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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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a good universe for our future as young people. that's it for me, it's been a pleasure to have your company here and on the international. uh, mike, what you will be up in around 13 minutes with movies mtv do join in the afternoon or can see i'm welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. i mean, it's the genocide in palestine today in 8 months time, the country behind it, we'll choose whether to elect donald trump again as president. that much may look even clearer. i'll have to tomorrow super tuesday, even if president trump eventually has deposit himself to be released from prison. joining me now from i have a job here in the u. a is the official who was donald trump's wife has
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communications director and today's scar woochie. thank you so much for coming back on the show as the and, and joining us in the u. e. where we've moved to, since, since we were in london, i better off just off the top. you being with the finance minister of the you a why, why, why if you being with them and how come you're in the you a as well listen, i've been, i've been coming to the region since 2005. um, i have a, i have a relationship with your dear president here, shape mom and, and i go back a few decades. we have a lot mutual friends, both in new york in dc, as you may or may not know, in addition to my asset management company, i have a conference business. and so i started a expansion of that convers business in 2019. so we've done our conference, now we're going to solve the solve conference for times here in our dobby. and
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we've recently teamed up with invest toby, a. and so the finance minister here runs that. and so i brought on legion of people from new york and from around the world to showcase this beautiful country in this amazing city of davi. we're here for many different reasons, but this is the place to do business those i tell people in the united states, this is a, a culture of the future of gobby and you buy are cities of the future. and these are great places to do business. and frankly, the hospitality here and this part of the world is 2nd to not. but of course, what is concentrating the mines all across this region is the genocide in gaza. i mean, when you watch communications directors at the white house biden's white house, talking about it as a vote against cease fires once he's fired, the un security council, which was it goes, which is a goes from the you
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a when the way he was on the rotating uh, security council. i mean, do you think you could have ever stood up in front of a podium, full and representing the white house after the white house it ordered the u. n. envoy for the united states to veto is east why even britain obtained? so i'm a listen it's, it's a, it's a very complicated situation and faithfully in many ways i'm, i'm not in politics any longer and, and you, you, you're a good is just versus the left out. the fact that i got fired from the trump administration after 11 days, which is probably the shortest day for anybody in a political administration. and i was fired primarily because i was arguing with dial shop, about a number of different things where we didn't see i and it was used to presently as a right to fire me. and so i've been humbled by life, but been on by markets. and obviously this is a terribly tragic situation, so i don't want to under state it and i'm very sensitive to what is happening and,
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and you know, i'm, i'm named after a world war 2 that are in my uncle's thought on normandy beach. he was wounded there, he received the purple heart. as you recall, there were 60000000 people killed in world war 2. imagine the destruction that took place in world war 2 and a number of people that were killed, innocent people, civilians, service man. and so what we know about war is, is actually cover a sick and so i'm hopeful and praying every day for a cease fire and the end, the ending of the killing of innocent people. as i said, all items v towing up in this region knows it's by and be doing it. and by then i bought it many other countries only. but, but let me stop you for a 2nd because you brought me off for a reason because i think you want me to delve into the complex. no, no, not necessarily. i want to talk to you about crypto as well. and i know we can talk about the amazing book that you have, you know, in a while for but i would,
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but i do, i have to say this, do you do that? it is important for your use listeners here because i don't want to be as balanced as possible and i have, i have friends on both sides of this conflict or, you know, you've got, you know, you, you got to get a deal in place that both sides can agree to, uh and uh, you know, my is really friends are not gonna like me for saying this, but we have about 4, right? leaning government. it's very hard to get to that intersection of my friends. i live in israel, do not want this to go any further, but they also sorry with respect that the i was really talking about israel. i was talking about, okay, the white house and the performance of where you're, you know, eat during this is fine, but i, me. but you know that it's our strongest ally in the region. then you know that the veto decision was made at the suggestion of the is really government and it puts the american government in a very top bind because of the 80 plus year history there. but you also know
