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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the breaking news on our to international a bombshell leak show german generals discussing the bombing of the crime, brianne bridge. we bring you a transcript of the conversation in just the feeling on the at least $112.00 policy me and sampling mexico to as they were rushing to receive aid in kansas city. the idea of insist they only fired warning shots, while bullet ones show the opposite fed. how signs you and envoy dozens of them that had not liking the sky to people. there was confusion and class pharmacy that they want to pause on.
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nothing else. they, what's the housing says to supplies, that's going to loss them. one thing is clear, they are not going anywhere. and report from nova in india with tensions are high, as protesting, farmers refused to compromise on demands for a minimum support prize for their products. the light from moscow, this is our to international i'm. they show a joke with a top stories. the salad now to the breaking news that we've been reporting on about the german army considering a strike on the crime in bridge that's according to a link to 40 minutes conversation between the high ranking german military offices . i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge. and the east is
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hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month what, what a torres attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. so these are quite astonishing revelations that like point to germany's direct involvement in the conflict and ukraine, as we've heard this 40 minute funds get these, this conversation between members of the german space come on as well. for ration
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center. i'm the head of the, a german at for say, talking about a direct attack on the destruction of the crime in bridge. this has been a, a frequent targets of ukraine and is western packers. and they discuss it in terms of it strategic on political importance. of course, the crime in bridge links the peninsula to the russian federation. now, coast germany has always denied its involvement over this direct involvement in the conflict. this comes up again in the context of this the, the ring by the german child to the sholtes over the delivery of these tools. busy long range missiles, these are the missiles that have been discussed about being used to attract the crime in bridge. and he's did the douglas sending them now you record, of course, as well. that's, it was germany that came on board, a lot of pressure to supply the left, but turns out to be placed under extreme pressure by the united states to deliver those. nicole saving up in flames on the, on the battlefield. but it comes again would show something to this intense
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political pressure on the domestic front. the continued ministry item support for ukraine is b, p. unpopular. the, the economy is in top disease facing this pressure with the rise of the alternative for germany. and he's also come on to pressure from the, on the criticism from a british, parliamentary evans, alicia tons of the young people. rutland, the conservative m p into buys. i would say another tory and p, both of these and pay significantly have links to the military and intelligence services were both chris is critical of shelves as well as the fall and the prestige defense minister and what the motors who criticized him for giving away what he said were intelligent secret style. of course, this is these revelations mean that there is a golden faces and a lot of explaining to do but so the fall berlin has declined to comment. get hot, it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning,
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there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. so that you have it. this talk of smoke and mirrors, they used to about sneaking in some potent and so that nobody notices and they discuss about how they going to get the missiles into quite and if indeed they can get them resolved into credit. so they talk about the brit somehow they managed to get the stone shadow. of course, that particular i'm writing range, we solved into the country. but that was another interesting exchange when it comes to the excellence of this associating the german on forces from direct involvement in the conflict. just a moment, i understand what you're talking about. the direct close connection between vehicle and ukraine might concern politicians which could lead to direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. in that case, it can be said that information exchange will occur through m b da. and we will
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send one or 2 of our specialists to scrubbing house. and of course, this is coming from a political standpoint. it may look different. the information exchange happens through the manufacturer. it's not related to us as things can you tell us more about the loopholes that talking about? well, yeah, so this essentially is about germany not wanting to put boots on the ground, not wanting to get its hands dirty. so it talks about a number of ways of disassociate this associating itself from the accusations of direct involvement in the conflict. now we've heard about this attempt to travel a by call 3 potent so that nobody notices, but they also talk about the information exchange and they say that this information exchange can take place between ukraine and m b, d i. this is the owns manufacturer responsible for developing the tours me. so these could, this could take place at the bhutto at base in germany. this is german air force
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base, but it would take place of technicians that they talk about bringing them in, which would just disassociate the on policies for my information exchange. now, of course, the alms companies will be delighted at this because the more towards missiles, does he use the more profit, say you mike, but the, the kind of information that they're talking about with the satellite images, which, which site can be processed up boots on this this gives. 3 information about targets and the accuracy range of around 3 meters. so this is a kind of information as detailed information that would be needed to carry out a strike on the crime in bridge. they told him all about the brakes on the storm shatter is about how they money to use them inside ukraine. but they spoke about the mounting on at call, particularly. they spoke about the f sixteens. they also in the discussion said, well, this is a slug process. shoot, schultz decides tomorrow, but he's going to send these tours missiles,
