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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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to hello and welcome to cross the full doors here. we discussed some real in the job and he is preparing for war with the russian claims. one of the most goes to top security officials. it follows a leak from val in upstate crept minutes sheep food outside the job and defense minister breaks his silence on the proving scandal. which is part of an information for the food is waging. there is no doubt that told it is a hybrid attack of this information. often ukrainian full to is all pushed out of this strategic city of off days cut by russian st. paul correspondence speaks to locals who are towns that will be green and forces. cedar told those who
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stayed here separate. they took all the anger on people with grad small tests every sunday occurred when they were looking for small children. they from those who had them meeting of minds and planning for a common future mix the day of the wild youth festival, which is being held on russia's black. because the, for you all the very latest round the clock. this is all to international. we all live from must go where it is just gone 11. am when welcome to present. let's try to solve this out loud violin is preparing. so what would most good, that is at least the claim of russia's deputy chapman of the security council of the leeks conversation expos, jeremy's pounds, to get further involved in the ukraine conflict. no one knows of the political
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leadership and the liberal was chancellor. personally are aware of it, but even if they are not and did not instruct anything like that, history knows many examples of when the military made decisions for civilian superiors about the outbreak of morse or stimulate them. they will come to shoulds and say, hikes, counsellor, i me so what shut down in ukraine according to its type and trajectory it was flying towards berlin. what then will sholtes answer? it's as clear as day. so attempts to present the conversation of the boon disappear officers as a game of rockets and tanks are malicious lice. germany is preparing for war with russia. while the conversation which the full russian president that was referring to was made public on the 1st of march by auntie editor in chief margarita someone . yeah. i mean it senior job and add force defense. stop for talking about pounds to health care of this for the cry, man, bridge. the job and defense minister actually to confirm that the tape was indeed
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authentic. the full leaks recording is 38 minutes long, but there are some t x trucks. and the commission also, so i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depots above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the munition depos can also be here. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict mind. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday and do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own right after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. on sunday, the job and defendants minutes of finally broke his silence over the legal brand to
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get a hybrid, his talk of this information by ross. and that is, i repeat, despite job and officials and the media confirming the recordings. and just the full for the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation. it is positive and information for the putin is waging. there is no doubt and i told it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division. i don't quite a bit the full out from the liaison balance continued support t f. he didn't tell how many have taken to the screen when i'm supplement for 7th grade, his was same time sign is reading stopped the whole and the same way, the russian slacks as they demanded and supplies to price on a peaceful resolution to come back. we had some, some of those funds, we have a show, a new, it's a gated from waste toll money on arms deliveries in the billions and on people who just they need money, health care or even in schools and categories. so they say we have to save money,
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or we don't have the money. and that can be the case old is this has lots of other she's moments. anything that can go wrong is going wrong at the moment, especially the energy issue with the nuclear power plant, which is the main top joe. and then of course, the so called ukraine coordinator. and the keys in america is further in case switch. a see you politicians said that the war must be brought to russia. it's such a known since we need peace negotiations. we need peace, told spikes on a small scale. and understandably, on a large scale, people always say that person doesn't want the tool festival. that's not true. a recent polls invite show that a slim majority of germans could save an end to the world for negotiate to peace. podunk ation of the conflict. meanwhile, active us from the drum and fries tax and the policy have filed a lawsuit against the military soft pull in not deep conversation. and it accuses them of trying to carry out x to the question. according to section 13
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paragraph 2 sentence, one of the german criminal code for international crimes. anyone who was planning, preparing or initiating a war of aggression or any other acts of aggression within the meaning of paragraph one is liable to prosecution. germany is not a belligerent in the conflict between russia and ukraine, at least according to the german government. an attack on the crime in bridge carried out with german participation, even if the cruise missiles were fired by ukrainian soldiers. but the wounds as far played a major role in the preparations represents the start of a war of aggression against russia. and possibly the pre lead to a 3rd world war. as a bombshell revelation spread around the world, a job and cabinet has been scrambling for a way to downs down the flames. on take a trip to rachel watson has had take on the on following scandal. so it's real, the german government tells the western press the half hour long tape of germany's air force. chief plotting with fellow military brass to deliver long range torres
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missiles to ukraine and blow up the crime in bridge in a way that gives transfer off. schultz plausible deniability is indeed authentic. they got caught wanting to launch themselves down the slippery slope towards direct more with russia, but ended up hitting a snag ripping their pants. and now their butts are hanging out for the entire world. the sea and the opposition. christian democrats are not keen on tossing everyone involved a bathrobe for modesty. the reports are strange in 2 respects. on the one hand, security related conversations are obviously being overheard by the russians. on the other hand, the chancellor may justify his rejection of taurus deliveries with a misrepresentation. the federal chancellor must declare himself responsible for this before the abundance stack in this situation. a committee of inquiry cannot be excluded so much for all that plausible deniability that was being built up in the
