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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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of the 55 adults between law enforcement and the minutes in groups of states, the plumbing terrorist attacks in southern russia also had this situation clearly indicates that ford camp in europe is still there. there's 12 minutes to study abroad, says there's no western appetite of peace in ukraine as up to elite to cold, between pumpkin and generals. with discussions about striking versus time in bridge . curious yourself up to kind of get hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. this is
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a temporary refuge for those people who are activated from the town of updates kind of far away from the nets at the moment. so this temporary rickie g center houses at least 40 different people. dozens of civilians off, safely evacuated from of the day of care which was recently taken by russian faves and making advances on the front lines. on 11 people are killed and 50 wounded and an idea strike on a refugee comes in gaza despite his real previously designates in the area as a safe. so for the policy and the for must go to the world. you are watching archie and send us the line, pete to scott, and these are the top stories this hour. we begin with a developing situation in southern russia. that's what shoots outs has broken out between law enforcement offices and a minutes in group accused all preparing to conduct service attacks. the.
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the russian federal authorities said the suspects barricaded themselves inside their residential building in the english ship. the region, as the offices were trying to evade the premises, they buy homes were evacuated to join the operation. and the group was allegedly guessing, but its conducts quotes large scale crimes of its service nature. this is how the national unto service committee describe the situation. looks like the english said, you weren't operational and investigative measures carried out by the security authorities, a group of criminals with the intention to commit high profile terrace defense as was discovered in one of the residential buildings in the town of car block, unblocked all by the special forces of the federal security service of russia when attempting to detain them. they open fire on law enforcement officers who arrived on the scene clashed with the criminals in order to ensure the safety of citizens.
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a concert terrorist operation wasn't reduced to the area where the terrace were found. however, on king jim and military officers have been caught red handed discussing ponds to supply force cruise missiles to ukraine, and use them to destroy the crime in bridge. the bombshell phone conversation was intercepted by russia, released biopsies, edits in chief on friday, or some 5 minutes to set a good lover of jose attention to the western metric about the will. we were very simply with us. the facts that have come to light is the chancellor sholtes confrontation with the boone display. some evil intentions of the windows, which became apparent due to the publication of all your recording simple how carefully they were preparing and attack on the crime in breach and other targets, especially the ammunition depots. and the main thing is how they wanted to see if everyone into thinking it's not on them, but on the americans and the british as they're already there. well, there's just screaming self disclosure. the situation clearly indicates that the pro work camp in europe is still very, very strong. if anyone has any doubts,
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there's been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to realistic point systems and futility of continuing to co x ukraine into military action. well, the latest statements by mach cronin, austin, and the conversation of german generals, they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course, the strategically to feed russia on the battlefield. we realized that of germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shocked. so i guess so over the fact that their secret got out as soon as this came out. so the official comments was no comments and then german price was all over it. and as we're about to see from some of the headlines and the german media, they are sites and several soldiers who are seemingly confirming that links all the other confirming that it's itself and 6. and also what they did was service over to $0.02 for ship, according to durham and media, because they started trying to book a several accounts that were sharing that linked uh,
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audio and the link transcript on x, formerly twitter. so that's what happened on friday as soon as this lead came out, and there were also claiming that drum and counter intelligence supposedly bridal way, wants to probe. and so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and counsellor that indeed they are looking into. it does start, but the fluid is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. and the very latest we are now getting reports that apparently one of the main channels in germany is confirming. the author insisted, see all of that least audio and they are sites in germany's ministry of defense. so this is huge. they all started on friday when ard, sees out as friendship migrate to someone young posts that 1st the transcript, and then the audio, all of the lead conversations that the conversation was between 4 people. so that had all of germany's the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as
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a to other military personnel. and it was a 38 minute conversation. and it's, they are discussing the operational and targets in details of those tourist crews. themselves that germany was supposed to sign ukraine, the westwood as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it has an adult that yes, yes it is. this leeks conversation, these people are discussing that as a done deal and they're not only discussing it. they're saying how they can use it, they're strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime. you the commission also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge in the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit. if we consider the bridge, i don't think taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work.
