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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the, the situation clearly indicates that forward camp in europe is still there, very strong. foreign minister, a 2nd law problem says there is no western appetite for peace in ukraine after a link to call between top and german generals revealed their plan to bomb russia and try me enbridge kind with us. yeah, and it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. and this is that temporary refuge for those people who are waited from the town of days kind of far away from them. that's at the moment. so this temper, ricky g centered houses, at least 40 different people to thousands of civilians are safely evacuated from of the recently fried by russian troops for making pressure advances on the front
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lines. and the southern territory of serious and russia. host, the official opening ceremony up the road youth festival ground events that unites young people from all over the past. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. recovering the top new stories from around the world's high ranking. german military officers have been caught red handed discussing plans to supply taurus and cruise missiles to crane and use them to destroy the crime in bridge dot bomb cell phone conversation was intercepted by russia and released by ortiz editor in chief on friday. russian foreign minister survey line for all the draws attention to the western rhetoric about the ongoing conflict. we were very simply with us, the facts that have come to lights, chelsor schultz, confrontation with the bloom despair some evil intentions of the industry,
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which became apparent due to the publication of all the recordings about how carefully they were preparing and a tech on the crime in a breach, and now the targets, especially the ammunition depots. and the main thing is how they wanted to see if everyone into thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they're already there. well, let's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates the pro work camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts, there have been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to realistic point systems and futility of continuing to co x you create into military action. well, and the lady staples by mccrendon, boston and the conversation of german generals, they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course, the strategically different russia on the battlefield. we realized that of germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shocked, i guess so over the fact that their secret got out as soon as this came out. so they'll official comments, was no comments and then german price was all over it. and as we're about to see
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from some of the headlines and the german media, they are side things, several soldiers who are assuming the confirming that links to all the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was there was a way to to satisfy ship according to during the media, because they started trying to book a several accounts that were sharing that link the audio and the link transcript on ex, formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday as soon as this lead came out, and there were also claiming that drum and counter intelligence supposedly right away wants to probe. and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and chancellor that indeed they are looking into. it does start, the fluid is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. and the very latest we are now getting reports that apparently one of the main channels in germany is confirming the authenticity
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. all of that leaked audio and they are sites in germany's ministry of defense. so this is huge. they all started on friday when our cheese out as friendship migrate . system one young posts that 1st the transcript, and then the audio ultimately conversation. the lead conversation was between 4 people. so that had all the germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation, as well as a, to other military personnel. and it was a 38 minute conversation and image they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist cruise themselves that germany was supposed to send ukraine. the west was as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasn't done yes. yes, is this leaks conversation. these people are discussing that as a done deal and they're not only discussing it. they're saying how they can use it . they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime. you can reach them all. so who came to the
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conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge in the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month what, what a tourist attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. this conversation, apparently the so called place on the 19th of february,
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and then they later gone also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war and ukraine. they admit themselves that it's only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already signed so long range missile, so germany must call forth as well. so that must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing, and they know that by sending those missiles it will not again, their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting, the emphasizing the importance of covering off their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have the drum and the military being associated with the crane. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer of all of themselves on the tours. this house is the kind of want to get hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. i am exaggerating
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a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. is it totally moreno? how those, this them stack up against off shows the state made about refusing to send those tours, missiles a to ukraine executive this, this is what is bizarre because we know that germany's parliament, yes, it did approve additional military aids to ukraine button. no, it's when it comes to those tours cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that she was out sending him because he's afraid what ukrainians will do that with them that they might target moscow. and then drew many will be considered party to, to the war with bush, and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany, so by that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u. k. was