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it will take about 8 months for them to be able to be activated because they require lots of training. the ukrainian falls is i don't have the skills to nor such. so to weapons. and it would take time for them to be trained to do so. they also talked about these, this phase of a, perhaps i mistake if the you quite new forces are able to find the tours missed all they talk about a striking kindergarten is now those of us to have been on the grounds in the don't boss in the don't yet for public. i've seen the actually these mistakes are not necessarily mistakes. they seem to happen fairly often. and box these uh, you know, this kind of, this would, i guess disassociate the germans on false is with the direct involved. but, but we also heard about possible support on the ground. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it
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themselves. after all, they have all the satellite images. we heard the use of the term cutting. now this is an interesting time when we can be, show that the people on the ground in civilian clothes with the american actions on to new crating on site saying tool. then you know, the to a, to see the science of, of ukraine and as was heading to that, that they could actually help with the deployment old such attacks that were tools you might include him on the crime ambridge stable in terms of the ukraine conflict will these a new weapon supplies really change anything on the ground. well, that's a great question that an interesting one, because you'll see from these conversations that say germany doesn't want to send in with the tourist missiles, ones which indicates that this really isn't about winning. this isn't really about victory and ukraine, and the discussion between the ministry lead is shows that it's where it is simply
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just germany's time off the britain, the supplied the storm shadow on fonts as applied discount myself. if you get 50 pieces, they will be used up very quickly. exactly. it won't change to the course of the war. that's why we don't want to hand them all over and not all at the same time. maybe 50 in the 1st trench, then maybe there will be another transfer of 50 missiles. that's perfectly understandable, but it's all big politics. i'm guessing what's really behind it. i have learned from my french and british colleagues that in fact, with the storm shadow and scouts, it is the same as with the winchester rifles. they may ask, why should we supply the next batch of missiles? because we have already supplied them? let germany do it now. perhaps mister foster has something to say on this subject. this novel, a general acceptance, even among western leaders that ukraine is losing, but account actually when this conflict we've seen recently the liberation of the advocate. we've seen russian at volunteers along the front line. and of course, this comes off the back of ukraine's filed counter offensive,
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which was back to the hill by the west. and they've seen a lot of the ministry hold but go nothing flames on the bottle if it was a night, may be the a kind of a reluctance for this continued supply of but it creates a really, this just looks like an attempt to say face an attempt at unity and will look, suffice of a certain defeat. russia top diplomats are guy laughter, of says it's obvious. the nato powers are directly involved in the conflict of those with the assembly. this conversation contained several curious things, including a discussion between sherman general on how to more cunningly supply ukraine, by splitting the long range weapons to attack the premium fridge and ammunition depots, and the, as well as how to remain unnoticed while doing so. because the chancellor schultz good supposedly it doesn't have like that. so but yet the americans and the brits are already is their choice. and you that are haps, there was also a conversation about whether it was possible to remotely aim those missiles beyond
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ukraine box, which one of the general subjected to that idea. saying that such a step would mean their direct participation. so they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground boots. and so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie. i don't know how they will explain this to the public from on the story. let's girls live to finish john leslie on his book and then thank you for joining us. one of the key topics of the lift audio is how to avoid showing any direct german involve mentioned attack and rushes bridge to cry. mia, what do you make of that? you know, 1st of all, when you read this drastically with you, you come to the conclusion that there is a, some kind of agreement on guy planning the crime. and they are planning how to do
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it so that they will not get or from it. they know it from the bottom that it's very dangerous, it's very illegal. and the whole problem is that how can we do it, but not get caught from it. and that, of course, raises lots of questions when we're talking about the military leaders of germany. so they are fully willing to do it willing to assist. it's not giving a 2nd thought that maybe it's not the right that we are execute things that's going to possible orders, but no just vice versa. they want to do it and, but they just want to do it show that there will not come a huge rush and response to do with the german government in germany have already refused to comment on this issue. how will burning, try to avoid responsibility? here? you know, i, i, i think that the 18 possible and this discussion is very interesting because they not only reveal their intentions of germany attack and see really on
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a huge similarly on target like crime, me and breach. but they also revealing discussion that the britain and france is deeply involved in the previous attacks and how they are playing those out. you know, i woke up one morning here in a home in lou bronze and settle store missile flight to for my house. and i know how would these, when you are targeted, but after these painful light? exactly. no tribute was british soldiers. who should that me? so just yesterday german is john slo shoals said he will not allow torres missiles to go to ukraine since those weapons could be used by camp to hit targets as far away as moscow. charles also apparently does not want germans to be involved in that good plans to supply those missile have been made without shows as
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knowledge. what do you mean about that? a thing to do this, this discussion reveals lots of details how complicated this operation is, how the greeks are involved, or you know, the after of the so monday me think even though in prairies we have seen a tendency that they are spreading. now, amongst the nature and european union leaders, these idea that we are not afraid that we are, we are not afraid. but when you look at this discussion, which has been recorded just before, it's for fear it's fuels. oh, here's dictation. and the way the how the, the lead are seeing that the holiday kind of get called the, just like a small children's play. and now they are hosting themselves with the statements, like, uh, the previous president. and there's tony and prime minister. we are not afraid. we are ready to do everything and the model macro and as well. all right,
