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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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to provide the situation clearly indicates that the poor camp in europe is still very, very strong. foreign minister sir deadline for upsets, there is no western appetites for peace and ukraine. after a linked cold between top german general reveal they have planned to prom rushes from me, enbridge to is kindly get hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. visit center res, refuge for those people who are evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from them. that's at the moment that this temporary refugees centered houses, at least 40 different people. thousands of civilians are safely evacuated from abs
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. if god are simply freed by russian troops who are making fresh advances on the front lines at the southern territory, a theory of in russia hosts the official opening ceremony of the world, new festival of run defense that you nice young people from elizabeth planted the we have live, can you from must go. this is our to international i'd, they show a josh with a top stories. this, our high ranking german military offices have been caught red handed discussing plans to supply tourist cruise missiles to ukraine and use them to destroy the crime in bridge that bombshell phone conversation was intercepted by russia and released by artist editor in chief on friday. russian foreign minister, sir, good elaborate draws attention to the western rhetoric about the ongoing conflict in the stellar. we have recently witnessed the facts that have come to light.
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joshua shelters confrontation with the buddhist, where some evil intentions of the windows, where, which became apparent due to the publication of audio recordings about how carefully they are preparing an attack on the crime, in bridge and other targets, especially ammunition depots. and the main thing is how they want to deceive everyone in to thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they are already there. well, that's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates that the pro war camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts, there have been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to realize the pointlessness and futility of continuing to coax ukraine in the military action. well, the latest statements by the kronen austin and the conversation of the german
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generals, they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course to strategically defeat rush on the battlefield. we realize that well, in germany it seems to bass, fill in the state of shaw ca shocked. so i guess so over the fact that their secret got out as soon as this came out. so the official comments was no comments and then german price was all over it. and as we're about to see from some of the headlines and the german media, they are side things. several soldiers who are assuming the confirming that linked all the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was there was $1.00 to $0.02 for ship, according to durham and media, because they started trying to block the several accounts that were sharing that link, the audio and the link transcript on ex, formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday. as soon as this lead came out, and they were also claiming that german counter intelligence supposedly bridal way, wants to pro up and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and
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chancellor that indeed they are looking into. but still, the fluid is being reported, there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. well, this is something i mean it's because as i said so far, we've seen what's and nothing. and even that was silence, and marissa harvard, the spokesperson for rushes, all foreign affairs ministry, so that their silence seems to equal admission of guilt. so what is happening? we were expecting comments from this, and this is what we got from the drum and translator today. to we've heard bits and pieces of, of the meet the conversation. a lot of people haven't have a chance to look through it also talk us through the entirety of that if you will. yes. it all started on friday when or to use that as friendship, margaret to someone young post that 1st the transcript, and then the audio all the conversation, the conversation was the safe for people. so that had all the germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as
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a to other military personnel. and it was a 38 minute conversation and image they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist cruise themselves. that germany was supposed to sign ukraine. the west was as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasn't done that yet. yet in this league conversation, these people are discussing that as a done deal, and they're not only discussing it, they're saying how they can use it. they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime you and also this, i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge and the east is hard to reach its a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depos can also be hit. if we consider the
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bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time. and we are talking about a month. what would a torres attack on the bridge look like? from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur . but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. this conversation apparently so called place on the 19th of february, and then they later goal. and also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war in ukraine. they admit themselves that it is only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already signed so long range missile, so germany must call up as well. so that must seem to be doing something we know
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that you crane is losing and they know that by sending those mess solve it will not again, their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting, the emphasizing the importance of covering up their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have the german military being associated with the crane. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer, all of themselves on the tours themselves. really stuff. that's not the kind one of us. yeah. hot, it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. my, i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we want to do that is totally moreno. how those this been stuck up against a lot shows the state made about refusing to send those tourist missiles
