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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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on the, the, the big news on the international a fall michelle late shows the gym and generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge. although germany refused to comment on the issue versus public diplomat instead of get love roth, that is obvious. the nato powers all directly involved in the ukraine conflict. they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie abundance of a haze or pull to the funding. social media accounts the shed, the palm show league looking to sweep the truth under the carpets. under the news, at least a 115 palestinians had been investigated as they were rushing through,
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receives and gaza city. jeff insists they only find warning shots polezza buttons un invite. so typically we suggest otherwise. dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not like, you know, fighting in the sky to it is today and people there was a confusions and class the was just on 5 am here in moscow. this is all the international money is peter scott's here with all the very latest. thank you for joining us. we'll start with some breaking news this all on us save the german army, has been considering a strike on russia's bridge to premier. well, that's according to at least 40 minute conversation between a high ranking jim and military officers. and also this, i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge in the east is hard to reach. it's
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a rather small target, but the tourist can do it at the end. munition depos can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month. mm hm. what would a tourist attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur . but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. well, these are quite astonishing revelations, very, this points to germany's direct involvement in the conflict in ukraine. something which they've gone to great lengths to deny. now, as we've heard in the transcript, the talking about the destruction,
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an attack on the crime be improves. now this has been a frequent talk, it's all about the crate, not it's west in boxes and germany or the german military officials discussed the strategic and military impulse. the importance of such an attack. now by talking about the total dismissal, this is the, the long range missile does. there's been some, there's a ring from the german tone, so i would love sholtes over the supply. but if you remember. busy the german germany has to be pretty much forced into supplying the left the tongues that came on the great pressure from the united states. and now he's coming under pressure to supply the tourist me. so there's a lot of explaining to do. but as we understand berlin has declined to comment on the accusations they used to about sneaking in through poland so that nobody notices. and so they discuss about how they going to get the missiles into quite and if indeed they can get them resolved into christ, movie stuff. that's not the kind of want to get hot. it doesn't matter. we need to
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ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflicts. might i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell them minutes to now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, outside of that, no one notices that's already participation and we want do that. they talk about the brit somehow they managed to get the stone shadow. of course, the british long right range be solved into the country. but there was another interesting exchange when it comes to the excellence of this associating the german on forces from direct involving in the conflict. because that's, that's my mind that has just a moment. i understand what you're talking about. the direct close connection between beautiful and ukraine might concern politicians next, which could lead to direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. in that case, it can be said that information exchange will occur through m b, d and d d. and we will send one or 2 of our specialists to scrubbing house and explore it . of course, this is coming home how, but from a political standpoint,
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it may look different of a little bit of information exchange happens through the manufacturer and then it's not related to us. we come now we've heard about this attempt to travel a by costs repoed. so that nobody notices, but they also talk about the information exchange and they say that this information exchange can take place between ukraine and m. b da. this is the alms manufacturer are responsible for developing the tours missile these could, this could take place at the bhutto advice in germany. this is german air force base, but it would take place the technicians that they talk about bringing them in, which would just disassociate the on forces of folding the information exchange of the satellite images, which takes, i can be processed up boots on this. this gives a information about targets and the accuracy range of around 3 meters. so this is a kind of information that detailed information that would be needed to carry out a strike on the crime in bridge. they told me about the bricks on the storm shadow
