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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the common ground the we proceed from the fact that gemini is obliged to give explanation. moscow respond and say jeremy is preparing for a minute for a conflict with russia. author, a leak laid their high ranking military staff meeting with viewed for rainy and a personal target russian infrastructure. washington ad drops a to gather some of which doesn't reach those who are starving and falls into the c . s folks button for unit that says even the chair and assessment needs to be properly delivered. people in, in the go trip or this. but on the bottom line here is a should be deliver safely to the people people should be protected while getting bay. but the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who recently left the hospital,
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said more specifically what he was talking about. namely that a few crane loses, the nato will be obliged to act against russian. russia as foreign minister ladies tell what the wisdom plans would be if the kids patrons could not turn the tide for you 3, the result you into national, reaching you in life of moscow. welcome to the global updates this our i am michael, quick check. now jimmy is preparing mandatory operations again to russia, and that's the top line message from the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman after the bomb show leak of german command as prolonged st with ukrainian officials more . as i've had all of us slammed believes intentions and highlighted that jimmy was on the wrong side of history in world war 2. those still will, uh,
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but if you have it in uh, know what, what's presented to the world community shows the long time and plans intention of the need to country gemini, to conduct the military operations against the russian federation. it was literally describes the step by step how terrorist attacks against civilian infrastructure would be carried out. and the speakers will clearly aware of the fact that they were discussing the bowman. you'll receive indian bridge. and they specifically spoke on this topic, saying that the bridge is a great political importance. that is these issues should not hanging in the yeah. and we proceed from the fact the gemini is applied to get back to nations, to your more nose. and there should be an open conversation between violin, between germany specials and their own population, and excuse me, with the entire international community. because what the whole world has hud, and this old here recording is presented in its original braces and a numerous number of questions for germany in general. especially forgive me,
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the very german officials who are there on this recording, who remind each other of the glorious as a belief post of their lives off. and what is this glorious post of philip's law fiction. if they talk about the previous combe about experience, it's the 2nd world war and it turns out the experience of those. yeah. is this a life today? and that's still willing to apply it. but it's a different dimension. we have together, we see board an issue that we will put in the next bill while the german in bass. so that has been summoned to the doorstep of the russian foreign ministry. here you can see alexander alons, golf, entering the building, etc. and does he become surrounded by joining list? now this all comes after the phone conversation was deceptive by russia and released by artes editor in chief on friday. now here are some details of what was revealed in the audio file that was dropped lot in the past week and up in the
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conversation. so, you know, jump on the air force decided staff was talking about plans to help key of destroyed crime in bridge. the german defense ministry late to confirm that the tape was authentic, and the entire recording is a, it's betsy 8 minutes long. but here are some of the key accepts from that. and also to came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the emulation depos can also be hit we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict like i'm exaggerating a bit. but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be
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able to do everything on its own right? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. the on sunday, the job and defends many stuff. finally broke the silence of the leak and brandy, get a high breed attack of this information by russia. and that comes despite german officials confirming the recordings authenticity of different. the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation. it is positive and information for the tutoring is waging. there is no doubt at all. it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division it on spite thoughtless. cross live to sub in parliament member. alexander pepperidge. alexander is good to have you join me now. now, what are your thoughts on the least audio of german military officials discussing tons to tablet russian infrastructure? you know, germany, of all the mass of falling off in
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a germany started off when the berlin wall fell. germany was uh, re unified and uh, actually russia, the soviet union had a major role in it. and, you know, everyone was expecting that this new democratic germany wouldn't be born uh, you know, a totally free it of the nazi on world war 2, legacy. but it turns out that germany of been slowly working over the past 30 years to become militarized to get to become a sort of a new sort of a dresser. all they're doing it so that whole thing that no one will notice they did it in yugoslavia informed me useful here during the ninety's, they slowly engaged themselves and then eventually involved themselves in, in the nato aggression against yugoslavia. and they're doing the same thing now regarding russia. uh, you know, 1st to diplomacy or lack thereof. were there and on there. oh, uh,
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admitted that they were just buying dine with the ministry agreements, but it's the same time, obviously they're working on re militarization. what's the goal of launching a new aggression against russia? so for someone like me from serbia, it's absolutely no surprise that this has come out. i think there are many more things that could come out and i hope they do it because i think germany's role and, and endangered in peace in europe should really be publicly revealed. now jump on time to fill out all of cells that, that he refuses to supply ukraine with tyra's trust missiles. as the west throws everything you can before you train to fight russia. do you think that he can be able to stand or he will be with the stand, a maintain the spans and what is it? the chances that the washington is applying pressure to change his mind from that? i think the washington has been applying pressure the entire time,
