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tv   Documentary  RT  March 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
richard, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the store. so somebody uh, gotten a good name for me for some move, but most likely you have to use simple associated you most. i think you would think so. okay, so for you to so because most of the pictures are booked in the 1st place because that is digital does that i know sometimes these photos of interest that wasn't something that wasn't super glad to fill out the
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card with them. piece of putting it in the course of seeking up video review. but before i do this for you, if i do it right. so for those, the best, if it's in the room is that use, it's a to go and say, the good thing is we have the parts of the facility and the slave of us for senior living. you lose muscle, presuming it's old silver crank the
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the, the
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a little file. so be sure that this is good up and you want me to come on that to start with what do you see? there's a little solution it's going do you see of
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the dispute because it was a list of the students with the business. it was it got the assistant businesses business. lou, bring it on board with business was that suit? most systems with this you know, the shifts the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the split system does the, the come boards with the new
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physical here's here's the
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cause of course, just cool. cool with just cuz i didn't pull that up with the atlanta. so the actual phone and so we used stuff with what that model? no, no, i don't. if it was thursday or something i wasn't last year and i know again today to the fact that i bought the info on 2nd floor affliction. the last thing was, what was the finding boy showing me that is a viable little digital item with most of the story i guess of the violence in the summer poodle
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removed from the 1st 30 years ago, the phone most show those cuz i mean, i used to use that as modem because it's a mistake here and it was a camera fetch, anything of photos of the bundle of yours. so when you get that, that goes by slowly you know, end of us based on us. we saw that. busy or the still thunder that allows us if i knew from the bus number. so it wasn't going centurylink. i know some of the show for the
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the house the other side system that the phone with was also just a it's a very serious. yeah. somebody will . hazel, which was to low level mean good. it says that i am yeah
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. bringing it's about it. i mean to love so stuck with little stupid solution. it's near someone less business. yeah. it's a shot. the see what i see a control. yeah. muscles coach was come on, know to the sheer force digital, what i mean. yeah, it was fine. you know, so i do for the easy because i think that it also wanted it to go to them with a single would you be here? my more bratfield. let me see which of these items would you not come when you rotate and i was only so it looks the same as the investigation period because you move about 50 lots that they used to work with. got to be able to come and do, which is what is this thing was it, can you come with us or as i'm not sure, i will not, i will change it to more i'm not sure which in them that it any most cost on what we're really compress slowing them by the time you converse, probably no problem. yeah. so we're going to shock. i'm gonna get
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a ball. got result was almost to the minus sign of don't that's less than that. you guys are still reasonable for going to the it's of interest as a roommate, i don't know still within the 1st and last like i read by the way which is supposed to bring my basically with the most i saw the full face. but i know that it was capable, i didn't let you close to the it was an addition to some of the show by us. and so it means of the, the,
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the 1st time in history and the entire countries culture as being canceled the very modern weapons cancel a culture. they need to ask the associated mile as to the function, just me sitting on a bluetooth because the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet them know what degree of, of the orders that i get when you might have folks to push them over your own chart . if so, of that the most of the separate shalanda m e, the moines blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that or to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she does have access to the little some of the list. joining total condemnation,
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gross daily, and now includes just asking you to call skate and assess the coverage that i need to. yeah, that was quick enough, but yeah, she thinks that would just be the w. w. the key. yeah. the folks here for a whole lot mccoy, it's actually just a few minutes. i'll be just the contrast before they don't even have. let's just do the double shift for science like you still with us. do something about this now for about
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a to the statement that i don't know if it is good news about actually forgot the lose the game to save them. so just build the
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the travel dates for the school. the registrar. yes, i was just labeled the where is the go go whether it was the status is on. oh okay. what i see and that's what i don't see any kind of a hard copy. i'm is the resale
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pre. okay. then the fire thing will say here, went on. how the the the ball gorge was it keeps, i'm spiraled in for a whole thing to be a saw. these lots of pizza. you sent me a message and then just it was at the time. this is the one you get to increase the pharmacist and what you what you believe is this mutual care with elizabeth, do you mind can long as these truth was, these assume you cannot to look at the department the got them yet. the comment that make it more noise, these will definitely got the most. what's interesting is that deep sea
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thoughts. i might have to use a for a teaching there. but if you still need to read it, you see any payment system weasel and that is the new, much for social and image to click on the cloud. that was then the buzzer. you put it on this list, you will get to use my boost to be sleep. but stanley at the both leave to go. you say that to me, people from the stables extent that i know that that was how i mean the payments are in order for me. so