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buddhist. died recently with all that theater, where shaw says government voted down an opposition resolution to specifically give you frame torres missiles only to then introduce their own motion instead that more vaguely specified long range weapons. without explicitly mentioning the key word, defense minister boris. his stories didn't even know what was in that motion. he said, because well, he didn't write, it may be, it includes torres is or maybe it doesn't. who knows? not the german defense minister. in any case, not that anyone was stopping schultz or pi stories or their government from explicitly outlined to transfer to ukraine of german missiles of exceptional 500 kilometer range, capable of doing what it's french or british calendar parts couldn't, that is straight deep inside russian territory apparently, they just couldn't be bothered explicitly writing it in and now german politicians
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are spelling out why perhaps they showed us the attack times of legion bone, the sweat offices with the jam on cruise me, solves torres and russian territory on the compatible with basic law. no, with international law, these madness must be stopped immediately from despair. generals are said to have made an assessment that the crime in bridge could be attacked with the german tourist missiles. the symbolic acts would drag germany deep into the war notes of torres delivery. the week effectively underscore as an unexplained discrepancy between army brass and what they're saying. on one hand, i'm what schultz has been saying publicly about not wanting an escalation with russia over ukraine on the other. now the chancellor is demanding answers, is just not very clear what exactly he's demanding answers to us. that's not published. what is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very careful and very intensively and
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very quickly that is also necessary. what's the more upset about the fact that his own military was plotting against what he claims are as explicit which is not to deploy tyrese's and even more explicitly contemplating a terrorist act against russia or the fact that everyone now knows about that. the bonus dog, special commissioner to the military, eva whole goal from schultz, his very own social democratic party sunset. the week itself is the real outrage. and that it's the guys in charge of keeping military communications secure that need comprehensive training, not the high ranking german officers whose fit bawling about blowing stuff up risk getting germany into yet another world war. the events of the last few days, once again, 2 houses, lot of them are poor doing is trying to have a mess of a negative influence. are now open society, especially in your money through these information stabilization and spin us. yeah
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. maybe after they finish looking into how put in for part of the we blew up his own gas supply. i to germany that may can tackle the big mystery of how put in hijacked the mines of german military officers for a plot to blow up his own bridge. it's a major embarrassment. so they're trying to make the best debate and the, they now try to put the name on russia. but of course, the fact remains that without too much difficulty, russian intelligence managed to records this from the station which was supposed to be a confidential. so it's an embarrassment thing and they just tried to shift the blame, but it's not. they convincing 2 thoughts that are coming to my mind. first of all, that is a surprise. they obviously didn't expect russian
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intelligence to money to the goals at conferences with such eighties. that's the 1st thought. and then secondly, is obviously better say what they were discussing. they be at the job a mid a tray. it was active for they planning an attack, an attack on major russian infrastructure. so i suppose the germans were, it'll put pad and startled and didn't batteries on the front lines of the war itself. the russian army is continuing to advance gaining from strongholds and a number of directions. and as troops moved farther west from the recent a captive city of, of desktop locals who remain darnell hoping for more peaceful future. auto driving costs rep reports. we have arrived in this city all 5 days, kind of far away from domestic are emissions date. is that the flying to civilians who have been hiding from ukrainian military in the basement. in this town blue
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cross, i'm showing a terrier and aids candles matches. so water, some canned foods as well as the city right now is in dire condition. there's no electricity. there is no more structural thought. it was tough and we ran away and tried to hide shells were falling and we didn't know where to hide. it varies most the sea level and need to have a showing you. we've been down to the basement. otherwise we stayed in our rooms possible. we tried to repair something. okay. water. there was not a gas, no water. those who didn't have gas slate breaks on the street and cooked on the fire. we were afraid because the green and forces cedar told those who stayed here through the separatists. ever since the ration of the town of dave called, the russian armed forces had been instrumental in helping out the locals cope with
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all the disasters that have been happening here. the older house is this house, for example. he's asked the military to help him rebuild the roof. oh, it's a curb where you're glad that the russian troops are here. we feel relief now. the silence is unusual. we are out of the habit of such silence. we are already used to shells and the walls shaking with window fragments flying out to where the tides should be, what i was just then sure. there was a brutal bombard most in all directions and from all points. mostly with grad keeps trips where purposefully burning the city here they were killing people. i never saw this complex, which should the city up to 6. they were been bothering us from all sides. have a kind of emptiness in my soul because of all the stress, worry and anxiety. i can't say anything. we waited until the russian troops came wrong. they treated everyone well. i never expected that the ukrainian forces could do this to people.