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we're gonna have to have this conversation there for now. finished and journalist eon has put in and thank you for joining us. thank you. many have bullets in their heads and that's according to the policy in you and, and busted his comment on the latest masking of guidance. at least 112 reported the died with over 760 others wounded. after an idea of a sold on a crowd that was rushing for food supplies in gaza city on thursday, this of setting footage shows some of the victims survivors trying to help the windows. so they could be taking to the about hospitals, a make shift, cost policy, and officials say the death toll is expected to rise. as many people remain in critical condition, the policy and boy g u. n has criticize the world body for failing to condemn the latest feeling of guidance. so according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in their heads. it's not like, you know,
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fighting in the sky to let us today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this out today. just, you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies than vito's, cost it then it is costing the palestinian people their lives more than a 1000 people thinking aid wherever porter be on the scene. when the incident occurred, video from the scene shows terrified people running away as the idea of chance approaches. some of the survivors shared their emotional recollections in the aftermath of the devastated attack. when we went to collect the aid, but normally people in the tank showed up and trucks stopped as the tank in front of them, but the firing broke out randomly was next to the car and fell on the ground. a young boy came with me. the escape to another place as a tangle showing us,
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we got shot by 2 bullets. one of the hands of the young boy was blown away. the other boy penetrated along with capt cole and fell on the ground. some people went to the coastline. well, others escaped to the north. the is really army, brutalized us frontier gas for the bullets or the airplanes rated us using all forms of killing the even shell. the google fuse warming themselves by a choir to return to the to body parts. so people were of a mess, it was a warning, here is more shocking footage, a pile of corpses, policy, dental story tis of cold, they attack a cold blooded massacre. we spoke with a director of come all odd one hospital which admitted one that yesterday is strongly believes that it was a deliberate attack. the wounded people who arrived and come all odd one hospital had directed injuries from gun fire. all the injuries targeted the
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upper parts of the bodies of those killed and injured. and this can reflect that the intention is to kill, not just to cause injuries. i saw some firing videos and heard some of the stories of injured people in the hospital. they were saying that the is rarely army was directly targeting them. these use were targeted as they were heading to a place. they go every day to get some flower. why did con fire break out today? it is very obvious that the goal was to kill people and i consider this a trap. they did not intend to drive people away, but to kill them. they is running military has released the satellite photos of the incident. it appears to show a huge crowd surrounding a humanitarian aid convoys. the idea of claim that its troops opened fire on a small group that they saw as a threat while they can or confirm the death toll. these rallies also claim that people were killed by stampede of 8 seekers themselves
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to discuss the area of video released by the adf. we're now being joined live by political analyst, wiley, fam, and cairo. thank you so much for joining us. so what do we have here? a series of area clips that show hundreds of people gathering the trucks, trying to receive food. what was the purpose of amazing that video anyway? there's a, it is we're trying to provide any evidence to, to distract and still smoke in the eyes of at the end of the eyes of the world. and unfortunately, it says then that the evidence they shifted, induct footage on the pools. is that what happens was a massacre because according to the foot this shit and there was no danger of uh, imposed or coming from those civilians and directed towards basically the
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soldiers. and there was nothing there. and it also eliminated the claim is that um it was the loyalty or the truck drivers that were trying to protect themselves and stuff to the ad. i mean go over those uh those civilians. the, the, the for this, the, the, the support they say, the click on the idea please. the militants open fire on the crowd. if that's true, why can't receive that very moment in the satellite voltage. well, because it wasn't this simple as simple as that. it wasn't there, and if there wasn't indeed a militant group inside the secure discarded door, it only proves the failure of the security measures on the in the army itself. so by all means that regardless of what you 100, we look at this, this is an incident in many of the victims were reported to have died from head
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shots, another bullet points. it's definitely in it, it does not look like it's released by ad warning shots or did they, would you say they did that according to the testimonies. and um, the way the unfortunate the massacre and it has kind of dealt itself by. but is there anything out of me and the circumstances its reminds me of an incident that happened in the phone job area in 1919, when the british opened the fire on the east for the civilians, indian civilians. uh no one has uh is, uh, i'm gonna start an incident and uh, the, the faucet the how the he is packed is done by the opening fire at with only proves that there was in them to hire to thought a good civilians. and basically this is the, is a, and the ottoman the is
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a state and getting less about the national community. and particularly the admission on the coast of justice. and because if evelyn was trying to exempt itself in the kid from mann to practice. so it says security keep much is that happening, in fact, is that security measures in gaza ends in a more careful way. this incident would not have happened. and we cannot point of any effect that from inside the coming from the thing inside. as the it's a, the claim that there was an understanding of minutes and group and fighting. got them. that's why they have to defend themselves. not that clean does not exist. if the on the it is no good on to it. it. so it's all done with the intent of targeting civilians. right. well, let's say i'm political analysts. thank you so much for your thoughts. thank you.
