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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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statesman continues to be handed, is the disease of the list of the shows as protracted, the positive and stuff, but it's not as states and other states she didn't mention is that appear to be easy was favoring the idea of making palestine an official member of the united nations that it gives a pretty picture that that's a fully fledged member of the united nations with the same rights as everyone else . and that would essentially distract. i'm assuming that the public's attention would create a propaganda effect of the situation on the ground would remain the same. so if this diploma is the language, we see the contribution that the united states wants to make to the diplomatic process in the middle east. it's nothing will change, the situation will remain an explosive. it's like, it has been a good 0 plus over the last decade with the journalist
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explosiveness manifesting in the graves situations from time to time for the students go to. so this, so we are convinced that the fellow stadium go to the good state is not adjusted when it's not just a random decision made by the when you see a long time ago, it's a necessity, something that must be done to stop the violence in the middle east, you cannot use pretty calm the adverb straight, which sees injustice being perpetrated on both sides, right. and so we have long for the students you, i'm not sure which of these are you doing for the satisfied during the $319.00 old affections of them in ramallah is westbank for us, and we call for fata and some us,
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but you need to join forces them to produce a difference or look for them. you are getting results to come to peace on the platform that exists the the organization, the colors team, palestine, liberation organizations. for me, this is very important for the palestinians, people because this platform recognizes the state of israel. and if this platform is used to unite or palestinians would look them, there would be a no pretext. there's no pretext to blocking the continuation of israel palestine to looks like it is israel. hm. and you said until recently that there is no single party to talk to and tell us science to palestine is fragmented, that they don't know what they want to spend. so this, we think is a necessary step that should be done as soon as possible. even though there are
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differences, deep differences between the pa, the seen infections. but recently we invited all of them to moscow. and the old arrived. and i'm told that there was a useful conversation on that and as i for which you spoke to them before mr. about assigned to, to tell you. because that issue was he had a report about the most go meeting and see if he was satisfied to note that this communicate signed by the factions. that system contains the recognition spirits of all the time assigned the brazen organization as the platform sees the cheese. so we must study the outcome statements for ourselves, but that will be an important step with this step to unity is something that palestinians can make on their own without having to rely on anyones else.
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then we start with the phone and we will continue to make our modest efforts on the deal is to ensure the implementation of the security council resolutions. instead of pretending to respect the question. yes, i believe in the pistol could just see the 200 mean you cold passion? none of our media said that our media suspense is engagement with the c. c o y that a surprise to you. and what steps may russia make in response to this medium? policy and what was it the question that you actually had written for you goes up yourself as well as the exact question. well, i have a whole already touched on the situation. the sounds cool cuz this is
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the middle school to go what it is sad to see that they are meeting and leadership much of the the c p. s to have made or possibly of the, with the a conscious decision to pursue consistence course flushing, especially west and that's relations with the russian federation. and i'm to blame russia everything that has happened with the if the kind of by a nipple. so using this just a bit is not something i like would do. of course you move, we must look it up for the 3 conduct theater. well, in addition to the subcommittee to display the fiction. so was that i've cited when i mean, and officials actually said that for russia should be pushed azerbaijan. people look at the distaff industry action that i see the waves from the view that wasn't
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grateful to us because of russia. i couldn't stop that whole and it was today, she was there to buy drugs. couldn't stop that for even before. that's wonderful. away from young, i was there by johnny's did not even capture shoshone. we were lots president perkins initiative. what turned it down to most of the business insurance media said that you would find the fight to the end of it, but the, the web possibilities that would allow to bring the refugees back to sure. sure. well, keeping it part of the kind of a but all of that is now in the past due to the statements that what is looking because of the collective security treaty organization. forcing yourself just left armenia alone at the time. the trouble is also true when the c a c o, you've responded to a request from your funds and send it's ex permission to folks isn't the need to
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study the situation on the ground rules, but it's less than the mission came back out of me on a specific story of it, but i knew it proposed that suits liberated the emission is deployed a peacekeeping observation mission is deployed on our meeting territory on the border with other by john we had it for him, is the meeting of the c a c o. in the air fonts in bolton, 2022. the come the son which was the list for the c c o summit. so slow because it must be and we agreed to you. one of the draft was for mandate for c s t o. peacekeepers on meeting territory, he was new to the very last symbol we said until late night to we agreed on the final draft. so they agreed to and we presented it to the see as to head of state summit as
