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tv   Documentary  RT  March 3, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

6:30 am
each such a joe as minister cries others are but i am very excited for it. i must. and i am looking forward to meet all of you, all the participants from all over the work and the rest of all the class. the smaller dish he's discussed day is the 2 minutes to another doors at the so we to go the new blue cook c to wish you a piece process, the new place. where am i stopping this little thing? that if the i to by sweet price i've seen you're coming across the middle of the set to the, to the 3rd. i'd like to not, you know, due to the low base football to push out because divider of a growing them could each one of these and if both succession,
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that wasn't the problem is to show people when you receive the implement that an employer should you. but i see this idea of what the model is the model is the really up of some of these because of the kind of support you also is that have not progressing. and assuming i'm interested, one more deals with just as the post. this is to learn about the differences, begun that in the middle, but yeah, just look around the image of the gods and you would just presume a just as a for those of the sort of much what, but the more to satisfy,
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disclose the discourse options to up with like i am, uh so that means the middle of the thing is that so, but the books are honestly beneficial. they presume us, but just as an option, so to do is they ask you, based on the 3 the piece, each chile is think even most of the spelling of your item or at the mid appear to be should be taking much problem. moisten them, can i see them close? i was just say was that i see. yeah. and then you'll get an opinion molar. thank you middle period to should nicole my stomach, so i'm good. good you too. as early as your question though, but i do still in the but i don't know how to shall. most of i'm wondering if the
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scanning go for the okay, that's a little photos or waiting around. i usually do the same thing when i was 16. the is like one of the oldest parts of this whole complex. so the ones who were here, there are still live people moved here from the start. and my is spending amazing remembering how much has changed since i was a kid. you know, i used to play here and albert is, but like me, they've gone, i mean, really finding you live somewhere their families to. so i need the, my name is she india a year? i'm from the local. it's a place in his show for indonesia. i lived here in the bill is also gone down and
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my school is a uh, hateful vision of school the 1st of all year long. and i am 17 years old. so here my complex where i live there, as you can see that these are ice pills and then they grow like various types of plans. some of them cro far by them but the score far away event. and then right there is like i'm the, when you fix true girlfriend, me issues kind of like that. the 23, and this is as you can see in the mid threes, and the, the low inside the house, the cold peace is come on this number the
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. so this is my dad. and this is like my wardrobe and there is like my uniform and my daily where my child gets and there is some places right here, the high speed internet. and so let me use mainly, and i also speak english and i'm currently like learning less russians and we'd be happy to share more in french on the side. the people from indonesia that will travel to russia for the world is for us default is $155.00 and about, according to the latest info i got, there would be 7 children birth disciplines. so of course,
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normalizing will all kids are in your car the and from there will code because as like a big fee and from indonesia is because all of us, most of us will just be she, history policy is the amount of doors we're discussion guys. first of the surface in the field, she say, plug you, but me, most of the, me the percentage of the phrase, know who is the solution? the do you live 5th or live your ideas. okay. this is also really impressed. the the the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the way, the and the of, of but in, ah, yeah, record you to number. so what kind of conditions sensitive quick due to the solar go to the chin and the whole school was visiting was good to me. that's just a car. so long a center for you is the one who loves those guy single for this to at the show, listen, i'm going to pay to what you, what does a tour of both the position to go to the and you finish some of that. so which notion definitely do not use the facilities for the quiz, those on the side of the video and video, but that it sees news almost. i'm waiting for someone, some records are supposed to be on the on sort of
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1st reason if it's almost past the semester, those from on the which we have with the less sure thing. got the proof of purchase the wireless or phone. wish you able to rather you see yes, mobile loses through to them. for instance, request information or give us the it's a full set of points orders that are more your supervisor and you said you've got sort of just which i think that i was with no. and you guys done the full 7 of us from next one up at 80. tiffany: terrible control and the more affordable if it's
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a city warning, most of the problem in your area are both in the premiums to try sickness, visit the brochure for those interview. forms or support the chest with the tools that are shown something that i'm going to trust. forestry and soft thoughts. where was it for this vehicle as you're familiar with the suggestion, with pushing with a lot of the volunteer or what the, the vision, your beautiful photo smudge or scale was 6. and what i'm seeing, a symbol felt was shows here was the, some was which was the new car. and here's the wish to wishing for voicemail. and that the solution that as to what the summer polish could come down to. probably
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a little more just because i know that the so it shows me a new voice from the door. but i have this option quick if the 1st of 2. and then one nancy endorsed that this to the middle portion of a sort of law and daughter. that was still a good. i'm just going to with the register 20 percent and the, you know, i mean, if you said the best of the almost of all is most of the venue, but consulting them, they are funded level of trust. because for your suspicion your solution goes to succeed. so that's the thing you see me, the girl know style a to play. where is a guy you is chris, the blue
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t is green and that j. ashby gloves out to the timber to show that's where the sort of summer boy thought and that's great. 0, some of them then wish list is look, is go on. the other is to, even though i think your best bet is probably not gonna start much to solicit that you say, but the bad, it's not to do the guy to spa, all, most of us do all the you said through the go to mr. c. yeah, well that's your missed in with the jim suzy. me though. yeah. well knew that they're, they're not sure. but so, mary ball and see all the as much if we did he install a meeting in the
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after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. hate them a la, devastated as a result of decades loan fighting extremely hard gauge and grew ended. 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united him to them all, lay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilians and spraying of chemicals, scale being and cutting off at these were the barbaric methods. the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton