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. it was about how they managed to use them inside ukraine, but they spoke about the mounting on at call, particularly. they spoke about the f sixteens. they also, in the discussion said, well, this is a slow process should show, decides, tomorrow that he's going to send these tours missiles, it will take about 8 months for them to be able to be activated because they require lots of training. the ukrainian falls is don't have the skills to know such such weapons and it would take time for them to be trained to do so. they also talked about these, the phases of a, perhaps a mistake if the ukrainian forces are able to find the tourist missed all they talk about a striking kindergarten is now those of us that have been on the grounds in the don't boss in the don't yet for public have seen the actually these mistakes are not necessarily mistakes. they seem to happen fairly often. but these uh, you know, this current this would um, i guess disassociate the gym and on forces with um,
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the direct involved. but we also heard about possible support on the ground. all my friends, do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on it's only that i'm it's, after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes, stuff who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves. after all, they have all the satellite images. i know that you've seen that so that we heard the use of the term cutting. now this is an interesting to and then we can be sure that the people on the ground in civilian clothes with the american actions on seeing you, crated on site saying tool. they don't, you know, then they had to a, to see the science of, of ukraine and as was hidden to that, that they could actually help with the deployment of such attacks that we're talking about, including on the crime ambridge, steve. but in terms of the ukraine conflict, will these
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a new weapon supplies really change anything on the ground? well, that's a great question that an interesting one, because you'll see from the conversations that the germany doesn't want to send any of the tours missiles ones which indicates that this really isn't about winning. this isn't really about victory and ukraine, and the discussion between the ministry leaders shows that it's ready. it's simply just germany's term off the britain, the supplied, the storm shadow on phone. so supply discount results. they actually moved into from, if you give 50 pieces, they will be used up very quickly. right? exactly. it won't change the course of the work. so that's why we don't want to hand them all over and not all at the same time that may be 50 in the 1st trench, then maybe there will be another transfer of 50 missiles. that's perfectly understandable. but it's all big color that i'm guessing what's really behind it. i know i have learned from my french and british colleagues that in fact with the storm shadow and scouts, it is the same as with the winchester rifle. on my book, they may ask, why should we supply the next batch of missiles because we have already supplied
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the select germany? do it now? does not of a general acceptance even among western data is that ukraine is losing, but it actually, when this conflict, we seen recently the liberation of the i've got, we've seen russian at volunteers along the front line. and of course, this comes of the back of ukraine's filed counter offensive, which was back to the hill by the west. and they've seen a lot of the ministry hauled by go nothing flames on the passenger feels that they may be a kind of a reluctance for this continued supply of but it creates a really, this just looks like an attempt to say face an attempt at unity and will look the face of a certain defeat. with german defense ministry has initiated a proven to the possible interception of german that false communications about the potential use of tours, missiles for system. different types of get of ruffled. he says it's obvious. the nato poses a directly involved in the ukraine conflict. those with the company. this conversation
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contains several curious things, including a discussion between german generals on how to more cunningly supply ukraine with long range weapons to attack the crime in bridge and, and munition depos, as well as how to remain unnoticed while doing so. because the chancellor schultz good supposedly doesn't like that. yep. the americans and the brits are already there for 2 years or half. there was also a conversation about whether it was possible to remotely aim those missiles beyond ukraine. but one of the general subjected to that idea saying that such a step would mean their direct participation. so they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground, boots and you put them. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie. i don't know how they will explain this to the public function
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. the finish to a list you want us put can in says the nato is full of resolution fear, but it tries to come see me. this discussion is very interesting because dave not only reveal the intentions of germany or attack and see really on a huge series on target like crime, me, and breach. but they also reveal in his discussion that the britain and france is deeply involved in the previous attacks and how they are playing those styles. i think to do this, this discussion reveals lots of details how complicated this operation is, how the greeks are in or do you know the after of the song monday, meeting, e know in parries, we have seen a tendency that they are spreading now amongst the nato and european union leaders, these idea that we are not afraid that we are,