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a coordinator. documents here at foreign ministry and the defense ministry level and everyone was for that was that document that were in favor of those documents. but nichol punching him. he was chatting to see his deal with some meetings set that caroline is not satisfied with that draft. we're just the c a c o city, easy to do that, not to bridge premier them or issue. a stock condemnation of azerbaijan is active, so that looks like it is misty's. it was about that time that the proposed distance is applying its observers. yours in your mouth, and then they call pushing on it agreed at once, even though there was no combination of answer by john that and when we asked why this treatment was so different, they said, well, she's your allies, you're supposed to condemn them over the phone so that is my impression of those
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conversations that we had. i can give you many more examples, but i think that's the deal. that stuff was medium dealership over here to get decided to make a backup duty, a pressure on you extra regional countries to share the kinds of quoting. you're fun from which the sheer promising to help it leaves, but to get rid of its trouble. so she knew this was the only condition that a media source business national option is the east coast, opposite the relation, the prussia, and with a music system. the relevant integration instructors and the regents that i'm going with some friends west makes no secret of this. is there a semester? it is part of their agenda with relations actually with armenia and other countries . and so we had space our allies realize what is happening and they are. so we're on issue a thorough book ations, but i'm here to leave a share. i mean, leadership decided otherwise was there was
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a police we cannot deal with sticky, letting you decide for them. here. we cannot nation group to shoot random from making statements. those research that us and them use a deciding the future font size. but ultimately, they should decide, based on the opinion of their people. if that is the opinion of the media, people let the be the new policy, let each for the government to me or if i mean they're saying that should 1991 a media looks deal most is a chose c. c, and the state can call us with regards to russia for the course. that was a mistake. 100 percent is a button that is a very simple statement. politically, i will get a chance to save least if that is an assessment by there. i mean, government that is grounded in the opinion of the meaning of people. it's requires
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us to review a lot about the russian media relations. so we're waiting for an official confirmation to we're waiting to see what their official decision is with the completion of the for the, for the motor was and as a fed some so far, they have the region justice showing that they are willing to suspend the relation with a c s t o, which the fact to they're still taking part of the but if you, because there's some benefit for them and they're leaving leeway for themselves. if you step into that, that's not a very pleasant picture. so i prefer that for to our media to choose how it wants to act going forward. and what they want to do with regard to our arrangements at various integration entities. thank you. is
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given, listening to russia's 4 minutes to assert their laughter, of speak, of the antalya diplomacy for them in on, ty tarkey where he is also being answering questions posed by john list. not room again by thinking instructors kind of paused a full day of hospitality and a platform to engage. he also said the platform has presented an opportunity to expose the double standards and detrimental policies on the west of world t slab. real clearly pointed out that the united nations isn't to blame for the free world peace that's at the best time that the world body itself has strong founding principles. but believes that challenge lies in the fact that the west keeps violating these principles. is that the constitution powers of when you, when are constantly money placing the trotter of the un effectively slouching the principles of mutual respect for all the member countries administer laughter of no judge that russia stands committed and open to negotiations whenever i ukraine and the west show genuine interest and willingness to engage. you also touched on
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russia skis, mediation efforts in jo, political conflict, including the warren guns off between observation on a media, including the progress made so far out. responding to the phone, the conversation between bundeswehr soldiers allegedly planning to bump the crimea bridge is a german. these attitude towards russia has clearly been changing and recent time. and the conversation between something they totally does. along with the phone, the shows germany and other supporters of the war appears open to inflicting strategic defense on russia, on the battlefield. that is the level of note that a conversation with the stories and baset are by several secret piece plants that would involve ukraine and brooks country, bought, exclude russia, and the negotiations, rushes foreign minister noted. socrates blind is tantamount to an ultimatum. something russia wanting to be obliged to consider, and when asked about natives, were sent to expansion to include for london sweeping lever upset. it's truly a surprise to see how quickly both countries change. then you try the teeth,
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which he believes as stoughton for several years. and the responses that russia will make its own conclusions about its own security and the necessary military decisions to defend itself already on the way. finally, when asked about when the conflict will end, is that it's too early to judge, but the russia will ultimately love to see or ukraine that would abide by human rights and the rights of minorities. now on the sidelines of the ongoing antalya diploma, is it for i'm our correspondent. yes. and that can court top with the south to the needs for administer who explain what his country can offer. the world is also done is a new nation that can independent become independent in 2011. and then right after the independent we will have it was a lot of problems to uh, doesn't have conflict. we just lost it as well. mostly for like 7 years. and
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finally, we were able to reserve it now the countries about the piece and the zip photo on the well, we have also uh able to showcase the land and uh overdue. you need to have an investment installed. so that does it please. well, we can uh, also showcase our land for people who want to invest independent areas so. so that is endorsed with a lot of we know homes including what it is, one of the oil into for these and countries in the world. so essentially photo m c, it gives us an opportunity to of course, a market ourselves uh, visit a land which is a good for are going to go to and we have it in for which is the 9 months in a year. so we can put all these corrupts throughout the year, and it is good to go to the island mean that otherwise we have also gone. we have
