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tv   Documentary  RT  March 1, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EST

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are just holding stations out of 59000 voting stations across the country. people them having coming out here. i suppose i need a head shot to cast their ballots and choose their next members of parliament. of course, it's a major political event any around $15000.00 candidates are vying for $290.00 seats of the wrong parliament known as the match. as here in iran and around 120 different political factions. coalitions and parties have been competing get, but all boiled down to 2 major political fronts or camps in error on the camp, up the reformist and the camp of the principal, as the principal, as are classified as conservative politicians. and one more the reformers who are and so make up a big chunk of our balance political scene, are significantly this time around the house numbers by the principal as candidates . the reform is politicians. anyone complaining about?
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the fact that the guardian council is disqualifying the 8th grades sean, can a great portion of the reforms. politicians here high turn off is advised by many iranian leaders since the start of campaigning for the parliamentary election and for the elections regarding the assembly of experts. iranian elect threats um, given the fact that yvonne is under severe sanctions by the west, leaving the country's economy reeling from the impacts of the sanctions leading to the tag during the inflation skyrocketing inflation that had 40 percent this year and also depreciating the iranian national currency. which recently stood at around $585000.00 against the dollar in the open market in a while. and this has led many to believe that the candidates, the parliamentary candidates, even if they wanted to, they cannot live on their, to their promises to their campaign. promises because of the iranian economy is under severe restrictions by the west. me in the meantime,
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there are still many who to believe a whole lot of the elections, ideologically saying that the elections could be, could play uh as a means to show public support for these pharmacists as long as the establishment and for mobile elections are a public and national duty, it is true that there are some shortcomings in deficiencies in our country. but if we do not go to the polls, we are basically betraying ourselves on the most other cats and motor when they foreign countries or participation. they will realize that they cannot treat us like many under developed countries, which do not have a political system. they must treat us like themselves, like the way they treat their own people. it's gonna be, it's the more the candidates should fix the economic and political situation, as well as the international relations and social situation of our country. the whole change i do going to, i will participate in the election because i am a citizen of this country will establish political figures,
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have been disqualified to the younger ones, have the opportunity to come onto the scene and suggest proper ideas for their country. kind of as well as documents we time of night externality international times to be on top of the day is latest developments. look closely below above that we've mornings assess the
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level which may or difficult to move the 2 men footstool. and that was some of the largest fortune us, or in a couple of our choices. i really kind of do it because of the beauties of problems on peer review for the study skills as to where you live least of school needs. so then you can use 2 more minutes cuz it's just a whole new thing at the lane in the,
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[000:00:00;00] the
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the so this is done by security such as the why do you think you'd be safest to use it as much as he seems to use the cool, did you have agreed soon to try the new ones that are gonna shoot this over to use just one in the associate it as
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the the new last name or the williams. and he was for you might even jump us with a kitchenette. so there's us to store on each type of thing. yeah, cuz it won't get done school if the problem was pushing go to the shoes. so it was in at the uh, the lady. all kinds of stories for you. i took those, i mean you asked me,
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i thought i was really kind of feel comfortable with them or do i'm so so so what, what somebody's by supervision, which is the name is a boy in mislead. yeah. found a couple who use just much better sees the lines of things. here is the speech of the scene that there is. he said, somebody to the civil moliere seal force,
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which is the only the police at the us or we just sold weapon. what's the best of all? so if there's any way that the funding for the 2 forms. critically if you don't have to just use it for the sick because it's what was the sauce? and last can you see i knew you want me to come home. i shall subsidy all and you're supposed to do the work because it's amazing. it was, it's supposed to you. 6 of the use on studio is one of the 3 us all the if you have any of fulfilling your muscles, a bunch of categories confused to me for the game. so i suppose you would say about
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this, give me see if there was a territory or i can see europe same already and a half. uh, massachusetts. all yeah. typically. so in the business, not sure. what's the matter? each 2 or 3? i know. so let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw through as to how you feel that they deal with them with us. we should, i'm gonna say is in the or the toner on a bundle actually on the, on the, on the, the plastic, just giving a basic phone line before the audio, the air filter. but i always show a bunch of, uh, many uh, nadine, at the soonest a coworker will see on that day then i was bringing up
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a sunny call kind of on the bus and not to not to see about the time that you to how to come out i told him about your concern with cnn message what, what other misfire? yeah. honestly, that some of you have honest had that in that in the fall kind of looks like the youngest is low or not. i mean, i'm trusting most comfortable with that, but that's just more ready to go from this list of you know, when it comes to what the x i jeremy said for store the yes are you was on the units are going to the email series. sorry, i thought only, i mean it's a dubious series that focus on specific mobile homes
