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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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of late and the history and the reason the lump in the face, that's the reaction from the u. k. on to the gym and to the mix. the person from a directly involved to the ukraine complex, helping p a flat zone range. we saw that the restaurant also in this house does not live in the sky to restrain people if there was confusions and class 91 envoy bodies in action as to what he calls the mountain wages. maslick of gauze is solved for at least $112.00 were reportedly killed by the id. yes for they were rushing for humanitarian pharmacy that the one
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on nothing else. they what, how does full supply? that's going to last sense, full month. one thing is clear, the, i'm not going anywhere actually report from northern india with tensions off high as protesting fall and this refused to compromise on demands for a minimum support price pullback from the a very good morning to you from all of our team here in most go, this is on the international with the latest world news up think it's great to have you with us. with all those outrage among the fellow native politicians as off of the gym and chancellor spilled the beans that were sent on fonts, helping ukraine launch the long range missiles the russians are loc showed, said he will not allow his military to do the same spark and even more criticism from european allies, it shows his comments are wrong, irresponsible, and
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a step in the face to allies. we have a choice either will give you credit with needs or we will see more bloodshed and a complete failure of the terrence. this is a flagrant abuse of intelligence deliberately designed to distract from germany's reluctance to arm ukraine with its own long range missile system. this will no doubt be used by russia to racket up the escalator letter. the german chancellor is facing blow back from his allies because of the fact that he's the quiet part out loud. saying that parents in london are actually eating and target control in senior, waiting, that they are then helping ukraine by conducting a task for them against russians. now this comes after schultz refused to make germany what he said, a part of a like a conflict in ukraine. also insinuating that both france and the u. k. are doing exactly that. he also
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a firm that there's absolutely no way that germany would provide these tours missiles too. you can go down to find the german soldiers must have new points and the new place be linked to targets that the tar system reaches. this is a very far reaching weapons and what is being done on the part of the british and french in terms of target control and target control systems cannot be done in germany. everyone who has dealt with this system knows that when you brain is missing is ammunition and all possible distances from what decisively not this thing from germany. so for making a clear boundary and as to what, how far germany is willing to go for ukraine. he was slammed as not being the man for the job, also accused of working as a propagandist for the from one. and a former a senior m p from angela merkel is former party also said that this is an irresponsible remark. now last week,
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german lawmakers did call on the government to actually deliver a further long range missiles, but the they've actually voted down opposition to specifically send these tours missile. so he's clearly not alone here. so has there been further clarification from schultz as to what he meant? yes, actually the chancellor reiterated his stands at basically because he said that the long range of the tourist is really dangerous. send it risk having perhaps an accident because it's likely to go as far as moscow and could ignite a global catastrophe. the tourist has a range of 500 kilometers. and if apply it incorrectly, it can hit a target somewhere in moscow. so clearly, con trader is some leaders in the u. sholtes is admitting, not only to the capability of their weapons, but also to who's actually behind the scenes in control of ukraine's defense. and this is of course, all in spite of it being supposedly a proxy war as well of 0,
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we've seen response from the u. k. but what's been the reaction from france? well, france was a little bit more so to the reaction was a little bit more calm. that's despite the friction between germany and france in terms of arming you frame. now the government didn't have an official comment, but an m p. same benjamin had died from president and norma. crohn's renaissance party did tweet that. the chancellor's comments were divisive and could lead to a diplomatic crisis. shots, his reaction to the troops and ukraine create a major diplomatic crisis between germany and the united kingdom. berlin is very isolated, but that's not all michael ross who is also from schultz. his own party also said that he regret it. they've changed but they need to re focus on together combat team putting and his all legit war on you prayed and they're strong or when they're all opposing putting. but nevertheless shaw says a british allies and says that if the u. k. they provide the strong shadow missile,
