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tv   Documentary  RT  March 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EST

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so the accomplishments rather of the younger generations, specifically in russia. and we even saw a prerecorded address from the russian president vladimir putin who wished all of the participants the best of luck at the festival and said that there was no room in the world for hatred. or lies and that diversity is a pillar of strength in societies in the multi pulling world. so this was definitely a great beginning to the world youth festival. and we're definitely sure to see a lot of exciting events in the coming days as it continues before we go breaking news just in from southern russia report say a militant group in the english city or region has barricaded themselves inside a residential building and are engaging in a shoot out with law enforcement officers. presidents say they heard gunfire during the incident, and the small town of car block for media reports said officers from russia's federal security service, the f as b were conducting a raid against the militant group, which is accused of preparing it to conduct
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a terrorist attacks. this is a developing story, we will bring you more information as we get it. i do stay with r t international. i'll be back in about 30 minutes with much more news in the meantime. be sure to visit our website or to com for all the very latest breaking news and updates by the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the which may or difficult to move the 2 men to. and that was some of the formulas solution that are in the couple of our choices, ideally to the cause of the beauties of problems on the peer review.
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so this the new scores as to where you'd be able to scrimmage video if it gets too much better because it just told me that the weight in the english,
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the recall the so this is done by cities such as the why do you think you'd be doing surface to us as a nice proceeds to susan. cool. did you have enough to be soon to see for the
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new was so difficult to use just one in the associated us the the new last name or the williams. and he was speaking my new job wasn't much and appreciate it. so there's of course to any states with i think the cable goes down to 50 pounds for the ocean,
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go to the, to the you will choose. so it was in, at the, uh, the lady, what kinds of additional price for you at the closing, you mean you asked me, i thought i was looking to feel comfortable with them or do i have to so so what, what somebody's buy, see recently, just the name is a boy mislead. yeah. found a couple of days just us. do you think you might have the minds of things to resist each of the statements or as you send
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somebody to the list which is the only of the police at the. busy us or we just sold weapon was the best of all. so if there's any way to get it back up the whole thing internally, that's kind of funding for the critical region. if you don't have to just use it for the sick because it's what was possible. what can you do? you want me to come home as well. subsidy. oh and you're supposed to do the work
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because it's amazing. it was successful. so you just looks up the. busy studio is all you want up the road. so yours was the look watching the news color if you have any of fulfilling your muscles, a bunch of accomplish confused to something for the game. so that's what you would say about this. give me see if there was a territory or i could figure i've seen him already and a half a not security to you at the case. so in the business, most of us on that each to figure out and say, let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw at this time, are you able to have to deal with them with us or shame plays in the, or the on a bundle actually on the see the,
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the plastic is giving you this to go for the level of the i'm for, for the, for the user earful too. so don't worry too many. uh nadine, at the soonest a coworker will see on that. do you then? i'm setting up a sunny your home just kind of a pass through amount and i do, let's see, i'm a pull up in terms of how in the to come or a to him by are concerned with seeing them as an address. well, i yeah i, let's do that. so we'll see how honest i got in that and just have it all kind of looks like you you haven't used as low on some us not on these contrast. and those are both at the moment due to this was to be a no doubt it come to what the x i jeremy. so for store
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the yes or use on your units are going to the email a series. you sorry, i thought only. i mean, to do the series good, focus on specific mobile home at all falls. okay. if i don't talk to you and i the load before the suit only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still, it's not going to another modem, let's just say something. but then if you come to my use klein, you 1st can you lost them? you can move the cobra the so yes, modeling key means cortical lots of data to quest. boy and i see both.