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they're working behind the scenes, whether it's jake or tony, they're working super hard on trying to get to that ceasefire. nobody. nobody wants this war and nobody wants a. busy of this work but, but i, i understand the anger and i understand the response and i understand the description of what's going on. and so i'm not, i'm not here to defend anybody, but i'm here to tell you that when you're in government, you get a really bad hand. you're dealt between making decisions where one is really bad and one is like 4 times worse than that one. and so there's no easy decision in the american government. well, let me just say this last thing is i did read through the president presidential daily brief and they're not just for 11 days, but they give you 60 prior days. and the complexity of these situations, if they get to the desk of the president, is because there were thousands of people around the the government couldn't make
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the decision. so, um, you know, those are my $0.02 there. black as that, i appreciate you bringing me. i'm happy to talk about, well, i didn't, i didn't want to, i know i'm not supposed to do what i understand and i understand you explained it over. i understand you explained to president trump when you are in the white as about the middle east, and that revolved around famous british actor. while i need you to listen, trump is the most vacuous, intellectually incurious person that i've met at that level. and so, you know, some of the pre, if you didn't read the breeze, but he had no idea what the difference was between us as a sony and a she a, you didn't understand what besides p ghost trudy was, or what the border disputes are. here are these tribal lands as a result of that treaty and the evacuation of those empire from this area and the cost and tribal and border disputes here. but he's a very insecure guy and he's
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a guy that over compensates with all of that hyper masculinity. and so you can talk to mr. trump and educate them about something you have to tell him a story. and so there's a h r mcmaster in the oval office. tried to explain to the retreat as soon as she a it'd be reviewed by trump and bully. cuz trump didn't want you to know that he didn't know. and so i found a way to talk to him about these things and that was by telling them stories. and so i was on is playing with them. and i said, hey, you know, do you remember lawrence of arabia? and of course, he did remember that movie which came out in 1962 and we talked a little bit about peter a tool who played t e lawrence in the movie. but then i said to the president, do you remember what the plotline was at the movie and he didn't? and then of course i took him through the sites pico street and i took him through what actually happened in y. and the words of david from can do, wrote a very interesting book about this region 35 years ago. why this was
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a p is to end all piece. and so, so you know, and that's the only way you get educated guy like him on stuff like this. he, he didn't understand that. the general agreement, trade and terrorist eventually marked into the world trade organization. he didn't understand the origination of the breton watch treaty or the understanding of the i am asked for the for the world bank or the role court system. all of the architecture that was put in place at the end of world war 2. he certainly doesn't like nato, he doesn't understand that treaty. he doesn't understand how the treaty has led to great peace and prosperity around the world. and it's certainly help the middle lease that treaty and so many different. well, i've been a few people with a few people to disagree with you that the on that about may. okay. well the, i the number of degree, but quite a few people wish you all are the stories degree on it again to stand in the rack. those are 2 failed missions by the united states,
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and we did invoke article 5 of those mission. so they're entitled to that. but i'm talking more broadly about the introduction of a peacekeeping force to defend the free world against tyrants and hedge them all federal and apologies as anybody that were i'm speaking to you from a region with as little genocide as considered by the arab league. so it's very difficult to talk about any positive from that, whether one is accused of being a trump, a biologist or not. but the fact is, arab americans are not going to vote for bite and then that crucial for biting that this coming up like why disagree up? let's make a challenge better on that. the b, b, i of americans in dearborn county. they voted on deciding they didn't vote for mr. biden's adversary. and i think those people who resoundingly voted for joe biden last time will show back up for him. and i'll make a prediction on your air. all that we'll get to a peach tree. i think the president understands how important it is to have peace