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a domino drugs including you knew that a lot of things to that social then can bring to one high ranking german military offices have been caught red handed discussing plans to supply taurus, christmas hills, to ukraine and use them to destroy the crime in bridge that bombshell conversation was intercepted by russia and released by arches at a reign chief on friday of taking a closer look into this bombshell revelation. i'm joined now by our t corresponded marina, closer of us. thank you for joining us. my 1st question is, it's been more than 24 hours since a conversation was published as being a reaction from german officials on and so far it seems that germany is in the state of shock, because uh, so far we haven't really heard anything aside from their official comments being no comments, but we have seen a german press there all over and we've seen some headlines and they seem to be
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convinced that this uh, leaf dollar deal is all sense. and we can see some of the headlines now on the screen. and so driven impress sites, uh, several soldiers who have apparently studied the least idea and they confirmed that it is indeed authentic. and they also claim that germans durham and his counter intelligence immediately launched the pro, been in that pro, apparently, according to an initial assessment. and i quote a, i support a township thing is. busy largely a rude balance again, you were seeing some of the headlines now on the screen. and also they reported that germany is military actually right away. when on the ex, formerly sweater and tried to block the accounts that were sharing that leaked audio. so we're seeing some censorship taking place there that was on friday evening after the revelations came out. talk us through what's in this link video like just the summary so that we can remind off of yours who evolve and listening
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to. absolutely, it all started on friday. what are tease the editor in chief margaret just and when young released the transcripts and later the audio over linked conversation between uh 4 people. so we have, uh, germany's uh, the head over germany's air force, the branch deputy chief of staff for operations as well as 2 others. and they were discussing operational and targets in details of the tourist cruise missiles, which were not yet sent to you. claim that were planted and see at the germany's chancellor was adamant that they would rule out that would not send these tours. ms . also ukraine, because they were afraid of what would happen in case ukraine decided to target must go with those. but in these, in this mix on here, we can here top a high rank military officers in germany discussing this as a down deal and what they would do with them. and in particular, their plan was to attack the crime in bridge. and also this,
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i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depots above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month the what, what a tourist attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. was also interesting as up at a later on going to admit that these massages will not change the course of the more
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we know that ukraine is, of course losing. so this additional help if they get it will not change anything, but still they have to do it because according to them, the brits and the french have already sent long range cruise missiles, missiles, i should say. so it's time for germany took off off. they can be seen to be doing nothing, so they need to send them those missiles. and also they emphasize the importance of covering up their tracts, making sure that germany is not mentioned anywhere. how though, so that their plan was to make sure that all the communication was being done for the manufacturer. all of these missiles, the tours miss house, a really small kind with us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. might. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. so why is
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this incredible? because all along for the past couple of weeks we heard from germany that it would not be sending to the tourist. whose massage, that's done is parliament has approved additional military, a spots etc, to ukraine. but they said all like shoals, the drum and transport said we cannot send the cruise missiles, the tourist ones because they, uh, they could be used to target the last time. we don't want to room and need to be involved in this, in this more. and also in that, um, all of sold said that's what the brits uh, what the british and french are doing in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany. and by saying that he basically flew up with an, an or friends on the boss. yes. and then we heard statements, so from the brits who were outraged side. so 1st of all, all of shields does not want to spend the tours in this house because they've been insisting, and also washington has been in the system that germany does send those tours and assaults. and after that, in the u. k, the statement was that yes,
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a small number of personnel are in deep presence in the plan, so they had to admit it in public. and also they said that child's comments are wrong, irresponsible, and a slap in the face of the allies. well, now we have this lease conversation where again, it seems that now germany's hi ryan can senior military officers are throwing out america under the bus. because this is what they mentioned about americans being on the ground of the do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves. after all, they have all the satellite images. so it's a disaster from the nato and of course, and moscow was answers moreno shocking to say the least right chunking. so,
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use as you've written, i mentioned russia is getting been listening. they obviously have something to say, what have you been hearing on the russian side? yes. first stop we heard from maria's a heart of others spoke. so women for rushes, a ministry of foreign affairs, and she said there silence could equal admission of guilt. it's cold covering your tracks. is this going to follow the same scenario as the gym and investigation of the terrorist attacks on the north streams? durham and citizens should know from schultz about the rights of a foreign puss and in russia. bella roost or china, but not about the german rights. that russia has always insisted that nato is more involved with that. and it's actually saying that it is all claims that it is. but now we actually hear that 20 from the horses mouth, from the senior military officers in, in germany. and then we also heard from cyrus or july, rob rushes,
