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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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the, the breaking news on our t international. a bombshell lake shows german generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge bring you a transcript of their conversation in just a few moments. although germany refuses to comment on the issue of rushes top diplomats survey laptops as its obvious natal powers are directly involved in the brain conflict. they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie to lake comes after the german chancellor admits britain and france are directly involved in the crime complex by helping the fire long range
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missiles at rushed. the you are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow were covering the top new stories from around the worlds. we start with that breaking news. the german army has been considering a strike on russia's bridge to crimea. that's according to a leaked 40 minute conversation between the high ranking german military officers. i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach its a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depos can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time. and we are talking about a month what would
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a torres attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur . but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. well, these are quite astonishing revelations, very. this points to germany's direct involvement in the conflict and ukraine. something which they've gone to great lengths to deny. now, as we've heard in the transcript, that talking about the destruction an attack on the crime being bridge. now this is being a frequent target to all of that. but as you crating on it as west and boxes and germany or the german military officials, discussed the strategic and military impulse, the importance of such an attack. now by talking about the total dismissal, this is the, the long range missile does. there's been some the,
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the ring from the german jones, the sholtes over the supply. but if you remember. busy the german germany has to be pretty much forced into supplying the leper tongues. it came with a great pressure from the united states and now he's coming under pressure a to supply the tourist me. so there's a lot of explaining to do. but as we understand berlin has declined to comment on the accusations they used to about sneaking in through post. and so that nobody notices. and they discuss about how they're going to get the missiles into quite. and if indeed they can get them resolved into quite get hot, it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. but they talk about the brett. somehow they managed to get the stone shadow. of course, the british long,
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wide range be solved into the country. but there was another interesting exchange when it comes to the excellence of this associating the german on forces from direct involvement in the conflict. just a moment, i understand what you're talking about. the direct close connection between bugle and ukraine might concern politicians, which could lead to direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. in that case, it can be said that information exchange will occur through m b da. and we will send one or 2 of our specialists to scrubbing house, and of course, this is coming. but from a political standpoint, it may look different. the information exchange happens through the manufacturer. it's not related to us. now we've heard about this attempt to travel a by call 3 poses so that nobody notices, but they also talk about the information exchange. and they say that this information exchange can take place between ukraine and n b d. this is the homes manufacturer are responsible for developing the tours missile
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these could this could take place at the bhutto advice in germany. this is german apple space. but it would take place of the technicians that they talk about bringing them in, which would just disassociate the on forces of folding the information exchange of the satellite images with which takes i can be processed up boots on this. this gives a information about targets and the accuracy range of around 3 meters. so this is a kind of information that detailed information that would be needed to carry out a strike on the crime. in bridge they token law about the bricks on the storm shadow. it was about how they money to use them inside you crying about they spoke about the mounting on at call, particularly they spoke about the f sixteens. they also in the discussion said, well, this is a slug pro says should show decides. tomorrow that he's going to send these tours missiles, it will take about 8 months for them to be able to be activated because they require lots of training. the ukrainian falls is don't have the skills to know such
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such weapons and it would take time for them to be trained to do so. they also talk about these, the phases of a, perhaps a mistake if the ukrainian forces are able to find the tourist missed all they talk about a striking kindergarten is now those of us to have been on the grounds in the don't boss in the don't. yes, for public have seen the actually these mistakes are not necessarily mistakes. they seem to happen fairly often. but these, you know, this current, this would, i guess, disassociate the german von forces with um, the direct involvement. but we also heard about possible support on the ground. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves. after all,
