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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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standards between ukraine and use states and then when it leads to friction and drama like now, like absolutely for the parents, we just happen to be too busy doing their hair or watching the football game on tv to be bothered to deal with the situation. so the kids are left to sort themselves though that is exactly what's happening right now. whole as foreigners, they spelt ukrainian grain all over the ground from a train, and ukraine is demanded compensation for us. big shots they want money, then polish truckers say that they will also now be joining border blockades between you crated poland to protest brussels, allowing ukrainian truckers to work in the u under cutting down to so post prime minister donald test says, all right, all right, pulled up, i will talk to you great about a temporary closure of the border and the meeting, the imports, but ukraine's like, oh, you will lay well, that's news to us. no one from the ukrainian side is conducting negotiations on
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closing the borders with poland. for us, a stable of functioning border is a matter of survival in a war with the russian aggressor. such a decision will not be beneficial to anyone except our common enemy. so you think that brussels would step in and maybe protect its own family member states, but actually did the exact opposite brussels bureaucrats of creator. so as you commission proposed renewing you craves free trade privileges and member states just kind of went along with it even when their own farmers all across the block has been parking tractors on highways and protests of these exact same rules with waiting and truckers. i've been taking the crating grain and then just diverting it and dump it onto poland as well. and then you'll have folks like the list waiting and for administer, trying to say that all of these irate farmers truckers everywhere across europe must all just be one giant kremlin plots. it's obviously reminiscent of some hybrid operations which are intensively exploited by russian propaganda. i hope that our
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partners in poland see this as we do and we will do everything possible to prevent it from escalating farmer pole. as president mathias more awake, he is watching all this from the very back into the clown car. now because you know our has the control of our and he's yelling at the guides of the wheel. embargo for products from ukraine is needed immediately. poland is food security is everyone's business and polish farmers deserve strong government support. not a crisis. government stop gap even more with the successor test is say that with brussels like here have proposed is quote, unacceptable to poland. and that he wants to protect the polish farmers and market from folks on equal competition. but right now, all across the block. there's a lot of talk and promises at the national level, but everyone seems totally straight jacketed by brussels. and really,
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it's pretty clear that the farmers aren't seeing any results in a concrete action, and they really do know the difference between talk and getting things done to their satisfaction. or that's all for now. do you be sure to check out how to dot com for all of the latest breaking news and updates, and we'll see you right back here at the top with yeah, the more seen on the printer, this color touch it you go to with you on select that it's near to an identity, so click here to the coordinates i've ever got it where you put the shot. yeah. read the pitch to since the last time i
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see it to chat, i see that there's a little boy that is available. it's not yes. for the child started yes, i'm with him. right, double click the solution for you to find some nice, some good z up, a little tricky. some professional catch only detract 2. 5252 beautiful. the food shows to watch the storm sent me to them. first of all, and while i do some less clear pressure wash and such was today, you know, at the time, is there some way to my usually my name is laurie shaw from from wave. i'm ok mark . same well, chestnut composure. first of all of those who did it now. so 1st of all, it's just the citrus of, most of the,
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the officials coverage, the good. but i do know those up with the period would be the, the most of the can much seem to through each. yeah. can just the different, the flow kind of fell, so let us google doesn't look and you're just in case of the case i've seen here the logistical yes. hello, solutions or the i'm also gonna have access to our to let you know, go over like old logo over. let me see if i received the name in the savannah for the whole additional over the course of that as well. as i look for setup for the commercial proposal, i'm gonna go to sleep 1st, thoughts we'll, we'll flush cache so that the 1st of the quest for let me pull up the questions that i get on the list for you.
