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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  March 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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it was shot in 1981, and they certainly don't want president biden, god forbid, or president trump. god forbid her in any way. so i don't, i don't buy into the conspiracy garbage around that has, are these guy moved? you're going to come on when the book is out in april. thank you. so we are we, um, what are we gonna, i mean, what are we in the clothes? she'll go in at ease. by that time i'm drawing wide rough and you're off. we don't visual or 8060. yeah, that's the, it's the lab work for how it's going underground will go deep and go deep into the center. the yours actually sky road. you thank you. good to be on. that's it for the show. continued condolences to those believe by the u. k. u. s. u on bombing in dallas, and i'm living in yemen, syria and iraq. we'll be back with a brand new website on saturday until then keep in touch. why will i social media if it's not sense in your country? how do i channel going on the ground tv on rumbled, i'll come to watch new and old episodes of going undergrad. so you said the
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the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do they have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the
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hello, i'm manila chad. you are tuned into modus operandi. they're putting newton space is the latest type probably, and coming from washington as moscow test advanced weaponry, capable of navigating low earth orbit. today will dig into what all this hype is
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actually about and find out from a former soviet era. scientists, how moscow is light years ahead of washington in the newest space race. all right, let's get into the m o. the believe it or not. the world is working on space laws. modern ones because a basic blanket treaty was agreed upon back in the 19 sixties and with the advancement of both arms and technology and new space capable nations entering the scene. washington is reading the alarms to slow it all down by saying russia is reading nukes for space. but just how true a statement is that exactly. to discuss it will bring in a man who is an expert in ballistic arms with the proper technological training in
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the development of them. a retired soviet naval officer. now a writer analyst, an author, andre montana. check out his latest book called losing military supremacy. the myopia of american strategic planning, you can see more of his musings on his blog at smooth b, x 12 dot blog spot, dot com. andre, always a pleasure to speak with you. thank you for joining the program. so so 1st up, reuters is citing anonymous sources, whom they say are from the us, you know, kind of applying persons within the intelligence apparatus that russians are developing, quote space based anti satellite nuclear weapons, which the kremlin, they deny and has said is an outright fabrication and that moscow has no intention of deploying nuclear weapons in space. now straight away,
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what's your read on that situation? the same as it is usually my reaction to n your sol gold, intel offer washington the wish most of these publication. and we're all, all the info on the rock in intel on everything else. this is also primarily internal purpose or some say that it is regarding the situation with those $61000000000.00 in the i'll legit financial aid to ukraine. but there is another version of this story which would be index fuse before. so basically that the. busy declaration of the intentional, so we stablish contact with the russians immediately to discuss all this horrible thing you're still call are or excuse for basically negotiating where it is for the united states, off the workshop on the uh, ukraine in the last few years. and the what's your miles to a customer off if you all the combined west. so they need to somehow restore some
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kind of communications on the official level. i saw that's also one of the versions was based on them. so they get full, what are ways box or wesley a russian sauce and c o one, they say nobody wants to put the nuclear weapons in space. and the only thing that could grab on file is the fact that the rational already has a highly developed and bicycle liked it, but the which is, which hung around the base. this we're talking about in this case about as 500 as 558235 new dog, 5 systems. that of course, uh, coming well the most of the comedy they are really continuing work on what them all . and so they, you clear 5 work space tab, which of course, you know, as any kind of space or just knowledge it could be construed as the views what the
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options are primarily designed is the new class space back for the traveling boards, mosse and all kinds all the deeper space exploration, so that's pretty much it. we've recently heard congressman mike turner, the republican chair of the house intelligence committee, make some kind of cryptic remarks about these reports as quote, a serious national security threat. further adding to, you know, b and verified speculation. so i guess my next question is 2 parts. first can't something that is anti satellite simply be a device we'll call it that could scramble or damage or, or just render useless. the targeted satellite without actually being an explosive and then how do we define the term threat given that these days we say words or violence, i mean anything the us doesn't like even a benign satellite in space could be deemed a threat. that for us. yeah, us,