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but i think much of a german political establishment has been very willing to go along with this. so i don't think really you have much for sure. i think germany is more afraid of someone like both of schultz. they're more afraid of public reaction than anything else. they would like to do what they do like to keep doing what they're doing, but just as long as the public doesn't find out. so it's really an insincere sort of a policy. you know, it's like, uh, they know who bluff to the north stream pipeline, but they won't say it out loud because they would rather be a part of the new anti russian portion than trying to make peace. so i don't believe the toll of schultz is sincere at all in his resistance. he's just afraid of what the public german public me say. now the german defends menace test came that it is old quote to information war, waged by a russia with betting,
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confirming the audio. now, how do we interpret this contradiction of germany on one hand, confirming the authenticity of the audio? yet it is say, that is the information on wall wage by russia. you know, there's that setting from up towards all was 1994 at the time of the universal lie telling the truth is a revolutionary act. so it seems like the tell you the truth of revealing the truth above what germany is really doing is somehow information warfare is just the revelation of truth. if you're honest about what you're doing, and if your intentions are clean, then you'll have your duck. you don't have to worry about anything. it's a, it's a truce. comes out so much the better for you. but if the truth is ugly, and in this instance is very ugly from germany, that's when they have a problem that's not russia's fault. it's germany's fault. you know,
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they're the ones for sliding to participate in the bombing of in a new bombing of the premium bridge without it seeming like they're being involved . and that's been reveals that some information more real warfare is being waged by germany against russia, along with the remainder of the collect at west. alright, germany's going through some domestic economic challenges with inflation, then all of that as a case may be what, what is your interpretation as to what is jenny's interest in all of this plots that is getting itself involved in instead of focusing on domestic challenges that he has this is a whole saying, you know, the german present german establishment is actually working. is jack germany's true nationalist interest? they had cheap energy from russia. they had a very look through the look at a trade relationship with russia. and dave allowed themselves to be pulled into
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work guest russia at their own expense. you know, germany doesn't have access to free to, to low cost energy anymore. they don't have access to a reliable energy sources anymore. as a result, they retired kind of be suffering. but what are they doing? well, they're doubling down there. actually, this german political establishment is actually pulling germany down. they're actually uh, uh, guiding germany on a path to disaster against the german national interest. now. so being president alexander, of which it has stated that every thing that people never followed would happen has happened. now, is he suggested that western troops on the ground inevitable as well. what do you make of that statement? well, i think he's just reading the side of the times and he's listening to what is being said when the french president, my problem says that
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a sending troops cannot be ruled out. that's incredible. that's getting uh, a public slowly used to the idea of, uh, troops being sense of nato troops being sent to ukraine. when, uh, the tentative cheese. uh, you know, the size that, uh, of the ukraine losers world probably breakdown between nato and, and russia. that's more of the same. so again, all we're hearing from various western leaders is escalation, escalation escalation. and we can not allow russia to where, well, if you can't allow russia to win in ukraine, then what you want is war. because russia's obviously winning and ukraine. ukraine can stop it. the only way to even have a chance of stopping it is
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a nato comes in to the bottles, you know, that's world war 3. so i think the survey and presidents is just listening very carefully to do what various western leaders are saying. all right, that the reports suggest that the all bay area has come vaulted an old silvia database to suit the data is needs. what are your thoughts on the outcome? the implication, roberts occasions of best, which well this is just a continuation of the militarization of europe. also it's increasing pressure on serbia itself because certainly again, is the only country plat practically in europe. whereas, and in applied sanctions against russia, it's serves in serbia and also serves in boston. you get to go in a republic research study, and i will say familiar with the scenario and 1941, you know, in germany. the 3rd right tapped gives us lobby at the time because the service resisted being pulled into uh, into the access they,
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they refused to participate and the attack on the soviet union. and the same thing is happening today. so opening the reopening of opening a new natal base and all dania is of is a way of applying pressure against serbia, which is really the most reliable russian friend and ally in europe. and again, that's a part of the broader campaign of applying pressure against russia. while we have to leave you here now sub in parliament member, alex, end up having to thank you so much for your time. thank you very much. and to gather that now the situation in the young players log a powder keg and that switch showing warning, delivered by united nations. i made ease ready bombardment and living conditions that have become dia, the warning cause that has already generated dangerous spill over in neighboring
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countries. and i'm deeply concerned that in this powder keg, any spock could lead to a much broader configuration. this would have implications for every country in the middle east, and many beyond it to the photos on the ride screen, as you can see right now. uh, the latest lead use drill strike on an 88 truck in the central gaga. now the attack reportedly killed mine people and left many of those wounded. on the left you can see us carry out its 1st ad drop of humanitarian aid with landed in the south report at lee over 30000 meals were dropped on the area. however, it must be noted that $1500000.00 palestinians, i shout that, that guys so far we do use pointed out that some of its ended up in the sea and it's not enough for all the stopping people. the policy of air dropping
