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tv   Documentary  RT  March 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EST

9:30 pm
of the people and it's the whole essence of democracy as parliamentary representation. so if the silver and parliament of the united mostly debates on the bill for 3 years. and finally, process that bill, who has the rights outside of gone to want to dictates to us what's to do an ar problem. nobody dictates to the russian do my, what the issue do. nobody dictates they use really class. that's what they should do. nobody dictates the house of commons in the u. k. what they should do. so why should anybody thing that they have the rights to delegate in silver in the southern parliament of gonna, what we should do are figure out that's on our phones to our independence and our silver, angie and people show minded businesses and take care of their own businesses, so those are the main stories this i would do head over to archie, don't come from all. my name's peter scott's, i'll be back again at the top of the hour. i'll see you then the,
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the schmiel, and it's called the move the 2 men to and it was somebody to formalize the solution of or in a couple of our choices, if i really don't,
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because of the beauties of problems on the peer review. so this, then you scroll down to where you live, least of subordinates sort of in, you know, if it gets too much notice, cuz it slips told me that the weight in the, the the
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so this is done by city such as the why do you think you'd be safest to see
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some susan, did you know the soon to see some of the new ones that are going to shoot this over to use just one in the associated as the last name of the williams. and he was pretty much the buses to jefferson which and appreciate it. so there sounds good to start each type of thing. yeah. cuz it was done school fit. the problem was pushing got you to the
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to be able to control you will choose. so it was in, at the, uh, the lady like has an external place for you to close. i mean, you asked me, i thought i would really kind of feel comfortable with them or do i'm so. so so what, what somebody's by supervision, which is the name is a boy and missy. lydia found a couple. he's just frustrating us. do you think you might have the minds of things? here is the speech of the scene that there is the sense of the somebody,
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the what is the force which is the only the police at the balloon does or we just sold up and what's the best of all. so if there's any way to get it back up the phone for the funding for the 2 forms, if you, if it just gives you a quote from us, it is, it's uh what was possibly what can you but yeah,
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now we have arms coming home as well subsidy. oh and you said most of the repairs. it's amazing. it was, it's supposed to, you just looks up the song studio is paul, one of the 3 us all the if you have any of fulfilling your muscles, a bunch of categories confused to me for the game. so i suppose you would say about this, give me see if there was a territory or he's configured. i've seen him on the, at the massachusetts. oh yeah, it's okay. so in the business, not sure of us tonight. each to the let's say let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw this. now are you the deal with them with us, or shame plays in the the
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toner on a bundle actually on the 0 on the, the plastic, just giving you the cigarette for the lamp, a portal for the air filter. but i always hulu, but i came across that many a nadine, it sooner whatever it will see on that day. then i was thinking of concerning your past due amount, and i do see about the time that you to how in the summer i told him about your concern with cnn as well. what i yeah, honestly that some of you have honest cabinet in that and the fall off had on the youngest is low or not on these contrast the most comfortable at the
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moment. this was to be, you know, had it come to what the yes, that jeremy said for store the yes. are you was wondering as are going to think. oh, you know, a serious, sorry. i thought only, i mean it's a dubious series that focus on specific mobile homes. i thought was hoping to talk to you and i the little before the suit only bloomed us then. oh, it doesn't. it's just, it's a bill, but it's still a snuggle stumble, showed no more than just new position. but then if you any cub door, my use klein, you 1st and you lost them, you can move the cobra. the, it's yeah,
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the modeling key means cortical lots of data to chris boy and i see both of us was most going to love fluency to have come up. system costs a little slow, think let me know when your original, if the is only see, i'm really preview and here's the law. how is it both of the good? well, let's go. this was the, the,
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the 2 men newest addition i was talking about. the biggest issue with it's mostly slow age for experiencing insights into what you, what are the most nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to shift and a goes to deal with. cuz the sudden any swaying site you this is the, this is the suzy. regarding the one any, can you, oh,
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absolutely. well, it says here, let's go back to store. so he built, i think he said, if i didn't do, i believe. so assuming that you guys have to but it seems that you're available for price is the see, right? got super easy financial financial in what way from as well. so make sure your voice the girls are giving us a beautiful rest of the minister of so lot of money to pay the middle of the bible.