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in the end this death and destruction of the regions for donald trump would be an absolute on mitigated disaster for this region. because he's a lap dog for vladimir. and as you know, putting is very close to the iranian government. now he's been given arms by the r radians, he's selling his oil for them. and so you can have a lap dog president who's beholden to prove who happens to be beholden to iraq. why be change the last i last spoke? i you change so much of the story even in what you've been writing about. you called at the right, you hoax effectively. the kind of propaganda or an m s. mbc etc. no, no, no. i just don't understand where this new i used to choose coming from. there you gotta, you gotta be fair. i call the rushing collusion story hoax. the interference that russia engaged in the election that was definitively proved. no, it wasn't. there is no evidence whatsoever in one year or another. why would donald
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trump? why would donald trump himself in july of 2017, signed that sanctions bill if there was no interference by the russian government in the us selection? what i said was the trump campaign in 2016 did not collude with the russian government. frankly we, we weren't even capable of clothing with ourselves, let alone the russian government. so there was, there was a hoax related to that. but there was imperial evidence through the social media accounts and the disinformation campaign by the g r u that they were meddling in the government or some of our boards, i own that. that's not true. i mean, one can see for successful. okay. yeah, let's go to donald's for you just headed, ron. right. i would, donald trump signed that sanctions bill is that if that wasn't true, but it was moving the military, why brandon and symbol tenuously owned? right. and he sort option, lover is a russian lover. he doesn't like the idea that people think that pulled now the
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more than the elections. so why would he sign that? sanctions bill, if what i just said wasn't true, we're talking about donald j. trump. why did he send the military and to ukraine to on russia's vote as well? you mentioned iran there, which is interesting. i mean, i will not rise as me, i know is, are you what, like vis a year ago or so when you were on the show, you're on assigned deals now with saudi arabia, with the u. a. there's being the, the talent and peaceful progress going on in this region before the americans started pouring weapons into israel to do what they're doing in gaza. and of course the americans and the syria at the moment on you're being very on balance. so we're, we're not going to mention the october 7 mastercard that took place in israel. right. we're not going to mention the terrorist attack that took place where it is, and people in israel workshop we're going to pretend that that didn't happen. no, i didn't even, i mean given the situation and i always complain. so i wish which of course the
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course i don't wanna miss the reasons. so these average you, i'll just help you out with your ups as well as a nice guy miss you. i'll stop you then move from the for my wife has communications director up to this break the, the, the,
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the welcome back to going on the ground. and you'll be able to pull the y. that's communications direct runs, an ex carlucci has of the you were talking about the har as of october, the 7th, and the, the just call the show. we're going to call the show going way underground. i mean, i'm get, we are on the ground. we're always on my oh my god, i'm like having a missile strike here. okay. i keep going. i think i what i was reflecting on was you want. so into these a m s m b c, talking points of the trump is there with much he's rushes. uh, you're happy here to the i i, i support the joe biden to the 2020 of what you're not being fair to me. other line till you see the think about the russian colors. you know, i agree i, i have said i haven't testified of the senate intelligence committee that there was
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no rush inclusion. i didn't say, remember there's a difference between rush inclusion and g r. you meddling. the intelligence on facebook, right? a metal way, you're talking about facebook posts, changing the election, and talking about direct influence in the internal mechanisms of the united states notches facebook post. but, but you're, you, you seem to indicate that facebook clothes or ok for foreign adversaries to enter into anonymous accounts on facebook, making them look real to manipulate people in the united states. i thought the real nice thing that we're allowing on was by the d. n. c, um but, but that's i think, you know what, let's go actually come to think of a view crowd. we haven't, i mean because i'm listen again. donald trump signed that sanction bill. so they'll go by may go by your lord and savior. i sanction bill, do you mean you mean the waiver of sanctions or sanctions on russia?
