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tv   Documentary  RT  March 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

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and see if the worst is supporting it. tonight again, is the police tenure as well as soon as i have been most kind of for the last 7 to 6, he is the subject sprint of the sense of desire, no one. in fact, the terminal is going to self to look into is a self, an existing page. a specialist in implementing people will tens of thousands of young people from around the globe or in russia right now for the world use festival. it's day 2 of the event which is being held on the black sea coast is billed as a meeting of minds where the next generations can discuss building a common feature on throughout the rest of the week ortiz. so it'd be bringing you special coverage on the event. the will the 2nd day of the festival sausage with hen and jessica exercises. they will
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need that energy because there is a rich for them, a waiting list of participants with most the classes, context meetings with celebrities excursions and so much more. and one of these workshops participants actually to in 1st day to using a training mannequin and a full 1st aid kits. the beautiful pictures now coming in this is an actual don't say, isn't colorful costumes that a taking center stage that festival only get to know russia. but they tend to introduce the culture to participate in school, only physically to and the footage is showing just a small piece of mexico right in the hall to city,
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yours federal territory of russia. philosophy. it's totally cool to is that the festival now and who's been bringing in these latest details while the world use festival here is continuing. it's turning out to be an amazing event. we're already on day 2. we've seen a lot of interesting stuff connected to lectures. discussions, cultural events, and of course, one of the main themes about this worldview festival is to allow the use of the world specifically and focused on the multi polar world to build connections and build a brighter future based on when, when cooperation and fairness. but there are actually a lot of people in part participating here. not only people from countries right now integrated into the multi puller world, are enthusiastic about really building closer cooperation between the youth of the world. but also the young people and professionals from the west as well, who unfortunately, their governments have taken an unfriendly stance towards russia. but as always, we have to understand that that doesn't always corresponds to the feelings and
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ideas of the people living under those governments. so if this really is a world use for them that encompasses the entire world, and it's going to be a great opportunity for the use of that entire world to become more cooperative within with one another. and build relationships that will stand the test of time who the pleasure is always to have your company will have more news view in around 30 minutes. the, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind and justification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point
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obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have so many of the payment the robot must protect this phone existence was alexis, the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the as they already started the cps because they kept the store i visited and then use familiar email fewer just the great if and then to the urls, the non c theory of racial superiority, finished style. 4 years of caribbean ss, all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes
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to in prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment and career livingston. i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go and finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so young congress that, i mean, you know what the famine disease forced labor to which you have by the way. so formulas. what was the last it also need? you know, what's the tape it to you that the, it's the tivo moves the human off. what does he put his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he does it to the goal is to thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look on here, you know, wanted to do to speak of the did i tell you yeah, for the good i see it or really supplement they decided to do. just got to do,
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please don't tell us being yet that was put in the word along the the fully need to be to use long term commitment to most of the relationship to kind of mushroom and to the west and the train and bustling. so involved in taking sides of the need some taping sides and complex, which is actually one of the big problems that we face in terms of our credibility is this international kind of took too much
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the well hey, everybody. welcome back to the law school news on shaped bows, and i'm joined by meet you, our star producer is going to help us navigate through some of the numbers and videos as we take a sideways look at some of the stories that the mainstream media may prefer we're kept silent, and tonight we're going to start in the big apple. now the big apple is in some ways now the rotten apple. it's got a lot of problems. vast immigration crime is on the rise. but certain parts of it seem to be that little bit more rock than the others. i'm talking about the new york times. now this is quite a green story. it's the story of the alleged rape, one of the victims of the tober 7th attack by how much this lady go. bush has become a cost celebrity in the western media. and the story that was written by the new
