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tv   Documentary  RT  February 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EST

11:30 pm
[000:00:00;00] the, the schmiel and it's called the move the 2 men to and that was some of the formula i assess function of are in a couple of our choices. if i really don't, because of the beauties of problems on a peer review for the study skills as to where you live, least of school needs to sort of a new for these 2 more is nice cuz it's just, it's totally inside the lane in
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the photos
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the so this is done by cvd such as the right thing for out fairly easy to be doing except for us to see some excuse the cool did you have enough lead soon to see for the new was that the machine i have so difficult to use just
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in the seventy's invest the . busy new last name or the williams, and he was pretty much the buses to jump us what much and appreciate it. so there's no source to any states with a 6. yeah, because it was done school fit the problem for the bush and go to
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the to cheese. so it was in, at the, uh, the lady, all kinds of stories for those. i mean you asked me, i thought i was really kind of feel comfortable with them. well, do i'm so, so so what, what somebody's perceive recently just a name is a boy and says, mislead. yeah. found a couple, he's just messed up. was there. see the lines of things here is the status of the as i've seen that, that as you said,
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somebody to the 0 familiarity with the list which is no possible. reduce the deal, any of the police at the us or we just sold a lot of them that has to will sort that mean? no they're not comfortable putting into the funding portal. the 2 forms if you and if it just gives you a quote from us, it is, it's what was before somebody was gonna give it to you, cuz you want me to come see it almost all subsidy. oh. and you said most of them in the home because it's so amazing it was,
11:36 pm
it's so slow. so you just looks up the. busy studio as well. it went up the road, so yours was the local news color. if you have any, a full set of muscles, a bunch of categories confused to me for the game. so associate what say about this give me see if there was a territory or assist configure, i've seen longer than at the national j to you at the cuz so on the i business national of us tonight, each to take a look. so let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw through us to be able to deal with them with us or shame raising the in the, on the on to actually on the 0 on the, the plastic just giving you this to get
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a hold on let me pull it up for you here for you. but i wish you would like to let me uh, let you know the soonest. a coworker will see on that either i was bringing up a sunny your home or what kind of a bathroom. how can i do not see about the time that you to how in the car to come or a to me. but you can say, are you seeing the message? well, let's try. yeah. honestly that some of you have honest, i haven't missed the call kind of looks like you, you haven't used as well, or somebody not. i'm use contrasting those because i both at the, the moment due to this list of, you know, h at it come to what the x i, jeremy, is that their store the yes are you was on manus are going to think, oh, you know, a series keep sorry, i thought we,
11:38 pm
i mean the dubious series that focus on specific mobile homes at all falls. okay. if i can talk to anything the before the suit only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still a snowball stumble, showed no more than just naples, say something that is specifically for giving me a cup door. my use client, me 1st and you lost them. you can move to over the yes. modeling key means cortical lots of data to chris. boeing, i see both of us was most got a couple of quotes that have come up system costs
11:39 pm
a little slow thing to do the morning ritual. i think the this is the one that sounds really great. lewis has a lot of good. well, let's go, this was the,
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the, the newest addition i was talking about. the biggest issue with it's mostly slower each full insights into what you, what are the most nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to show us. and it comes to deal with cuz the sudden any swaying business level, the boost will do that. did you get the because, you know, i mean you can you or something, but what says here, let's go back to still have a bill to the edge. but he, i believe so assuming that you guys are interested in,
11:41 pm
but it seems that all of us are available for price is the see, right? got super easy financial financial them away from as well. so make sure your voice the girls are giving us a beautiful rest of, of the editor of so i want you to share your thoughts for me just as important as the the middle of the bible. but the example, let's keep up tuesday seems to be in the week of the week of the skipper,
11:42 pm
but here's what we're going to compare them clean the drum can assemble the beautiful part of the voice of
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the i don't have the most of the shania of the u.
