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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the one you said on the, what's the, the, the, the, the, the situation clearly indicates that the pro war camp in europe is still very, very strong. foreign minister, saturday elaborate says there is no western appetite for peace in ukraine. after it leaked cold between talking german generals prevailed, they have planned to bomb russia, crime in bridge who is still kind with us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. this is a temporary refuge for those people who are evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from them. that's at the moment. so this temper, ricky g center houses, at least 40 different people. thousands of civilians are safely evacuated from the
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rest of the free by russian troops who are making fresh advances on the front fine plus thousands of opportunity, the southern russian territory of city. as for the world of youth festival, that's hosting people from the 100 countries for a week long event. the lot from us go, this is our to international, i'm i, they show a judge with the top stories. that's our high ranking german military offices have been caught red handed discussing plans to supply taurus, christmas, hosting ukraine, and use them to destroy the premium bridge that bombshell phone conversation was intercepted by russia and released by arches editor in chief on friday. russian foreign minister saturday library draws attention to the question rhetoric about the ongoing conflict a way to possibly do to mr. live. we have recently witnessed the facts that have
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come to light just of the shelters confrontation with the big display or some evil intentions of the windows where which became apparent due to the publication of audio recordings about how carefully they are preparing an attack on the crime in bridge and other targets, especially and munition depos. and the main thing is how they want to deceive everyone into thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they are already there. well, that's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates that the pro war camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts, there has been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to realize the pointlessness and futility of continuing to coax ukraine in the military action. well, the latest statements by the kronen austin and the conversation of the german generals, they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course to strategically
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defeat russia on the battlefield. we realize that let's take a closer look into this bombshell revelation and joined by r t correspondence. murray, not closer about. thank you so much for making the time to join us here in the studio. it's been more than 24 hours since the link to congress thinks it was published by our tea. what have we heard so far? what? what do we know? well, germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shop. so i guess so over the fact that there are c could go down as soon as this came out, so they'll official comments was no comments and then german price was all over it . and as we're about to see from some of the headlines in german media, they are slicing several soldiers who are assuming that confirming that link to the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was they're resorts it. so satisfy ship according soon term and media because they sort of trying to
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pull off the several accounts that were sharing that link, the audio and the link transcript on x, formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday. as soon as this lead came out, and there were also claiming that german counter intelligence supposedly right away wants to probe. and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and chancellor that indeed they are looking into. it does start, but fluid is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly say, well this is something at least because as i said so far, we've seen what's and nothing. and even there was silence. and marissa harvard, the spokesperson for rushes, all foreign affairs ministry, so that their silence seems to equal admission of guilt. so what is happening? we were expecting comments from this, and this is what we got from the drum and translator today to we've heard bits and pieces of as it meets the conversation. a lot of people haven't had
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a chance to look through. it also talk us through the entirety of it if you will. yes, it all started on friday when or to use that as friendship, margaret, to someone young posts that 1st the transcript, and then the audio, all of the lead conversations. the lead conversation was the safe for people, so that had all the germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as a to other military personnel. and it was a 38 minute conversation and image they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist cruise themselves that germany was supposed to sign ukraine. the west was as amounts and pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasn't done that yet. yet in this leak conversation, these people are discussing that as a done deal, and they're not only discussing it, they're saying how they can use it. they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime you and also this,
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i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the munition depots above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach, it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think torres is enough. and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time. and we are talking about a month the what the, what a torres attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. this conversation apparently so called place on the 19th of february,
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and then they later gone also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course. so all of the war in ukraine. they admit themselves that it is only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already sense a long range missile. so germany must call up as well. so that must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing, and they know that by sending those missiles it will not again, their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting, the emphasizing the importance of covering up their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have the german military being associated with the crane. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer off of themselves on the tours themselves. really want to kind of understand how it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. might. i'm