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york times alleged sexual assault behind us. what are finally have come out to completely deny us. now, why is this such an interesting story? it's interesting because was the mainstream media who you're meant to rely on for your news are telling lies, such as neat. it's saying that it's her family, this girl, this victims find me, her brother, her sister taking the social media to say this stuff never happened. and we've got some video meet you at of who a of the actual top investigative reporter in the new york times. and he's got something to say about the whole thing has me. yeah, let's see if this is mr. gentleman, who is investigative reporter replying, why there is no. why wasn't there any evidence to your story? let's take a look, check it out. because that is almost like the legal term that suggests you're trying to improve, but that's not my role in my role
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is to document is to for science information. and so there's an investigative reporter saying, let's go through the evidence thing that's like turning up on a hospital right with every bone and your body broken. and the surgeon saying, let's skip the x rays and the scans, the you don't need that. that's a bit to medical. so this guy is the top investigative reporter in the new york times. he's just a story color, he's just assignment and since i mean he's not in the court. yeah. no more interesting. he probably is the story about his co author, a lady called, i'm not schwartz, i'm not sure what you would say. who is this woman who gets her 1st printed, publish story in the new york times onto the front page, meet you. tell us a bit more about, i'm not swartz, just as brilliant a, you know, a dynamo of journalism or is there something else about i'm not sports that people at home should know about. i think there is 4 turns out she never worked before,
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never wrote a piece before, but what she did is, was part of this really army intelligence part. and you can just imagine the h r department in new york times the paper records court. all experience is really, you know, it just right now or so on page straight onto the front page. well, you know, it seems to me that, you know, once you're in your, it's very difficult to get out. but this home and nippy relation to truth, really, really, really tells us a story about how the whole reality around what happened on october 7th. and what's happened since it's been weaponized by the mainstream media. and they're not the only people who liked to tell stories as well. and when we moved from a states side back into europe, one of our favorite friends, mr. my crohn little napoleon himself has also got some stories to tell us. well apparently mr. mccloud now has decided that the french military would like to go back to russia maybe because the last time they've been solution, remember 600000 and got a one way ticket and didn't managed to make it back. need to change and the polio,
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the world, the grand army. yeah. the ground army. so mr. mcclung, he likes a bit of drama. you know, he's a man who likes is women like is wine, old and sweet, but he's also a guy that's protest of storytelling. and he's been telling stories, and they're not that, that, that is sort of plausible that they beat you. let's have a look at a video today. table gives us, well, the menu credited you liked. yeah, but since you so it will jeep over you the minneapolis or for still us to make the on the see the tool disorder me on the meet the feel is with it's excrete. of course, a manual well uh isn't short. a few stories himself. he likes to makes things up, you know, and this one, you know, find this is about the french army there times during world war 2 did have more than one gear reverse. but in reality, nowadays differential, i mean, isn't a lot of trouble. uh, just the furniture economy, the government's not just full of the farmers are actually doing things all over government feelings across front,
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front sensor. trouble and defense aren't scared to go out and fly over to up when things get pretty bad as you can see. but here's the reality. there's a 10000000000 euro code regime stay implemented in the army and in the public services in front of my college babies, thomas before the french post colonial sort of regime is in trouble. and it's been a lot of trouble, particularly jeremy. yeah, well my god, i have in the poland complex, right. he thinks he's still the emperor. oh but yeah. so he keeps promising things, for example, after the coup in these areas is what he said. i believe i hope i want to see. is that correct? well, it's based on the coverage of president best boom on the assets about diplomats and our investor, the images. yeah. who will stay despite pressure for them to lead us. we do not recognize them. we simple. the president who's not resigned. you know what happened? he didn't stay pay about 3 days and i won't even work. oh, gone. yeah, but a bill every for us, they say, or
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a wall. another thing i wanted to show you is one more amazing diplomatic gesture. i d. s. man from mr. macross. this is, has something to do with the middle east tipple. quite a policy puts us a good look. good if you want done this for another couple of days, don't get to that. i can do something as long as you do a little bit strong. you can see the pre through to sequence, hold it on us. the purpose of the button is i've done this, you know, geneva, the glue summit. now going to presume, but ceiling quite destroys. you're not allowed to on this from that point and have concluded going to at least a few minutes to didn't happen. you know, how many people take joining this coalition? how many, 0, beautiful, mega repeat, connecticut laws, the whole whole of grand. i thought you would say, look, gurani's the great napoleon once said, when your opponent is making a mistake, never interrupt him. so the boys up the road in the ground and hear g to just leave