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a to ukraine executive this, this is one as bizarre because we know that germany's parliament. yes, it did approve additional military a to ukraine button. no, it's when it comes to those tours cruise missiles and all of schultz himself said that she was out sending them because he's afraid ukrainians will do that with them that they might target must go and then terminate. will be considered party to, to the war with boston, and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany so far that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u . k. was statements there where they had to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personnel supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine, bought that schoultz. his comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. now again,
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in the slick the audio we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss. this thomas on the brits is not the price as the americans because they are reveal that they're also there. it almost is, do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. so all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning, so tax europe for europe to get ready, and now we have them covertly applied and the tax on russians toilet seems. so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground in ukraine . still on the lake tape of german officer said the tourist missiles gould, destroy the crime in bridge if they are launched from french 5 to jets, respect to a geo political analyst in aviation expert who says the grant cannot to use such
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a vast weapons without nature or today, no one can tell if i can, i don't know myself even as a buyer myself, if that decided can be used with that. that's what i find it. we know that it can be used. we as a team, at 15, some great on your thigh phone. if germany was to provide those besides to ukraine to ukrainians at your premiums, they do not have the capability to use those me sites. first, make 29 needs to be refuted to use those besides and the a point any way required be out of the people who has the knowledge. so once again, when you have new system appearing on a battlefield that are directly operable, making mistakes, it's not the finance that are behind which people we have the knowledge like with the battery of systems like me, with the iris peace system. making mistakes from the very beginning. we know that
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the french has a special forces diluted into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also. and that's not something that is known, we're just being to your opinion on united states and need to. that's all we're just puppets. are to editor in chief library to see money on was the 1st to reveal the contents of the bombshell conversation. i don't do gaudy this audio recording speaks for itself just after i published the 1st text about it. there were a lot of skeptics and media outlets scold me and wrote to me saying it couldn't be too. but it is, is the real order for german military officers restored into the german air force and discussing how to impressions, be so crimea, and how many missiles it will take 10 or 20 and how to do so that no one is aware of anything. so the chancellor sholtes could continue to claim that he's not
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involved in the conflict and native does not participate in the conflict. and that it's not in his backyard. they also expose the british and american partners saying that already working in ukraine, in general, they're all lots of interesting things. be sure to listen. i wonder how the germans will respond to the bridge linking rushes, mainland and it's been intellect. romeo was constructed back in 2018. it's one of europe, longest bridges stretching for 19 kilometers from shore to shore. the bridge allows the free and speedy flow of goods to premier and easy access from the russian mainland early. it was supposed to appear in, mano, don't mind a jo, politics expert in presidential, the international organization. you are continent, he says you leaders are panicking over germany, growing it's mandatory power again on the the us as watch in europe of many countries being v o. a suspicious of a german,
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it'd be coming again immediately. thorough, especially friends or of orval. they both supposed to green against wash out french on germany as different viewpoints. it cutting choice friends who would like to was he shouldn't, he sits as we would need or a v. you may need to arise your on the so nope, off to stick weight and you create into position friends in competition with germany. but germany, as i said, as of jupiter's colors, it keeps to do control. you can't take it out of russia button. see now g with united states on, on the u rebates or so there was a sense of panic amount to your be honest because of for the possibility of trump elections on the european southern need. we'd feed a loan in europe. and this is why gold showing here we had vis a comment tape on my call a few days ago and bowed to our troops on the ground. do it to reveal to so or to take our games. we've been friends about them. so i have your pending either on jo menu or a few words. they say no, there is no way germans can. i have to put the troops on the ground. how to side
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comment. so now i mean, when mcclung said that there is a possibility of putting native boots on the ground, the new crane, the rest as you are said, well, we're not on board with that. but now we, we have this lee, which shows that gemini hasn't been completely on is tells us that comment look exactly. so we learned about what exp us new week, but the v, i already some special troops instruct, also, people gave information, a review queen. so as a state, if you had been lying for the last 2, your students who are citizens about is a question of the red line or when they put more troops of a must see really i think that they watch. because you can see there is no, there's a fee of your parents to be left out to a for trauma is re elected and $20.00. the washington strategies from a cheaper to cut of fund of you is so often using ukraine as a proxy. it gets