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at the falls. ok if i don't talk to nick and i the load before the suit only bloomed us. but if it doesn't, it's just to do it. but it's still, it's still showing that i'm looking let's just say something, but then if you come to my use kind your 1st and your last on you're going to go over the i yes, the modeling key means cortical lots of data to chris boy and i see both of us was most of the fluency to have come up. system costs a little slow. think let me know when your original intent is on the family preview . and here's the law. how they both do good. well, let's go. this was the,
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the newest addition i was talking about,
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the company. you see what it's mostly slower, each painting the exercise and then what you, what are the most nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to show us and it comes to deal with. cuz affinity sleep state you is. this is the, does it say, did you get the rehab, suzy, regarding the one any can you or something, but what says here, let's go back to store. so he built, i think he said if i didn't do a believe, so assuming that you guys are interested in. but it seems that the show available for price is the see, right? got super easy for us to function in what way for as well. so make sure of course,
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the regular computer or as of, of the editor of so when he was younger to share your thoughts and me just a simple use the the middle of the bible for, for the 1st one would keep up tuesday seems to be the weekend or from advisor you're working to michael b. as in boy, a political based on seeing the company,
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the need people who are part of the voice of the i don't have the most of the shania publicly and for the year salma last for
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the next
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the show room just don't you have to see the house becomes the advocates and engagement includes the trail. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the
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the video of think you don't even know still start points of some of the because it was supposed to this is not, i mean it's from woodson us radio. and if this is, will be the voice of your people. he's just your point pretty to what this metrics just on your feet. thomas, how many, how many post good. a name of speech pathologists. it must be which is so you must do this for the ac from the story and then we'll do something with i will say we know 6 cool. it just yes. yes. i mean, yeah,
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brand new labeled. we'll talk soon. choose from the go. now things are we are on the phone or use our for 400 personal projects. 840 the
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the law for different from that usually some of the settlement that i have to call somebody. so that should resolve the
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seat centers on the the the
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music institute news website is the whole company type forget about the more expensive yeah, sure. what the deal is another? well, it was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper. i'll do a both. so basically it's dish, oh my, let me hold on one more thing. what do you mean by that? so think you know what you've got. that's
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why you may not see why it's important to the desktop to find the mobile for it or what you're here tomorrow. for the okay, so you i think that again closing,
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well let me pull some window here from this it shows sure of the product page is it, is that what you're saying? sure. problems got thoughts draining the battery by which was the code that also drove fell of the collect is too much for the most it was. ready
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for familiar to me here, are you still with us for quite a few moments we needed for the 1st we will be a bit more to deal with the one up by the shot. the bus, the most part can decide ones in a while, many and then my system to fit is medina. another she will, my will see other than the of the list of the agent to choose to him so. so when you say a function was not what you might put me in the country, which is where the close the show was a. and i've had each to be research just like he'd seen.
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you you say you come monday and say you could put in a separate letter that god bless the fittest. i'm going to do. yes, i'm still always to mean mushrooms of c. c for the most russian german, they sit in this area. i've come under shel fire in the north of look, talk to your province of the r t crew, including corresponding cost through every once in a card with on ti talked to miss saw exploded nearby bullshit, because we deal with the because we do, we did stories or disease that someone didn't buy it, them that i chose to mirror for that they should, the not the least wish to stop was that by itself
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the book learn how they like to have a kind of adult. and that's the scene, how you will be suggest by you who are able to go to the edge speeches. said dorothy, why she goes to school boots. needless to us and we, we so why school? first i've seen them, i fear them. would you please who is, was this you need a boy. so if you feel for the sub you can actually, if you're thinking of this case you have to ski, they've got this got the team and you probably took this question yet. but that was good. that the server as much as able to leave it the most to the 60 just variables it. no, he's retreat. you took it back. who was quite serious. i do so i see him now. i
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hear both of those of, of who to the usually they book their systems use a to work. but it's unique. would you most likely which see what else to new or used new or used new model. gosh, yes ma'am. the
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the, the dozens of them have bullets in the map light in the sky to restrain people. if there was a confusion in class assign u n. n voice around the world bodies in action. either what he called them out, where you just massacre scholars ass off to at least a 112 were supposedly killed by the idea. while they was brushing teeth on a period and a slap in the face. that's the reactions of the u. k. of the driven tones that mix the person in front of directly involved in the ukraine complex by helping keep fine,


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