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these boys to screw the whole dish up themselves. correct me? yeah, well, i don't know if anybody's taken you seriously. yeah, yeah. okay. so we're moving on to talking colonialism and the end to colonialism, of course, forensic great colonial power. and it today as the british where there seems to be a new appetite for colonialism and has come up with some very interesting places, most notably, vx, the own founder of black water nature. that's all listen to this dude. and if so, many of these countries around the world are incapable of guarding themselves, then, then it's time for us to just put to just to put the imperial hat back on to say, we're going to govern those countries if you're incapable of governing yourselves. because enough is enough or done being and beta, you can say that about pretty much all of africa are incapable of governing themselves and benefiting their citizens. yeah, so this is the x head of blackwater. blackwater have absolutely atrocious track record. and they're kind of like the east india company on steroids this an absolutely remarkable media. and it's not the only thing that we've got a track record in place of like a rock as well. right. it was just to thank you,
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julian, the science and a bunch of the journalists. we found out what black water was up in iraq. exactly. so this is an invasion enjoy. why do you choose the streets of god? executing? this is just the way to look at the word it was or to of, or a severe massive contract. and it's basically home for the us state to do this. the guy who run this show now wants to go to africa and bring this round of us the pharmacy to the ground for real meet you. yeah, i mean the efforts and you know, this is what they need and it's eric prince, the govern. you know? so what's shocking about this is the fact that somebody like eric prints now a very, very wealthy man is at liberty. he's not in prison at like, like some very notable people are in jail in the u. k. why not for talking and
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telling you the story about this, mine's murderous escapade in place like iraq, afghanistan, i'm now on the legally, they want to do it all again. now interestingly, if you want to commit the crime of regime change, you want to overturn the democracy. you need mosul, and you need man that are willing to do very bad things for money like mr. prince's crew. now you also need people to influence the population and they've got a wap are brewing right now. boys missed not advise. and i all we knew before. there's 2 things we knew. first of all, we knew that you was the wife from the raleigh. mm hm. and 2nd, we found out from mr biden, that her name is yolanda. yolanda is going to, she's gonna continue to play very unusual and this is her name is yolanda. is it? no, no, no, it's not. you know, if you spend your last night, she said, you do. but now she's a star. she's a big star. she's, let's take a look. let's check it out in
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a cowardly way. they're hiding his body and not showing to his mother, not giving to his mother. they are lying there waiting for the traces of another of put in snow, be chalk to disappear, which is cool. maybe not according to buddha. know of not according to the head of ukraine's, the defense intelligence unit. check out that a logo, you know what it is. it's a ford piercing russia to these boys aren't any funds of the boys up the road here at the kremlin. but they say that no volley wasn't killed, but, and i'll be chucky died from a blow come meet you. let's take a look. roll the video. got to billing the issue and some, give it to such a star as me. is a warm, cozy kind of guy. he's the kind of dude, i bet your daughter would love to bring home to the wife. you know, most of us will show up the fish with them to go more than that on the top. it's just you mentioned the question of the muslim august the comes
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to a live event for such a lovely character. jay, why do you think he said, well, what is his his, what do you mean? interesting. what is his deal? well, listen, you know, what does it does? the reality here is, and there's lots of rumors circulating. ok. i think the reality is, is there's a very high probability that ukraine maybe walk them, they got rid of them. why? who knows why, but there's a people, how could the ukrainians get access to the prison? there's also some interesting facts about that. what you're not going to see on the mainstream media media. there's actually video released by this sort of russian pro ukrainian. i'm p putting group proven operating in belgrade killing civilians. of course, very brave these guys that drive in give a few kids and a car and pull out after a mass of victory. these are real tough guys. now, what they did reveal video from, with in the prison when a volley was, and that's quite remarkable. so think you get the video. maybe they could get him to catch you. but never mind. your grade is not a big fan of nevada. well, surely surely is why fi a you,
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you would have seen all this when she went to visit him in jail along. she never went to visit him and joe, who would also listen to tucker carlson at talking about his time and rocher talking about what happened to the valley. meet your listening, listen to what he said in relation to. so i think this is absolutely fascinating. there's a lot of interesting ideas about if he was killed, who killed them. uh, yeah, cuz it could be put in. it could be somebody in russia was not doing. yeah, it could be ukrainians because it would benefit the war. they kill deacons daughter in moscow. so yeah, as possible. now, another element of this of course is how did you clean respond to tucker's monster an interview with to the well over a 1000000000 views. now, you know, decades of, you know, tortuously paid for and implemented western propaganda collapse in 2 hours.