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and for that we need satellite data. i don't know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month the what, what a tourist attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. i can't estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. but since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. and this conversation apparently so called place on the 19th of february, and then they later goal. and also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war and ukraine. they admit themselves that it's only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already signed so long arrangements also, germany must call forth as well so they must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing and they know that by sending those missiles, it will not,
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again, their words change the course of the war there. and they also emphasize, and this is what's interesting, the emphasizing the importance of covering off their tracks. and they're saying there is no way that they can have other german military being associated with the crime. but how are they going to do that? well, they say that the communications, all of them have to go through the manufacturer of the marseilles on the tours. this house is the kind with us. yeah. hot. it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. mike, i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we want to do that is totally moreno. how those this then stack up against off shows the state made about refusing to send those tours, missiles a to ukraine executive this, this is what is bizarre because we know that germany's parliament. yes,
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it did approve additional military aid to ukraine button. no, it's when it comes to those 4 is cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that she was out sending him because he's afraid what ukrainians will do. that with them that they might target must go and then drew many will be considered party to, to the war with boston. and that's something that they want to avoid. and in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing, in terms of target control. and the company and target control can not be done in germany. so by that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u . k will statements there where they have to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personnel supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine. but that shows this comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. now again, in the slicks audio, we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss. this thomas on
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the brits is not the price as the americans because they reveal that they're also there. know, monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. so it is quite possible that they will soon be will to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. so all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning so tied to europe for europe to get ready. and now we have them covertly applied in the tax on a russian soil. it seems so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground and you cry lots. he's editor in chief, marguerite, there's so many young was the 1st through the of the contents of the link to audio recording. so when you go to this, what do you have recording speaks for itself. it's just after i publish the 1st text about it that were a lot of skeptics and media outlets quoted me. i'm rude to me saying it couldn't be
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true, but it is. is the real audio full chapman ministry offices referring to the german air force and discussing how to bomb russia's bridge to cry, man, and how many missed cells that will take 10 or 20 and how to do it so that no one is aware of anything. so that tells to all of sholtes could continue to claim that he's most involved in the conflict. nato does not participate in the conflict, and that it's not to in his backyard. they also expose their breath to should american partners saying that already watching ukraine in general? there are lots of interesting things to be sure to listen. i wonder how the germans will respond to it. also on the lead to tape a german officers said to the tourist missiles could have destroyed the crime in bridge if they launched from french fine to jets, waste boats, a geopolitical on list on aviation experts who says that ukraine taught use such as long as weapons without native supports today, no one can tell if i can, i don't know myself even as a buyer, myself. if that messiah can be used with that,
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that's what i find it. we know that it can be used. we as a team at 15, some great on your type one. if germany was to provide those besides to ukraine to ukrainians at ukrainians, they do not have the capability to use those me sites. first. the make 29 needs to be refuted to use those besides and the a point any way required be out of the people who has the knowledge. so once again, when you have new system appearing on a battlefield that are directly approval making mistakes, it's not the finance that are behind these people. we have the knowledge, like with the patch for you system like the with the iris teen system. making mistakes from the very beginning. we know that the french has a special forces deluded into ukraine as well as the u. k. and germany also. and