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there is, i mean, do you have an immediate issue? what doesn't mean you don't clear a space that's a lot for us there. you don't have to pass satellite to explore or explode. you grab your wife in space, which one of damage, not only they are but you know, we are a circle life of the enemy. it's good. it's your old set, the light and create a lot of uh, garbage space, bottom beach. no, we're talking about the technology which exist is, is all, they're both a washer and united states tablets and they call it ok. the instructor circle watch inspector, set the lights august, the lights which can maneuver the or bits they can approach as options of the was there a reason you so uh, do you whole several live in or do not. it stays this uh spectrum such a large down approach. the other set the lights. and if that will help you explode
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it, go service 3, for example, the frame specially designed paint or what the optical assumes. so those people go set the lights around the ring, them absolutely useless. no, no, no explosions on necessary in this particular case. what if it comes down to you? those are step supply. certainly a gym and probably do companies some kind of explorers by young dental force. they can attach themselves to their desired satellites and explode. that's basically damaging or altogether evaluating the suck a light, which was a target. if this technology thousands as well, the russian and russia embodies based habits. so the only thing which could be nuclear there is there a power source which and some russians have been using that, or you put up our satellites since lunch and still haven't is. so, you know, it's nothing new in here in this regard to s bought from
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dollars just as i just said, that as you correctly speak about the threat. so anything which united state doesn't like, it declares threats. but elizabeth all this in terms of impacts. so to live paper villages, which are ground to base. yeah, rochefort, that's a very serious age over united states on disrespect. so, but again, who knows what it is this all about, and washington, which is absolutely ungovernable right now in those courses as i would, i just say that if would be about this 60 want be on bowers, but there could be also some guidelines excuse for restoring some of the show contacts with the russians, then discuss this issue for half a day and the dictating the way to discussing, or how to extricate or do not the states with at least some more people of business a left that that could be a very serious issue for the united states. okay. gotcha. so very similar to
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nuclear power of submarines that are currently we should add in used by the us or don't forget the threat. that was the chinese spine balloon. everything is the threat that is split plus doris, and again, are they are very manual. let's keep in mind that most of their congress i'll do not of space. you know, it's basically the exception of the american military industrial complex. now, do you want me to go back to argue howard's famous speech on january 5th, 1961. actually the full name of the phenomenon phenomenon she was describing was not just the military industrial complex. it was a military industrial congressional complex. but as he is a granddaughter, she's on losing power said about there is on she's been use their full name of this phenomenon sort of phenomenon is screwed if congressional complex congressional
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term from the complex was because she had a couple of deals still in the congress and they needed to pass now, because if you knew that if you will use that as was originally called the seed military, industrial, congressional complex, some people in congress, my basically somebody gosh, these bills. and that's is there how to deal with. and many people make you know careers on the money by promoting all kind of the desire to use the breakdown to increase threats, m r. it, when you look at, that's what is actually what the issue, sol, fox, the orders if the logical achievement is in there of making absolutely and effective, extremely expensive robust, which field the pockets of both will probably hold them with a lot of cash. all right, let's entertain for a moment, then be the concept of nukes and space. as you alluded to earlier, if any hostile satellite, we're carrying a nuclear warhead that, let's say,
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shoots down another satellite. the wave of gamma radiation would damage critical subsystems of that target. but it would also damage the systems of that said, aggressor, state satellites, their allies, even neutral countries. i mean, no, this would be indiscriminate damage when it was solid. would certainly be any depending on the range of their already ation emptying or left from our kinetic boss. which is essentially this impulse, which is the main wrap them in the case o, that the lady of the wise. just give them a shot all over there, a near satellites, including your own. it's going to actually create a serious issue for the ground doing for us throughout sure, including your own to, you know, that's, that was the case. and nike a 62. i believe they tried this on and there was the funds to really serious situation with the greed in the heart. it from what i remember saw. yeah,