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how did they do it? they roll out the big guns ballade. mir zalinski. he went on a little tour talking to anyone that would listen when it kind of time to bid. i think you've got a couple of 100000 views at the max, but he's absolutely sure that everything is going to go his way. the money is going to fly in. and he also beach. i had a, a little interview in a, in a bunker situation very close to the front lines where you couldn't hear any bombs dropping bullets flying or anything whatsoever. right? yeah, let's take a look. i mean, it's very, it's very heroic. yeah. to be their role as time miss present. thank you for the time. so here's the few collab reality here is that zalinski is actually so desperate to portray what he's done with ukraine on the that's a $100000.00 people. it's an absolute tragedy. a generation going onto the ground. he's actually still talking remarkably, get this about another counter offensive or counter flop counter flunk. whatever it was they tried to do, which oh, the only thing that i actually did was was put
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a lot of money into pucks to the undertakers in western your claim. he's actually thinking about doing this. again, this is absolutely saying right, well maybe he just wants to money for it, right? because if you have no chance of winning, why do you keep fighting? no, you can understand his difficult situation. and of course, when you're given all these high profile videos, talking about your new big budget movie, which they're going to make in hollywood about you, what you're going to. so it's pretty tiring and this is exactly what a tired guy looks like. it is. let me just kind of go to say, this is not what somebody stone elder membrane looks like. this is somebody who looks tired, meet you. let's take a look. i think he is pretty tired. is ready to just return from several areas along the front line in the south and in the guest and soldiers. they're told me they have to ration their immunization, boom. they don't have enough weapons to advance. they can only defend themselves. in some cases,
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they're losing territory. what happens to your country if this american aid doesn't arrive? will lose a lot of people where you will lose or share. there's probably serious of the serious, of course, joe biden can walk in a tight rope. so lensky is in stone and there's only $31000.00 ukrainians have died in this conflict. a good. hey, anyway, look, i think some people think it's unfair to make fun of old president joe biden. sleepy joe, the self tale grandfather, whatever you want to call him well, this week he's really surpassed himself and i've got a bit spooky, actually, you know, somebody asked him, how does it keep going? how do you look so young? how do you look so great? how are you so sharp, pressing a button? how are you like us the head of a pin? well, it's all the groups fix life. we to walk the name of jesus is going on with this is even donald trump is one or 2, you know, take
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a job this is great. the truth is the truth is great tool is good at. this is good at this stuff, right? he's good at this stuff. i mean, have you seen the trump at doing the sort of impression level on the, on the, on the podium walk and sleepy. joe, who did you charge me for it because the people, it's a 2nd answer today. so since void away from me, i mean it's just, it's not even a fantastic. okay. you know what, i find amazing that all of biden's administration continuously new needs to say he was present. he could hear us. he was there present. it was very where never misrepresented anything. the president is very much active and passes a cognitive test every day. he gets it understands what's going on, right. he has never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never misrepresented anything which is in the same thing to talk about your
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president that way. um, uh, i mean, look, there q and up as well. now they smells blood in the water. the sharks, you know, kamala saying, you know, i'm ready to serve, she's ready to serve, serve what sort of dinner. i mean, i don't think, come out, i mean, look, if it's a task. so between nikki haley and kamala, your, your, you know, at least, you know nikki, makes, come, i look smart. i mean, this is probably the only positive thing about it mean, but it's 340000000 people in the country, and that's the big fight. that's the cream rising to the top right there. come off democracy, nicky, and trump and bud. that spoke you say so that's it from moscow for tonight. we're here, we're present. we hear you. you hear us. i meet you and i will see you next week. 10 pendulum. look, we can do it for us all day to 2 days today. most of
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the the 19 sixty's were a turning point. the advocate struggle for liberation. however, in the south of the continental european races decided from the agony of colonialism in 1965, the white minority unilaterally declared the state of rhodesia states authorities pursued the policy of racial segregation. the indigenous population was deprived of
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real political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation. average in bakery ends with the support of the soviet union and china, oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries took the side of ro, dcf. the guerrillas carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia and mozambique, and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse in the road, easy, an army turned to chemical and biological weapons. the races boys in the water and food and planted contaminated medicines on the gorillas. this caused an epidemic of cholera and anthrax and let them acetate to ality. however, the attempts to break down the applicants resistance were futile. the white minority relief was due in 1979. it could be delayed a year later, free elections warehouse instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe
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appeared on the world map and became a true, vast yes. of the ideas of van african, as of the, the lady. what kinds of stories for you know, some of those, i mean us mags, the the,
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the, the issue the issue of the woodson for 9 your mobile number which look like how those match the value of a fluid and this you know, a little faster. sure. the what we need to be doing is long term hmo. so productive relationship to kind of mushroom and to the west and the new train and bustling so involved in taking sides that they need some tighten signs and conflicts, which is actually one of the big homes that we face in terms of our credibility is some national kind of took from us,
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the question is security services eliminate 6. i so linked militants in self and russia were involved in assure to with offices overnight that's the flood is being reported. there is a very serious matter. and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. the german chancellor of shoals comments for the 1st time on the commercial regulations, the high ranking gym and a military spell for planning to help ukraine destroyed. the point me in bridge and the winning disturbing images are a head cold blooded mess because that's how palestinian officials have branded the killing of moving


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