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i spoke to a number of civilians here have dave and nearly every single one of them has told me that the ukrainian ministry has used civilians here as human shields as, as they were retreating for from the car. they were wiring as anything that moves and anything that doesn't most to right now we are in a church that was damaged by you create an armed forces to do the last year. the 1st wife was on the 8th of march and told me that the gun was destroyed, the 2nd shot and was on the 14th of much. the whole thing was still intact, but the roof was torn and be here before the queen armed forces retreated, everything was blown through p. you can see everything has been destroyed over.
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we've learned to live somehow. we hid and we went to help each other. here we were shelled, everything exploded. it was hard, of course, no light, no water, but we may do which is what? it was very hard for us. we hear that they're shooting now, but we still realize that they're not true to mentors. there is still a lot of destruction for the last full days before the russian troops and dave guns that you print in forces destroyed avarice. cindy could, when you create, had some problems on the problems and the pressure drawing out they took all of the and grown people with grad, small toes, everything they could when they were looking for small children. they from those who had them according to multiple testimonies that i've heard from local residents here in of the ukrainian ministry employed scorched earth tactics as they were retreating from this small town nearby to the next course of both of the city looks just like this at the moment as it,
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most of the local civilians had to evacuate. however, other people here whom of days cuz i live in private houses have decided to stay whole thing. the peaceful times will come very soon. for monica, for, i've already done extra public russian soldiers in the meantime. thank you. as president joe biden for supplying abrams tanks, g, you prayed and encouraged them to send me quite well as quickly as they managed to destroy one of the most were fed tags and the well for the past, the time of us, you can watch video read what about that on our website, onto the russian security services have boiled and a parent attempt by ukrainian stop it to us to kill below cool governor in this operation region. with all the details of the operational t's equals down a chemical will for agent, multiple improvised explosive devices and the hidden cache that's an abundance
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cemetery. these are the cornerstone who's of a mosque murder scenario devised by ukrainian intelligence and stopped by russia's security services. this man right here was recruited by kids defense ministry intelligence walking among the tombstones. he explains what some of his very 1st would as well, which is interesting group because most of the other for which was, especially for me research. and we're sort of the c a of we to really your literacy service as well. the bunk is 3, so it's $54.00 dawson sneed. i have the yes. some people go noodle the news about was this t and t, batteries,
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electronics didn't surprise the russian investigators. it's something one expects to find in a case like this. but vials with an identified books and made for a very concerning discovery and analysis from one of russia's most advanced labs, confirmed the investigators was expectations comes ways of this lab identifies the nav agent that was intended to be used for the poisoning. this facility has been certified by the organization for the presentation of chemical weapons and the policy the to says that they discovered is it the rivets of, of a substance in vincent and concocted initially by the united states. a micro biologist, an expert and chemical weapons, shows me a compendium on the subject that has the exact food allow the substance of discovered by the scientists to send me up nose and our specialists have discovered and none the lock of a chemical warfare agent known as bees that is it, is it
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a substance of psychic chemical ex just, you know, was it was, it causes damage to the central nervous system and the development of a poison condition, similar to skeets of financing. somewhere through the substance itself is undoubtedly more difficult to synthesize than these that visit. it can not be obtained anywhere except in state military centers because both the substance itself and its individual components from which it is made, our agents listed in a special roster. you could be closer, he's got to go through it in a few minutes. they are included in a 2nd list of the convention on the private vision of the chemical weapons. so music was, appreciate if you're interested of what your for a c the u. s. government is wage and, and non colored chemical, more intense pressure. me screwing with a fresh or some kind of under developed state. this of course, i would never have found it up so unique of english. and what did the list laboratory work or now where it was found?