9:43 pm
but the one with the bump tuesday seems to be the one. if we cannot get more and more from advisor here, which one it was different. but here's what we're going to compare them. seeing the company, the people who are part of the, of the voice of the
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i don't have the most of the shania of the you salma last for sierra the
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more expensive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department to see i a weapons bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the
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the . yeah, so you know, i'm sure it just is joe me most go start points of some of the because it was supposed to this is not, i mean it's been watching us was radio and if this is will be the voice of your child support for you at this measurements deformed your feet, thomas bruce, good, a name,
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a speech pathologist and must be 13. so which is so you must be aware of this for the ac. go very slowly and then we'll do something with i will say that we know 6 cool. it just yes, yes, i mean yet 70 bradley labeled, we'll talk soon. choose from the go to of the things that we use are for, for the personal level of practically the
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1st may as well. so if you are familiar with some of these measures, settlement starters for somebody, so that should resolve the
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joint search for you to ship the joseph the psych evals including the
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music institute, news website for the whole company. 5 point . oh yeah. the truth is yours rather. well, it was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper. i'll do that though. so basically it's decent model. hold on. just on with it with us ma'am.
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so think you know what you've got? that's the most do i mean that's the way it's you know, according to the so the they don't, they don't to find the mobile for it or what you here tomorrow for the. okay. so i
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do see that again. well, let me look for some little somebody here from this it shows sure. are you familiar? yeah, you think your apartments kind of thought, you know where i thought i better go to buy more metal goals. so the select is too much the dispute. that's what it is for the most
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part performed the remainder of those all ready for those. are you still with us for the stuff other stuff like here's what we use for the for we will have been offered yours by the chart idea. bust him up or decide on a well, i'm really i'm in my system. definitive medina? i'm on heather. she will my oh see other than the
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you do choose to him so. so when you say i'm watching was not to play, might put me in touch with those are country which is really nice because the most to show it was a new i've had each to be research just like any g, b, c, b, you say you come on the same you, do you typically do you could put in a separate was that a plus the plus the yes, i'm still and always to me in my sure. let's see. see for the russian journalist in this area of come under shells. fire in the north of la tucked the province of the r t crew, including corresponding cost, was in the car with the tank mississauga excluded nearby. oh, to cut the movie just because we closed the book as we can. we did stories or diseases selected by it them that i chose to mirror for that that should be not the least
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the most popular and how they love to have a kind of adult. and that's the scene how you will be suggest by you who are able to go to the on the edge. just be just the door, but see what she goes to school boots need. busy to us and we we so what school starts, i send them, i figure them would him use who it was this year? he's a boy. so if you feel funny, so have you,
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especially if the district is there to ski. they've got this got the new team, anybody took this question yet, but technically because i set the server as much as able to leave it the most to the 60. shes variables it. no, he's patrice. you took it back. who was supposed to do this. i do so i see him, you know, both of those of us who to the, usually they both the systems use to work, but it's unique. would you most likely which so see what else to new or used new easy model. gosh, the russian states never as one of the most sense community invest in
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most all sense enough in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say even twist, which is the, the, the scott bennett. i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer. really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily
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the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front lines and the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are. exploding the all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the
10:00 pm
they can use the nazi international. a bombshell leak shows gym and generals discussing the bombing of the crime in bridge. the gemini refused to comments on the issue was just talking. diplomats again love golf says it's obvious that nato powers directly involved in ukraine more they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans instability in closing on the ground. so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a vendor in the fight. as the heads are positively putting social media accounts the shed, the leak looking to sweep the things under the carpet. i didn't know the news this hour, at least a $150.00.


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