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s. salma last for
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the the the hi, i'm changed. yeah. and i am from indonesia. yeah. that kind of added the 2nd act. maybe 2 of them will change at least to a folder and those are what it was put in. yeah. after a single, i'm sort of similar to right in my georgia a be representing quite honestly, indonesia and the world used cars before the 1000 and before the conduct solutions for you to find the truth. and he says some special, factual fact to try to solve for small chair. this is to be sure i was to appreciate the, the,
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the little for my guys to be wait for us to send him some word friday. so it's a joyce music guys. i know those are but i am very excited for it. i must and i am looking forward to meet all of us, all the participants from all over the world in the west of all the across the smaller dish. the dish guy stays the the tv i see that, you know, i think you use the product. so it just is
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june. you most close, but for your system because you spoke to this is not, i mean this is for the the rest of your leisure shopping for you as much as the phone just a moment you can get a name, a speech pathologist and must be searching. so which is the most, do you have to physically go very slowly and then we'll do something with eyeglasses check. we know 6, cool it just yes, yes,
11:48 pm
i me. and yet the playbook we'll talk soon. choose from the go. now things are we are you start working on a personal level of practice?
11:49 pm
the the last 4 of these the some of the which was the settlement should i have to call somebody in this so that should resolve
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the feature deals of the the the
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music i didn't use but finally the whole company type forget about the more expensive yeah. true video is mother. well, it's that what was it the old school knew the super i'll do at those. so basically what it is. well, hold on. just one more thing with us, ma'am. the inside the let's say think you know what you've got. that's
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30 degree most do my due to me and that's the way for me to find the mobile for it or would you care to mall the materials the the rules plus that you stick it again for those and well let me pull some little things here with that here from the shelves,
11:53 pm
are you sure are you familiar. ready products page is it, is that what you're saying show up. i'm just gonna thought you guys have somebody go to them or not also told me they have been selected as 2 months. oh the most of us are familiar to me yet. so if you
11:54 pm
want with a sports movie for you, otherwise we will have it on up by the shot. the best thing about carpet decide fontana. well, i'm really into my system to fit into that either. someone had to, she will my or the of the list of the agents to choose to him so. so when you say i'm watching was number 2, you might put me in the country with the blue cross blue shield, and i've had each to be research just like any z,
11:55 pm
b, c, b. you say you come on the save, you, do you typically do you put in a separate? was that a plus the plus the yes, i'm still always to and i mean in mushroom, the c p for the russian journalist in this area, i've come on the shelf fire in the north of la, tucked the province of the r t crew including corresponding cost through and was in a car with on ti talked to miss saw exploded nearby bullshit. cut them because we closed the book as we can. we did stories or diseases selected by it them that i chose to mirror for them,
11:56 pm
but it should be not the least april stuff is the base of the plan, how they like to have a counter adult. and that's the scene how you will be suggested by you who are able to go to the on the edge a fugitive door goes to school boots need. busy to us and we we, so we school sites in the my fear them, which is always was this year. he's a boy. so if you feel for, for the sub you, especially if the disc is there to ski, they've got this got the plenty to anybody took this question yet. but technically, because i set the server as much as able to leave it that much to these decisions variables it no, he's be free to, to go to their group associated. so do so i see him, you hear about the status of,
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of who to the usually they book their systems use a to work, but it's unique. would you most likely, which so see what else to new or used. new is the model of the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you?
11:58 pm
fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general,
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arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 32 on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some new shows. all the cars do and dick's shown the list to the content of who they on least one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities, to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody i shouldn't know? do i pay for them to pushing it to download the glass? you followed there. do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the movie glancing, i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on a journey through africa the traces general with eyes, blood drenched grooves in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes
12:00 am
throughout the confidence. so my name is center and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of willie and the history in the region the of the lump in the face. that's the reaction from the u. k. on to the jen and sean to the mix, the person from a directly involved to the ukraine complex, helping p a flat zone range. we saw that the restaurant will send this out. does that just like you know, in the sky to restrain people? if there was a confusions and kind of times un envoy bodies in action as to what he calls the mountain wages, maslick of gauze assault,


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