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they have all the satellite images so that we heard the use of the term cutting. now this is an interesting to and then we can be sure that the people on the ground in civilian clothes with the american actions onto and ukraine on site saying tool . then, you know, then the to a, to see the science of, of ukraine. and as was hidden to that, that they could actually help with the deployment of such attacks that we're talking about, including on the crime in bridge, steve. but in terms of the ukraine conflict world, these new weapons supplies really change anything on the ground. well, that's a great question that an interesting one, because you'll see from the conversations that the germany doesn't want to send a with the tours missiles ones which indicates that this really isn't about winning . this isn't really about victory and ukraine, and the discussion between the ministry leaders shows that it's really, it's simply just germany's time off the britain, the supplied, the storm shadow on phone to supply discount results. if you get 50 pieces,
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they will be used up very quickly. exactly. it won't change the course of the war. that's why we don't want to hand them all over and not all at the same time. maybe 50 in the 1st ranch, then maybe there will be another transfer of 50 missiles. that's perfectly understandable, but it's all big politics. i'm guessing what's really behind it. i have learned from my french and british colleagues that in fact, with the storm shadow in scout, it is the same as with the winchester rifles. they may ask, why should we supply the next batch of missiles because we have already supplied them? let germany do it now. perhaps miss defroster has something to say on this subject . does now a general acceptance even among western leaders that ukraine is losing that account actually when this conflict, we seen recently the liberation of the advocate. we've seen russian advances along the front line, and of course, this comes off the back of ukraine's failed counter offensive, which was back to the hill by the west. and next thing, a lot of the a ministry hallway going up in flames on the possible if it was i may be the
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a kind of a reluctance for this continued supply of but it creates a really, this just looks like an attempt to save face an attempt at unity and will look the face of a certain defeat. russia is a top diplomat circuit lab. rob says it's obvious, nato powers are directly involved in the complex those with the assembly. this conversation contained several curious things, including a discussion between german generals on how to more cunningly supply ukraine with long range weapons to attack the crimean fridge and ammunition depos, as well as how to remain unnoticed while doing so. because chancellor schultz good supposedly doesn't like that stuff. yep. the americans and the brits are already there short. so give it over half. there was also a conversation about whether it was possible to remotely aim those missiles beyond ukraine. but since you're one of the general subjected to that idea,
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saying that such a step would mean their direct participation. so they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground, boots and you put him. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie. i don't know how they will explain this into the public spunk . this latest lake comes as we see outrage among fellow natal politicians after the german chancellor spilled the beans, that britain and france are helping a crane launch their long range missiles are russians. all i've sought said he will not allow his mail. i tried to do the same sparking even more criticism from european allies. solstice, comments are wrong irresponsible, and a slap in the face to allies. we have a choice either will give you credit with needs, or we will see more bloodshed and a complete failure of the terence. this is a flagrant abuse of intelligence deliberately designed to distract from germany's
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reluctance to arm ukraine with its own long range missile system. this will no doubt be used by russia to racket up the escalator. let her go down to find the german soldiers must at no point and in no place be linked to targets that the tourist system reaches. this is a very far reaching weapons. and what is being done on the part of the british and french in terms of target control and target control assistance cannot be done in germany. a chancellor schultz has been pushing back. busy cause to army crane with german made tourist missiles for months. he says, such weapons could be used by capt. hit targets as far away as moscow and schultz doesn't want any german this to be involved on thursday, he again stress that berlin supports care by all means, but will not condone having its own or nato troops there splits deal cut, you know, we are providing ukraine with economic and humanitarian support, as well as with the delivery of weapons, we aimed to prevent the support from escalating the conflict into a war between russia and nato. there will be no german or nato soldiers on
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ukrainian territory as this would suggest this danger. and i stand by that without any changes, escalade soon dis, earlier, the french president was asked about his recent statement that the deployment of western for to crane can not be ruled out. menu microns simply said, all his words are, quote, weighed and measured. however, a public sentiment in both france and germany is strongly against microns pitch. according to the latest polls, german respondents are overwhelmingly against such a move, with only 13 percent in favor. the numbers are very similar in france itself, for locals. so little appetite for the presidents, controversial idea to the 68 percent of french respondents told of the bad proposal, less than one 3rd said they would support such a move. all right, let's discuss this now with geopolitical analyst and aviation experts 0. the luxury who joins me in the studio great to have you with us here today. one of the key
