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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our t. so you next time. remember, across the rules, the we proceed from this back to germany is obliged to give explanations. lucko, or phone saying germany is preparing for military conflicts. russia off to release place fat high ranking military stalls, commuting with inquiry and officials to talk it russian infrastructure. washington ad drops a to the goal of the summer, which doesn't reach those who are still open to open to the see a spokesperson for eunice absences. humanitarian is to be properly deliberate people in, in the chip or this but, and the bottom line here is 8. shouldn't be deliver safely to the people
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people shouldn't be protected while eating day. but the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who recently left the hospital, said more specifically what he was talking about. namely that a few crane loses, the nato will be obliged to act against russia and russia's foreign minister ladies clear what the western plans would be. it keeps patriots colton. the tide ukraine, the you watching on scenes national life, almost k studios. this is the news our gym. back to those stories that you need to know that your company what we're going to start with germany, which is preparing military operations against russia. that's the top line that's coming from the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman officer. the bottom shall leak of german commanders flossing with ukrainian officials. this is where we as
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a kind of a who has slammed billings intentions on highlighted, but germany was on the wrong side of history in world war 2. those still will be evelyn uh and then what was presented to the world community shows the long time and plans intentional. the need to country gemini, to conduct the military operations against the russian federation. it was literally describes the step by step how terrorist attacks against civilian infrastructure would be carried out. and the speakers were clearly aware of the fact that they were discussing the bottom. and you'll receive any and bridge and be specifically spoke on this topic, saying that the bridge truth is a great political importance. that is easy. she should not hanging in the yeah. and we proceed from the sides. the gemini is obliged to give explanations to those and there should be an open conversation between violin, between geminus specials and that room population and excuse me,
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with the entire international community because of what the whole world has heard of it. and this old year recording is presented in its original braces and a numerous number of questions for germany in general. especially for give me the very german officials who are that on this recording. he remind each other of the glorious as a belief post of their lives often. and what is this glorious poster phillips, small fish. if they talk about the previous comb about experiences, it's the 2nd floor and it turns out the experience of those. yeah. is this a life today? and that's still willing to apply it, but it's a different dimensional together received board and you should get to we will put him in years. well meanwhile, the drum and bass of as being someone to the doorstep of the russian foreign ministry. and you can see alexander, lum, still entering the building. maybe is call that as he becomes surrounded by journalists. not all of this comes off to the phone conversation that was in deceptive by russia, and then released by all these editor in chief, hit a,
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some of the details of what was revealed in the audio file that was dropped in the past week. now in the conversation senior german air force defense stuff, a token of of plans to help t as potentially destroy the crime in bridge. the german defense minister then later convinced that this tape was authentic. the entire recording is 38 minutes long, but he some of the t extracts. and also to came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the emulation depos can also be here. we need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict. might i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from
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poland from all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own right after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. on sunday, the german defense minister finally broke his silence with the league brun thing at a high board attack of this information by russia that comes to spite gibbon officials confirming recording is authentic. the full part of the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation, which is part of an information for the putting is waging. there is no doubt at all . it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about the division it on spite on this is likely to go well and done well in germany, because recent polls showing that more gym and space and to the conflict through
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negotiated peace settlement versus seeing the fighting dry gout. meanwhile, on to base from the countries free sacks in the policy have filed a lawsuit. this is against the military software with cool red hand. it did not leaks conversation. now it accuses them of trying to carry out an act of aggression . the, as a revelation spread around the world, berlin has been scrambling for a way to contain the full at ortiz, contribute to the original mazda and picks up that story. so it's real. the german government tells the western press the half hour long tape of germany's air force chief plotting with fellow military brass to deliver long range torres missiles to ukraine and blow up the crime in bridge in a way that gives transfer off. schultz plausible deniability is indeed authentic. they got caught wanting to launch themselves down the slippery slope towards direct war with russia, but ended up hitting a snag ripping their pants. and now their butts are hanging out for the entire
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world. the sea and the opposition. christian democrats are not keen on tossing. every one involves a bathrobe for modesty. the report so strange in 2 respects. on the one hand, security related conversations are obviously being overheard by the russians. on the other hand, the chancellor may justify his rejection of taurus deliveries with a misrepresentation. the federal chancellor must explain himself to the bonus tag. in this situation, a committee of inquiry cannot be excluded so much for all that plausible deniability that was being built up in the boonies. died recently with all that theatre. where shaw says government voted down an opposition resolution to specifically give ukraine torres missiles only to then introduce their own motion instead that more vaguely specified long range weapons. without explicitly mentioning the key word, defense minister boris. the stories didn't even know what was in that motion. he