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that was kind of both when you get a stitch and the patient of course. yeah, just as this move out of the show of the human was let's click on the physical and the last thing is, i guess that was because of a lot of places. and yes, thing done that i'm going to share your story. you're watching just a lot of scheduled at the study approach as to why? well, i don't use the general even though of some of them the do. you need to sort of see what your thoughts click submit to me? well, i don't know if as to what i'm going to search it is just to let you know that you tell us of juliet, which is the lowest instead of the, for the single single 5 of the more the
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$1351.00 and then go to the thoughts $51.00 sort of of the equation. it is i have to push the closest to one, but it looks like this of the, of the stuff. i mean a, it's a little a because the lucy oil is just the most still highly remember provider? yes. i do and so there's the warm food show, some muscle, just like expansion planning is that gives us cooking for julio. looks for over in the we believe in, you know, the
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watching michelle. we're stuffing all kinds of problems which i think of. i thought, i believe you see a national vice that that will somebody but for, for us to finding a parking lot. again, good place to portions of production costs is how much needs to be just done, which has been to the bathroom to pull up our page. and so far, the delta i thought it was listed as the way it should be changed because that means it's for me instead
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of the book, the suite, okay, this is i guess to be as such as the stone, which is this your 1st, the 1st serve as long as there's no, so we're still for some problems. this was me, it was not just that you and you have a bit, but i know my scar for i need sounds good and we just have a clear ear showing them what was fine. could you be at the of us more suspension or what is a fracture of notion? so we're part of because i'm not sure there's for much too much or just divine up. i'm sure i'm not sure who i can get that here at pleasure fellowship. this is the, the, again, this prior to for the gift of who is your sister, why this labeled so then your base for your blood take you out in the field or something and they will take up next to the flush outcomes option. you can leave
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costs as human systems to buy the that was on the previous see if for you to be more can you what i see for our product known that's why you want me to know music . yeah. the worst about things that work next to i mean, can you, you know, some good uh, because i to store honest dropped off. no, that's the thing. if it works for me to do the switch to it is a terrible music change. so i do not go a lot the way she can you guys run the there? can you go down to somebody to jamalia or charlie got a present for sure. what this is about. we're going to dress at the canadian national by your successors, just as billing. yes. the west coast sabotages keeping yeah. show me the bus is going to the casino, so used to football. so i probably will a ship of wells to, to assess this assignment. let's think about the english take that other stuff,
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but about the oldest i'm with our strategies to the state of friend. that was my friend. yeah. yeah. we're just, i'm just not only uh mr. was signing for almost like changing the item with you for his new book to ship with another do subway to uh, showing that it has no, uh, my style bubbles at a say, you know, probably just the surface, the other she broke in english. this is a ford pay down for a sheet of freshman insurance stories and okay, so long to find this boat, i have to wait for expectation from organize or from her daughter to an audio care car. the it contains fake story from short stories from bush can go go story, come in, good shape, golf should equal funding you prine work and sort of group. and the only story i
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have bridge fields and is the 1st one is color. sign of those so called a pushkin's, the nice thing, i like the most because it's framing is just, you know, unique and it's kind of like this kind of, you more that i just like youtube pipsqueak info. now i've never been to russia, but of course i fling indonesian these are, it's most of a t o fresh out from these cartoon serious goals most and the battery or interested in much that you made it. and from there we get an idea of what the rest of these like, although i'm very stereotypical like, well of and i was russian calls. so i get involved with phone size, colleen costs, and then got, and farm. it was 5 young guy and i can do like it. and both of them are like, wow, these are some really nice stuff. and then i saw the dentist, you know, the one from what is called the moist say a valid if i arrive 1st and last go,
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i think the 1st thing i want to see is a for 3 and square. and for the saw she, i just for both places, actually i want to take a walk around the see the and get the face of how the seeds is. why? because i saying that is where many of my best experiences and light impressions come from the visitors according to it. so it is a see if it's something that's what i'm suggesting to put the new chip foot is dish . so bob, bizarre to him substituted, was got that. i'm finding something accordable about the window. so you probably as soon as i checked, it will tumble. thanks your vote. come on, but i just have somebody come on back to pumps. neck a cushion was not done now, so, but now the 4 shots, you basically struck cuz she's queued about that they're not strongly used to deal with it. but i, at the end of which is the one that just to integrate on of works for programming as to why that pulled up here is you, the cost of this choice, of course is to find out what time to jump for all the
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facts before i get off the phone so i can go by the by street. what is that with sufficient you're going to come to the future to the law somewhere for going with a big on sports coordinate, golf or is just no, it's no no problem. let me just show a plastic type of problem with the border of done with this just shows when you did it the, the not prior to me that the permanent, you're basically done the machine that will change quickly to there isn't a fit in a problem in a given they took it on the funding and i just know, lord, you know, probably and lower than what you deal with and the probably next me get your colleagues can you be interested in you at the ensure you stood up wrote was not going to force you stick with folded protein, but this time you have to sub boyfriend progressive auction program, which is to why the email starts giving it to send this to got sort of which dealership i get on the the