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gully, committed by the scots guards against the arm. it's best because that particular stir. the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement, the, the buyers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill de boer, it's fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in low, le, we're the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia. the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows very few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can the 4th and i guess because i have to be at the best i'm gonna use for them i've read you must use, allowing them to tell me linux to sign that which device you're sheila, sort of phone the condition that we use in your mind for cruise to see if it's fits your costs could be an increase. this is not true if it is concerning the job is to bodily commercially inner guts in the me is old. somebody is sure the spelling of
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a yeah. will change at least because the culture of florida and we're seeing that was put me in the next 10 years now. yes. because the reason why is, is that the g, i bill the prayers of civil and the relation, wisdom, nuclear of social for me, it's a just a bottle, it's a google board. them or you put your couple would you, did you move instead of symbols. this video title should been your scramble to the level of sense because corner version of it. if somebody didn't know, choose what you would have to come to see the status would it's a quarter. sure. yeah. because the person that you're printing was full, which is so smart enough, i'm not going to have to have to give them the deals of stuff like that. so we must close this space and this didn't show up on the spanish one question. yeah,
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this is the us we zullie they don't miss me on any device that you put the de la. i mean either the of the story i was they didn't put me to can assume victuals. i move. it was as if it was really so if it was at the court, but would she just maybe it meant to floor in my mind, here's the blush in the financial deal, or you pull the scale at the corner. that goes phone, you know, a list of 3 of them. the spanish ship should i stream where the go so i can still now go to my use my word. sure. we have couldn't yorba level 2 of them will let them know to show the cut them and will search for each putting in the ship. if at the core opinion, i'm get as close to be sure. i'm a put them another because i know you put across the pretty mind it is the co and
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you don't get social studies. so you go to the meter, the, the visual and you have the most of a pals. it you do save the image the a bit closer and the shouldn't have to move so much the need for your model are still the same up in my name is the level of them is at the us of the last of the list that i me yeah, pretty much only don't believe what is the median mm hm.
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the really awesome. you know, i don't expect myself. this is a square footage of many people from many countries coming was gather russia, big this bill. so video, and i'm very impressed of how soon can the people are on the plate, how like the russians that are in the stadium. we generally have b as we are seeing, you know, 40, as long as you know, the us and i live, i get to see why it says must view it or we can, we can stick aside. so to glued you pretty died. so you've got it's a new job and that's not the cause. yeah. yup, no bed, man. is there these listenings i do usually show home or of the so is med law know to the is and here boys in
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argue we come here. daughter. the must go, they see the visit was going to work the night there will be through gateway, it will be there to get. those are just as a dish of the payment for uptake is not a boy product. so much the hell of hell of are covered at 6 that must create that will guide you in the next to take it into the council which typed it in. the stat ice
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stuck, if per board said, nearly made it through the yeah, this, know it, the bullet point that you asked me to actually close a show that you can go to wayne is by now d, u arching cause, she reviews you deal with the what that to take to happen and f as to why do i have the right to to let me?
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how do i suppose that the right the news or something? well, i saw a guy who read the interested in who said that's a score of, of silly through me. yeah. gives me weekly. and i was like, that is finally adorable. do you want me to feel the same emotions? sure, i won't go through that and to be honest, that is actually what they expect. that's how i imagine it is. and seeing like from how it was, i think it's kind of quick. so with me, the i decided to take part in the world use 1st football because 1st of all, the event itself is very interesting to me. and based on reading where the 1st
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before is a problem, i think i would k in so many, many experiences more knowledge. and of course, the thing that i really, really like is getting to getting closer to russia and russian culture condemned to know the people the, i wouldn't say as the people of my country is full of like islands and half many languages and have so many cultures to explore, i think this would be the 1st thing i see the custom says is them are only known issues that are actually a lot of them. the so the people here, i depends on where you call the but there are a lot of farmers and also the people that catch fish in the sea and the river that
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are like very much a lot of them just like another a smaller issue in indonesia. but the shops here are why is savers? maybe other than that? there are many people here who choose by professionals like fishing and being a business person. the product that it is give you have now which might intuitive now wait spending and you must be buying the 1st way and actually just need belie. i need to go
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with media. i think can you guess you then you've had the car, b, b, colorado. the auction you have now, when is it that is why say against that up very you, you don't more here is uh where you bought the item. well, we strongly a, b, c, d, w, d. and usually i said actually it doesn't show that the, the test, the test run because you cannot what date is august the must the sky you measure right? so much this kind of origin putting the tv name is instead of 90 as a new really of now you know me and that was just about to say
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the like a tempe, arizona, a larger increase. good. you have a just, you know, established way, not an issue. you don't have a and the not she will be to to catch up a pallet. she has a semester july vehicle. i gave you the today, she actually threw she on nash associate or if she could doctor it that way. not as yet too, but it made it. there was a but the somebody had already gone.
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sure. i am ready. gosh, cape somebody out of installing a bus, impressionist mikaela separately offensive the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals, which allow me something living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better. the answer
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is will be the a very often all kinds of stuff i told you, most of them at the close i knew the new us man, the
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position, the part of the woodson for now and the homeowner westbrook. learn how to how you match the lane fluids loose, you know, a little faster. show me your teeth or heating, which means the whole we need to be to use long term committee to most of the relationship to kind of measure into the west and the train and bustling so involved in taking sides that they need some taping signs and complex which is actually one of the big homes that we face in terms of our credibility is this international kind of took so much the,
7:00 am
the, the russian security services eliminate 6 ice. the lincoln militants in south and russia were involved, industry stat for the offices, open noise the system. but what is being reported there is a very serious matter and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. the german tends to all of schultz coleman spell the 1st time home shall revelations. that high ranking german military still planning to help you crazy. destroy the climbing and bridge the warning, disturbing images. so i had a cold blooded mexico that have paula sydney and officials of brandy, the killing of moving a 100 people up to his waiting trip.


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