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a rush after you create and we'd be exhausted. if you ever comes to like to put your pants west on your pants on the front and down to the front line with the russian deputy prime minister has visited the recently number, which of city of, of disco. the definition says there will be opportunities to reveal the seat as soon as russian ground forces advance further archie, correspondence room and color off. it brings us these details from the refugee center. we're just sheltering locals. evacuated from the city. this is a temporary refuge for those people who were evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from the nets at the moment. so this temporary refugee center houses, at least 40 different people. they are administered. the 1st aid if needed. they're fed and also the local authorities doing everything they can. so that's v imaculi's can get their russian documents as soon as possible,
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which is why we were preparing, taken our stuff then the warned us, one of the car would arrive on february 27th. they brought us here. we're being screened with the military rights on the 17th. the 1st assault forces. we started coming out of the basements. they were sure there was no one here. everything around us was destroyed, was willing donors, i'm going to volunteers picked us up, brought us here immediately fed us and showed us where to sleep. i'm hoping i get my documents sorted out quickly so that i can be a free citizen of the russian federation. i'm being considered for our job is a firefighter. the low tenant came and signed me up after the a medical evaluation. i'll go and serve in the fire department as the town of j a. k is less than 20 kilometers away from the net. so naturally people have relatives in both towns at the moment. so some of these refugees, as they told me, haven't seen their loved ones for more than 4 years. i haven't seen them in 10 years right now. there's
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a perfect opportunity for them to finally get together. just 10 years of my life were taken. they hadn't showed up day of gut all since 2016. but when the special military operation began, ukrainian troops said that they wouldn't leave any stone in place. ukrainian soldiers were marauding, especially the as of soldiers and the right sector. they tortured people, they killed, but no traces were found. they haven't seen us as people since 2014 to 54. they knew the deluxe. yeah. yeah, to the progression assist you with that, but i do not remove that set off sentilia. beautiful. beautiful new or used storage for a few sessions now. well, i'll let jerome. yeah, of course we'll bubble. so schedule them the minutes police's though
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it's just me for him to do this. uh no, i don't. how does so the potential for them for the country around the police up to the shift too much room for the vision that's people's republic. authorities are expecting more evacuated persons to come to the temporary refugee centers across the republic. has the russian army is progress things further to free up the territory of dpr. it's hard to imagine with all these evacuated persons have been through over the last few years. nevertheless, at the moment they will be safe and forget for with mister help, they need from local authorities from a golfer. i've already done a u. k. auction houses canceled the sale of
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any fuel being shields taking from the country by british soldiers in the 19th century. that's after the off de la faced the pressure from the east african countries government, the 19th century, a business, and show the vital part of it to us. cultural heritage was allegedly noted during colonial times for just troops blended numerous artifacts, which found their way to private collections and public museums in the u. k. since the shields reappearance at the auction of the fuel, penn national heritage restitution committee, a step in condemning the sale as quote, inappropriate and immoral since the onto the fact has to be monthly acquired in a context of a punitive expedition to the c o t. a in which these items were looted. the sale of this item annual auction is inappropriate way. hard for me is for professor, i bought a law from the if you, if you and heritage authority, he says african states must work together to fight for the return of store and
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artifacts that showed a that was uh, auctioned to be auctioned in new castle by the understanding the guideline, the auction house because it could have significance to the or can people into government that shared was looked at in the appraisal 18. 68 when the beat to shakes, position, move to the to york. and i talked to the deal can fall says at the 4th test market bella, which was, uh, the seat of, uh, the end product to adjust the 2nd bodies in. so the british toke a lot, the number of heritage of the facts. some of them which are very important, important like this field, but it does x petition was not simply i'd expedition to flee some york in for you, please in this or either to take all objects to the objects of
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a historical significance. so it's not as cut, and secondly, the guardian colonial the object to that to taken out of africa during the colonial period. uh they must be or the 5 digits of the only know of every i think a member of the unit sco shrouds. a strongly advocate the fact that the 9070 convention is uh uh, mid deliberately. so that the objects from the colonial period is that the method should not be the time. so for that uh, convention was to be uh, amended so that it should include the period from the 6th to essentially what this with objects we have started to, to, to be taken out of africa. the world of your festival has kicked off in the southern russian federal territory of serious on the black sea coast,
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opening ceremonies with a festival, a currently on the way and 20000 people from all over 100 countries are expected to attend. we're bringing you our to special coverage of the week long event or the earlier we heard from a some of the things the stick festival go as they arrived at the international airport in nearby searching. this is my show. so i am and that i see many people and it looks like a cool opportunity to meet people from all around the world. i think participants are coming from around a 182 countries or something like this. so i've never had an opportunity to