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and the french did provide the stops, then germany needs to do his part and send these a tourist missiles and they're holding back the security. it seems that things are escalating, but also in a blow back to that the pendulum is swinging the other way and we're seeing some calls to de escalate as well. or if the ad will correspond and thomas right, essays, all the high tech, west and weapons already supplied to ukraine, simply cannot be used without nato boots on the ground. or i think we haven't quite, quite frankly residing the scouts and they have a storm, a shadow rockets that denise also that this is like that. so they all that, um, even more uh, there are many, many information about the question that uh its western uh offers us at least offices combining the patio uh 7 systems. um no i, i get information that saves uh how much is switched project from from friends would not be used for the day today to add that to the tragic if the,
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the dates of the cost of the your pregnancy. i also have some doubts. so the complicated weapon systems might be under control of less than sol, just already. so this is at least by gosh, the experts say. and what does logical for me, the discussion of the review of this, right? quite aggressive for at this moment. and by the way, i want to remember, at least i have read that the office of the bridge is prime minister, also admitted that they have that they don't want to send many troops. additionally, to the few forces, they only already have a new credit supporting the ukranian army. so if the british are right now, i angry, it shows that they also said as soon as the office of mister, so not what he's doing that russian officials have not yet commented on the revelations from the gentleman chancellor. also, he has reached out to people in london on paris, but when the explanation and we are waiting that replies earlier, the french president was honest about his recent statement that the deployments of
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western trips to ukraine cannot be ruled out. these are sufficiently serious issues . every one of the words that i say on this issue is weighed, thought through and measured, or because the pitch potentially pushing boots on the ground in ukraine as we know the well mainly rejected by the french public. according to a new poll, 68 percent of respondents, that it was a bad idea that the ones that supported the controversial proposal, international, consulting, rasmussen, insights president mcclung late to statements have left him at all just with his own people. since he had a fairly okay relationship of food and over the years it's a, it's interesting that they shifted so far and this direction his, his population does not support this at all with almost 2 thirds the 3 fourths against that. so it's not improving his popularity was very much in the lower portions of is and it's my view, it's
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a very for statement of easy on the i know he's trying to double down on it and say that he does a lot of through this, but it's clearly not strong sort through and it's barely poorly placed and definitely does not have the support of other nato members as well. so you're seeing a division within nato itself occurring here. very dangerous, remarking, and potential escalation, that's as low as i come across. many had bullets in the heads that's according to the palestinian um, positive comments on the latest. a mass killing of gauze is at least $112.00 reports. lead. died with the 760 others wounded off to an id for sultan, a crowd that was rushing for food supplies in kansas city on saturday. according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not
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like, you know, fighting in the sky to it is today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought a good thing and killing this outrageous. you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies than vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people that lives this up. so i think that it shows schools of wounded thousands being rushed away off the devastating attack. survivors tried to help the victim so they could be taken to nearby and hospitals and make shift cons palestinian officials and the desktop is expected to rise. as many people remain in critical condition, more than 1080 case were reported to at the scene during the id sold as well. some eye witnesses have said we were on algebra sheets, street and certainly tank stored us. there were the parcels packed with 8 people
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who don't have food. look, flower, and aid headed to the sea. it was chaos. there were crowds of people, but the occupation kept firing. gosh, there were so many martyrs and casualties. no, i am one of the wounded. i was on our sheet street. we were there from 7 in the morning in order to get food for our children. they are lawyers, they said we brought a, but we paid for that site without blood. the my nephews went there to bring flower, but the fired on the were under siege to be don't us remedy on his coming soon? people should look at us. p d. s. b is rating, military has released to this voltage of the incident. it appears to show a huge crowd surrounding a humanitarian aid convoy in dallas, a city. the only the claim that is troops opened fine on a small group that they saw as a through, as well. they could not confirm the death toll. they was, they claimed that people died due to a stump, speed of 8 see cuz themselves. meanwhile,
