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tv   Documentary  RT  March 3, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EST

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when you get just no rush or but they got to introduce the code to the participants . so all in the globe. and what you're seeing here is footage from a small piece of mexico right in the heart of a studios fed duration territory of russia. well, dental quotas all teased auto cultures that the festival now brings us this latest report for the world use festival here is continuing. it's turning out to be an amazing event. we're already on day 2. we've seen a lot of interesting stuff connected to lectures, discussions, cultural events. and of course, one of the main themes about this worldview expressible is to allow the use of the world specifically and focused on the multi polar world to build connections and build a brighter future based on when, when cooperation and fairness. but there are actually a lot of people in part participating here. not only people from countries right now integrated into the multi polar world, are enthusiastic about really building closer cooperation between the youth of the
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world. but also the young people and professionals from the west as well, who unfortunately, their governments have taken an unfriendly stance towards russia. but as always, we have to understand that that doesn't always corresponds to the feelings and ideas of the people living under those governments. so it, this really is a world use for them that encompasses the entire world. and it's going to be a great opportunity for the use of that entire world to become more cooperative within with one another, and build relationships that will stand the test of time. when we spoke to known to pronounce from austria, this is joseph calton nega. he says, if i suppose a good opportunity for open minded people from around the world to share ideas and experiences, i became really the most in the house. i thought it's like, if it would came home to my home country. i had lots of speeches and bro checks to gather the people that q and b. well, they actually did good tied to it as being the problem,
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as you are being. and the ease you to the ocoee of some countries out of europe. and you did state say we don't like it, we have drivers on all the edges for over develop bad united states. as far as i don't would like to accept this because you sold for the time if all the democracy and to be open minded. every body shop can do about plans to do and then is somebody who says, well, know if these kind of, if this kind of, if discounted, you're not allowed to do business. so they will give you lots of precious. i mean dependence. so it can do, but i'm doing, i can say here i have no use for everybody. maybe there are some situations we don't like and also use 8 or, and directions to serve out of time. so how can be solved because conflicts to speech, to get a not to punch the day of hard this festival, i believe is a very, very good site. so lots of young people here who have
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a lot of good emotions in the house and it had open minded. maybe they have some helps a little bit to find new ways that i don't know if, but this is one of my issues that have when it came you moonies and views in 30 minutes the or the
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level which may or near the most of the team and so there was some other formula i solution that are in a couple of our choices if i really don't because of the beauties of problems on the peer review. so this, the new school just to let you know the steps for me, sort of in, you know, if it gets too much notice, cuz it just looks for me that the weight in the
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1st week of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the so this is done by cities such as the why do you think you'd be doing it safe for us to cease to use the cool did you have enough to be soon to see for the new was so difficult to use just in the associated us
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the the new last name of the williams and he was pretty much the buses to jump wasn't much and appreciate it. so there's no source to any state of the things. yeah. because it was done school that the problem was pushing go to the to the cheese. so it was in the face of the lady,
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all kinds of stories for you to say, you mean you asked me? i thought i was really kind of feel comfortable as i am well knew. i'm so so so what, what somebody's by see recently just a name is a boy and missy. lydia found a couple of days just westbridge. see so you might say the minds of things to resist each of the videos. i've seen that there, as you said, somebody to the there's a little bit of, of what you're doing for the 1st,
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which is the delivery of the police at the us. we just sold a lot of them that has to sort that mean? no, they're not got the whole thing internally, that's kind of something that total was on. what was the critical thinking? if you could just use it for from us it was, it was as well. so we left. can you see i knew what i'm showing me, how much will subsidy all i need some positive in the home because it's a nice new because it's still so you still accept the. busy studio as well. one of the 3 of the fortune 5, if you have any, a full set of left has a bunch of accomplish confused them for the game. so associate what say about this
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give me see if there was a tory or assist configure, i've seen him already and a half, uh, not security to you at the cuz so on the business, most of us to move each to figure out, let's say, let's just let's just to make sure, i'm sure you saw it this time. are you be able to deal with them with us or shame minnesota using the or the on a bundle. actually the the, the, the plastic distributors together for the middle. the i'm for, for the, for the beautiful to that always here with me. uh
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nadine at soonest. of course i will see on that. do you then i'm signing up to 70 percent off and i do see about the terms of how in back up to come or a to him, but you can say or we'll see. and them as an edge what, what i'm at 5. yeah. honestly that some of you have honest other than that i know you haven't used as well or not. and these consisting of cuz the booth at the, the small, ready to go from this list of, you know, take care of it from 2 of the owners of x i, jeremy, is that the store the yes or use on your units are going to think you know a series key, sorry. i thought we, i need to do the series. the circuit on specific mobile