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we are not afraid. but when you look at these discussion, which has been recorded just before, each for fear is fuel. oh, here's a station and where you know, the how the, the leaders think that there's a holiday kind of get called over. it is like a small children's play. and now they are boosting themselves with the statements, like of the previous president. and there's tony and prime minister. we are not afraid we are ready to do everything on a model macro and as well, which have an officer says the taurus massage may be able to destroy the crime in bridge if they used to own a friendship. the salt ro fault fights a jet jupiter, go on, listen, a vision expert, serial deluxe. i said that the move would drag a building further into the will. today. no one can tell if i'm can. i don't know myself even as a buyer, myself. if that decided can be used with that, that's what i find it. we know that it can be used with f a t f 15, some great on your type one. if germany was to provide those besides to
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ukraine to ukrainians at ukrainians, they do not have the capability to use those me sites. first, the make 29 needs to be a rich figure to, to use those besides and the a point, any way required be out of, for people who has the knowledge. so once again, when you have new system appearing on a battlefield that are directly operable, making mistakes, it's not to finance that are being which people we have the knowledge like with the battery of systems like the, with the iris peace system. make the mistakes from the very beginning. we know that the french has a special forces deluded into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also. and that's not something that is known. we're just being to your opinion on united states and need to. that's all we're just puppets. billing hasn't yet
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given any official statements since the audio tape was published over 15 hours ago . sees editor in chief not read so many on it was the 1st to reveal the contents of the high level conversation. no doubt due glory to some of the subjects this audio recording. it speaks for itself just after i published the 1st text about it, there were a lot of skeptics and media outlets called me and wrote to me saying it couldn't be too. but it is. is the real order for german military officers restored into the gentleman air force and discussing how to go impressions be so crimea and how many missed calls it will take 10 or 20 and how to do so that no one is aware of anything. so the chancellor sholtes could continue to claim that he's not involved in the conflict. and nato does not participate in the conflict. and that it's not in his backyard. they also expose the british and american partners saying that
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already working in ukraine, in general, they're all lots of interesting things. be sure to listen. i wonder how the germans will respond to. i hear in 2 days because most of the reasons i did the press mostly presenting the leak as a gift on the parts of the national defense ministry. so media outlets are reporting to the leads. conversation is believed to be authentic. so i think sources in the bundle that have a built as reported that it's concise in the gym and forces say that the been does, the has allegedly blogs, social media accounts, the shed, the recording, trying to minimize is reputation of damage. it wasn't for ministers, folks, one, there is a kind of a cold, it's another attempt to see the truth. the company it's cold covering your tracks. is this going to follow the same scenario as the gym and investigation of the terrorist attacks on the north streams? german citizens should know from schultz about the rights of a foreign person in russia. bella roost, or china,
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but not about the gym and rights. human rights attorney done colleagues says there's no space opposing narrative or speech and the west. i think the silence is a sent or the silence is an acknowledgement that that week is real. i'm sure they're going to try to sweep this under the rug. but again, the, the, the, the evidence is mounting of what's happening. that, again, the west is, is, is actively a war with russia. i mean that's, that's what all the shows. and again, they're gonna try to ignore these facts. they're gonna try to suppress them. they're going to try to ignore them. but you know, it's a reality. it and uh, the people of the west need to know that they need to know that their governments are or with russia. i think most people in the west don't want that for so they better know that that's where their tax dollars go. i guess there's freedom of
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speech that's not threatening to the government, but does it reveal anything but you know, speech that reveals the troops is surprised. there is no freedom for that kind of speech. that's very clear. well, depends. good. chief lloyd austin says he believes the need, so we'll have to engage in direct conflict to the russia if kia fails to hold strong. if you frame falls again, put in won't stop there. he will just continue to uh, to, to move forward. and in, in the to attack and take on the sovereign territory of, of his neighbors. and quite frankly, if uh, if you frame falls, i really believe that, uh, nato will be in a fight uh, with uh, with the, with russia. oh, austin's testimony came as parts of the white house is campaigns of us congress
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into proving a $95000000000.00 for an 8 bill. i'm on the $60000000000.00 and that would go to ukraine. which of that would come in the form of weapons and ministry equipment purchased from us defense companies, the russian form and assisted to get our offices in pennsauken chiefs, remarks good washington's true desires, as, as present. but he met fruits and emphasized the west's claims that rest is on a path towards escalation, actually reflects their own actions during his federal assembly address on thursday . suppose this is wayne, but even though the waste claims, without any embarrassment, the dresser is supposedly going to attack europe. at the same time, they are choosing to get support strikes on on 3030, choosing effective means of the theater as they themselves think. they talk about the possibility of sending a note to contingent the ukraine. but we remember the fate of those who one sent that troops to the territory of our country. but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic. they must finally realize that we too