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it's not this precise rap on this last choice. welcome on if you wish, you know. but yeah, it's not practical. so, audrey, there is an outer space treaty from back in the cold war days during the great space race, resolution 1884. i believe that back then, the soviet union signed onto, along with the us the strictly prohibits the use of and the deployment of nukes, or w, m these into space. the u. n. g, a unanimously adopted this back in october of 1963 in response to these accusations, one report and said point blank that he stands by this agreement. even so this was a soviet era agreement, not russia's, is my understanding. and that he is vehemently opposed to anyone deploying weapons in the space, given america's track record of retractions and withdrawals from numerous
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international treaties, such as j. c, po, way, the new start treaty. so many others. show the cause for concern be that the you west might be the 1st to deploy a such arms and a band in this decades old treaty. oh absolutely. it goes all the same. uh, 3 just would do not. it states almost worth the paper they assigned on it and uh, united states is what this hold the uh, agreement from capable nation. yeah. as of now, i mean, the nation there, we're talking about the government. so yeah, united states thinks about itself as they're, you know, lots of free of 80 find a home to gauge sions. and it's absolutely possible that they want to, you know, put your clerk a rep on there, especially against the background or what is happening right now. with russian both and that's such a light uh the development and of course are actually expanding. so customization
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map only in terms of, you know, the satellites box. what comes through there, what this call sphere up roger, which dramatically increases that all the awesome set of live constellations. and obviously as in his, with the light, i mean, you can use or so it's going to be to use and few matters. think about how like to be in this position. so will they well, place that? nope, in the space, most likely, especially considering the doorbell deal, rochelle, knowledge and desperation off of the cart and somebody's duration of goods of what this company of all around them. so yeah, show them somebody needs again, somebody needs to make a lot of money and a lot of money bulls to all those rates or owns vocab, you know, whole great, all those satellites or whatever they do, they will place in the orbit if they do it but i'm sure that's the problem i do. it's all happening. oh, this is fairly high. all right, coming up next with be strong possibility that donald trump may return to power in
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washington. could we see a new expansion of his fledgling and military arm now called space for us? we'll discuss it when we return with andre martine off sit tight. the m o will be right back. the the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most on screen and the best. most all sense and up the in the 65 with disabilities 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin move the machine, the state on the rushes to day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the tv service was for the question, did you even closer to the on march the 22nd 1943. during the great pantry, i'll take the shirts and munch fatality and 118, run down the belly, mercy, and for that you have caught seeing to her i just jump on the wish in the fitness center. yes. because a lot of changes to this one, most of the rooms to pony you to you. $149.00 people died including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new
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blue loves are a little bit live arching could have. charlie was more noisy and will you put it as follows? oh, shoot. was really i really usually its own you feeling? yes. so the infamous battalion responsible for the actual city included over 100 ukrainian national is from west and you, right? so you have a 2000 resist, clifton, with some simple guys as the new e phone the so long as you guys for assume your up. assume i'm with them. you as customers, the declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy, the welcome back to the m o i manila chad.
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retired engineer andre marciano is back with us. thanks for sticking around andre. so donald trump, he was not right for launching space for us. but the star wars program actually existed during the ronald reagan years. and after the fall of the soviet union, that program went dormant. now that space force is an official official actual branch of the us military. is there a cause for concern? that space will also become militarized. yeah, it will be in the country. it will become militarized. united states going to drive it, and they're going to drive it based on the facts that are, as i already did, state that they owe. you can call me on damn the united states as low as the arms race, especially in terms of the ground forces and insurance of their space. oh, my gosh, it's a very interesting question. don't forget that. are you from off for russia?