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statements there where they had to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personal supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine. but that shows this comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. now again, in the slicks don't deal, we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss, this thomas on the bread. so it's not the price as the americans because they reveal that they're also there. know, monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. so all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning to attack europe for europe to get ready. and now we have them covertly applied in the tax on a russian soil. let's see. so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually
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involved on the ground. and ukraine. r t editor in chief margarita as the money on was the 1st to reveal the contents of the bombshell conversation. that would you go to this audio recording speaks for itself just after i published the 1st text about it, there were a lot of skeptics and media outlets quoted me. i'm rude to me saying it couldn't be true, but it is, is the real audio full chapman ministry offices referring to the german air force and discussing how to bomb russia's bridge to cry, man, and how many missed cells? it will take 10 or 20. and how to do it so that no one is aware of anything. so that tells so all of sholtes could continue to claim that he's not involved in the conflict. nato does not participate in the conflict, and that it's not to in his backyard. they also expose the breast of should american partner saying that already watching ukraine in general, there are lots of interesting things to be sure to listen. i wonder how the germans
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will respond to it. the bridge linking the rushes mainland and the korean peninsula was constructed 6 years ago. it's one of the longest bridges in europe stretching 19 kilometers and is vital for supplying goods. many western powers have been pushing a war mongering rhetoric. us, as nato will have to fight against russia if your brain is defeated, that there are still rare voices among western leaders such as low block you advocating against sending troops or weapons to key f. the whole issue is very clear with the beginning of this crisis. this says that jesus christ is no uh, any military solution. that's why after 2 years be in the, in the crises and you kind of position these even more clear than before. the weapons from the warehouse, he's worked for cc,
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we stopped and added package, which was something like 40 to you. great. because as i said, it is very clear that we will no not send any true because these escalate waste spoke with a j, a political expert, pierre, a manual to mon. he said, some of the leaders are panicking about germany, increasing its military power in europe, of many countries, things without a suspicious of a german. it'd be coming again immediately. thorough, especially friends or of orval with both supposed to green against wash out french
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on germany as different 0.2 countries. france would like to was he should, he sits as we would need or a v. you may need to arise. you on the so nope, opportunity stick weight and ukraine to position friends in competition with germany. but germany, as i said, as of jupiter's color project keeps to do control. you can't take it out of russia button. see now g with united states on, on the u. rebates or so there was a sense of panic amount to your be honest because of for the possibility of trump elections on the european southern need. we'd feed alone in europe on this is why gold showing here we had vis a come and tape on my call a few days ago about or troops on the ground do it to reveal to so or to take our games. we've been friends about them. so i to europe and leave it on germany refused, they say no, there is no way germans can have the put the troops on the ground. how to side comment. so now i mean, when mcclung said that there was
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a possibility of putting nice boots on the ground, the new crane, the rest of europe said, well, we're not on board with that. but now we, we have this lee, which shows that germany hasn't been completely on. this tells us that comment look exactly. so we learned about what exp us new. we bought the via already some the special troops instruct. also, people gave information, a review queen. so as a state, if you had been lying for the last 2 years to 2 of us citizens about is a question of the red line. when they put more troops of a must see really i think that they watch because you can see there is no, there's a fee of your parents to be left out to. if a trauma is re elected and 20, the washington strategies from a jump or to kind of fund of you is so off to using ukraine as it proxy. it gets a rush after you create and we'd be exhausted. if you ever comes to like to put
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your pants west on your pants on the front, i'm turning now to the front line where the russian deputy prime minister has visited the recently liberated city of the of the deputies says there will be opportunities to rebuild the city, soon as russian ground forces advance further or to correspond it remind customer of brings us these details from the refugee center, which is sheltering locals evacuated from the city. this is a temporary refuge for those people who were evacuated from the town of dave. kind of far away from the nets at the moment. so this temporary refugee sensor houses at least 40 different people. they are administered, the 1st aid if needed, their side, and also the local authorities doing everything they can. so that's v evacuating can get their russian documents as soon as possible. so which is why we were preparing, taking our stuff. then the warned us when the car would arrive on february 27th.