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topics of the link to audio is how to avoid showing any direct german involvement in attacking rushes bridge to cry me, what are your thoughts on that? well the thing is it was expected the way of shots propose this is to dilute within m b a, which is one of the manufacturer of that the size is guys because he knows that the ukrainians are not capable to operate this directly. and this is already what i explained a few times a couple of weeks ago here. and the fact that he asks or essays that they could be used under the french that sort of, i 5 aircraft the full each 1st. because today, no one can tell if i'm and i don't know myself even as a backup myself, if that decided can be used with the decimal, how far we know that it can be used with f, a t f 15 sub griffin, your type one issue germany has refused to comment on this issue. how do you
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think berlin will try to avoid responsibility here of wages? so, so as sure germany has so far not commented on the issue, how is berlin going to try to avoid responsibility for this? there will be 9 most probably they will deny it was i don't know what else the candidate bid that they can do it because this, this is absolutely fully. this is stupid and they have a refuse to give taurus the ukraine from the very beginning because they know that you crying and government. we try to use those midsize for deep targeting within the russian territory. and we all know that the current in bridge is just like a symbol. it would be also foolish to believe that the premium breach is the only access to from ukraine. we have mainland roads and stuff like this. so it's just question of the symbol. hm. yeah, among other things,
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the german military officers discuss the prospect of using french to solve rough, l fighter jets as a delivery system for the tourist missiles. for key of what you say, you're not even sure if that would even be possible to launch them from those. how likely is it that parents would support this initiative? you think this is paris west supporting such an initiative? it would be absolutely fully each. absolutely. felicia, i do not see how decently my crown could authorize such a thing. no, no, no, it was. yeah, but we're living in anomaly with like around. that's the question. the french media are reporting that parents is even considering the possibility of allowing special forces and other military units to cross into your cradle. why? well, make no mistakes from the very beginning. we know that the french has a special forces deluded into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also, that's not something that is known. this is known by russian government. and i
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think that the russian government is playing pretty nicely. but despite the full each explanation of uh, my chrome, i think we might, uh, we may believe that there is a, that's back have message is that we all know that officially, the french government cannot send a french troops in ukraine 1st it would be like, while the pro ration on that it has to go to french, probably, and that's my problem. doesn't have the power to do this without the vote of departments. but the backbone of it is that it would help probably some people to leg legalize, understand the need to send troops for training into your brain diluted within the printing army. as we have already seen this from the very beginning of the company . but what interest is france satisfy by supporting ukraine?
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a country that's not a part of the european union, a country that's not a part of nato, it would put france at risk to become involved in this military conflict of i don't understand why they are interested. we are, i mean french, they over it has drum and some british and other countries. they already have crossed the red lines. they are over the country, the us who built the insurance. right. but um we have to, uh, i think we have to refer to, uh, you know, uh, but asians keep doctrine on a couple of years ago. he said that your opinion was meant to collapse. and the only thing that could, we've had to realize, european union is a fewer. and if we're listening to the propaganda that we have in europe, the whole thing as russia is the new fear. if we don't do anything now, in a couple of years, this is very hypothetical incompletely stupid because we won't let that this is not what's going to win. but they are saying russia is going to invade russia is going
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to have to act as. so let's get prepared for it. that's the only way they found to with it are locked, rated to realize the european union. but this is not going to work. even the french people, they don't believe in this. um, they probably disagree with this. 70 percent of the population said that it was completely full each to some french groups and you print, it's not our war. it's not our problem. we're just being to your opinion on united states and need to. that's all we're just puppets. in germany's chancellor schultz has confirmed that he would not allow tourist missiles to go to ukraine, since those weapons could potentially be used by cube to strike me even moscow. apparently does not want to be involved in that at all. um, understandably, but, but could plans to supply these missiles be made without shelters? knowledge? and if that's the case, what does that imply? well, if germany was to provide those besides to ukraine to ukrainians at your premiums,