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humanitarian aid and preventing the delivery of aid through border crossings is in fact part of in the base of strategy that does not address the court issue and resorts to theatrical and ineffective solutions. instead, some of the food bundles were dropped into the sea and did not reach any of the people. this is well humanitarian aid brought into the cause of via trucks would reach a great proportion of the population and is not subject to damage. i know what heard from unicef middle east and north africa regional communications office. i signed him a ways and he says that what gas urgently needs right now is safe passage for aid. otherwise, more children based off to death, the situation is desperate. g. people in the guise to this but, and on the bottom line here is 8, should be delivered safely to the people people should be protected as was getting
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day that's. that's the reality on the ground right now in the new place in the states. now people are not safe to get the 8 that they needed, and this is really how big the traffic impact on children and families. and i think that's what our eyes should be focused now, is i understand and gets a way to help those. uh, this puts the in while any additional aid is really real tall. um, we do any, any edge, all so then distract us from the needs and the the necessary for uh, full access on the god because that's the only way for uh, needs to come and ask him that is needed. and, and even then a is, is really a small i might not be sufficient. unfortunately,
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as of yesterday morning we, we received reports of over 10 children dying because of the migration and auditors in one a. i'm really afraid that this number is only part of the story and there are more in other hospitals, more in other areas in the step of course this uh, this issue is more present in the north where a didn't make it through as much as the south but however, throughout they've got this trip ages nothing now and we've been asking for, for that photo $18.00 to $2.00 gigs and unconditionally and, and then unlimited minor and a safe matter. the world has the tools and it needs to be respected by both parties to, to the war, to the conflicts. and until now,
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unfortunately, during the past 4 and a half months we've, we've seen luck over states for not seen any table. we've seen a civilian, this will stop to children and the places that they run for with used to being attacked and not being safe. and so they're not getting the protection that they are entitled to move. while in moral coal, the government has strongly condemned these role for targeting civilians. rob i just called for an investigation into the tops. when you minutes here in a trucks, it comes as thousands of people the head, the streets, to protest normalizing pies with, to leave work on based on less modern j says we're seeing country's leaders, news patients with ease roll for the 1st time of the season. remember button rocker is quite a special country in the respect that there's a huge demographic of people here who was sympathetic for decades with the person
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who calls them a very up to speed with the brutality of the occupation when they'll tell us what happened. a sudden, a rupture of anger. i'm took place, which i think broke the mode. you know, we had $10000.00 plus demonstrations in rebecca on the streets. and people are really angry. 35. i agree about what's going on. but also about the morocco's reluctance or least the parents as reluctance. so for me to actually do anything about it. so i think today today is quite important because it is quite significant . you know that this is, this is a symbolic, significant change from, from american king and his officials. but now we're seeing for the 1st time his patients as maps. i mean, really just want to make a statement now about how unhappy is about what's going on there. all this week, rushes block, c coast is bristling with the younger and inquisitive minds more around the world
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of gather. therefore the well you festival. and throughout the event, we're bringing you a special coverage. the other festival we had a chance to hear from had a co founder of digital the india foundation. often good. he spoke about how important it is for the will to gain equal access to artificial intelligence technologies of the worth of is witnessing what is called the fault into so revolution. and it consists of ford, my doctrines, number one is a i trans they, i machine learning friend to is a green devolution. this transition to the green 3 is supply chain moments across the water. and 4th is how technology can help in improving quality of life. and in the process we left behind natural interest and local innovation and the needs of
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the consumers were really supposed to be involved with the computing power really lights. both of the computing power for processing of information lies with the in a few companies in the us. the hyper scalars enough and a new to a company called in media does not new buttons to become the most popular suddenly . and in the market for water, you would want this to be leverage. you want, you know, everybody should have equal access. you need to understand this is the highest importance discussion at the top level that the all the d 24 on every bed. we're discussing how we can ensure the democratic people access to a. i have platforms and technology and how it's gonna help us with the right diagrams head for each so. so i be keeping it some natural interests in mind. that day of the festival is in full swing ross as foreign minister as a lover of shared his views. touching on the west participation in the ukraine conflict as well as the recent intercepted conversation of german commanders. it
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was the police just don't know if it has been known for a long time that the british, french and americans in the form of instructors had been working on the territory of the train for a long time, helping to maintain a long range systems which are transferred to ukraine in huge numbers. the assistance provided to crane has already exceeded $250000000000.00 in 2 years. and during the same period, all african countries receive 60000000000 from the west side of it. so the priorities in the west are clear. the words that come out of the mouth of western figures, including the conversation that was revealed, the recording of this conversation by german generals was widely distributed then the reaction of german politicians was interesting. some of whom were concerned that there was a leak in the networks that ensure the security of negotiations. that is the very fact of training german specialist on weapons to attack the russian federation, including the crimean bridge and ammunition. depos does not surprise them,