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they brought us here. were being screened when the military rides on the 17th, the 1st assault forces, we started coming out of the basements. they were sure there was no one here. everything around us was destroyed, was low and don't. as i'm running, volunteers picked us up, brought us here immediately fed us and showed us where to sleep. i'm hoping i get my documents sorted out quickly so that i can be a free citizen of the russian federation. i'm being considered for our job as a firefighter, the low tenant came and signed me up after the a medical evaluation. i'll go and serve in the fire department in the town of dave k is less than 20 kilometers away from the net. so naturally, people have a relative in both towns at the moment. so some of these refugees, as they told me, haven't seen their loved ones for more than 4 years. i haven't seen them in 10 years right now. there's a perfect opportunity for them to finally get together. just 10 years of my life
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were taken. they hadn't showed up to have got all since 2016. but when the special military operation began, ukrainian troops said that they wouldn't leave any stone in place. ukrainian soldiers were marauding, especially the as of soldiers and the right sector. they tortured people, they killed, but no traces were found. they haven't seen us as people since 2014 to 34. then you do last year for me to the progression associates of what i do not want to move that set off totally a few sessions. now i like yellow bar. so bob, as fast as you do it is, i mean, that's police's though it's just me, it's a huge and simple to do this. uh no,
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you don't. the header, so the homes are going to have the police to the desk just to make sure you're on the zillow didn't, that's people's republic. authorities are expecting more evacuated versus to come to the temporary refugee centers across the republic. has the russian army is progressing as further to free up the territory of the p r. it's hard to imagine with all these evacuated persons have been through over the last few years. nevertheless, at the moment they will be safe and will get over this, their help they need from local authorities from on call for a warranty. then, the british politician from the worker's party has been elected to the national parliament after he strongly advocated for the rights of palestinians. and that the
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war in gaza. he says, is the 1st time in the nation's history that a 3rd party candidate has solemnly defeated the 2 main parties and trust. even the most journalist in the will realize that this is the 1st time in british political history. the 2 parties of the state, well follow later on. song played peter who have been miss, been down the street wherever your storm are probably times out here stall to alicia. so a lot of 2 chicks of the same size and they both well and truly spike
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no way earned nearly 40 percent of the vote and his land slide when he didn't hold back during the campaign. and criticizing leaders of the labor and conservative parties accusing both sides of backing israel and gaza. otherwise, anti war views are not new. new described, former u. k. prime minister, tony blair as a mass murdering war criminal for britain's role in bombing a rock. he also attended anti war protests for syria and one against london's official policy by stating that russia is winning in ukraine. the downing street was quick to call galloway's victory beyond alarming. now while democracy itself is a target council, meetings and local events have been storm and piece, do not feel safe. and the hugs longstanding, parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns and is beyond alarming the last night,
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the rush style ball election returned the candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on october the 7th. who glorifies has the law. i don't know about meetings, but has forgot my pause, israel's occupation of lebanon, and i respect the rightful people in the occupied territory to resist occupying the community election. me or issue. so now i've got the democratic monday. yeah. not really. so not he didn't even come 2nd. don't be like telling me about the prime minister as if he was moses. you don't respect the congress, do i respect the prime minister? i despise the prime minister. and guess the millions and millions and millions of people in this country, johnny bernard, the vice chair of the british communist party and told us that you can't like some roles. the results are not surprising and the main parties do not serve people's
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interest. a huge amount of bridges working people have given up on electric policy, sol together because they've learned the decades of, of the trials and the seeing that hooks dashed but whoever they both will, they get the same result to the policies. the main policy says, the imperialist the ruling class, they've done so it'd be interesting to people. but the particular glittering nature of, we've just been visiting the war means that in an area where many people are plugged into and paying attention to what's happening and go that they simply can't swallow any of the main thought. you know, george was quite right when he pointed to the fact that this was something astonishing happens. you know, we often see in a bladder to the really either really unpopular government or a local and popular m p get to be seen in a bi election because it's seen as a kind of site protest,
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but in the bi election. but this was quite significant in the both popular government and the non popular opposition took a beating. the several police officers had been killed amid escalating violence in the caribbean island nation of haiti. armed gangs have been trying to topple the prime minister's administration and seize control of the country. we announced that all armed groups are going to act to get haitian prime minister, our real henry, to step down. we will use all strategies to achieve the school with our guns and with the haitian people, we will free the country, the violence and the gunfire broke out on the streets of hades capital. while the prime minister was visiting kenya, they, roby has offered to send 1000 of its police officers to the caribbean islands to crack down on the gangs. haitian prime minister was supposed to see power to a new government last month, but refused to do so. which has as far to civilian outrage recently he agreed to
