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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  March 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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sense and very slight i one point she said she's not even collecting information as a so what was she doing there? that's why i'm ask. you was there to simply validate so many of the claim, what do you feel by is real that have already been discredited? the bunk and blown out of the water by independent outlets like ours at the great zone and by is really media itself. and what primula patton proceeded to do in her press conference under enormous pressure and intensive questioning from members of the media that it was to dissemble and basically acknowledge that there was no clear and convincing evidence of any systematic sexual assault on october 7th. and that in fact, she had not even been able been able to meet with a single victim is real, hasn't produced a single victim. and that her entire trip was guided in her own words by his railey institution. so this is not a credible finding, but from prefer israel's propaganda purposes. patton, achieve or goal?
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right. i'd be of course, like you said that the representative also note that that she didn't meet with a leg. survivors of sexual violence on the 7th of october may, wildly the evidence shows all the lives but, but what's, what's your take on the general discrepancies in hot testimony. how do you think the world is going to receive us? well, if you read headlines from the new york times or the associated press or the pro israel press, they will state that primula patton. and the united nations special representative on sexual violence has found clear and convincing evidence of sexual violence. but then if you actually read her press release, there is nothing there to convince the public. there is literally not one piece of evidence provided in her press release. then if you actually watched the press conference, she declares that she found no proof of sexual violence at keyboards very,
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which is the site of the majority of allegations. she found that in her words and trained volunteer 1st responders, not only last potentially valuable evidence, but that they had engaged in staging of scenes and were responsible for unfounded and inaccurate forensic evidence. she's referring to is aka these rally ultra orthodox suppose the rescue organization that led her around and even gave her a gift and never again plaque that she won her neck. she also found that she was also unable to attribute sexual violence to any particular palestinian faction a mosse or any other group. and she complained that she wasn't even even able to meet with any of the high profile witnesses that have been furnished to the press like the new york times. because in so many words,
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their testimony has been discredited by outlets like ours and they are too shy to provide further testimony. so the devil's in the details and the details do not provide clear and convincing evidence of sexual assault by hamas on october 7th, quite the opposite. all right, that the let, let's, let's talk about the inconsistency of not being costs or expense. these don't even stop that, let's best they could listen to this. all the discrepancy would come back, reasonable browse to believe that conflict related sexual violence including rape and gang rape. all could during the 7th of october attacks in at least 3 locations, namely the new music festival site and its surroundings. road 232, and keep boots the rates. and in most of these incidents, victim woofers subjected to rate and then killed. and at least 2 incidents relate to the rate of women's courses on, on barry,
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just to clarify what we found was that's, there were 2 allegation we looked into that were unfounded and they're very well described in the reports and you'll recognize them because they were highly publicized in the press the rest we could not verify. no, we could not verify any sexual violence in berry at this point, which does not mean necessarily it didn't occur. it means we couldn't verify it. it's all right. i believe you listened to that. i wonder what you'd make of that match what you're coming to me if they don't. they also said there is a 3rd incident which has been repeated again and again in western media that a woman was found with a knife in her genitals. and that was proof of a violent rape and they found that to be unfounded as well. what's interesting is they points specifically to the incidents which are unfounded,
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but they do not point or dis 2 or describing any detailed the incidence that they find to be founded for clear and convincing evidence what we get are just broad allegations in this press release. then there are other claims about how badly if you actually look at the press release, one of the longest paragraphs in the press release relates to how and how difficult it was for the them to conduct this investigation. because for example, israel put this organization filled with fabulous and fanatics known as aka, which has been discredited, not just by us, but by the is really press in charge of the initial body disposal and forensic collection after october 7th. but also because in familiar patton's words of the large number of bodies that were burned beyond recognition. now this relates to an other issue we've been reporting on at the grace own. we were one of the 1st out of the gate on this, which is that israel killed large numbers of its own citizens under the hannibal
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directive, which authorizes its military to kill, is really captives of palestinian militants to avoid a politically painful prisoner swap. and our reporting has been confirmed again by is, are corroborated by is rarely media here. but when you talk about large numbers of burn bodies, how would have mos militants have done that with the small arms they brought into these southern is rarely gaza envelope on that day. it defies logic that they could have done this with collection of causes or even grenades. and i'm not denying that they shot civilians, but we saw apache helicopters and tags. there is even footage of this. attacking is really homes attacking cars. the contained is rallies. and so she is actually referring possibly to an as rally war crime here. so again, the details of this report do not verify the as rarely propaganda. that's
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featured in the headlines in western media about familiar patton's presentation. and once again, she said this is not an investigation. she was not collecting evidence. she's produced nothing new here. they're just recycling propaganda. that's already been seen in western media. and what we need is a real independent un investigation provide. of course, this is what the world expects, a view far investigation, so we can, everyone can see what really happened. advocacy can be prevented. now, from the problem said that there was no need for her to go to pala spine to gather information as to you and employees where providing it. what if anything, does such a response tell you? well, it does demonstrate a lack of interest in the plight of palestinian women. and what we're, what we're looking at in the gaza strip is not just the abuse of palestinian women who have actually been abducted by israeli soldiers and is subjected to abuse.
