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tv   Documentary  RT  March 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EST

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odd 6 weeks of quiet in exchange for up to 50 hostages, who will bear with ease the 3 stagers starting with women, including female soldiers, then the elderly hand, the so you can finally, male soldiers and dead bodies. israel says masses clock is thinking and that's a militant groups, has until the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, starting on march. this tends to come with a plan and return to hostages. otherwise, he's ro, is threatening to start the incursion into rough fonts in the south. all the guys, those 3 theories now, housing mold and the 1000000 gallons. those who flooded the war in the north and are unable to go back has it is not safe nor livable yet. worlds. house organization says 80 percent of the buildings have been destroyed there earlier and choose a president. joe biden was optimistic, predicted it towards between these ro and how much could be reached by next week, but following a deadly attack on civilians waiting for humanitarian aid on says,
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the police forces say more than a 100 people have been killed. 10 point the finger at a israel while the idea like use militants for opening fire by didn't made a u turn, dismissing cease fire as an option at this point. time us also stated that it would freeze all negotiations with israel following the attack. the militant group blames as well for many thanks for joining us. this saturday. coming up next we followed the story of wal correspondence. so i'm going to head diet about with more news and 30 minutes. see you then the the video. so somebody got to go to the new from move from what you have to use simple associated. you must,
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i think you will think so. okay, so for you to surface about some of the pictures of the man from the press please. yes, it will do that. i missed the problems please. what was the interest that wasn't something that wasn't super glad to fill out the card with them piece of putting it in the courses so you can update it in the bud
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before you do this for you. i don't think i do anything but so for those the best that particular room is it's a to go and see the them think this is good. let's move to the facility we put in place of us for senior living. you lose most of the present in your thought. you most of the silver the, the, the
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c or a little file. so mean, be sure this is naomi to come under. those start with figure out that what do you see there's a little solution. it's going, do you see of the dispute because it was at least at least 2 minutes within business. it was a small move assistant
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business business. lou, bring it on board with a business suit. most systems with this very easily, you know, the movers are ships, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the system does the, the, the physical here here's the
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cause, of course, just cool. cox the homeless just because i didn't pull that up with the atlanta so that you move on. and so we're stuck with what that model,
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nevada, when you fill this thing or something about that last year. and i know it scan today to the fact that i bought the info on the 2nd floor infliction. the last thing was what was the part in boy showing me that is a viable little digital item. most of the story is easy to go get so this summer removes on the bill of the for so the, the most of the news show those cuz i mean i used to use that as modem because it's a mistake here. and it was a cabinet with the bundle you
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get that that goes basically very slowly, you know. yeah, not the space i'm us. we saw. busy or this to thunder, that allows us if i knew the bus number as well, to go through chicago, so the show for the, for the house i'm calling on the other side. so select the solution for those. so
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we're just going to some of these 33 c s t to feed which lead to low level mean good. it says that i am putting out the best thing to so stuck with all those tickets listed. it's near someone less business. oh yeah. if it said, let me see what i see. i can truly, i'm supposed coach was come on, know she shouldn't post digital what i mean. yeah,
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it was fine. you know, so i do for the easy but i think that it also wanted it to go to them with a single would you be here to my mobile apple. let me see which of these items or do not come on here all day. and god, i'm like so it looks to some of the essential. ready you move off of the lots that they used to work with. got to be able to come and do, which is what is the most the time you come with us or? and so i'm not sure i'm also not, i will change it to more. i'm not sure which in them that it any west coast on what we're really compress, slowing them by the time you converse. so probably no problem yet. so we're going to check, i want you to ball got result was almost to the minus sign of don't that's less than that. all they need. those are the still reasonable for them to the x of interest. as a roommate, i don't know, still within the 1st in the most like i read the weekly which is supposed to
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pretty much basically with the most i saw that there was on the phone with google. i didn't let you close on the phone with the introduction to some of the issue with. ringback some of the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say,
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we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so let me, let me on that. we have very quick propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the of the year. that's what we have for a whole lot mccoy. it's actually the just a few minutes. i'll be just the 2 chests before they don't do that. right. double share. that's fine. thank you. still with us. do something about this now for about a to the same. yeah.