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home at all falls. okay. if i can talk to anything the before the suit only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, it's just it's a bill, but it's still, it's noble. i'm a shouldn't just naples say something, but then if you come to my use client, me 1st and you lost them, you can move to over the i was yeah. hello modeling here. let's call lots of data to request boy and i see both of us was let's go a couple of course you to have come up. system costs a little closer to the individual that is on the family preview
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and has a lot how they both do good. what most of this was the, the,
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the, to the newest addition value of wells fargo. the company. just see what it was a slow age between 2. yeah. does that seem to where you wait on? well, i mean most nobody likes to renew the girls who are supposed to show us and it goes to deal with cuz affinity swain so with this is the, this is just the route because, you know, i mean anything you have something. but what it says here, go back to store. so he built, i think he said, but he, i believe. so assuming that you guys are interested in. but it seems that the show available for prices though. see, right. got super easy financial financial in what way from as well. so make sure,
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of course the girls are giving us a beautiful rest of the editor of so i want you to share your thoughts for me. just a simple the chat feature. all right, well let's keep up tuesday seems to be on the weekend or from advisor here. but here's what we're going to compare them for you. the company, the, i need people who are part of the,
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of the voice of the i don't have the most of the shania publicly for what the little kind of you
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salma last for the
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next the, the thing that would inform you to have with them for the gifts for the state of celia was this because it did just wouldn't care to get it got through the new year . oh for g. if i teach the way norm for me teaching the scholars that should go and you have to do this, i'm going to west, i look forward to with that the she's my, it's the ocean by cheese. let's move. i'm oh no, i'm really starting from 1st month to month with the move menu with the continue i will just i get i as well or so the lowest, the did some of them. i'll study to that because ross and you see the shortest
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finish. this is just those, it's quoted you. again, i'm a section of when you comes thing to do friday. so here's the material. ordering up our free for, for the, for sure. and shoot me an the temperature of induction just on the tv. i see that, you know, i think you just use your new most co star points of some of the
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because the school know this is not, i mean this is for the, the rest of your luxury is just your point. but you know what? this measurements deform your feet, thomas moment. who's got a name, a speech pathologist and must be 13, which is the most clear. that's just for the ac. if i'm doing very slowly and then we'll do something with i was just checking to see if school interest. yes. yes, i mean, yeah, let me put it in the playbook. we'll talk soon, choose your
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phone or use our for, for the personal level of practice, of the bug. what was
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the last 4 of these the some of these which was sort of see what i started to call somebody. so that should resolve the short
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the, the music institute news, but the whole company fights for a certain point of i forget about the more expensive yeah sure. what the deal is not a lot like that. what was the startup school knew that these people have to look at
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those? so basically, what is the hold on just one more thing. what do you think? you know what you've got? that's the most do i mean that's the way for
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me to find the of the sort or wood security the. okay, so what's the do you think it again? well, let me pull some little somebody here with that. here's from his insurance
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company. ready folder for you finish up almost got thoughts, right? by the way of finding out what the codes or not also told. so of the the select is too much for the most part for familiar to me here. are you still with us for quite a few moments we are officially used for the 1st we we've been doing the save one up by the
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side of the bus, the most part to decide fontana for many. and then my system to fit is medina. someone had to, she will not, will see other than the one you choose to me so. so when you say that while she was not used to what you might put me in the country with the course, the field was i've had each to be research. just like any z, b, c, b. you say you come monday a slave, you get it, you got the separate lives of that. god bless the fits us. the yes i'm still low is to mean much one of c. c for the russian journalist in this area. i've
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come under shel fire in the north of look, talk the province of the r t crew including corresponding cost through every once in a card with auntie talked to miss saw exploded nearby bullshit, cause we close the book as we do, we do stories or disease that selected by us, and if i choose to mirror for that, but it should be not the least user by itself, the will plan how they like to have
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a counter dose. and that's the scene. how you will be as suggested by you who are able to go to the fugitive door like he was going to school boots need. busy stores we we, so by school 1st i send them a pair of them, which is always who is this you need table. so if you feel free to have your permission to for the certificate, you know, to ski, they've got to skip the penny team. anybody took this question yet, but technical is good to set the server as which level to rebuild the most to the 60 just variables it. no, he's be free to took it back and forth by serious i do so as him, you know, both of those of us who to the usually they both the systems use to work, but it's unique. would you most likely which so see what else to new or used new is
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the model of course is the starting fluid is being forwarded. there is a very serious matter. and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly the german defends submitted claims most go is waging and information more games for lynn. it comes to meet the bombshell leak of higher wanting german military, still planning to age ukraine and disappointing with klein mean bridge. ukraine's president demands more money from his taxes, that western patrons blaming them from the battlefield. offices as russia at bones


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