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including at the bare minimum threats of sexual violence. we've even documented this with our local partners at the great zone. through interviews with women who've been abducted by israeli soldiers off the streets. we're talking about the industrial slaughter of palestinian women. this is 400 past indians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. so she's not really interested in the obvious, easily documented live stream of abuse of palestinian women. but it also points to another issue which is stated clearly in her press release is real, is not allowing you in institutions to operate within the territory. it controls and it's working on through its own propaganda campaign to the funding of the you an organization responsible for feeding people in the gaza strip. so she's saying, well, we have you and organizations working under the palestinian authority. i'll just leave it up to them. then i'm going to do the investigating inside is real, but i am relying fully on his railey institutions that is stated clearly in her
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report. so she's being guided around by the perpetrator of all of these crimes against palestinian women. she could not be trusted to produce a fair balance report about sexual violence committed against both sides in that case. now, a good question was raised during the un, the session. if this all wasn't an investigation, why is pamela botton issuing a report of the a better? quite a big question out there. but what are your thing just to put things specific any, what do you think is your is the motivation for this of what she said of herself familia. patton said in response to that question, i was under pressure by as rarely, civil society. and what she means that she was under pressure by cut outs of the as really government and is really intelligence the u. n. was under pressure. and that the israel lobby may have been incentivizing her trip. i mean that's,
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that's something we can take away from that kind of statement. so this is a politicized theatrical visit to israel in order to deflect the kind of pressure that, that organization is getting. while israel has refused to cooperate with the actual un investigative body that could deliver a thorough independent investigation into sexual violence on october 7th, on the grounds that the experts who comprise that body are anti semitic. so angels actually refusing to cooperate with the real investigation all we have to leave you here. now, mike's blumenthal the grades and editor in chief. thank you so much for your insights and the work you do. thank you. the, the us supreme court has overtime the lower judiciary ruling which a to prevent donald trump from participating in primary elections. let's take
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a look at how the former presidential president reacted to the good news sensually . you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's the leading candidate, whether it was the leading candidate or candidates, it was well down on the totem pole. you cannot take somebody out of a race, the voters can take the person out of the rest very quickly. but a court shouldn't be doing that in the supreme court, so that very well. and i really do believe that will be a unifying factor of let's not cost live to talk, show host steve mazda, but joining us from washington, d. c. steve is good to have you join me right now. now that i great, great. now the us supreme court united mostly sided with chop and overturn the lower colorado court decision to bob from from the elections in your expert opinion,
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has justice been served? oh, without a doubt at to see this court, which is so id, a logically apply, oppose the conservative up a portion with the liberal portion to see them rule 9 to nothing. it sends a clear message to america that you know, there's a way to do this. and the state a state like colorado or any one of the 30 some odd states that have considered doing something similar that it can be done by states. you can't take a federal candidate off of a ballot in this state. um, the only people who have the authority do it said the court is the us congress. us congress would need to enforce the portion of the constitution that the colorado state supreme court ruled was violated by donald trump. that he fell under for a, for a leading an insurrection. now donald trump has never been charged with leading interaction
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. no, and they've charged him with just about everything else you can think of. but this nonetheless, the colorado state supreme court said yes, interaction off the ballot that cannot happen in the timing of this was, which was really amazing because the supreme court is not in session right now. but they made sure that they weighed in before tomorrow. super tuesday primaries. there are primaries in several states across america for the presidential race. and they wanted to send a message at donald trump hughes and will remain on the ballot. all right, now the colorado is widely viewed as a democratic state, meaning trump would likely not when the state to begin with. so what do you believe was behind the push to bottom, the former president to begin with as well, it was brought by the secretary of state who's going around today and not apologizing and not saying i was wrong and not saying, well,
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i guess the supreme court knows best. she's saying all this is a threat, this is bad. this is this of the motor was politics. i think she wanted to make a name for herself. and she took it to the, the courts and the state supreme court of colorado. i believe they're playing politics or did play politics in their decision and, and, and the, that is the tech talk go chop up about, you just can't go. it is obvious in the, in the oral arguments before the supreme court, when they heard this case, it was obvious that this had a chance to be a 9 to nothing decision in trump's favor. and today it came to fruition and you have those on the left trying to spin it. oh it's really 5 to 4 because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, know it's 9 to nothing. and that should send to resign the message. but the left is trying to do anything and everything they can to get donald, make sure donald trump does when re election, everything and anything. he's still facing trials,