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international space station will exist because russians this what are some and, or of course, and that's what we're supporting it. so, and they definitely understand that there are some serious technologists and development, both in russia and china. so, you know what the united states will decide to militarize space one way or a not thinking that they can look our, you know, you're probably people thinking behind it. but again, do not forget it. it's all about making money. the whole, when i say why they lost the arms race, does this walk only because of the interviewer to you old be there are a capability engineer already capability of the united states declined per se because me in the last 30 years. but it is also m primarily so because then i'm not interested in creating their factor 5 months. they need expensive weapons to make money. yeah. when you is the effective weapon, then it's very many and effective weapons and that's how you make money. yes. or
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volume of weapons, not necessarily precision, or the effectiveness is the key to profit quantity. now, quality, as they say, i know, speaking of quality last year, you and i, we discussed precision arms like the control missile and russian next gen ballistics are the us and d, o d, simply trying to play catch up with russia in this technological arena. or they will appear off in a thing in terms of such systems as 3 m. 20 pals that are gone, which has both landed back on about it. that shipping news in terms of control. i also don't of do not say anything comparable because there was this program which was closed because it was bad around successful. and then we'll have the situation was whatever the name of with dark you go down that shuttle. i'm already lost in both terms, which was supposed to be online last year. yeah,
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yes. we are. it's final golf course and we're talking about this. what prompt call that super duper mr. file. why they were trying to do this. they deployed, you one, they're basically walk off essentially, all of this thing in char money are, and this is they still get off the launch. it become a properly a really fast it because they want to come off with the school, the glide, the body, so high performing the body. but you know what, uh, who knows, maybe even in this year they will not be able to place anything up there. and they still can, i won't have any type of the where possible, which are compatible. those are called also can show which is scared. now look only by me, it's 30 ones k, but it's also carried by issue 30 flaws, which makes it absolutely horrifying weapons because you cannot, you will track all of those. so therefore deformed that they knew that when they
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looked at the satellite images, they knew there are basically there are no signal intelligence or all we will have like apple is so new. 31 case in the air definitely is what they probably can't are getting shot and they need it picked out. uh ukraine about it. yes. a lot. now when you have those congress, so 1st you 34th and prep practically. well, i don't know how many, but the large percentage of them can carry the same, can show up, go figure out what is taking off and what is going to be using. so there you go. and then of course, you have that you, you a 22 m 3 m capable of carrying this and the lugging that i put took the day off, saw the new york form us. do you want 6 different picture boomers? so if you, yeah it's, um, it's a lost cause do more for yeah, people sometimes do more on this, their united states didn't go through this stage for ease of developing, sort of phonic, gro was me files, be them, and by shipping or be the 5,
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something like russian k h o x 32 or s 22. they simply never developed. it. they tried. it was worth of gold or what? so you know, with the weight in gold and they just the bag on there. so most of them decides, for example, which are that shipping, they are some sort of queen size to retire. so the naval officer, now reiter analyst, and author andre marty, and all thank you so much. and i'll be sure to check out his new book called losing military supremacy from clarity. press and check out more of his work at his blog at smooth b x 12 dot blogspot dot com. it was my very relation. thank you very much for having me. all right, that is going to do it for this episode at modus operandi the show that takes deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your house middle chan. thank you so much for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the
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acceptance, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
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the most affordable cuz it was really good in business. and you clean the 3 of the, of the daily shows. i know mary comes green when you go to it is just such not good to know. so let me provide you with a search and sure ruckel was making sure of the different incident and for which i can get you thrown with them in the probably just a moment that was to are issued through here that i sent to you yesterday. isaac care to shoot up through yours, man. i'm looking at the studies for civilian forge of place to, for me to on, on, on the if we can, we can load it. was it just some of the posted sustainable? they won't because we use new way to possible do school culture. is there any don't know which teacher i know for the don't or that can adjust to do given the other
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than that we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come up with the the
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was a major to bring it to you so you can certainly by giving me a good cause shown, initials, little find me, appreciate the code and because then we should simply whitley course you will get the messages up. okay. so should the cases they chose coast mcadams. whenever you're ready to spell the name, just you pretty much the folks that are on the plaza road. lemme you know what that was the term. yes. that's the most important thing to the son of the scriptures to the point is this wasn't able to say any successful he wants to build some of the key treasures to go additional 40. don't know if i'm forward to, for so most of which might get her in the,
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as a student's part of an information was the tutoring is waging chavez defense. and that's okay. is it all going? waging information organization becomes a made in the league of high ranking that piece of it turned in funding to 8 key released fluid climbing and bridge as a rough end of off, as you currently present them, loans more money or from the his lesson paid on layman's of ample part to build a gold divided by the time posting officials on friday in the beginning of more than $100.00 people off is ready to view implants and crowds noon, a boy in central god.


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