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the tragic incident. 10000 says he has sparked some international outrage. the columbia and presidents has likened it to the holocaust and has also suspended the purchase of weapons for them as well. however, washington has referred to the block c u. n. statements on the alleged masika. this comes, is us congress debates, sending further military age to as well. protest is in washington, all serious of accused the pentagon chief of complicity and the genocide of palestinians. the . this is one of the worst crimes against humanity we ever see. i think this there is a direct comparison here to the whole of cause and that it's uh,
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this sort of zion, this apartment, it says state charity. and you know, i don't think the irony uh, could be any more palpable. i, i would hope that the, the language escalates to match the power in brutality being carried out by the state of israel. and i would like to see the entire world unite in using such a language and directly comparing it to the holocaust every single time. it's brought up biting this with a phone call. let's be clear about that. you can pick up the phone call in that yahoo and say stop it and no none young who says, no button says would you want to be at war with the united states of america? but that doesn't happen, right? he has funding the germans and nothing more process sentiment is also being felt
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and the world's largest muslim nation, indonesia, millions of locals that are expressing solo directly with the palestinians by boy halting the products of western companies that have supported as well. i'll correspondents in jakarta with the details. the indonesia, the country with the largest muslim population in the world, has long been standing up for the freedom of palestine. millions of nations have joined rallies across the nation, donating money to palestine, and the latest move q in the form of a boy caught the move when was affirmed. when even major stop is limit, clerical body need are needed for them. a console issued a fight. what november 2023, it is calling for. avoid card of goods and services from companies that support an are affiliated with is are all the public backing has to be undeniable. as a recent survey shows that 65 percent of the nation muslims support the boy caught
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sorting and pop while i believe in accordance with accounts. so we tried to stop using these products when we heard about the fuck bought because we don't take action quickly. wells will defend dollar sign if it's not a who's buying them again from them, but at the data, i think the on soon it may not be obvious. good news shows that in the nation's share, high sympathy for others, and are careful to show their care for their own brothers and sisters in addition to the fog, but it is a way for the people to show their respect. this will allow me the time, but the support is not only circulating among the muslim population. the 5 do are reach 94 percent of awareness among the nations. yep. 26 percent of non muslims also choose to support the act in the name of solidarity. the issue goes beyond really just borders of the page. what we found in the survey is that the main reason relates more to solidarity and humanity. so if we look at the top responses, number one, number 2, and so on,
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it is all related to their solidarity compliance for religious reasons, because the movies that was a religious appeal, as only at number 7 and age. the voice quit fight, swab id, donasia. lemme console is part of the organization of humanitarian and the lead just efforts. but it also serves as proof that the message is shared by in an agency despite their religious background, to the middle of the can. we're doing our part by boy. scottie weakening b is really economy, so that is real, has no power and support so, so far the big economic support comes from america. the us has provided a lot of support, both financially and militarily, we are weakening their self study. does not list any products or companies in nations have done their own research. american food and beverage companies, such as mcdonald's, burger king and starbucks has become the main target. the chairs have become a pretty common site. even in branches,
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located at the center of the capital in response to needed national agents, others have released the thing that they weren't independent involves are affiliated with operational activities taken by other countries. but the number of show business is still hurting. in the 4th quarter of 2023 mackerel fees of global decline in total revenue of 4 percent compared to the previous quarter. mcdonald's noted significant impacts in malaysia and indonesia and friends, attributing to slow down to the midst revenue. the impact of the movement also heard, union lever indonesia, as it recorded a 10.5 percent decline in your, on your net profit. the company admitted the impact of a shift and sentiment that was cost by that you all political situation. it also
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shows that the board cut movement has had a significant impact and is here to stay until israel stops. it's a salt, an occupation of palestine. the indonesian boy calling. so these where the affiliated products may not be the only thing that's harming the war and countries economy, which recently slums for the 1st time. and yes, i'll tell you mid least bureau cheese, my way of an ocean to explain the wars are expensive. these really offensive engage them is not an exception. in january bank of a 0 estimate to the 3 months of fighting against him. us costs these really national economy about $60000000000.00 making are and sort of the most expensive military campaign in the country's history. and the war has raised on for another 2 months since that's right for which was published. government spending is skyrocketing, not only to pay for fluids and bonds, but also for repairing civilian infrastructure, damaged and have mass attacks,