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he still thinks in court dates on other cases. but this is a major victory. and i think it's gonna help him politically. oh, i know now this case is the 1st says the american civil war to deal with the 14th amendment of the us constitution, the bands or festival who have engaged in our interaction. how significant is the supreme court's routing and doesn't put the hamper on similar feature tends to hit the tom's re election bid. well, again, uh yeah, i mean, any snow state will now try to kick from off the ballot. um that's for sure. but the court said congress could do it. so you already have some prominent democratic members of congress today saying they're going to work on legislation. they get a try to pass a bill, blah, blah, blah. it's never going to happen. what, what, what, what the world needs to understand is what's going on in this country. this is unprecedented on every level. donald trump is the presumptive republican nominee
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for president of the united states. the election is in november. it's coming up fast and furious, yet he has court date. if the court date up the court date ahead of him, the supreme court is going to hear a case on presidential immunity, which will affect donald trump. that's in late april. they're going to decide in june. i mean, he could be sitting in a court room on trial in august with the election in november. the whole thing is unprecedented. and it's a terrible, terrible attempt at. are you surfing our democratic process? the idea of maybe to keep him distracted through the campaign process. but let's, let's now donald trump says the case was an attempt to push him out of the race to appease the bible administration, making it look like this is purely political. it is not what you see. that's all it is. i mean these, like you said this that's been been used since the civil war. we have,
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we have other cases that the, the statute of limitations have run out yet they're bringing the case against him. and in new york for allegedly paying off a, a porn star for keeping quiet about an affair. but the statute of limitations run out. so they're doing some legal maneuver against all unprecedented or coordinated, i believe. and trump believes by barton and his people or the department of justice because he's all all happening one after the other being 30 minutes. all came one after the other, then it and come to day. trump left the office. they came when the truck was the front runner running for president again, and it was time so that they would all come full come do if you will, in the election year. it's an, it's an outrageous attempt to, like i said, to destroy our democracy yet. joe biden is campaigning, that of trump wins. trump will destroy our democracy. so that's how crazy it is
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here. well, it's really an interesting point. it took a game and we'll watch a thank you. so by steve us, but you'll, you'll, you'll, you'll inside is really interesting. thank you so much. thank you. my pleasure. thank you. ross, as security service is a forward an apparent attempt by ukrainian the sabbath to us to kill the local governor. this, it was a separate rose, a region with all the details of the operation. are these egos done of has the details here a chemical will for agent, multiple improvised explosive devices and the hidden cache that's an abundance cemetery. these are the cornerstone who's of a moss murder scenario devised by ukrainian intelligence and stopped by russia's security services. this man right here was recruited by cubes, defense ministry intelligence, walking among the tombstones. he explains what some of his very 1st would as well,
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want you to choose to go through because most of the other coworkers, especially for the research and we're almost done, i'm starting to see a way to release your literacy service as well for you on the bottom, $23.00, so it's $54.00 dawson sneed. i have the new york some vocal go noodle. the news was this t and t, batteries, electronics didn't surprise the russian investigators. it's something one expects to find in a case like this, but vials with an identified books and made for a very concerning discovery and analysis from one of russia's most advanced labs, confirmed the investigators west expectations comes ways of this lab identifies the
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nav agent that was intended to be used for the poisoning. this facility has been certified by the organization for the preparation of chemical weapons and the policy. the 12 says that they discovered it to rivets of, of a substance. invention and consulted initially by the united states. a micro biologist, an expert and chemical weapons, shows me a compendium on the subject that has the exact food allow the substance of discovered by the scientists to send me up nose and our specialists have discovered and none the lock of a chemical warfare agent known as visa is it, it is substance of psycho chemical ex just, you know, was it was, it causes damage to the central nervous system and the development of a poison condition similar to skeets of freedom. some of the substance itself is undoubtedly more difficult to synthesize than these that visit. it can not be
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obtained anywhere except in state military centers because both the substance itself and its individual components from which it is made. our agents listed in a special roster. you could be closer, he's got the he's got the us, they are included in the 2nd the list of the convention on the private vision of chemical weapons, simeon supers. appreciate your what's your 1st the us government this wage and, and non colored chemical where it comes, pressure is doing with a fresh or some kind of under developed state. this voicemail would never have trapped it up. so you could this and what did the list laboratory work or now where it was found, this compound is certified by the organization and for privatization of chemical weapons. this, it was appreciated if you me just close it, i'm not using good no problem. so this, the lab passes all the tests annually and all the results obtained here are usually official and recognized by the only c w. so it was a cool and intercepted phone conversation between