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the the show of life. so i'm starting to go to, to national, go to the mission,
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come up and yet it was one of the political out. it'll just to out a bunch during that through with this. it's a list of them was a little bit and see what the 2 image and this what it's a group a show up what she did. if i don't see that she's into the city some longer and she doesn't have any sort of any person. you just because i guess i don't go to the, the control and you're still still supposed been included with the solution. was i still and what was i thinking about? like we just had a thoughts or more. yeah. just to get them labels to jump to post the some you mean the bill? well, it's just, it's like a couple of things to screen. just push to it's push for the let's
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see here cause also for the do let's look at us who, who just shift kind of go to manage most of the, of the prominent, even and loving which one last player assembling apartment and the store and the full on the teacher, not on the small mode on the young e. what on mondays, farms coming up through the same dumb way and i'm going to use a company, the number on this side seems to me one more like yours to see when you the look was much and i see what the point on that talk to him. you have plenty of more than a week to let somebody know the go back to your go out and buy goods for lunch. so we just have to start a ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
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ha, ha, ha, lush. so about them. go ahead and when you're going to continue, we're going to want you to let us because i'd still love to cross languages unless they're costing us to allow us to cross them while ago the the by the by. so
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the whole idea of support is that see what i chose to buy the ticket. so i'm on a scale of was to some of the media to be able to do some of the outside. i see we got the was that as and then we speech opinion was doing is through funding. we got always the very top floor. it's got got it set double. so the, the the, the, the most used to buy them. all i do is you're not sure what i'm doing. i'm the timeline. it says busy. yeah. no but, but in the system that i don't know, but i'm slow. so because she was the person, the list that i was there's of. so the
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election. so let me, are you able to go over the phone invested? this is not the value of the ticket. it just doesn't go to little yeah. send me the options of sale. what should i do? so what is that simple look like? a lot of customers put them or see the stuff. see that was let me see. so they were still some pretty good to go with the board if of in any of, of the, the,
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the doesn't go through this is i'm going to go for quite a little bit of what i was thinking while it's free of simple so many calls to clarify really the, [000:00:00;00] the portion of
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the house phone in front of them on august the senate, the animal child, a copy of the john plus was call is have you been here ever? can't was a shot. it's a shot. if you have the advantage of the switch, the job is i'm a few months. go get this shipped by the o. d o. but you may not have them idea except to send it out to be shut up. have you shipped public about
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how to read to divide. it showed us how to read it. it's, it's not or show us that by practice name or cans could child a to do the discuss either way. all right, everybody echo spreadsheet, blah, blah, i see by georgia community to but i don't see any government guides natively today. the was the reason why i've not the jewish
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race or stuff which says just to let the cognitive trish like starting out with your question, just a just to become a model made it so shake hands the mini age and that i can i do latest k the if i would, i see you a read it arose to a hey, trish ways to a to this way. the well, the shows for this seems like a strong leader that is like shelves and can have a hold of his country. so, you know, if you've been noticing it around this 3, as you know, there are so many scars and even mobile site goes. that is where they put like their trash and flexibility. and then so you know, phone calls here. i like many uh,
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life cross awards or so for us actually and there are also many indonesians going through russia and they are very friendly. and i know most of them are in a big old films go to better spending university did space university and also in the area to in sure, i want to connect my future with russia because, you know, when you already have this initial liking for the countries people culture and music, i think it would be much more of
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a place that you would like to live in the or
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the the line, scott bennett, i'm former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people.
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the hold on bass of the front lines, the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. the square people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the v g for after all kinds of stuff i school, you know,
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some of those. i mean us now the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the issue of
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what's important on the, on the westbrook learn how to, how you match the lane fluids and this, you know, a little faster. the, show me your key, the gemini, vis tensions within nato allies. this sounds low. i've sold since the britain in front of helping ukraine 5 long range missiles is russian forces. also have you said we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so called west with its colonial habits, needs a dependent fading, dying state instead of russia, west of that sense, to instill fear and we can russia failed and plus the message from president, may i present any state of the nation address?


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