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have weapons that can hit targets on the territory and everything that they are inventing or know what they are scaring the whole world with all these really threatens a nuclear conflict and thus the destruction of civilization. and don't they realize that these are the people who have not gone through hard trials. they have forgotten, what war it to them? they think it's all, some kind of cartoon pick me ball. thanks me. do it all to the product is considering deploying special units to ukraine. according to these reports, french also help train ukranian soldiers in poland and a scold alms deliveries to care of us as the french presence of manuel microns said, he would not give up the idea of sending ground ships to ukraine circle and this is co died to evince national action center says that recent statements show that nate's elite is that your credit is unable to continue with this will. because this bowls us, right, nato is a us commanded us equipped us run military alliance. so for him to say, he seriously believes nato will go to war with russia. ukraine fails means that
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they are frantic. that ukraine in fact, has failed, is collapsing is crumbling, is unable to continue, and therefore they're making dire threats. left and right, as we saw with my crumbs us threat just last week, saying that the troops should be sent to ukraine. they are trying to hold up what a military that no longer is willing to fight, where the equipment goes missing last and never works. and the nato is on incapable of continuing to send the supplies. russia has never threatened any european country. it's a us that has expanded nato, one country after another imposed regime change operations one after the other. so this, the threat is not coming from russia. maybe don't suit open use now and over it's
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have guys have for at least 15 people are reports, a debt and several more wounded. and then these really strike on this other city of dia. i'll follow the surviving made sense of what address to the nearby likes the hospital. and we do a post say that the body of refugee camp is also come on the fire, but it's been no official statements regarding any casualties. the, the psycho deal above that comes after an idea of assaults on a crowd that was rushing to receive food supplies in gaza. city on thursday. the least 115 people died in knots, incidents and over 760 wounded survivors tried to take the wounded submitted by hospitals and make shift cards of a semi official so that that's always expected to rise as many a still in a critical condition. the positive voice of you and has criticized the world buddy defendants condemn the mass coming according to the information that we have. dozens of them have bullets in that head. it's not like, you know,
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fighting in the sky to rest today and people, if there was a confusions and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this outrageous. you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and beat those cast it then it is costing the palestinian people that lives more than a 1000. people seeking a tour reportedly on the scene when the incident occurred. video from the scene shows terrified, people running away is the idea of the tank approaches. some of the survivors share their emotional recollections in the aftermath of the attack. whenever we went to collect the aid like normal people, then the tank showed up and trucks stopped. as the tank in front of them, but the firing broke out randomly was next to the car and fell on the ground with a young boy. it came with me that we escaped to another place as
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a tangle showing us. we got charged by 2 bullets. one of the hands of the young was blown away. the other board penetrated along. we kept cold and fell on the ground. some people went to the coastline. well, others escaped to the north east, really army brutalized. us find 2 gas for the bullets or the plains rated us using all forms of killing the even show the google fuse warm and themselves and why of choir to return to the to body parts. so people who are the mass of the okay, i think images now palestinian authorities have called the psych, a cold blooded massacre. we spoke for the rights of come all at one hospital which admitted wounded people on thursday and you strongly believe the attack was deliberate. we'll see you did people who arrived and come all odd one hospital had directed injuries from gun fire, all the injuries targeted the upper parts of the bodies of those killed and injured . and this can reflect that the intention is to kill,
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not just to cause injuries. i saw some farming videos and heard some of the stories of injured people in the hospital. they were saying that the is rarely army was directly targeting them. these hughes were targeted as they were heading to a place. they go every day to get some flower. why did con fire break out today? it is very obvious that the goal was to kill people, and i consider this a trap. they did not intend to drive people away, but to kill them. please reading the tree has released this drone frontage of the incident that appears to show a huge crowd surrounding and humanitarian aid to come void. the idea of his claim, the troops opened. find a small group that they saw as a threats, but con, confirm the debt. so it's really, it's also based on pete by 8. see, cuz as the cause, let's go on list. while it's sam, photos, the videos don't prove any of these are the explanations. they say it is worth trying to provide any evidence to distract and throw smoke in the