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they do not have the capability to use those. besides, 1st make 29 needs to be a rich affiliate to use those besides and it would any way require the out of the people who has the knowledge. so once again, when you have new system appearing on the battlefield that are directly operable, making mistakes, it's not you financed that are being which people we have the knowledge like with the pets re up system like the with the iris p system onto aircraft system. when fonts provided me size, the ukraine, it was not um, you printed people that were using it. it was a, the french people who had the knowledge or british people because this has misled, that has been design uh, both with french and english. this information like also indicates german officers were discussing the potential for civilian deaths if the missiles were used incorrectly. so clearly they understand potential consequences yet,
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why would they still supply them then i asked charles, have that answer. yeah, i mean it's, uh, i think the european union, french and united states and england, they've been so far that we are fully in the too big to fail system. so once again, i think it's a, it's rhetoric. i think it's, it's rhetoric, but one has to be careful because in an amount of prizes, something that can be really felicia to, to do things. but i think it's, we are in the show. my crown has lost all credibility. charles has lost all credibility. also. we all know that it's time and the shouldn't know that it's time to come back to negotiation. and russia has a wave always being open to negotiation. remember that is baris johnson that can
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couple of weeks of thought a beginning of the conflict and say no, no negotiation, frank, do fight, and the restaurant has a, we always be ready for this. the thing is that west is not. all right, we're gonna leave it there. so to outrage your political analyst and aviation expert. thank you so much. you're welcome to here are you in high commissioner for human rights has condemned the passage of an empty l. g, b, t to bill and donna, that imposes criminal sanctions against the community. the bill broadens the scope of criminal sanctions against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, and queer people simply for being who they are. and threatens criminal penalties against a perceived allies of l. g. b t q plus people. i call for the bill not to become law. i urge the gun, i am government to take steps to ensure everyone can live free from violence, stigma, and discrimination. regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity,
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consensual, same sex conduct, it should never be criminalized to the bell. donna's parliament passed on wednesday was 1st introduced in 2021. it would punish those who take part in l. g, b, t, q sexual acts, as well as those who promote eligibility to plus rights with time in the present, the countries president must signed the bill for it to become law. the joins now live by samuel and archie, george, a member of parliament, and then go pam, pam, and sponsors of the bill that they have you on with us. and we for the latest statements by the un commission on human rights. what is your response to those concerns? extremely hypocritical and unwelcome. the un commission on human rights should speak to the american government to stop in prison and american citizens who wants to practice polygamy because party got means 2 or 3 con, central adults agreeing to be married to each other. if that is not
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a violation of their human rights, then the human rights commission doesn't know what human rights of about. again, the rights of american children on to be able to go to school, have a class and go back home to their parents is a fundamental human rights to life. american children a being bullshit every day by weapons in american classrooms. so un commission on human rights as much as i've said a single word about that. a samuel amens on what i mean god is in regard to this bill. the u. n. has called for tolerance and respect for traditions and laws. will this bill, though not lead to demonizing, a segment of society? well, society is only defined by the lowest that he has else will leaving the jungle right down to most us. and that's why in, in our country we have criminalize primes like money, laundry, like terrorism and, and, and vigilance isn't lift with criminalized them,
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even though minority groups in our country believe that that's the right way to leave. but the majority of the country through parliament have decided that that is not acceptable. and in fact, democracy, the whole essence of this western democracy that we practice that was about so as well as people from the west is supposed to be government for the people with the people and by the people. and it's the whole sense of democracy as parliamentary representation. so if the so when parliament i've gone a united mostly debates on the bill for 3 years. and finally, process that bill, who has the rights outside of gun to wanted, dictates to ask what's to do an ar problem. nobody dictates to the russian do my, what the issue do. nobody dictates they use really class. that's what they should do. nobody dictates the house of commons in the u. k. what they should do. so why should anybody think that they have the rights to tell got in. so when the submarine parliament, they've got to what we should do are figure out that's on our phones to our