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potentially talk to people from everywhere in the world, in the span of a week. so that's why i'm here. it's a very read on that and a few minutes for me to be part of this. ask you a lot and i'm so happy that i got to set an opportunity to be here. and uh, i'm going to run the boat in so many days, and i'm so happy to be that i shouldn't be, but then that'll work, move on the, the fine, how they have, you know, even this saxophones to come to us. and in fact, you are what are says offering you from different countries. this cultural event is very important to understand which other to know what really russia is, what 3 other cultures are not just believe what may be mainstream media says we have a real chance here to learn more about the restaurant to learn more about other countries in the current world infinity 1st century, it's really important to talk to being hatchery to other cultures, to come from people are all around the world. and i think this is a perfect chance to for young people to get to know each other and to build bridges
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that will help them in the future to understand each other better. we're so happy to be here to participate on that. well, you festival 2024, and of course we only have to say the same as rush have for this participation. and of course we have to say view of venezuela. the world, the world use festival is getting underway here and this enormous building that i mean it is where the main parts of facilities are expected to take place has been called the world youth city. and as you can see behind me, this is a facade that resembles an airport date there. and that's because this is near the main entrance, which has been decorated in the style of an airport. because this is where the expected $20000.00 participants are going to arrive, half of them being from around russia and the other half being from around other parts of the world. and that number is even really dwarfed by the over 300000
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applications. there were to participate in this momentous event in terms of what's expected to take place here. the main events are going to be on the main square of the world. you city, where we're expecting to see some lectures, discussions, sporting activities, and an entire cultural program. now, we were even lucky enough to be joined on this live report by the mascot of the world you festival. it's name is chapel rosco. this is a childhood, uh cartoon character icon for millions of soviet people and russian people, as well as a symbol of kindness and friendship and openness, which is really a part of the main point of this entire world. you 1st of all, which is to bring the active young people from across the world into one place where they can make connections and work towards a future world order based on when, when cooperation and fairness not one that's based on the hedge, a monic, domination of one power over the rest of the global community. so for russia, this is really an honor to have such an event here on russian soil. and we're
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looking to see a lot of exciting events in the coming days earlier respect to festival participants from going out and india, they say the festival is a good opportunity for young people from around the world to share ideas and experiences. and i am very happy to come here and a very nice of what i just sent in to you all, not even very good openings that i'm need, the very nice i am very happy and very big event. all of that seemed well indeed out of working very hard and all odd eleger side of nice and all of the view it assist in this problem. the new change of the word and make a new word and a youth is a very big forward. you change of the word and all of the goals. thank you so much all for all the just them in the model. but as in goodman, it's a big feeling that youth is a next generation. and then this event can next day you from various countries in various continents. so obviously events that you would share ideas,
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say new patients and then we see how best to move the future to get for it. so that's why i decided, but i would say the educational aspects of the events because i few education connects us as youth and then said by, we got inform you that as quote uh i need to have you take. so they decided events for next week and now over to cousin in the russian republic of a test on where the fidgets will games of the future is coming to the finish line. closing ceremonies for the 1st ever multi sports tournament individual concept will take place tomorrow. the contest to have blended together. physical and digital sports and have a master over 2000000000 views. that's according to the russian deputy prime minister of torres in support and culture. we had a chance to speak with him at the world, use a festival where he shared his views on the projects success. so that's what i'm up
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with. i'm not sure the theater is what i was thought of july interest. why you were born was supposed to be on for that you as a part of month to have someone here to money themselves. i do. it's that i'm like you have to sit up. what do i do to the case? i don't know. i have no, i will speak, you know, it depends on what i'm gonna tell you. so just to make up for a couple of comments and supposed to me from a go to a pretty effective cousin, georgia, i need somebody to put him up for the knowledge if you just don't football. uh, it's a little phrase the adobe be able to me. uh, i have my summer for easiest for me. all i do is just set it up at the gate and just to give it to you, it's a good one for the, for the, for the children to come on. the difficult when do the come on the video to another way we will see how deep of the video and the facility or some sort of like the sun up shelves of the big thing to me. come on the but i didn't 6 i just on fall of
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just pretend to is not testable because i gotta look for to, to put him in the show for him on the some yellow do with 6 done. yeah. i just was going to get a minute from the police and that's the key, very easy for us to be to ocean that'll show is a way to do to get this, get the mass, some of the sites and they did, it gets a little more case just let us know if you know some, a bunch of police off i guess from forward to that the you know, because i'm here to get the google out of them. i got the slip, you'll see what is on a top stories. this our check out our website. i'll change, i'll come from all i'm they show our josh coming up next is a documentary on the
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the store. so somebody got the new from move for most of us to use. simple associated the last i think you the silver you so this is the pictures of the man from the press please. yes, it is. did this, it will do that. i know sometimes.


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