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a minister of foreign affairs, who of course, broke down each and every claim and these legs. and just how out rages it is of the w. this conversation contained several curious things, including a discussion between german generals on how to more cunningly supply ukraine with long range weapons to attack the crime in fridge and, and munition depos, as well as how to remain unnoticed while doing so. because the chancellor schultz good supposedly doesn't like that. yep. the americans and the brits are already there fluid. so here's a perhaps there was also a conversation about whether it was possible to remotely aim those missiles beyond ukraine. but one of the general subjected to that idea saying that such a step would mean their direct participation. so they clearly understand what they are talking about. and one of the exchanges, someone says lovely, that there are americans in civilian clothing on the ground,
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boots. and so it's obvious that our nato colleagues have a finger in the pie. i don't know how they will explain this to the public. so is that an interesting we have all of us talk and fear mongering from the west saying rushes, planning to attack new, or if you need to make sure you're ready, build your defenses. when in fact, behind the scenes, we have them planning to attack russian infrastructure. oh, i can do right now. shake my head. thank you. so it's out is marina colorado for that excellent reporting will be back to you as soon as you know more. thank you. let me also on the link to a bed german officer saboteurs nestles co destroyers. the premium bridge, if they are launched from french fighter jets with spoke to a jo, political and, and less than a vision expert who says ukraine cannot use such as vast weapons with valves and they to today. no one can tell if i can, i don't know myself even as a buyer, myself. if that messiah can be used with that,
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that's what i find it. we know that it can be used. we as a team, f 15, some great. then you are a type one. if germany was to provide those besides to ukraine to ukrainians at your premiums, they do not have the capability to use those besides, 1st make 29 needs to be rich for you to, to use those besides. and it would any way required be out of the people who has the knowledge. so once again, when you have new system appearing on the battlefield, that are directly approval making mistakes. it's not to finance that are being which people we have the knowledge, like with the pets re up systems like the with the iris p system makes the mistakes from the very beginning. we know that the french has a special forces deluded into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also. and
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that's not something that is known. uh, we're just being to europe in union and united states and need to that's all we're just puppets. and now burning has not yet given any official statements, since the audio tape was published on friday, r t editor and chase my guard just same. and i was the 1st to reveal the contents of the bombshell conversation. i don't do gaudy this audio recording speaks for itself just after i published the 1st text about it. there were a lot of skeptics and media outlets called me and wrote to me saying it couldn't be too. but it is, is the real order for german military officers restored into the german air force and discussing how to impressions, be so crimea, and how many missiles it will take 10 or 20 and how to do so that no one is aware of anything. so the chancellor sholtes could continue to claim that he's not involved in the conflict and native does not participate in the conflict. and that
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it's not in his backyard. they also expose the british and american partners by saying that already working in ukraine, in general, they're all lots of interesting things. be sure to listen. i wonder how the germans will respond to visit the break drinking brushes, mainland, and it's been a select crime me. i was constructed back in 2018. it's one of your longest bridges stretching for 19 kilometers from shore to assure the bridge all allows the free and speedy flow goods to crimea and easy access from the russian mainland. earlier with spectrum here in monro, tillman, a geopolitics experts and president of the international organization. your continent, he says, a, you need us out. permit king as a germany, growing its military power. again, under the us as watch in europe of many countries, things the uh, suspicious of a trump many be coming again. the media tell referral, especially friends or of orval with both as you pull to green against russia,
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french on germany of different viewports. it cutting choice friends who would like to was he shouldn't, he sits as we would need or a v. you may need to arise your on the so nope, altruistic way in ukraine to position for us in competition with germany. but germany, as i said, as of jupiter's color project keeps to do control, you can't take it out of russia, buttons synergy with united states and on the u rebates or so bear with a sense of panic amount to your be honest because of for the possibility of trump elections on the, your pan southern need. we'd feed alone in europe on this is why cold showing here we have vis a come and tape on my call a few days ago and bowed to our troops on the ground. do it to reveal us or, or to take our games. we've been friends about them. so i, for europe and leave it on germany refused. they say no, there's no way germans can put the troops on the ground. how to side comment the
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now, i mean, when mcclung said that there was a possibility of putting native boots on the ground in ukraine. the rest of europe said, well, we're not on board with that. but now we, we have this lee which shows that germany hasn't been completely on the is tells us that comment look exactly. so we learned about what exp us new week, but the already some special troops instruct. also, people gave information, review queen. so as a state, if you had been lying for the last 2, your students who were citizens about is a question of a red line or when they put more troops of a must see really i think that they watch. because you can see there was no, there's a fee of your parents to be left out to if a trauma is re elected and $20.00, the washington strategy for mature particular of fund of you is so often using ukraine as a proxy. it goes.


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