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that's not something that is known. we're just being to your opinion on united states and need to that's all we're just puppets. so the bridge leaking versus mainland and its potential, the crimea was constructed back in 2018. now it's one of us longest, but just stretching for 19 kilometers from schultz. the full, the bridge allows the free on the speed flow of goods to crimea and easy access from the bush and mainland. form is cross live now to the host of the conservative daily podcast. jo ultman, jo, great. so have you with those? i'm letting you can, if you can simply imagine that olaf sholtes on these officials have been left red faced and somewhat hot on the call after these leaves receive now confirmed just being authentic. a sofa said it's going to be and if it's an investigation into this leak, but i guess they'll be no longer using the webex, a conference coding software to conduct sensitive conversations. you know what i
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find it interesting that they, that they got called red face and that, or are they gonna do an investigation into whether or not they're going to supply those missiles to ukraine? or is this an investigation into the unauthorized planning of handing over a long range missiles to ukraine in order to shoot of the civilian bridge that the command bridge it was suddenly going to be interesting. i'm not to show if i, if will ever find out the results of the investigation, but we'll talk to an extent, do you think that this leak put strain relations between germany and it's nato allies? obviously it did reveal that the british american, i'm french troops, the nato troops assisting the ukrainians. i think it's long been understood across the, across the globe. this is a proxy war that the west is actually using ukraine as, as a puppet there. and it is just a clearly shows that based on the actions of these different countries that that's
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actually what's happening. the problem that i have with that is that if they are willing to plan out and, and be involved in the bombing of the korean bridge, it was germany involved, or some of the other western countries involved and cutting off the, your own supply of resources and in order to stream pipeline bombing that happened to cut off resources other people, and are they willing to put their own people at risk in order to create more propaganda to try and garner support this just, obviously not there? well, you mentioned a proxy val. um, well, what do you think you draw the line between a direct conflict with nate? so as the u. k. find some us troops on the go down to see those countries have kept still, i'm about to, but not line between a conference in a conflict. we've also nate, those things we're getting quite finished. the moment it is a, you know, i, i believe right. and i mean we, we have to look at this from a, i think from a different perspective. and that is, we know what the west is doing. i'm in the west,
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i'm in the united states. we hear the propaganda. every day i take the time to talk to people that are in russia, talk people that are in ukraine, the ukrainians are, are not behind this war. this is obviously been been been orchestrated by nato nato nations. that my issue with it is that we're starting to use all these different resources, including media and all these other areas in order to live of the people in those environments. and so i think we, we need to be concerned with, you know, what the end game is. we obviously have a, we can support system in the united states. much of the west relies on many of the countries in the bricks, a rubix and uh this is, this is on purpose. is this in order to create some sort of environment where, where they can cause massive damage or is this of the population? there's just so many questions that i have as to why they would be doing what they're doing right now. in order to crate this all out were with, with russia that could be to, you know, a worry that sounds sustainable for any nation in the world. well, well,
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bring so nicely tonight. so my next question, one of the generals in the conversation, doubts that the difference, the impact those taurus missiles could have on the conflicts with the credit and troops not really been able to capitalize on the ground defensive subsequently. you can imagine this would be a bit of a blow to the ukrainian morale. that's the is western allies have lost faith in his ability to wage this war while they're, they're talking about an outcome that they know is inevitable. obviously, rupture has been very, very strategic and in their targets and ukraine. ukraine has been very sloppy and done things in order. again, create propaganda by shooting, you know, missiles in the different countries, and then, you know, blaming rusher for that as well. but because you know the outcome, now you have to question the motives like what are the motives behind that you know, this western environment for, or even pursuing this more? why are we not at the table pursuing piece thoughts and creating a,