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let's head to india now where tensions are running high in the countries know those local farm us push for a minimum support price for their crops. they say that we'll keep protesting until the month i met by the government. our to is run june from our reports from the c. i mean hi, it's been job who yeah, no border. now the india, this is with thousands of farmers was stopped and they, we do new denny. this has now become and at the center of thoughts of this protest, this chombo bought the some 200 on kilometers from the nation's capital. this is just a need to, to see these, the samo protel's going back more than 2 years. this diamond to run off to the national elections in india in which prime minister knowing to moody seeks to do filtering on was the police of barricade who to all the major roads that lead to new delhi bought into that services. also i've been suspended in at least 7
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districts in punjab. and how do you all know the saw most of standing from on the demands such as a legal and the speeds for the crops and for india to pull out of the world trade organization? farm would need is claim that the view is objective, was to end farm subsidies. and if we can be a follow date, would be suicidal or the goal and to follow policies are made of the world trade organization like inducing form a subsidies. now given form us minimum support is also alternative. you know, as ation policy is the more the government is pro forma, they should create the world state of united zation or else the farm, as in india will be finished. to now there has been full rounds of adults between the government and the protesting from us, but no solution. insight. pharma said that they want or, or nothing else. they want, pauses of clarkston does full of supplies. that's going to loss them for months.
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one thing is clear, they are not going anywhere. so i'm gonna say that despite moody's promises of doubling their income, the revenues have shrunk down to get 40 kind of putting minimum support price in place, gifts, private plans, opportunity. and we don't even on what we have invested into all the state across the forget any profit, minimum support prices on crops is really important. all along. you know this, the meet continues for how long? 1000 to know when to ensure ma shampoo, board open job r t participating in voiding a supporting war. that's according to the left in justice administer on the eve of presidential elections in russia. the russian embassy in riga has announced the statement calling denounced the statement, calling on life in officials to support the free expression of the will of russians are to correspondence charlotte the best he has the story. this is a message,
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but any russians living in the baltic nation of lot via supposedly if you vote in the russian presidential election this month, you're supporting more regardless of which books you check. well, that's according to lot. fee is government. we can't prevent russian citizens from entering the embassy. well, they do that and why they do it is their own business with the state of which they are citizens. we have, in essence, notified that order will be insured outside the embassy. but those people entering also support the war. and she went even further suggesting anyone who actually cast the pilot could be breaking life in, move in justifying the war. so what are they going to do? set up an interrogation based outside the russian embassy and rigor. and demand to know what business people have been there on the russian embassy has been quick to
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react. we regard this statement by the official as an attempt to exert pressure and intimidate the russian voter on the eve of the upcoming vote. preventing the free expression of the will of our citizens, of this kind of unacceptable public rhetoric, which comes from the mouth of a high ranking official, can be qualified as interference in the internal affairs of russia. and an encroachment on the constitutional rights of our citizens. that is going to loan and looking at ways to penalize russians for being well russians. sonya is drafted a rule which if passed would deny russians who live the utility to vote. tale is suggesting that they simply copy trusted. this would disturb the internal and external peace, territorial integrity and security of our country. the republic of a stony, a comprehensively has no way to guarantee fully that the aforementioned, foreigners,
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are free from the influence of their country of citizenship. washer is they were yes. so i mean, the move is discriminatory. we will keep an eye on the situation, making sure that the relevant international institutions condemn the openly racist plans of the estonian authorities and prevent them from being implemented. let me just remind you that sonya is a full mustang. the country, almost a quarter of the population is made up of ethnic russians, who should inferior have the right to participate in local stone in elections. bonding would be in direct confrontation with the e and show it to a fundamental rights. every citizen of the union has the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections, to the european parliament in the members state in which he or she resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state. the members of the european parliament. shelby elected by direct universal suffrage and
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a free and secret ballot. and it's not everyone agrees, as strong as social democratic policy has expressed concerns over the move district, those voting rights. one is the message we are sending russian citizens. course tony and patriots, and one to vote for country reich. maria you, for eva square, and topsy, or christina callous in the next elections. the state has no specific accusations against you, but there was an element of doubt. the associate logically astute, are also aware that the outcome could be the opposite because group punishment based on an x terminal characteristic. as the target group will undoubtedly interpret this step. resulting in reverse mobilization in defense of the group. it started here has how defensive made due to that opposition. it's having difficulties in bringing the legislation to fruition. but the countries prime minister isn't giving up with fresh plans to push the idea of fluid.


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