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exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. that is a totally marina. how those this then stack up against off shows the state made about refusing to send those tours, missiles a to ukraine executive this, this is what is bizarre because we know that germany's parliament, yes, it did approve additional military aid to ukraine. button know it's when it comes to those tours cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that she was out send and then because he's afraid, well, ukrainians will do that with them that they might target moscow and then drew many will be considered party to, to the war with boston, and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in
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germany so far that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u . k. was statements there where they have submit. yes, we do indeed have a small number of personal supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine, bought that sholtes as comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of law is now again in the sleep. the audio we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss, this thomas on the brits is not the 1st as the americans because they are revealed that they're also there. you know, my goodness. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. so all of us talk about russia supposedly planning, so the tax europe for europe to get ready,
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and now we have them covertly applied and the tax on russians toilet seems. so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground. and you cry, i'm organized, you can tell the story doesn't and here it does it. of course it doesn't matter here who will continue to see bought both will come out of this. now i will this investigation what they will say will they say, oh, it's fake news even though already, as i said, we have several soldiers in germany saying that this is all been sick. so that will have to answer. yeah that's, that's where i, that's going to be a domino effect. we have to keep an eye on the best story in the coming days. thank you so much. art is married or colorado. thank you and also all the lakes tape german off. as i said, the tourist missiles cook destroyed the crimean bridge, a v. i launched from french slide to a jets respect to a geo political analyst, and aviation expert. besides ukraine cannot use such as vast lessons without native today. no one can tell if i can. i don't know myself even as a buyer, myself,
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if that messiah can be used with that. that's what i find it. we know that it can be used with f, a t f 15. so i'm gonna run your thigh for one. if germany was to provide those besides to ukraine to ukrainians at your premiums, they do not have the capability to use those besides, 1st make 29 needs to be refuted to use those besides and the a point any way required be out of the people who has the knowledge, so once again, when you have new system appearing on a battlefield that are directly operable, making mistakes, it's not the premiums that are behind which people we have the knowledge, like with the battery of systems like the with the iris p system make the mistakes from the very beginning. we know that the french has a special forces deluded into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also. and
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that's not something that is known. we're just being to your opinion on united states and nato. that's all we're just puppets. and now to the front line with the russian deputy prime ministers was that the recently liberated city of, of death. the deputy says there will be opportunities to be able to see it as soon as russian ground forces advance further r t correspondents, room and color of springs. as these details from the refugee center, which is sheltering locals, evacuated from that city that told them they told him their stories. this is a temporary refuge for those people who were evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from the nets at the moment. so this temporary refugee sensor houses at least 40 different people. they are administered. the 1st aid if needed. they're fed and also the local authorities are doing everything they can. so that's vacuum
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. we can get their russian documents as soon as possible, which is fine. we were preparing taken our stuff, then they warned us when the car would arrive. on february 27th. they brought us here were being screened with the military rights on the 17th. the 1st assault forces, we started coming out of the basements. they were sure there was no one here. everything around us was destroyed, was low, and donors i'm running volunteers picked us up, brought us here immediately fed us and showed us where to sleep. i'm hoping i get my documents sorted out quickly so that i can be a free citizen of the russian federation. i'm being considered for our job is a firefighter. the low tenant came and signed me up. after the a medical evaluation. i'll go and serve in the fire department in the town of m j a k is less than 20 kilometers away from the net. so naturally people have relatives in both towns at the moment. so some of these refugees, as they told me, haven't seen their loved ones for more than 4 years. i haven't seen them in 10
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years right now. there's a perfect opportunity for them to finally get together. just 10 years of my life were taken. they hadn't showed up to have got all since 2016. but when the special military operation began, ukrainian troops said that they wouldn't leave any stone in place. ukrainian soldiers were marauding, especially the as of soldiers and the right sector. they tortured people, they killed, but no traces were found. they haven't seen us as people since 2014 to 34 then you did last year. we did the progression assist you with that, but i do congratulate you on the year. remove that set off totally different uniform storage fuses.