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i don't know if it is good news about actually for the the the during the day then just bill the the travel for the school. the registrar. yes. i
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was just labeled, i did just before the of the where is the go going whether it was the status is on. oh okay. what i see and that's what a little funny. yeah. kind of. it's hard. sometimes we still get them to pre ok then fire. i think we'll say you went on how the the the ball going to
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was it keep them spar waiting for a whole thing to be a lot of pizza. you sent me a message and then just the thought is, this is the one you get, the it was the pharmacist and what you think, what you believe this new show you what it was you was the mind can long as these truth was, these assume you cannot a democrat got the appointment the got them yet, the equipment that make it more noise. these with this one is gonna take another one most. what's interesting is that deep sea thoughts i might have to use a for a teaching there. what do you send me to read it? you see any payment system weasel and that is to find a new mission
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for social image to click on the cloud. that was then the buzzer. you put it on this list, your gear. i use my boost to be sleep, but stanley at the both leave to go. you say that to me, people from the stables extent that i know that that was how i mean it's a mentor and all that fun. yeah. so lucy, so if someone does that smoke or have some
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of the sylvia thought, you know, comes to your law for those who had that to be that jude. i look on this and so it comes to definitely more of the the the, the, the most up to, to the
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church say best goes are due to elizabeth with the new person. most of the 3 students that is available for you that way. she knows up with the speech, see if you come by you william course with them complete. tell me what, what you've seen these videos are on 65, even see discuss because there's an yes click on view and so the sheet to a post a series can come find any possibly as soon as menu is. so that is the site itself
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is diesel. released it's in europe, it's because appreciate so them and you can use the me appreciate it. so what does it be? he's got that what it means to give me a hold of sending him. what would you like me circa sold, do i have a nice shippy shaped sr, but when you cook senior sca, then you click the i need to push move i need is a look using lupins, financial vehicles. just to jim, we have seen you fest you have seen you custody and i've made me investigate pizza . see if the senior people would buy the slippery stability each. a post any of those in the so i've sent me to a see, does anybody my explain? you deal with you have them we just a quarter, so to me? sure. i mean, yeah, e be spending things on on some if the room at least the city, she needs more with the bleach leading. would you let me see if there is i'm on the
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sky, but i'm fine if i beat the if i knew who we can find a couple of the not to be from state for them, say apple or do it. so we don't know what to do by me. like i deal with them use of our solution. there's only to install because it kirkwood store, you know, about the brand. but the comparatively little pushing. uh sure, is there a gift is near the city and say that by the time i've not changed anything, i was kind of looking for your social just by his him to do i to well, i still don't lou. when going by him for president? mr. come 5, so a couple wound us 0 to be able to, it was a, as in, with the the know is budgeted 0. think he says on the user why 0 for you to visit fact,
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which just smaller you will smell say society little of the so sir, i see i thought it's very nice was the i'm new in tulsa as well. so she knew, but since you be able to learn more for most of the suite, you know, some owners from is nonsense already. she lives in the house. a lot of people still don't just look over the fee as long as you guys hope the phones are not moving right now. that's court. and i looked on the computer to the cell. nobody who ok, because you processed the visit. i got a textbook with to do is not splits. let's the to the multiple page, the full new site here and you do the file. so the 1st just the
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resource, the
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direct line, are you still use any site or are you just happy for you? well, the front of, i mean, we minister to get the stuff that applies to you to fix, to finish the weight of our team. here he is, the more we do believe spits on east of motion than breakfast. so in the them, the fiscal will start to an executive value. and so you, the closest concern is most likely to move my gloves the of the coast. quite easy to
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say. and you have done most my wife's usage store, us store where catch each dearly look forward to you started going to apologize for, for pushing. excuse me, if i use it, is it the president? but we'll use it the way this to the lines lopez of them. they've got the 30 to sort of so just of all of the symbol just a 2nd. what is it that makes it easier to advance? there's lots of when does it come up that most of it doesn't mean the parks evening is very serious deal. i mean you for on the show you somebody sort of the same. i think the last related issues such as residential,
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this is what i say. they know these women, the basic facebook and you'll see a c p p usually. well let's look at the music. you can get the moved, which may you missed the most deep enough to nicholas county position a or by law have the woodson for now and the homeowner wish book line. how they
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like to have a, john, adults not feeling how you laid fluids and it's, you know, a little classroom in be sure to be your human or either which to a lower level of the the, in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the most funny, i mean,
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he's stuck up some new shoes around the cars. and dicks on the list to the tent of who they on least one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting somebody. i know the question that you download the glass you follow their do. so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups and what the headed off that department is in the front of it. the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey through africa. peach races, general good eyes, flood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the the mission of willie and base, grew up in,
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in the region. the german military generals, the closing pacific time. miss austin, ukraine and look for me in bridge, according to a leak coal released by all kinds of us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that to make us on top of the compliments my media outlets say that the exchange, authentic kinds of things developed from social media in the country almost go to monta austin's from the to say he put people, so it's obvious that our natal colleagues have a finger in the middle and i don't know how they will explain. this isn't the function. that is 17 people to kill with. find the id f in a fresh as well. i called a residential area in douglas cummings is.


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