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eyes of a, at the end, the eyes of the world. and unfortunately, it does then that the evidence they shift in that footage on the pools is that what happens was a massacre. because according to the foot this shit and there was no danger of uh, imposed or for the coming from those civilians and directed towards those and 80 soldiers. and there was nothing there. and it also eliminated the claim left. um, it was the lady or the truck drivers that were trying to protect themselves and inspected the ad. i mean go over those uh those civilians. the, the for the, the support they say the k. and we cannot point at any effective from inside the coming from the thing inside. as there is
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a claim that there was an understanding of militant group and fighting, got them. that's why they have to defend themselves. that that claim does not exist . if the on the it is no good, i'm to it, it's so it's own done with the intent of targeting civilians. a means that's what you want us to have in groups say the children says that there's a vicious cycle, it may mid the food shortages in gaza says children starved to death while parents are killed, trying to get food. now it's just one of numerous organizations that are raising concerns of the situation. if something doesn't change, a famine is almost inevitable on the, on the car insurance. that is exactly why we race this because once a family of the clip, it is too late for too many people. people are so desperate for food, for fresh water, for any supplies that they risk their lives in getting any food,
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any supplies to support their children. to support themselves. this is the real drama. this is the real catastrophe here. so the official records yesterday or this morning said there was a tens child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to this. and finally, the you are the human rights commission that has condemned and u. n. c, l, g, b, t legislation and the west african nation of gone to the bill seems to impose criminal sanctions against the gate community that the bill broadens the scope of criminal sanctions. against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, and queer people simply for being who they are, and threatens criminal penalties against a perceived allies of l. g. b, t, q plus people. i call for the bill not to become law. i urge the gun, i am government to take steps to ensure everyone can live free from violence, stigma, and discrimination regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity,
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consensual, same sex conduct should never be criminalized. us build a gun. this parliament passed on wednesday was 1st introduced in 2021. it would punish those who take part in l. g. b t sexual acts, as well as those he promotes l g b t writes with time in prison. the countries presents must signed the bill for it to become law. we spoke with the canadian parliament member, samuel not said george, who was one of the sponsors of the bill. and the accused the un of hypocrisy, saying that it sounds a long about sits in cases, but sends a blind eye to office the extremely hypocritical and unwelcome don't let me see. the un commission on human rights should speak to the american government to stop in prison, named american citizens who want to practise public armies because party got means 2 or 3 con, central adults agreeing to be married to each other and their death is not a violation of their human rights then the human rights commission that doesn't know what human rights are about. again, the rights of american children on to be able to go to school, have a class and
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a go back home to the parents is a fundamental human rights to life. american children are being bullshit every day by weapons in american classrooms. so is the, the un commission on human rights has nothing to upset a single word about that much. and so he's comments on what i mean. gonna have to say, well, society is only defined by the lowest that he has else will leaving a jungle right? kind of us and that's why in, in our country we have criminalize primes like money, laundry, like terrorism and, and, and vigilance isn't lift with criminalize them even though minority groups in our country believe that that's the right way to leave. but the majority of the country through parliament have decided that that is not acceptable. and in fact, democracy, the whole essence of this western democracy that we practice, that was brought to us by people from the west is supposed to be government for the people with the people and by the people. and it's the whole essence of democracy
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as parliamentary representation. so if the silver and parliament of the united mostly debates on the bill for 3 years. and finally, process that bill who has the right outside of gone to want to dictates to us what's to doing our product. nobody dictates to the russian. do my, what the issue do. nobody dictates they use really class. that's what they should do. nobody dictates the house of commons in the u. k. what they should do. so why should anybody think that they have the rights to tell got in. so when the submarine, parliament of gonna, what we should do are figure out that's on our phones to our independence, and also ramsey and people show mind your businesses and take care of their own businesses. those are the main stories this i would do head over to archie, don't come from all. my name's peter scott's. i'll be back again at the top of the hour. i'll see you then the.


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