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no he he, he imposed punitive sanctions on the russian government. exactly in july of 2070. okay. you'll go back and look, i was all exactly. so he's obviously not a russian boot, lizzie, for doing that, you know, he is not a dummy. he knew that if he didn't sign it, it would have getting or written and then the congress and he had the facts against them. he didn't necessarily want to sign it. well, you have to act like that and you're going to get over reading in the congress by not signing it. of course you sign, but now he's a laptop, very different portal. people sometimes buy back a lap dog, sits there and just per so he's adding these words that a pool. okay. yeah. and by the way, he is very danger. you mark my words. okay, because he's got a chance to win this election. i predict when it, but he is extremely dangerous for this side of the world. extremely dangerous. okay . i mean, obviously people see by them as being so dangerous that we've seen. i mean,
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what are tens of thousands of women and children killed people comparing it proportionally to how she was the was women and child casualty rates are in any will proportionately in the room with a 5 year wash mobile homes. because it said that i asked the board for israel, i why do you support by any given that is the special council road, however, even said bite is old and can't remember things i would take old and can remember things over the race and delusional. i mean, somebody said compare them to the weekend at bernie's that we take that over one flew over the cuckoos nest. you know, you don't want a crazy person in that position. you've got donald trump on tape, fomenting and insurrection at the capital you have is the cheapest staff, a white man by the name of mark meadows who ran the freedom caucus in the house of representatives, was a cheap party member. okay. and he was the chief of staff for donald trump's
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testifying against him as a cheap witness, as long as soros sponsored m as nbc talking point, the chief witness for the prosecution. but it has the records of mr. trump. pre meditation, to foment that is direction. is testifying again. hey we so we have john bolton on this row. we know we know who we are going. good or bad of america. whatever you think of america, the good or bad, the rule of law in america and the institutions of the democracy and the relative stability of that is something that you want over a tyrant once the rack, those institutions and dish troy. so something that's actually been a direct benefit and that benefit to the world. okay. well, the people calling them in the, in the 1st part you talked about j can add to the, i don't know how well you know um jake sullivan, anthony blinking. what are these people like? because that clearly at the center of policy that's affecting this region and the
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unifying this region, and the way, i guess, the american policy like no other issue in historical, i don't, i don't work for the american government. all right, so i just wanted even more than i don't want to speak for them, but i can say that both of those men want peace. both of those men are working around the clock to come up with a peaceful salute. drink it is literally a defense contract. there wasn't any west exec, it's a military defense contract declined. he he financially bennett for more. okay. okay. okay so so you, you, you want to get into that we get, i'm happy to get into that. i'm not in love with the process, the research that that goes on in america, you have big former people entering the ca. yes. the people are going back into big pharma and big food defense contractors going to the best department out of the defense bar. i'm not in love with that. there are parts of the system that absolutely need for form. but you're asking me about the secretary state blinking
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as a person, i believe is a very balanced guy. i believe he's a moderate and i believe he is seeking desperately. a peaceful solution to this christ. okay, well maybe one issue, your kind of more for trump would be crypto biden's sanctions. wiley's being presidents have been so wide spread. the more and more crypto is being used at. what? where do you? great. okay, so go ahead. so, so maybe maybe i mean again, and i wanted to be fair to you because maybe you haven't read the constitution. but i've read the constitution until constitutional law in law school. there are 3 articles in their constitution. and there is a separation of powers in the constitution. so the good news for people in crypto, if there's an overreach, if there's an executive overreach by the c c, it gets challenge in the courts. and there's a fair and flat system and lots of predictability or loss. and so all of that
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overreach has been reviewed by the court system in the united states. and so if you're asking me what i want, the destruction of the democracy. oh ad for somebody that really doesn't even understand crypto as publicly said, he hated big point until this election. this would be donald j. trump, or somebody that respects the democracy and has overreach and now been reviewed by the court system. i'm going with the maintenance and the stability of the democracy and the rule of law in the united states and remember to predict the ability of our laws. okay, is which led to the greatest capital slow that the civilization is ever seen? okay, hang on. now there is no predictability cuz assets are being frozen, a foreign nationals and the silver and funds overseas during the, by the ministration. people haven't been able to believe they can. they can store wealth of the united states because the sanctions policy and the brakes and shanghai corporation organizations is like the thing,
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isn't that what i mean happening over the by did use it again. again, you want to get up story, but these are like, underground going underground, going deep, underground talking voice. a lot of this stuff that you're saying is just not accurate. if you want to say that the united states as weaponized the dollar and is use the dollar to, to as a punishing sanctions against the regime, like iran, or they impose punishing sections against a aggressor like russia when baited the sovereign land of the ukraine. okay, of course they're doing that, but you're talking about a free person use the country as well. it's, you're, you're, you're okay, so you're trying to pretend, and i'll use the word pretend with both font that the united states act indiscriminately in, but of a lack of predictability. that's not true. the, the u. a is celebrating right now. the fact that are off the gray list, and we know how important it is to have this flow of capital. but come on,