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lucy, so from without that smoking has some of the stuff i thought, you know, things that you're hello for those. who are that to be that you know, hello company is much on so them, so definitely more of the the, on the lots of pizza, the
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drum, the chip concept 1st goes through to elizabeth with the new person. most of the 3 students that she's still available for you the way she knows up with the speech. see if you come by you william court of with them completely on that. what you've seen these videos are on 65, even see discuss,
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cuz there's an yes click on view and so the sheet, the apple seriously company policy is now excuse me, it was released. the site itself is diesel released it's in europe. it's because appreciate, so don't let me finish the, me appreciate it. so what does it be? he's got that what it means to give me a hold of sending him what would you like me circa, sold with a new shipper. you shave senior, but when you cook, senior sca letting you fix the i need to push more i need is a little using the political view. it was just the gym. we seen you 1st. you have seen your tasking has made me aware of step pizza, the of the senior pick, nor would the butch sleep. we will be with each other post any of those in the section. we do have suggest anything you might explain you deal with, you have them. we just a, what the say to me. she or n e n e been spending things on it. the room at least the 3 she
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and the key model with bleach lane. would you wanna see if there is a months the but i'm very if i'd be the new hook up out of the, of the thumbs. they've been on sale or do it so we don't the by me hold on like i deal with them use of our solution. you come for others. all right, so because it kirkwood store you truth and spoke to you about the rambo to the land, but the purchasing portion uh shows there are gifts is near the ceiling. say the by the time i'm not sure who's getting either i was kind of looking for your social shows for them to do i to well i still don't, lou. you go to the input branch, even these are a couple of so a couple of windows 0 to be able create. so was there was not the know is but did 0. thank you. so from the user,
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why 0 for you to visit back, which is what do you most most easiest party love the so serious about very nice with the new info as well. so she knew, but since you be able to learn more, most of the suite, you know, follow owners from is not safe for any lives in the house. a lot of people still deal with just local fee, as long as you guys have new phones. if not really well, i know that much for it and then click on the whole computer to the sales and nobody will who okay, because you processed the visit. i gotta tech support backwards. do not see it. glitched in suits the most because each the full new
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deal and even do file. so the just the for the, the the
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are you still use the new site or are you happy for you? well, the final, but i mean, we minister to get the stuff that despite, unless you to move it to finish the weight of our tv is the most of the cube spits on east of motion them breakfast. so no, i'm the fiscal will talk to an executive day, and so you tell me to call, you can certainly most like get the to move the little kids my gloves
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of the will you feel square as you to verify in your thought. most my us to watch sick usage store us most of store where catch each severely the best least for him in for to start going to apologize for, for, for sure. actually. and they tried, you did it because the engine, but what is it the way this to the noise both as of at them they've got the 30, the traditional chest of all of this. and we're just starting to be just recently did advance. there's lots of what does it come up that most of it doesn't mean the fox you name is very serious deal. i mean, you, for on the show you just by sort of this thing much
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less related issues which so physical and show you what i say, they noticed when the basic face the serial machinery. c p. p usually. well, let's look at the music. you didn't get the music's bumping, you use it to you. the the,
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the schmiel and the small states in the nicholas county may or by law have the most simple. and then the homeowner wish book line, how they will have a $200.00 fee in how you will be looked at this, your new fi. so mean the show needs to be your key. but either which to low level the the
5:58 pm
at the end of the 18th century britain began the illegal opium afraid in china. this hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. b. a. however, the ruling chinese dream dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. sobar lee arm dead for lead drain chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong gone over to england and open it sports for trading. the lead, the good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops evaded the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery.
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destroyed and blundered, the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the do opium. wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states and started the age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the quote we need to be doing is no time committed to most of productively subject to any kind of motor to the west and a new train. and bustling so involved in taking sides that they need some taping signs and conflicts, which is actually one of the big homes that we face in terms of our credibility is this international kind of too much the of
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the breaking news, the nazi international of all the show leak shows gym and generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge. although germany refuses to comments on the issue versus the top diplomats to get loved rough, cuz it's obvious that nato powers are tied greatly involved in ukraine. will. they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pipe. at least a 115 palestinians have been musket as they were rushing to receive 8 in gaza that yep. and since they only $520.00 shots hello sends you an invoice as the.


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