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but perhaps western countries have found the right word to legalize in the public spirit. the very idea of sending ground forces of individual nato countries to europe. i believe in the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, who recently left the hospital, said more specifically what he was talking about. namely that a few crane loses of the nato will be obliged to act against russian. well, sort a laughter off just wrapped up his address to the world use for him as we just saw there covered a wide array of topics from the upcoming russian presidential elections to israel's assault on gaza. but of course, uh, one of the main topics of discussion there was the ukraine conflict, russian present, russian foreign minister, sir j lab. ralph said that essentially the west is trying to scam the world in terms of what they talk about in terms of when it comes to defense, for example, they say that they are interested in their own defense. but at the same time, they accuse russia of having plans to attack europe despite moscow rejecting this
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time and time again when it comes to having nato troops and ukraine, they hide behind excuses like saying their mercenaries, or recently retired from service as well in terms of israel moscow, according to surgery lab, rob had recently received information that the title of the televi tv's embassy in moscow was planning to interfere in the upcoming russian presidential elections. after that, the russian foreign ministry had called a meeting with these is rarely diplomats in question to essentially persuade them out of doing that. and it was actually at the very last moment that the israelis that were supposed to come to that meeting had backed out. and this is something that lab rob said, has made it quite difficult to maintain a good relationship between moscow and tel aviv right now, especially with what the foreign minister called carpet bombing and blood letting in gaza. that's going on right now. he actually made a, a comparison. he said that between from in,
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in terms of the amount of civilian casualties. there were in the ukraine conflict on both sides since 2014. that number is lower than the amount of civilian casualties we've seen in gaza in just 5 months of is railey assaults on that area. and at the same time, we see the west supporting israel and giving unprecedented sanctions and pressure to russia. so this is something that, of course, the russian foreign minister saw as a serious double standard, but that was basically an overview of the main things that surgery laugh. rob was able to talk about his address to the world news for them. and now to the caribbean, nation of hate, see why the government has declared a state of emergency following to state prison is being overrun by on criminal groups wanting some of the following content. maybe disturbing. nearly 4000 convicts managed to escape during the jail break in the nation's capital of what
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our friends area say way before dudley a title report. the tax on the local police patients to distract authorities and then shooting deadly masika to the lives of 12 people inside the prison walls. well then on accounted number left dead in the streets of the ring. leaders have put forth a demand for the aspect of the nation's bond minister, who is currently abroad. securing peace keeping force in kenya. gang violence on the island nation has run rampant for decades with kings controlling more than 80 percent of the capital of a haitian prime minister has now especially truck, an agreement with kenya, which is now said to send 1000. so just to help restore order, washington has been pushing for years to create a united nations space. keeping force on the ground and 80 of the u. s. has even types to contribute up to $200000000.00 to carry out the emission. but in the spot,
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the plan previously being rejected by a both a t and kenya, the nation's lead us a has the potential of cub big. the blog said we are making these risk phones because it is what is right. it is what you money to it is, what schuman kind can do to fellow human kind what these me sure these bringing is hope for the future. hope for this is you for too many gyn hope for the future, for the people that cannot for see to me. i'm not seeing the year after, but they cannot see all the we leave the next the now for more on this, let's now cross live to for my can defend special forces less than to buyer
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wouldn't dare spine is good to have you join me now. i, the haitian prime minister has said that the canyon peacekeeping mission to haiti can put an end to violence and bring the hope to his the, its people. what's your view on that amid the chaos that erupt at the capital on sunday? well, i really witnessing what's been happening in the recent past. me use the falls. i'm you know, they kind of brings in a tax by the guy, but now nobody will that $200.00. as it said, that i'm no land into this massive present break and of course not living, creating house from all sorts of fine girls into the streets. a sales, quite some additional family shows a list of stuff so many people in the city and speak to women about not somebody goes stiff itself. and so with that amount of fluid and that's going on. you can imagine the result of, of insurance benefits replete because on so you need to uninstall village and uh,
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what is that way? i like to use this that you know, the dictates on this trip. i mean, so regardless of you know, how you get out of that fast. yeah. all the seals and run my most of them down for quite a long time on the general consensus. you know, officials on, on this, on both sides of the deal and i, you, 4 lives before and again, it's based, but that lives there. why don't they go? is that some base level data that they use is automated just on the political constraints, easy to me and the game for the policy perspective that i've allowed it was like it . and so that means eventually data. i love to enjoy what i'm asking you, sasha, of say will, which i 0 politically for it. you know, from the perspective on those as it says launch, that's like a face, a hole in some of the political with it. otherwise.


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