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let's face it is a very predictable system. if you're a big, an actor in the system, like russia or a ron, you're punished and the system. if you're an innocent sovereign or you're an instance of civilian, you're not punished by the system. you have to be, you have to be fair. it'd be accurate in what you're set well, so you don't see any decline in that system over the by the years, because clearly india is being supporting russia with buying the energy. so is try that and i'll listen out in america. these on the, on the other side, but the entire global south is the media of reports. this, you're reporting it, you're a member of the media, but the data does not suggest this. so get the dollar is in a tighter band of supremacy today. and it's been in the last 50 years, more over under the, by the administration, the us stock market at an all time high economy is booming to relative relative to
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other countries, specifically the chinese economy. and so what you're saying, i get that they're making announcements and they are creating press releases around it. but it's actually not happening now. if you're making a broader case, the united states doesn't figure this out, is see peace and more common t with the chinese, or we don't get to cease fire in the ukraine and a cease fire in the middle lease. uh will there be problems down the road? i agree with that. okay, nobody wants peace more than me. i am from a family of us or me, veterans, and i'm from a family where people in my family have been wounded in war. and so i know the garrison is, i know the gruesomeness of war and so nobody wants peace more than me. but you, if you're going to say that the u. s. has lost our supremacy as a result of the sanctions is a great talking point. but there's no evidence of that. i've been on wall street for 35 years and you know, whether people like it or not,
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the us economy is growing in the stock mortgage. i don't know all the time by during dividing the district, it may not be reaching the american people, but clearly you're, you're right about the u. s. economy versus a west and european economies, which are following a china, arguably, i know i've been china. yeah. but jump today that the chinese economy is a little bit more complicated than that. as we hear from the chinese finance industry. you know, what, let us go in as being on the show for a few times and wanted to invite him to release the j f. k papers, he didn't do you think uh, all these different forces in us society with us as an aide, trump, if it's likely that he wins the presidency given the, the rage that goes against them. feel about the reckoning to 1st of all, life that goes on living in prison. why i love? i love my advert. his friend oliver stone. i have been in one of his movies. i was in wall street to 15 years ago. he let me play myself and i've had
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a 50 year friendship with them over the us. government did not kill john kennedy and i was, was president trump when the decision was me to withhold those documents from the american public. and i'll make a prediction. nobody will see those documents until. busy long after all of us are dead. so maybe your grandchildren will tell you by say, i would actually ask why? well, because there are sources and methods inside the documents that explain how human intelligence is gathered around the world. and these practices really haven't changed over the last 60 years, or the united states is not going to want to leave release this information so that our human intelligence agents can be killed around the world. just not gonna happen so. so and oliver is incorrect. okay, i'm not going to say that we are the oswald was the killer, but oliver is incorrect. the us government had nothing to do with it. and the us
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government is protecting donald trump. he has full secret service protection. it's and there's nobody got to assassinate him. god forbid, i want to be trump in the intellectual marketplace of ideas. i want to beat him at the ballot box because he's an unstable person and he's a craven person, but nobody wants to see his desk. god forbid, and united states through the secret service, their reputation is that they, they haven't lost the president since john kennedy, although around reagan was shot in 1981. and they certainly don't want president biden, god forbid, or president, trump. god forbid her in any way. so i don't, i don't buy into the conspiracy garbage around. how do these guy moods you're going to come on when the book is out in april? thank you. so we are we? um, what are we going to, i mean, what are we in the close? she'll go in at ease. by that time i'm drawing wide rough,
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rough. we don't visual or 8060. yes. that's the, it's the lab work, right? how it's going underground will go deep and go deep into the center of the earth. actually scarborough gee bag you good to be on. that's the show. continued condolences to those bree by the u. k. u. s. u on bombing in dallas, and i'm living in human, syria and iraq. we will be back with a brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch, why will i social media? if it's nonsense and you'll country and i to our child going underground tv on rumbled i'll come, don't you? new and old episodes of going undergrad. so you said the the hello and welcome to cross the full board. here we discussed some real in
12:00 pm
the the, the we proceed from the fact that gemini is applied to give explanation. moscow respond saying jeremy is preparing for a minute for a conflict with russia. after a release placed at high ranking military stop to meet with you, brady. and officials to target boston infrastructure washington, the air drops, aids to gather some of which doesn't reach those were starving him, falls into the sea. salt flattened 4 units that says given 0 in the system, needs to be properly delivered. people in, in the chip or disparate on the bottom line here is 8, shouldn't be delivered safely to the.


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