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supporting tens of thousands of executives for me, 0 south, or compensation for this rustic is really business. at the same time, revenues a dropping 2022 reports came in as around 3 and a half $1000000000.00. as the low forecast, with a record number of reserve is recruited in the beginning of the war, around 300000 people in the country last around 8 percent of its workforce. as well as gdp drops by almost 20 percent on an annualized basis, compared to the july to september, quarter. israel's economy, the number of se is separate and one of its worst advert declines. but you will not fear that from the countries leadership. and it's on your own smokers rather than coming up with a message to the public. we're in crisis. no, they said we have a lot of money and we have the world's best economy. as a result, we are not functioning in crisis mode or the way one would expect the leadership,
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the are particularly the all economic leadership is not irresponsible. tough to the u. s. rating agency movies more. it is really credits rating and downgraded outlook from negative. israel's finance ministers landed as lacking serious economic arguments. moody's announcement on an downgrade does not include c, so you cannot make arguments and it's inside the a political manifesto, based on the best the most. again, i found a geopolitical view, which reflects a lack of confidence in these real security and national resilience, as well as an apparent lack of confidence in the right justice of its path in the face of the enemies. the development sector has found itself among the most affected with construction size across the country. stay frozen. after around 150000 power, steering workers from the west bank were blocks from entering israel and move that many x rays find a rational. this is really a really
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a really dramatic issue. on one hand, you do not lead the posting has come work here because people are worried about having bo, this thing is in the states. on the other hand, if the 1st thing is do not work, they don't, they lose their live you. so this is very explosive. when people are not working, they sit at home that devastated the list that there is. but at the same time, is there any construction side such as down the road from my house? they're just frozen. so it's an interest for israel. and the other thing is to allow posting is to come into as well and work. the site has been able to substantive live for the public with subsidies, but it's my start changing date is the last day before gasoline prices all across israel will go up already up the maximum, around 10. the last 20 months, usually subsidized by the finance ministry, prices were kept down last year,
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but due to war, time, budget cuts, know most states support the new price is set at $7.00 and a half shit goes, which is more than $2.00 per liter. and that is just one of the examples of how the warren guys um has said, the average has reilly's pocket. people notice they now spend more on essential goods and services than before the war. even though they can still afford it, due to israel's highest standard of living, the city market is busy and crowded with fears and concerns. feel their the people don't really uh, notices yet. but the button is like in the back. you know, everyone is going to send it, send it out so everything's gonna be uh, unbearable. but people don't seem to say it, you know, it's, you know, 2 separate things like, like normal and revise things and stuff. but i said, you know, the party is going to of to, and i think a lot of people who are struggling because they are in the, in fighting and they don't have a job for me personally,
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i'm quite comfortable in my financial situation, but certainly the war has been, heights has had a severe effect. some of the food prices went up. that's what i feel on a daily basis. people stop working prices are going up. so i'm not sure how they can will continue leave here to bring the money home to their families. the more in guys, it has become a growing version on these really calling them and something the forces seem unprepared to recognize, articulate or care about. perhaps the thinking is that when an award is less expensive than losing one, and that they need victory at any cost. maurice emotionality from jerusalem to india. now with tensions are running high in the countries, no size local find. this push for a minimum support price for that crops they say they will keep protesting until the demons are met by the government. all things will change on the reports from the c
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. in the meantime, job the, the, now the india, this is with thousands of farmers, were stopped and they, we to den this has now become and at the center of thoughts of this protest, this chombo bought the some 200 on kilometers from the nation's capital. this is just the data to see these, the samo protel's going back more than 2 years. this diamond to run off to the national elections in india in which prime minister no means of moody seeks to deal feeling on was the police of barricade who to all the major roads that lead to new delhi bought into that services. also i've been suspended in at least 7 districts in punjab. and how do you all know the saw most of standing from one day demands, such as a legal and the speed for the crops and for india to pull out of the world trade