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this compound is certified by the organization to, for privatization of chemical weapons. this, it was appreciated. you see me disclose it, i'm not using good no problem. so this, the lab passes all the tests annually and all the results obtained here are usually official and recognized by the only c w. so it was a cool and intercepted phone conversation between a ukrainian intelligence humbler and his agent. he reveals key of wanted to carry out indiscriminate mos mother in the city of many topple over a long distance, even though a 3rd of this uh um, fully store. so i'm pulling the deal, it must pull up a, but if you do the of the vehicles and they have done some you them. yeah, the 4 point you could be so kind of most of the work we probably closer to sort
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of successful potentially recruit your bills. so the way to find that you see fit just me using military grade us, poisoned to spike the food at the local county and frequented by civilians. the number of victims would have been in the dozens, if not hundreds. ukraine had no issue with the plan, suffered no moral dilemmas. now, russia, once this is what we're doing, it is deeply disturbing that the toxic substances found in ukrainian terrorist on that formulation is already kind of endemic to the us military time. the cold programs you, me see, and all the was that will not produce anywhere except the united states, more inside as normally with the pentagon, the thing is, this circumstance clearly indicates the specific rates as of the perennial, special services on the keywords name as a whole to so if you didn't notice, dame direct complacency in the terrace activities of that was. this is not the 1st
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magic put mazda minded by key of improvised explosive devices. we're going to be used in the hit on the governor of this up arrow as your region. who was it intended for? we were driving and there were conversations about the governor of this upper rosy region fatality vilicki. i didn't believe it at 1st. how is this possible in general, this was the plan of that was meant to be done with the help over to the recruits did not need an olga husband and wife both spots of the same sub latasha jeanette web headed by this man, alexander colbert, a ukrainian military into legion's office, and these 2 recruits, well they quickly got on the rate as of russian security services to one of the agents is picking up yet another package from the ukranian handler husband recruit of keeps defense intelligence to is waiting nearby. the package they received also
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contains components for future terrorist attacks. really all the off my husband to go to the jewish cemetery and pick up the boxes that late to contain the explosives . as i understood it, in general, we were preparing a diversion. the task was through the curator that it was necessary to hide this explosive device with a remote control. he broke the whole stage and make a cache in the direction of the car called sky a highway closer to the exit sewage. and hide it all. there is a curator was from the ukrainian security service, alexander co go down to view playing and handler still doesn't know that he's puppets cover has been blown. so when he received this quote from who he thought was his agent, no alarms went off. the i do not know i need to write,
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i'm really stressed, very stressed. i don't want to do this. i don't want to do anything class getting touch, rest for 3 to 4 days now. then we'll continue with you. i'll get in touch with you tonight and we'll talk calmly. i'm just getting ready to eat now, and i have to run from terrorist attacks on the nets. can bill going to to putting mastic is using the pentagons military grade talks and keep doesn't feel bound by any conventions. it's free to do however it sees fit. and that's the only type of freedom of the us brought to ukraine so far. i'm a guess done of oxy, the drop off, i'll bet as much as our move this week washes black sea coast is thrown in with young and inquisitive minds from what around the globe. they are gathered for the wild youth festival on throughout the week. we will be head, bring you all special coverage of the event, the
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well from the get go. all today is donald quarter has been in the thick of the festival action and he sent us this report in the world use festival here in southern rushes in full swing with 20000 parts around the world, taking part with a single purpose to build connections between the youth around the age to lay the foundations for a multi polar future, and through z as it was in the air for friendship. when, when cooperation and russia, especially among those from the african continent. what is my 2nd time coming here? and i love it. i love russia and i loved the people they trendiness, and of course they intelligent. i've seen so many grids. you chose good history, good stories. and you know, beautiful thing that have not been said outside to what i can tell you. you come and see for yourself, you will love it because russia is one of the good destination in the world. i am
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only just uh, facilitates coming for them. so them because own letting you know about what's, what happened in our country. but i want to say from i said, governments, i am very happy because i am here because we are here today to participate on once our own goals or leave our experience and to share our knowledge until later on. new things in our life is to say we live in complicated times as an understatement, for many, with unprecedented anti russian sanctions and pressure from the west. challenging those who would rule through intimidation is that the utmost importance for many of this festivals, participants we're seeing nowadays follow the confrontation between the west, especially germany and nato countries, and russia. and i think for us, it's the main thing that we need to go in friendship to russia. and so the russians approach them and tell them that we are not their enemy. it's our government. that is trying to push forward policies all plus the ship against the russia, but it's not an ordinary people, especially we, in eastern germany, we have
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a majority of people who are with russia who want to meet together with russia. want to live in friendship. and they understood that they had a sense that the uh, events that happens in the past, like the 2nd world war, how many lives it has cost of the germans and the russians. and we don't want to see those again. we don't want to see a new confrontation between the west and russia, and this is why we spend with the russians in front of business. the most important thing for the customer here is that i'm the mother of african countries and especially young people. there have realized that the west sections against russia are directed not only in moscow, but it all the nation seeking their sovereignty. i think that the sanctions only prompts other countries to cooperate with russia, the west side of attempting to create a bad image of russia. but it didn't work out. although it's mainly young people here, there are those old enough to remember the times of the soviet union when russia was also hard at work, helping countries around the world educate their people and make their countries
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better places. yeah, you, what else you have lived in the russian for over 37 years. that's more than half my life. i came on occasionally exchange and receive 2 occasions here. i want to st cross shows we have over 70000 graduates from such programs to help positions from deputy minister to president. we're waiting for rush has continued support. we assure that russia's roland, stabilizing the airport, is very important. this year's world youth festival has turned out to be a spectacular opportunity for people around the world to build connections, learn more about different cultures and become closer to russia. there's no doubt that this event will work wonders for further integration and development throughout the multi polar world, donald quarter r t, southern russia. well, i know it's a pretty positive note to end on, so we will and that those stories attempt to move us. i've had only about to all to don't com updates for hours of the day news and out of the office who passed check it out and have a good the
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of the in previous tours of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war, which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. i was stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what these soldiers are like. what will they do? and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down. yeah, the
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