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a resolution that will save the lives of tens of thousands of on both sides. and indeed, if those missiles wouldn't have an effect, then you, you would have to wonder why they're not talking about peace now. and finally, just one last question on some on lists quotes of, indeed the will see general believe those results of these leaves is not less likely that ukraine will receive these taurus missiles. do you think that's the case? and if so, why would that be? i don't think they'll tell us the truth if they do or don't. one thing that i got out of these talks was that there was no conversations about strategy or strategic planning. as it relates to the outcome. they only talked about the fact and see why, how do we cover attracts, how do we look as if we'd had no involvement in this? and that's what shows you how we, the people are in leadership, not necessarily the people in these different nations. and then we are a capture nations. we are captured by people in almost every one of these western nations that are, you know, i'm just group called sick and demented. and i know that leadership requires
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a certain degree of, of, of selfishness or not narcissism in order to protect its own people. but that's not what's happening here. and so i, i just want to add this and you didn't even ask me this question. but i'm, i'm curious as to why you know that brazil, russia, india, china, south, south africa have not come together and squeezed the west by saying, hey, look, we're just going to stop you. you want to actually put sanctions on us. we're gonna put sections on you. it's like grouping the band aid off causing of economic harm because obvious that many of these countries, including the united states, cannot survive off of anything other than 4 and environments. and then use that in order to drive people to the table to say, listen, at some point we've got to do something about the fact that the west, these feckless leadership are putting people in at risk. and they're, they're raising the temperature across the world that, that could, leads to, to mass destruction. i sunday, a good question, joe. and i'm one of the fades. we don't have time to discuss further. now we have
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renounced the time to open host of the conservative daylight post forecasts, such as always have you in the program. thank you very much. god bless you. well enough to the for line where the russian deputy prime minister has visited the recently captured city of day of care. the that seems, says that the will be opportunities to me build soon as russian ground forces make for the advances corresponded roman costs of things. as these details from a refugee censor which is shouting locals, who evacuated from the city. this is a temporary refuge for those people who are evacuated from the town of dave kind of far away from the nets at the moment. so this temper, refugee center houses at least 40 different people. they are administered. the 1st aid if needed, their side and also the local authorities doing everything they can. so that's v imaculi's can get their russian documents as soon as possible,
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which is fine. we were preparing, taken our stuff. then the warned us when the car would arrive on february 27th, they brought us here. we're being screened. when the military arrived on the 17th, the 1st assault forces, we started coming out of the basements. they were sure there was no one here. everything around us was destroyed, was low and don't as i'm running, volunteers picked us up, brought us here immediately fed us and showed us where to sleep. i'm hoping i get my document sorted out quickly so that i can be a free citizen of the russian federation. i'm being considered for our job is a firefighter. the low tenant came and signed me up. after the a medical evaluation. i'll go and serve in the fire department in the town of j a. k is less than 20 kilometers away from the net. so naturally people have a relative in both towns at the moment. so some of these refugees, as they've told me, haven't seen their loved ones for more than 4 years. i haven't seen them in 10 years right now. there's a perfect opportunity for them to finally get together. discipline. 10 years of my
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life were taken. they hadn't showed up to have got all since 2016. but when the special military operation began, ukrainian troops said that they wouldn't leave any stone in place. ukrainian soldiers were marauding, especially the as of soldiers and the right sector. they tortured people, they killed, but no traces were found. they haven't seen us as people since 2014 to 54, then you did last year to the progression associated, but i do not remove that set off totally a few sessions. now i'll let you know about the above as fast as you do. it is, i mean,
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that's police's though it's just me a huge and simple to do this. uh, no, that's what i do for you. how does so the problems are crunched around the police to the shift too much room on the grid. others didn't. that's people's republic. authorities are expecting more evacuated persons to come to the temporary refugee centers across the republic. had the russian army is progressing as further to free up the territory of dpr. it's hard to imagine with all these evacuated persons have been through over the last few years. nevertheless, at the moment they will be safe and forgetful. with mister help, they need from local authorities from on call for a party. then the russian military has confirmed the destruction of another west