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organization. the saw monita is leim, that the view is objective, was to end farm subsidies. and if we can be a follow date would be suicidal or the goal and to follow policies are made of the world trade organization like inducing form a subsidies. now given form us medium support is also alternative in as ation policy is the more the government is pro forma, they should create the world trade organization or else the farm us in india will be finished to now there have been for loans as adults between the government and the protesting from us, but no solution inside pharma said that they want or, or nothing else. they want pauses of tax and what does full of supplies that's going to loss them for months. one thing is clear, they are not going anywhere. so i'm gonna say the despise moody's promises of doubling their income. the revenues shrunk down to get 40 guy on off the putting
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minimum support price in place gives private players opportunity lose the we don't even on what we have invested into harvesting across. forget any profit, minimum support prices on old crops is really important. all along the know this the media continues for how long runs doesn't to know engine sharma shampoo, bought up in job r t and now to chad where the state prosecutor has confirmed the death of opposition party lead the the head of the socialist party without boulders was killed during an exchange of fire with security forces, the country hosting violent classes between forces loyal to the transitional, government and opposition groups that allegedly attacks the headquarters at the national security agency. a local journalist springs as this report from the champion capital. now you might find some of the images obsessing as soon as i said on wednesday night, february 28th in the capital of chattanooga, man,
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the building of the national agency for stage security, the countries powerful counter intelligence agency was attacked. several people died. the government blamed the supporters of the socialist party without borders. led by opposition leader. yeah, your zillow, he has also died. the republican prosecutor has just confirmed the fact of his death saying he died from his injuries. what to do better than show a google farm demand 11 vehicles at target. the national site security agency resulted in dozens of people being wounded. there were also deaths among them. yeah, they loved the head of the socialist party without borders given us away february 28th of 2024, where you place the amount of early on tuesday morning. heavy weaponry shots were heard near the headquarters of the socialist party without borders where yeah, your zillow was hiding ready for that. the situation escalated after the
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assassination attempt on the end of the supreme court. the mirror, a diamond door on february 19th, in which he yeah, yeah, zillow was involved according to the government. the attack took place the day after the presidential election dates were announced. the 1st around the schedule for may 6th, with neither the incumbent president or yeah, yeah, zillow, finding their desire to be candidate. on wednesday, the government issued to communicate, saying that anyone who tries to undermine the country's democratic process will be arrested in prosecute this morning. the situation is relatively calm, but the internet and cellular communications are still disconnect uh, which contributed significantly to the complaint confusion that is correct by the city. oh, perfect. well, we spoke to the um, boss of the, of the republic of charge to russia who stressed that the government was taking measures to restore civil load on security. and it's not that it's just 6050 my guess to be sure. the city is a safe 5 to be sure that the, the spot,
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the me to come up with the, uh, the situation. any federal, maybe to see the water or something like that is all about that tells us about the question about associated like an association assessment. so what are you looking to see? oh, uh your shipping label was i think it was, he was, had he had a death in it. does he watch guys? nike come on down of the i think that up that the the government forces. so it is obviously a 2nd time the challenge that going on if you was to be in on your mobilizing your phone or some defining the government forces. i know what, what so on that one to address the some of he's really done. he was, uh, really some by force. that's what happened with the bank for
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a company this friday morning to get check all websites on t dot com, overlay to stop dates and doesn't about we're in 30 minutes with plenty. we'll see you then the the store video. so somebody, uh, gotten a good name for me from, from move from what do you have to use? simple associated the last i think you were paying for the silver you. so if it was left on the pictures of the man from the press, please did this. it will do that. i need some problems please. what was the interest that we sent some phone.


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