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said, because well, he didn't write, it may be, it includes torres is or maybe it doesn't. who knows? not the german defense minister. in any case, not that anyone with stopping schultz or pin stories or their government from explicitly outlined the transfer to ukraine of german missiles of exceptional 500 kilometer range, capable of doing what it's french or british calendar parts couldn't, that is straight deep inside russian territory apparently, they just couldn't be bothered explicitly writing it in and now german politicians are spelling out why perhaps they should have. you talked terms of legion boned to sweat officers with the german crews, me solves taurus and russian territory on the compatible with basic law. no, with international law, these madness must be stopped immediately. but despair generals are said to have made an assessment that the crime in bridge could be attacked with the german taurus missiles. the symbolic acts would drag germany deep into the war notes of
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torres delivery. the league effectively underscore as an unexplained discrepancy between army brass and what they're saying. on one hand, i'm what schultz has been saying publicly about not wanting in our school asian with russia over ukraine on the other. now the chancellor is demanding answers, is just not very clear what exactly he's demanding answers to us. that's not 1st of what is being reported. there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly that is also necessary. what's the more upset about the fact that his own military was plodding against what he claims are as explicit wishes not to deploy terraces and even more explicitly contemplating a terrorist act against russia or the fact that everyone now knows about that. the bonus dog, special commissioner to the military, eva whole goal from schultz, his very own social democrat party sunset. the week itself is the real outrage and
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that it's the guys in charge of keeping military communications secure that need comprehensive training, not the high ranking german officers whose 5th balling about blowing stuff up risk getting germany into yet another world war. the events of the last few days, once again 2, how lot of them are poor doing is trying to have a mess of a negative influence. are now open society, especially in your money through these information destabilized station on display . a nice yeah. maybe after they finish looking into how put in for part of the we blew up his own gas supply to germany. then they can tackle the big mystery of how it puts in, hijacked, the mines of german military officers for a plot to blow up his own bridge. the most go has confirmed that the 2nd you estimate on problems main battle tank has been destroyed by russian forces as it made it way of onto the battlefield. don't ukrainian conflict on his screen now.
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you're seeing a russian s p. the drone attacking wat to being touted as a game changer by the us. it's revered outcomes tank. the location of its demise was reported to be in the direction of the recently captured city of, of the epa. it mocks. the 2nd such take down all of its kind on the battlefield. the russian defense ministry also adding that ukraine has lost 3 us bradley fighting vehicles. cartoons in germany have come a long way and now they've even got faces painted on weapons of war delivered to children by youtube channel, apparently with hopes to familiarize youth with kids needs that germany's top leadership has been hesitant to send. i kid you, not the more i've tried to get my fuel cap on my laptop. why never stop by
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depression, you'll cutting it till you find the bubbles when you have dispelled who still kind of come into the show me me well, for more on this, let's cross life to mouth and goals. love, who is a former parliament member of humbug. thank you, but should joining us here in all to international just very quickly. this is logo, it's a children's names program on a state tv station. how popular is it in germany? that's quite popular. a lot of children watch it and get the information that i've had a watch of the video. i'm sure you've seen it to it strikes me is being pretty incredible that we see 3 different missiles coming from a country such as the u. k. a fronts and oversee gemini, and those you came from ms all suggesting that the jim and me saw is going to appear to be pretty side if it doesn't go to you. crane. seems like pretty strange
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propaganda. that anything for me, this really disgusting, a trivial lies. this are up is as of there was something human which drawers to go into a wall and to the house. they all fire and nothing happens, but they're talking if they did so like trivializing well, for children without thinking about any consequences and that, and besides, well, the leak had been opening up all of the discussion of the cars that so that's really uh, strange proof. i've gotten the venue if you see the only name cross and this video is a chance, low enough shots loose against i'm bringing this weapon to ukraine, starting this up into ukraine. that's a really bad, bad propaganda. and it's really disgusting. it's a human list. do you think this is a message that could change the minds and,
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but then you mentioned that all of schultz has said not ready to send the tourist missiles. we've heard this week conversation from the gym and ministry top ross suggesting they're ready to do it. do you think this kind of propaganda, which is obviously a children but being seen by a much wide audience, a 161 files and these low notes youtube channel. do you think that could change minds? no, no, no, no. i will change my mind. but there is a lot done in the moment by the hotline years who want to escalate the conflict unnecessarily. because we need negotiations. we need to talk a little magic offensive about this top line us from the cd. you uh, like, uh, the uh, critic, math like what was left on the line like the stroke. so my mom from ftp and the
