c spy. also grow as you know, but so far we see the israel seems to be determined to continue this devastating war with the columbia. and presidents has compared the musket in gaza city to the holocaust, saying that his country is suspending old weapons purchased from israel. that says the us congress continues to move over more military aids to his middle eastern ally. but just as in washington have gone so far as to label the pentagon chief white austin, a secretary of genocide, the the,
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when the crowd to the cruise, the co dot writes of the midwest and marks institute. so, so the language used to describe israel, some bucks the idea of sanctions and gaza. this is one of the worst crimes against humanity we've ever seen. i think this there is a direct comparison here to the whole of costs. and that it's, uh, this sort of zion, this apartment, it says state charity. and you know, i don't think the irony, uh, could be any more palpable. i, i would hope that uh, the language escalates to match the power and brutality being carried out by
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the state of israel. and i would like to see the entire world unite in using such a language and directly comparing it to the whole it costs every single time it's brought up biting. and this with a phone call, let's be clear about that. you can pick up the phone call and that yahoo and say stop it and no none young who says, no button says would you want to be at war with the united states of america? but that doesn't happen, right? he has funding the genocide and nothing new don't to chat. now where the state prosecutor has consented. the death of the opposition party lead to the dealer. the head of the socialist party without borders was killed during this change of fire with security forces of the country have seen violent clashes between forces loyal to the transitional, government, and opposition groups that allegedly attack the headquarters at the national security agency. local journalist census, this reports from the charging capital and
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a quick warning. you may find that the following images upsets as soon as i said on wednesday night, february 28th in the capital of chad in japan. the building of the national agency for state security, the country's powerful counter intelligence agency was attacked. several people died. the government blamed the supporters of the socialist party without borders. led by opposition leader. yeah, yeah. dillo. he has also died. the republican prosecutor has just confirmed the fact of his death saying he died from his injuries. what to do better than show a google farms man, 11 vehicles at tags and national site security agencies resulted in dozens of people being wounded. there were also that's at home them. yeah. yeah. they low on the head of the socialist party without borders. he passed away february 28th 2024 . i will give you quite the same amount of early on tuesday morning. heavy weaponry shots were heard near the headquarters of the socialist party without borders where
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yeah, your zillow was hiding. the situation escalated after the assassination attempt on the head of the supreme court, severe adama, nor on february 19th in which the duo was involved, according to the government. the attack took place the day after the presidential election dates were announced. the 1st round, the scheduled for may 6th with neither the incumbent president or yeah, yeah, zillow hiding their desire to be candidates. on wednesday, the government issue to communicate saying that anyone who tries to undermine the country's democratic process will be arrested and prosecuted this morning. the situation is relatively calm, but the internet and cellular communications are still disconnected, which contributed significantly to the complete confusion that is gripped the city . that they, we spoke to the ambassador of the republic of child to russia. the stress of the government is taking measures to restore civil audit and security. it's not that
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it's just $6050.00 my just to be sure the city is a safe 5 to be sure that the, the spot, the admitted them not the the situation. and they said about maybe to stupid or something like that is all about that tells us about the question about as i said, like, not assess the nation. so if you get somebody about this, you know, i've a shipping label that was, i think it was, he was he heavy that when it, cuz he was guys nike, commander of the, for the done up that the, the government forces. so it's the then you see the 2nd time, the challenge that going on. if you was to be a non, you are mobilizing your for the worst define the government forces. us know what to work. so on that one to address the some of
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his colleagues then he was uh to release them by force. that's what happened. and finally, poland is considering closing his border with ukraine says that despite the pain, this drastic measure would cause the price of free trade with key if it's just too high. as we're talking with the ukranian side, about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe, resulting from the russian ukranian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay back. the bureaucrats come up with these rules that create total double standards between ukraine as you states. and then when it leads to friction and drama. like now, like absolutely for the parents,
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we just happen to be too busy doing their hair or watching the football game, watch tv to be bothered to deal with the situation. so the kids are left to sort themselves out. that is exactly what's happening right now. hold as foreigners they spill ukrainian grain all over the ground from the train. and ukraine is demanded compensation for its big shots. they want money, then polish truckers say that they will also now be joining border blockades between you crated poland to protest brussels, allowing ukrainian truckers to work in the u under cutting down to so post prime minister donald test says, all right, all right, pulled up. i will talk to you great about a temporary closure of the border and the meeting the imports, but you cranes like, oh, you will a well, that's news to us. no one from the ukrainian side is conducting negotiations on closing the borders with poland. for us, a state belief functioning border is a matter of survival in a war with the russian aggressor. such
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a decision will not be beneficial to anyone except our common enemy. so you think that brussels would step in and maybe protect its own family member states, but actually did the exact opposite brussels bureaucrats of premier. so as you commission proposed renewing ukraine's free trade privileges to and member states just kind of went along with it even when their own farmers all across the block has been parking tractors on highways in protest of these exact same rules with waiting and truckers. i've been taking the crating grain and then just diverting it and dump it onto poland as well. and then you'll have folks like the list waiting for administer, trying to say that all of these i rate farmers and truckers everywhere across europe must all just be one giant kremlin flush. it's obviously reminiscent of some hybrid operations which are intensively exploited by russian propaganda. i hope that our partners in poland see this as we do and we will do everything possible to
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prevent it from escalating farmer polish president. my test more, which he is watching all this from the very back. cuz the clown are now because you know, our has the control of our and he's yelling at the guys of the wheel. embargo for products from ukraine is needed immediately. poland is food security is everyone's business and polish farmers deserve strong government support, not a crisis. government stop gap, even more with the successor test is say that what brussels ikea have proposed is quote unacceptable to poland. and that he wants to protect the polish farmers and market from float on equal competition. but right now, all across the block. there's a lot of talk and promises at the national level, but everyone seems totally straight jacketed by brussels. and really it's pretty clear that the farmers aren't see any results in a concrete action and they really do know the difference between talk and getting
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things done.


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