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and made homage vehicle on the front line. a swedish mate, infantry fighting vehicles, heads on the outskirts of the city of cope contact and the talk of region. over in the den answer for big the film this exclusive footage of us made and 113, all mcvey killed that russian forces cop should do this we can use made a bronze was destroyed. apparently the 1st in the conflicts and that made headlines was hit by drone attack near the dung by city of day after we had from the soldiers from russia's, russian nutrition armies, only peacekeeping brigade, which carried out the strike, the post to come one of the after the command, the 1st round took off, the target was spotted, we hit it from behind on the rear stern. it stopped right after the 1st strike and started smoking after the 2nd blow it 1st into flames. there was nothing special about it, just ordinary work. the same as always, but everything came together very well that day. we finally took off with that phone number if the passport is up and bring it to your phone computer. so as far
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as how many payments, even though you were used the most primitive, the most ordinary or did you type on that i'm with should true to what the, what we're modifying it a little and this practice shows everything is working mean security level. we do the items here, there should be partners that items could keep an interested in your new vehicle and you can, truthfully, we didn't feel anything special. we just had to get to work and hit it. we understood that we didn't have the right to make a mistake because he was coming to shoot our guys. we had to stop it at all costs. no news build up what this bullshit? no, it didn't typically are but your own. i knew it would be the dog. well that yeah, yeah. and it took 2 years to get there and for for 20 minutes, but it took only 4 minutes to destroy the thing and was always so i'll know what are the, what the, what this is the yes, february 26th is one for the books. moving on to open use now at least 11 palestinians were killed and 50 wounded. and then these rarely strike on an area that was previously regarded as a safe zone in southern gaza. but i'll send you no thoughts. he said that is really
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false, is targeted, a displaced people's tense coming. children and health work is in the attack on the city of ruffled a warning. you may find the following. images disturbing is where the site took place in their local hospital, and those in need of urgent care were taken to the weights, the hospital near the border with the egypt. when this is on the ground to say they were shocked by what they saw. the we were surprised by a very strong explosion when we got out of the tense, which were only about 10 meters or even 15 meters from the blast. we were shocked by the scattering of the wounded and dead bodies on the ground. there were more than 9 dead people. they have breeds their last breath. children, and elderly people were among those killed. suddenly there was a big explosion. these really military bomb to place crowded with people and suddenly the glass shattered and a fire broke out. everyone fled, some of them were murdered, others were injured. my brother was also wounded. this comes just after another is
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very striking, which at least 17 people were reportedly killed and dozens more wounded in the city of the of paula and the jabante of refugee come media. reports of these really false have carried out a tax on 3 residential buildings and a quick, boring, more disturbing images past several countries. according for the un investigates what the published in your ministry of foreign affairs has caught a cold blooded musket as of now at least under 18 palestinians were killed. the more than $760.00 wounded. after use, very troops opened file and hundreds of people waiting for a few days in south west garza city. those are the latest numbers provided by the cause of health ministry. a more than a 180 because the also results of the killed by audio fire. although isabel is denied any involvement with the palestinian debt, so now stands. it's over 30000 people, making israels nearly 5 months long funding of gaza. one of the most destructive
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minutes you complaints in recent history, the w h o ps. as the idea of a tech savvy, the damaged or destroyed up to 80 percent of civilian infrastructure in the enclave . and this hotel on the coast of gaza is just one of many examples. hello .
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i am due to due to the looks of my beloved wife on my little son. we don't see any kind of optimism because we have seen the the suddenly those since the stop the as i get a sion on the go the same say so and so i'd be want to and as i go sion on this, i know a lot, but nothing happens on these meetings and they're looking for answers for this possible eligible for this mailbox does give us the time for the 5 minutes thought it had been to amendment to the our approach to our me, the students here who are starving,
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who don't have the hospitality hold on me because they are a little tough. anything for life of assisting the system, the, the on to the, the ship, to 7 down to the shop. and then go back to the wood down to listing all the sections and both of the guys to leave off posting and officials have things brushed off of hosting a summit between representatives of gaza and the west bank in moscow. that's where they agreed on unified action. amid the conflicts, almost any national interest is spot to lead them and stuff about go see. so the me think it see some positive results. the results of these negotiations came out better than we expected. if that's the one, this is the fed meeting that we ever had between or police to me on political groups since the broke out of the war. on the 7th of october, what we found is.


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