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green coffee, they want to escalate the conflict even more and they try to be extra as in society, you want to try to bring forward if you knew of the conflict instead of doing the only thing which had to be done, if you think of the interest of the majority, also people in germany and europe abroad, why bishop, the negotiations know and typical messy girl. i follow that business one car. i've gotten that campaign which is going on. if you look at the lease, it's only just cost that they showed has been the budgets, not this cost that the office as a discussed something which should be discussed well as a scandal that it's discussed openly. i mean military customer does structure particular planet plannings. but they go to planning cell to deescalate the conflicts as they don't do. so it's in the moment that's
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a bad situation to too many actors in german society try to bring forward an escalation all to conflict. and instead of being in favor goals and majority, also people and try to deescalate and start to commodity, all one's talking about these tourist and miss silos. obviously you mentioned that the discussion of them being sent by that top military brass. what kind of difference would have made to militarily for ukraine? happy already being deployed or i think god, it's a one off to the other. it's no, we have a new king changing reference. if he listen, that the scene, your military cousin, though uh, one of those weapons can be the big chain change. we have to take serious as well the way solver. here each box of the palmer advise, all chances are not to assess the taurus quotes even to reach the
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goal. it's in russia and we have to avoid to deliver them because they can go further than the british all differential offices, which are all ready to live up to ukraine. so you should listen to him and he says, this will, it cannot be long, doesn't matter what you do. and if you know the of the training in the rocket switch can, you've, under reach most call on you to must come close to must go. that's a very dangerous, dangerous thing. we shouldn't do this, but i think none of those weapons as a game changer like can change the wall. budgets can escalate to conflict and can bring in germany as a direct direct x because these weapons comp, these deals with our knowledge of everything which happens and prolonged and then back. and this can only be done by know by german officers. so thank you very much
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. mountain uh, interesting to get your view of not that smoking adults i who's a file, i'm a member of the parliament of that. so the best i meanwhile, the times is reported to the west fees of the consequences of the least informational miss solves deliveries to ukraine. this is as the discussion of the top secret military information took place on an unencrypted platform, has already to and sharp criticism from a number of top officials for western need his reactions as well as experts. opinions on that unless, unless i do head over to our website on the don't. com that's good to go on. so now with the situation and the enclave is like a powder tag, that is a chilling warning that's being delivered by the united nations. amid is rarely
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bombardments, i'm living conditions that have become dia, the warning cause that has already generated dangerous spill over in neighboring countries. and i'm deeply concerned that in this powder keg any spock could lead to a much broader configuration. this would have implications for every country in the middle east and many beyond it as well. the footage you're seeing on the right of your screen is the latest. the alleged is ready to strike on a truck in central garza, the tech reported it took 9 people and left many others wounded. on the less what you're seeing is the us carry out its 1st ad drop of humanitarian age which landed in the south of gaza. reportedly some 30000 ready meals will move withdrawal into the area. however, it must be noticed that there a 1500000 palestinians sheltering the gulls as authorities pointed out
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that some of it ended up in the sea and that it's not enough for stopping people. the policy of air dropping humanitarian aid and preventing the delivery of aid through border crossings is in fact part of in the base of strategy that does not address the core issue and resorts to theatrical and ineffective solutions. instead, some of the food bundles were dropped into the sea and did not reach the people. this as well as humanitarian aid brought into gaza via trucks would reach a great proportion of the population and is not subject to damage. well, a lack of ferry didn't basic medical supplies are not the only alarming news coming from gaza. according to a few repeating human rights group is well, is deliberately committing. and i'm closing here, genocide, like kidding palestinian civilians including running people over with tanks. hero image mama to documented he is ready always killing of a palestinian man who has deliberately run out of and gaza city owls that to
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neighborhood on the 29th of february off that he was arrested. the man was subjected to harsh interrogation by members of the as ready, omi who bound his hands with plastic zip, tight handcuffs before running him over with a military vehicle from the bottom to the top. all phase body to and the testimony for it. so put your med most to groups, shed photos of a dead man's body, said to have been deliberately ba bye and is rarely time. we're going to share with you the images. and while we have fluids, then we must warn you that the following content is very disturbing. so the image is you're looking at a said to being taken in gaza city. that's according to eye witnesses who spoke to the human rights group. the testimony states that is right and soldiers were strained to palestinian man and that he was still alive before being won over by a tang. what's left is
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a visit the mutilated body with hands tied and stripped off of clothes. earlier we heard from you and assess middle east and north africa regional communications officer named o s. he told us that what's being seen in gauze or right now is a total lack of respect for international humanitarian new habits. and it needs to be respected by both parties to, to the war and to the conflict. and until now, unfortunately, during the 4 and a half months we've, we've seen a lack of a state for ford domestic and it's a low, we've seen a civilian. this will stop to children and the places that they run for with used to being attacked and not being safe. and so they're not getting the protection