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independence and also ramsey and people show mind your businesses and take care of their own businesses. so the guardian president says he will assign the bill if the majority of the public supports it. does this bill have large support in gonna do you anticipate that it will become law? there is a rise week. the civil society group called a cd gonna, which is being one of the biggest advocates for l g. b t q writes day carried out a survey and even in the our own survey. 93 percent of guardians, 93 percent support this bill. 270 ma'am. so 275 members of the dentist parliament. not one passing dissent during the votes. the support for the bill is overwhelming. the president has no choice then to sign it because he says the interest of the gun young people and swore an oath to defend the constitution. and the will of the guardian people locked the wheel of the un, not the wheel of a new western bar. and how will this bill impact the people who interact with the l
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g b t community but aren't part of the community necessarily such as health, co workers and educators. okay. where, cuz i allowed to do the job so long as someone comes to a health care worker to seek medical care, the privacy, the doctor in of privacy between the health give a health caregiver and the client is confidential and that's respected. what we will not accept as when people coming as international n g owes, and claim the health care workers, and rather come to support groups by giving them condos. a little bit tends to continue to carry out any of the go central activity in government. if you're offering help, so someone in the medical facility who is coming to you that's different from you going into a, you'll be coming a facilitator of activity that's going on in that community. the government have gone is going to continue to spend over $200000000.00 every year to provide answer
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would provide or i'll drops to men who have sex with men who have contracted h i v aids because of the fact that they are having sex and then a natural minor move on to we have to provide that much, it would provide all drugs, but we will not allow anybody to come in to begin the advocacy, the support, the but i'm a rise ation of something that just either go that's the low will not allow you to do it and can you tell us about the general attitude toward the l g b t community across the african continent, and especially within gonna is it quite different from what we see in the west with the embracing of gay rights to well the african continent is one that is defined by its culture and extractions. and i've always said, like i've said and gone, or we haven't got a 2 different languages over 80 different languages and over a 150 traditional areas. not one of the age any other languages has a local word or an indigenous word for homosexuality. a tells you that even in a language, it is a misnomer. if there's a 4 in construction,
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that's why we don't have a word for it. we only have descriptions for homosexuality, we don't have indigenous words for it. and that's the same across most spots of africa. most parts of africa, i'm not open to it. there's some countries in africa that have decided to become very weston. and to our way to our culture and the identity we as guardians, are very cultural people, and we will continue to uphold our cultural traditions and norms. and the here in donna, we are very conservative. we are guided by moral believes. in fact, when you read the 1992 constitution of china, which is the supreme is all in gonna, it gives you 3 grounds on which rights all the rights of citizens can be cut to public securities. one public health is to number 3, as of the public's mortality. that's in our constitution. it tells you how important our morals as a nation is to our country. but even in our constitution,
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your rights to life, your rights to speech, your rights, the fleet, the movements can be cut to on the basis of public security, public health and public morality. so mileage is a big part of our life is africans and us guardians. okay, samuel marty, george, member of parliament and go pen, pam, and sponsors of the bill. thank you. thank you very much. the several police officers have been killed him at escalating violence in the caribbean island nation of haiti. armed gangs have been trying to topple the prime ministers administration and seize control of the country. we announced that all armed groups are going to act to get the haitian prime minister, our real henry, to step down. we will use all strategies to achieve the school with our guns and with the haitian people, we will free the country. it is prime minister has been trying to revive a plan to deploy a 1000 police officers from the east african nation of kenya to crack. down on the
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gangs even visited nairobi, the speak to support the deal after the african countries. high court previously blocked the initiative the haitian prime minister also recently agreed to hold general elections next year. he was supposed to see power to a new government last month, but refused to do so. and that for the fuel, that the civilian outrage medications say they can no longer tolerate the devolving situation. i find myself dragging my things through the streets. the prime minister has to do so. you must give us a chance to live in peace. i'm 62 and i can take it any more. i'd like to take care of my family, but i can't do it any more. i can't even go home. i'm waiting on the street to do so. the situation is becoming catastrophic. i've been here since 1986 and it's never been like this. we're surrounded on all sides. it's upsetting haiti is the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere. it.


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