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a ukrainian intelligence handler and he's agent he reveals key of wanted to carry out indiscriminate mos mother in the city of many topple over a long distance, even though a 3rd of this uh um, fully store. so i'm pulling the deal, it must pull up a, but if you do the in the area and they have done some you them. yeah, the the 4 point you're good to go. most of them really work. we fully closer to sort of successful, potentially include your bills. so the way to find the fittest me using military grade us poison to spike the food at the local county and frequented by civilians. the number of victims would have been in the dozens,
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if not hundreds. ukraine had no issue with the plan, suffered no moral dilemmas. now russia, once this is what we're doing, it is deeply disturbing that the toxic substances found in ukrainian terrorist on the formulations already kind of endemic to the us military time. the cold programs you, me see, and all the was that will not produce anywhere except the united states were in service only with the pentagon or if i knew this circumstance clearly indicates the specifics you rates as of the cranium, special services on the keyboard machine as a whole this, if you didn't notice dame direct complacency in the terrace activities of the woods . this is not the 1st magic put mazda minded by key of improvised explosive devices . we're going to be used in a hit on the governor of this up. i realize your region, who was it intended for we were driving and there were conversations about the governor of this upper rosie region vitale. but litski didn't believe it at 1st.
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how is this possible in general, this was the plan. all of that was meant to be done with the help over to the recruits did not be an olga husband and wife both spots of the same sub latasha jeannette web headed by this man, alexander colbert, a ukrainian military into legion's office. and these 2 recruits, well they quickly got on the rate as of russian security services to one of the agents is picking up yet another package from the ukranian handler husband recruit of keeps defense intelligence to is waiting the a by the package they received also contains components for future terrorist attacks, really all the off my husband to go to the jewish cemetery and pick up the boxes that late to contain the explosives. as i understood it, in general, we were preparing a diversion. so the task was through the curator that it was necessary to hide this
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explosive device with the remote control people the whole stage and make a cache in the direction of the car called sky a highway closer to the exit to sewage and hide it all there is a curator was from the ukrainian security service, alexander co go down to view playing and handler still doesn't know that he's puppets cover has been blown. so when he received this quote from who he thought was his agent, no alarms went off. i do not know i need to write. i'm really stressed, very stressed. i don't want to do this. i don't want to do anything. can i ask him touch rest for 3 to 4 days now? then we'll continue with you. i'll get in touch with you tonight. and we'll talk calmly. i'm just getting ready to eat now, and i have to run from terrorist attacks on the nets. can bill going to to putting mastic is using the pentagons military grade talks and keep doesn't feel bound by
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any conventions. it's free to do, however, it sees fit and that's the only type of freedom that us brought to ukraine. so far, i think is done of oxy. and that's what me and all of my colleagues more are to mom. it will be with you in a few minutes from now for the updates the on march, the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri. i'll take off the shirts and munch fatality in 118. run down the belly, mercy, and village of cutting the ship of the new wish in las vegas scenarios. so this one, most of the for the, well,
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i'm to pony it to you. $149.00 people died, including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue loves the live option. could have charlie was, you know, in june will you put as follows? oh, shoot was hard really. i really usually don't you feeling yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west and ukraine because of the picture. all right, let's see what you guys so far as the new e phone, that's a long list. if you just for assume you up with them, you as customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on c. to
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images, presented as 1st can you see through their illusion going on the ground can the watching is why isn't why in this control if i give but loony of the store in this, this is chad, my shorter one. but i'm not going to stay less so kind scale. you know, when i am,
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what i could catch at your desktop session noon. that's just shiny or just is fun, you bon, is going you sit on while it's in the the via the, the of the
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proceeds from the fact that germany is applied to give explanations button is a bang for a minute. see, crash with last good leak reveals. high ranking moves the 1st now coordinating with him play him thursday to strike brushing the other phone says joe, we would be sending fluids and this i'll see, train the child. so the state is decision is guided by the prospect to move would result in buttons direct from both list and then confidence on some of the supplies dropped my offices while i'm playing into jobs. i end up in the city while the then we can this solving people put into you those ethics folks listen to the matter. the agent must be providing the right people in the.


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