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hold a general elections next year and a haitian say they can no longer tolerate the uncertainty of the situation. i find myself dragging my things for the street. the prime minister has to do so. you must give us a chance to live in peace. i'm 62, and i can take it any more. i'd like to take care of my family. i can't do it anymore. i can't even go home. i'm waiting on the street to do so. the situation is becoming catastrophic. i've been here since 1986 and it's never been like this. we're surrounded on all sides. it's upsetting. 80 is the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere. it has long suffered from gang violence, some of the economic insecurity. according to you and estimates, 314000 people in the island nation are considered displaced. about 5 and a half 1000000 residents are in need of humanitarian assistance. we've heard from
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general as can lives who specializes in haitian issues. he says canyon forces banks by washington would bring little good to the struggling nation. a hi court in 10 years has said that it is illegal, it is unconstitutional for the police to be said. but um, just like the us and israel arriving roughshod over the world court decision against israel's genocide in palestine, the u. s. and kenya are running rough shot over the hard course of 10 years decision and are planning to deploy the troops. anyway, the us, they want to call on groups and 80 games. in fact, the, there are, i could say, neighborhood protection groups vigilante groups if you will, which are trying to testing keep crying out of their neighborhoods versus criminal gage plus the fact bringing a 1000 canyon cups to he. a countries they don't even speak the language
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is just a recipe for disaster. and this is not a force that is under the ages of the un security council. it has simply been deputized by the you or the security council. both russia and china abstain from that vote. so it's basically a us sponsored, a force mercenary force i could say, to come in and try to quell the rebellion of the haitian keep. haiti has seen several us interventions with the largest and longest one last thing. almost 2 decades. washington has claimed its involvement was crucial to securing peace and political stability in the caribbean country. but it seems to have made things worse. here's the situation unfolded. the
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russian is currently hosting the world, use festival to promote stronger bonds between young people from nations around the world. the events taking place in a and
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a resort town on the black sea is expected to gather together over $20000.00 participants from more than $100.00 countries are to use bringing a special coverage of the festival. busy throughout the week, the russia as a president and delivered a special space in honor of the festival, he emphasized the importance of young people deciding their own future a mattress that allows it to use. the country has already organized such a large scale used photos 3 times, and each time they have confirmed that there are no borders or dividing lines for the younger generations. you will communicate with whomever you want. you will get the knowledge and experience you need. this was shown by the hundreds of thousands of applications for participation in the festival that came to us from 190 countries. the only thing we regret is that we couldn't accept everyone. now, representatives of almost 300 different peoples have gathered in this arena. we in
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russia know very well what a wealth such diversity is, what a powerful charge of positive development and mutual enrichment it possesses. we must unite to realize our dreams together to help each other make the lives of millions of people better, to work together for the sake of future generations to fight poverty and terrorism to preserve unique natural resources, cultural heritage, the beauty and diversity of the planet. in such a world, there is no place for racism. take that double standards or lies. people are free to speak their own language to follow the faith and traditions of their ancestors. you are the young generation. you dream of what a safe and just world can and should be. it is up to you to create a r t correspondent donald quarters sent us this report from the opening ceremony. today, opening ceremony at the world youth festival has just come to a close, whereas you can see behind me, thousands of people were in participation here watching this outstanding experience
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. really, i mean, at the beginning we saw the russian national anthem performed by a live orchestra. and a live choir or something that shortly gave most people in the auditorium that was almost packed to the brim, goosebumps, and then we saw various performances that illustrated a lot of things about the younger generation around the world, living in a digitized age, their challenges that they have to struggle with how they find loved, as well as different things connected to their accomplishments. the accomplishments, rather of the younger generation, specifically in russia. and we even saw a prerecorded address from the russian president vladimir putin who wished all of the participants the best of luck at the festival. had said that there was no room in the world for hatred or lies. and that diversity is a pillar of strength in societies in the multi pulling world. so this was definitely a great beginning to the world youth festival. and we're definitely sure to see a lot of exciting events in the coming days as it continues. right to stay with our
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t of next i'm going underground, absent or time. se speaks to the washington bureau chief of l codes newspaper, who discusses the complicity of the us in the israelite genocide and costs the the, [000:00:00;00] the


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