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now i like yellow bar. so bob, as fast as you do it is, i mean that's police's though it's just me, it's a huge, i'm sure, but it's a daughter this a newell how does with the problems or questions about the solution to the shift so much room on the grid. other than that, people's republic authorities are expecting more evacuated persons to come to temporary refugee centers across the republic. has the russian army is progressing as further to free up the territory of the p. r. it's hard to imagine with all these evacuated persons have been through, over the last few years. nevertheless, at the moment they will be safe and forgetful, when this, their help,
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they need from local authorities from a call for a party. the next group on the world of youth festival has kicked off and the southern russian federal territory of city is on the black sea coast. opening ceremonies for the festival are currently underway and $20000.00 people from over $100.00 countries are expected to attend for bringing you our to special coverage of the week long event. the . and we got 1st reactions from some of the participants from pakistan at the festival. they explained to the importance of event. and i really wanted to join this festival because that was really interesting. and apart from this is a comfortable event. and i really wanted to explore that because you are in the beauty of the most of that ratio. i will take a lot of a memory from here and i will learn, i'm learning and i will learn
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a more things from here. so from the rest of the, not only the russian go to expect them here are many other categories from many other countries to live and learn from them and, and we will definitely make a better future together and as is out visiting future together. so we will, we will play of a part overall in the future. it's the culture of the road and i want to explore. i see i want to explore the code general for here that the, that was the deal people i, one of the different people make new friends and it's a whole lot of experience for me. i love their costumes, are fresh and costumes. i love their hospitality and won't welcome the be it that they gave us. and uh, a lot of things i love about to hear, especially the opening ceremony. it's a wonderful experience and hold some experience for me. and i think i remember it for the rest of my life. it's like off to a point you need to to like to get to get
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a job here at the store. she also maybe not to visiting the she off a many team. we are ready to order, she all really good to other people to come in for a she off give a holler if she off of parts viewed and connect to people especially you want to use the engage the word eric provide been already been prepared for science education is there so many going to be here to explore the over the summer police officers have been killed. i made escalating violence in the caribbean island nation of haiti on down . so i've been trying to topple the prime ministers administration and says control of the country. we announced that all armed groups are going to act to get the
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haitian prime minister, our real henry, to step down. we will use all strategies to achieve the school with our guns and with the haitian people, we will free the country. violence and gunfire broke out on the streets of haiti's capital, while the prime minister was visiting kenya. narrow b as offered to send 1000 of its police officers to the caribbean island to crack down on the guns. the hate and prime minister was supposed to st paul to a new government last month, but refused to do so. which a sparked civilian outrage recently. he agreed to hold general elections next yet many hate and say they can no longer tolerate the uncertainty of the situation. i find myself dragging my things for the street. the prime minister has to do so. you must give us a chance to leave and i'm 62 and i can take it. i'd like to take care of my family. i can't do it anymore. i can't even go home. i'm waiting on the street.
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so the situation is becoming catastrophic. i've been here since 1986 and it's never been like this. we're surrounded on all sides. it's upsetting height is the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere, and as long suffered from gang violence amid the economic and security according to you and estimates. 314000 people in the island nation are considered displaced. about 5 and a half 1000000 residents are in need of humanitarian assistance, or heard from a journalist given ives, who specializes in hate and issues. they says, canyon forces, backed by washington, would bring looking good to the struggling nation. the hi court in 10 years has said that it is illegal, it is unconstitutional for the police be said. but um, just like the us and israel arriving roughshod over the world court decision
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against israel's genocide in house on the us and kenya are running rough shot over the hard course of 10 years decision and are planning to deploy the troops any way the us they want to call on groups and 80 gauge. in fact the, there are, i could say neighborhood protection groups vigilante groups if you will, which are tried texting. keep crying out of their neighborhoods versus criminal gains, plus the fact bringing a 1000 canyon cups. and he, a countries, they don't even speak the language is just a recipe for disaster. and this is not a force that is under the ages of the un security council. it has simply been deputized by the you or the security council. both russia and china abstain from that vote. so it's basically a us sponsored force mercenary force,
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i could say to come in and try to quell the rebellion of the haitian t. hey, t has witnessed several us interventions with the largest then longest one last in all those 2 decades. washington, those claimed its involvement was crucial to secure and peace and political stability in the caribbean country. but it seems to have made things worse. he has how the situation unfolded. the