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that they are tied to to unfortunately as of yesterday morning, we received reports of over 10 children dying because of the migration. and just in one a, i'm really afraid that this number is only part of the story. and there are more in other hospitals, more in other areas, and they've gotten this difference cause this. uh, this issue is more present in the north where a didn't make it through as much as the south. um, but however, throughout the gaza strip age is nothing. now, and we are, we've been asking for, for that's photo $18.00 to $2.00 gigs and unconditionally and, and then unlimited manner at a safe manner. the situation is this,
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but people in, in the guys trip on this. but on the bottom line here is 8, should be delivered safely to the people people should be protected as was getting day that's. that's the reality on the ground right now in the new place in java states. now people are not safe to get the 8 that they need it. and this is really how big the traffic impact on children on saturdays. and i think that's what our eyes should be focused now, is understand and gets a way to help those benefits the while any additional aid is really we'll talk um we don't any, any at all. so then distract us from the needs and the, the necessary for full access on the account. because that's the only way for uh,
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the ad to come and ask him that does need it. and, and even then a is, is really a small, i might not be sufficient. well, that's cost now to a rosenberg has an anti war activist who's joining us live from a kaiser in is read a thank you very much for joining us at 1st. i just want to get your reaction to some of the videos and reports we guessing coming out of gauze are right now, not just this palestinian who was allegedly running for buying this way, the 10th, but also the allegations that is ready. so just find that individuals who are trying to seek food from an age truck of these as these events are, are not surprising considering years. but what we've seen earlier, i would show is the, the, the massive air campaign that is still continuing, which is targeting mostly are almost exclusively civilian targets over 90 percent
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of, of the desk spies by the bonding a we're actually civilians and civilian installations. so the fact that during the grounding corrosion, we're seeing the intentional targeting civilians is unfortunately hardly surprising. it's also on surprising considering the public atmosphere here in, in israel and public this for us over the past several months. and one could say even earlier, which is the process of increasing the human ice ation of the, of the palestinians. and it's as though i'm with in recent months, the, the restraints of the doing what civilized and remembering. gov, basic attendance and human, the morality is something that's been gradually receding becoming more for
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a and b activity or some of those residential or you're killing on the treatment of palestinians in gaza and elsewhere is subs humans or simply to be meltdown has become more and more acceptable. you talked about humanizing, it's one thing to drill holmes in an area and to not know who the individuals or who may die as a result of buys, very different to run for somebody who is apparently still alive. and this is an allegation we've had this reported to the you a med human rights group to kill somebody still alive with it. i mean, this is, this is a violation of please violation of war crime to the human master of that was the same as case about 20 years ago in 2003 of the human rights activist american,
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one in rossa actually named rachel cory. and she had been run over of by not a tank but by an arm or both. those are d 9 bulldozer and in this case a gain some notoriety and her parents tried to sue these rarely government is rarely towards demanding a full investigation. and that the people responsible both b, b, individual soldiers and perhaps the officers above and on the face, some kind of of justice. a, they could not initiate the criminal procedures. so they sued for damages of $1.00 a over the life of their, their dead daughter, which was helping the house. the indians then resist them. a bulldozer was that was about to demolish. one of their houses now is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of, of civilian residences and tens of thousands of deaths. and the,
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the lesson from that incident, which was just the single person now we're seeing is both, both in the, in the numbers of that and in these extreme cases. so these all try to spring cases of running over a president who is lying. yes, that's especially cruel, but that's over a backdrop of let's call it the, the general a rule, the, the, the phase was cruelty of, of dropping of on. gone on, say, a resident, the residential neighborhood and slamming it. you know, as well, has denied the optimizations of torture, of genocide saying this is propaganda coming out from hamas. but this report is coming from the european human rights group. do you think if it's being reported is ready news that this would have an impact on opinion that um, unfortunately,
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i don't believe that it was the, the way the news is recorded and friend here in israel. first of all, it does. everything is massively under reported and reports on, on the number that some of the extensive damage you are always on the present it as, uh, as, as something not to be fully believe the sources of information or not the are supposedly pro palestinian. so how can we trust them and even if something is recognized then either it's an isolated incident or a mistake or irrelevant to the general scheme of things. and in fact is real is, is uh, is managing to pass along this perception also to with imperial patrons. okay. um and especially, and we're gonna, when i have to leave it. but thank you very much for your insight. i interesting to hear, well, is not being reported in depressing israel. that was a rosenberg has an anti war activist in chi fi.


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