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busy of us was let's go, let's go through the system. costs a little slowly to the individual. i think the this is the one that sounds really great. lewis has a lot. how is it possible? good. well, let's go. this was the,
1:42 pm
the, the 2 men. janet, the shy of wells fargo will have the, the biggest issue with it's mostly slower each painting. yeah. does that seem to where you wait on really? most of a lot of the girls who are close to shifts and it goes to deal with cuz affinity swain way too. so with this level, the boost will do that. did you get the route because, you know, i mean anything you have something but what it says here is go back to store. so he built i d bench,
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but he i believe. so assuming that you guys are interested in residents, the show available for prices the see what i got super easy financial financial in what way from as well. so make sure your voice comes to your regular computer or us of, of the me, editor of so i will need you to check on some uniform users just as important as the middle of the search feature. all right, well i'm gonna keep up tuesday, seems to be the one if we cannot get the pricing here,
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which is what we're gonna pay them for the the company, the i need people who are part of the, of the voice of the
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i don't have the most of the shania publicly, i'm in the u. summer last for
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the summer to attend and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different by little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead,
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change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the, you know, up. thank you for the insurance. just use your new most go start points of some of the because the phone will, this is not,
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i mean it's from woodson. i was very on. if this is will be the voice of your child support for the metrix to phone. just a moment he comes up with what when you say name a speech pathologist and must be searching which is so you must do this for the ac from the story and then we'll do something with i will say we know 6 cool or just yes. yes. i me, and yet the playbook, we'll talk soon, choose your things are we are on the phone or use our for, for the personal level,
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particularly the 40 the, the
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law for easily some of the settlements should i have to call somebody. so that should resolve the issue of
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the the, the music institute, news, but the whole company type forget about the more expensive yeah sure. what the deal is not a while ago. what was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper?
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i'll do that though. so please hold while i'm on. hold on. is there still with you as well, ma'am? the from inside the so think you know what keeps good. that's good to hear you mostly my team. i mean, that's the way for me
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to find the mobiles board or what you're here tomorrow for the a closing. well let me pull some little somebody here from this. it shows you from your. ready product page. yeah, you think your problems got thoughts right? by the way,
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the hours by the hour. the codes that also drove so the select is 2 months. the excuse me put this or the most useful what's the nearest for familiarity mean yet? are you still with us for both of those whom only for you otherwise we will have been the one up by the shot, the bus, the most part to decide on
1:55 pm
a family of in my system to fit is medina. somebody know that she will not will see other than the of the you choose theme so. so when you say i'm watching was not what you might put me in the country with the blue cross blue shield, where the i've had each to be research just like any z, b, c, b, you say, come on the save, you do you typically do you could throw in a separate was that god bless that fits us from the yes i'm still always to because i mean mushroom, the c, c for the most russian journalist in this area. i've come under shel fire in the north of look,
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tucked the province of the r t crew including corresponding cost through and was in a card with auntie. talked to miss saw excluded nearby future. cause we didn't because we always do because we do, we do stories or disease that selected by it them that i chose to mirror for the show you not the least wish to stuff is a by itself the will plan how they love to have a counter adult and that's the scene how you will be suggested by you who are able to go to the on the edge
1:57 pm
a fugitive door goes to school boots need. busy to us and we, we, so we school sites in the, my fear them, which is who it was this year. he's a boy. so if you feel for 45, you can actually if the disk is then to ski, they've got this got the team and you probably took this question. yes. so technically, because i said the server as much as able to leave it the most to these tips. dishes variables it no, he's be free to, to cut it back hoop associated. so you, so, as you me, you and you are both of those of us who to the, usually they, both with their systems used to, to work. but it's unique. would you most likely, which so see what else to new or used you easily. marcus has
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the wires and why in this country, what if i give borrowed money and us for this? this is chad and i showed order for not imagine just a last name scans when i am what i could catch at your desktop session. let's just shiny or just is funny, yvonne is born. you sit on what's in the the near the, the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of
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expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 32. i have come on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues around the cars and trucks on the list to the 10th of who they are. least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody i should say for them to what she meant to download a i'm glassy followed there. do some people do that? sure. most likely, multiple villages would devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed apartment. for us to get the move of guessing, i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on a journey through africa. peach races, general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come
2:00 pm
really to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully. and the history in the region, the situation clearly indicates the poor camp in europe is still there is or foreign minister target alive. rob says there is no western appetite for seats and ukraine after a late call between the top of german generals, revealed their plans of, on russia's pride in brand is not the kind of us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us a part of the conflict. this is that temporary who refuge for those people who waited from the town of updates kind of far away from the net at the moment. so this set for refugees center houses,


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