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ernie i was spec to eric teresa, rapid response officer and had to off programs and the can. the social justice center. he criticized can use plans to send 1000 police officers to haiti saying that with so many challenges the country's government should put the interest of kenya and people about international issues that is made for us as a country to reorganize, to look at the issues affecting kenya and the address we had quite a, literally a lot of challenges as a country to libraries. so to basically district or for this country,
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i can. yep. and they have to be, ah, seems like a little bit as opposed to the needs of but it's people other than, you know, looking at the international uh, the real much commercial as well. but, you know, deployed police officers to agent. we have limited number of resources or resources of the country. i was basically saying no 10 days, a poor country doesn't top the resources. uh that issue. oh, but the people to believe this as dealer, you know, a serious issue. we need to apply multiple exposures of 2 products. so got the, the tools, it gets people. so it doesn't make sense for a country like tenure to sign a will actually make. and then you do as a to deploy more than 1000 police officers page. it's
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a very serious issue, and i think the latest really does need to of course the, the, the decision that they've done on the quote that gives us all these people, kenya spots added on, you know, advice and i need to match the agenda instead of i just think it's going to be done on issues as a country is ready, families and supporters of hostages still being held in gowns, launch the full day march on wednesday, settling setting out from southern israel to jerusalem to demand their loved ones to be brought back home arches middle list, the beer chief, marianne, and notion out reports from the st. it is rarely hostages, have been held in gaza for almost $150.00 days and all the time. the relatives back home have been rallying marching, demonstrating with one goal to put pressure on these really government to immediately secure the return of their loved ones. these march kicked off on
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wednesday. people are covering about 120 kilometers from a southern jewish supplement attacked by him mass all over the 7th, all the way to jerusalem to the prime minister's office. that symbolic, let's say it's on gaz, us 3. we spoke to some of those martin here today. i'm say like i will have my grandson here and i wouldn't be able to how game i would say it's not enough when you are in pain. your screen. that's what you know. your thoughts are you asked for to to, to be sure that the will be back soon in good shape. we don't know one, where is the we are very worried. we want to back, they need to be returned in any way. for any price that should've been here over 100 days ago, already, the government say we want them back, but they don't do enough. bring them back in the whatever it costs all for all for on. bring them back every day accounts. i'm not a politician. i'm just
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a regular citizen. for 5 members of the family just vanish saturday morning. my cousin was murdered in front of his house. the rest of them were acute enough. we really want everyone into words to help us, to negotiate with the some us people to bring them home, crime against humanity. and whoever cares about human rights to them the same that they must do some kind of a deal with the come us in order to really is all the hostages airfoil way more dell come back in, you know, conference and we don't one conference we want them to live the, it's house on the families and going under a lot of software, families of the objects. these have every reason to be angry, disappointed, and warranted so far. no breakthrough between the pauses have been achieved regarding the fate of $134.00 is relays, including women, the sick and the elderly,
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remaining and kept the tv team the gaz. 3. but having several rounds of meetings in the last month, including earlier this week and costs are wet and is rarely delegation sets with guitar in exemption mediators. they came back them to you, hadn't did. and that has also been confirmed to all t through our own sources. we think they gyptian side. israel complains there is no proof that the medications, a sense for various channels have reached the hostages arilyn. antonia who also said that he has been demanded at least some names of the hostages had masses planning to exchange. but he received nothing. reports say that's next week, come as is due to send a final draft for the prisoner's exchange proposal. right now they are talking about 6 weeks of quiet in exchange for up to 50 hostages. who will there were these the 3 stages starting with women, including female soldiers, then the elderly hand, the so you can finally, male soldiers and that,
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but is israel says masses clock is thinking and that's a militant groups, has until the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, starting on march, this tends to come with a plan and return to hostages. otherwise he's ro is threatening to start the incursion into rough fonts in the south. all the guys us 3, the areas now housing mold and the 1000000 gallons. those who flooded the war in the north and are unable to go back has it is not safe nor livable yet. worlds. house organization says 80 percent of the buildings have been destroyed there earlier and choose a president. joe biden was optimistic, predicted it towards between these ro and how much could be reached by next week, but following a deadly attack on civilians waiting for humanitarian aid on says de, probably seen as horses say more than a 100 people have been killed. 10 point the finger at a israel while the idea accused militants for opening fire by didn't made a u turn dismissing, sees fire as an option at this point from us. also stated that it would freeze all
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negotiations with israel following the attack. the militant group blames as well for those other top stories. this our check out our website out to dot com for more . i'm a nationwide josh going underground is up next to stay with us. the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or tense and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a as 1000000 space starvation in


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