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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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in iris tides removal from top in february, 2004 hey, has witnessed several us interventions with the largest longest one last in almost 2 decades. washington has claimed is in bold, but was crucial to secure in peace. i'm political stability in the caribbean country, but it seems made things worse. is how the situation unfolded the
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results of the last a little bit of land. this is no way the west blues can police can succeed. or madison peacekeepers failed. and we understand that the government's believe this, that's a kind and key is in existence has been caused by the us and the wisdom power to sacrifice we live is that includes as a sacrifice the, the police forces, the police officer and the get. so that's nice the reason being when there's no
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way that this media media was like us like you see, i don't particularly usc, did you not succeed in bringing these? i'm thinking, well we did, we did the actual fighting and we would expect the police forces that are being sent up. i see a bit of what's made they, those was that was a boy and defeat would be. and so if not, if it while the news, our joy, rick sanchez on, doris impass, i move back shortly at the top of the out the the hi everybody. i broke sanchez, you know, i've been doing news now for some 30 years to languages all over the world here in
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the united states. i've interviewed for president, worked, and 4 of the united states is a major television networks. and i say that because i'm not crazy. about what they do, you know, why i think new should be honest, direct and impactful. this is direct impact. the, the okay, here we go. these are the stories that we're going to bring you because you're not going to see them on us newscast. i'm going to tell you that whether our government wants to admit it or not guys, the tax are escalating. yes they are. they are escalating outside of israel. i'm gonna show you something right here. see that? that's a us, that's a, that's a ship. that's thinking it's a freighter. it was attacked off the coast of yemen, and we're going to be talking about that also. why is vice president comma harris suddenly asserting herself in the war on gaza?
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ask yourself, what's really a play here. and then the woman who may be calm, love harris's republican counterpart, has finally notched a win against former president trump. and she uses the wind to assert her womanhood . but the most important part of that story that you won't hear about of the us mainstream media is a german military officials, had been caught red handed planning on attack on russia. okay, remember when the bridge into crimea was blown up? it's the one that goes over, you see it there, it's the one that goes over the curse straight, which is part of the black sea connect russia with crimea. there is now a linked conversation with german military officials where they sound, well, they sound guilty as all get out in planning the attack on the bridge. and this is
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a big deal. all right, let's get started. of finally matching her 1st 2024 when with a victory in washington dc, nikki haley continues cruise crossing the country, hoping to spark a bit of momentum in a republican primary race that looks all but over. okay, there it is, vicky hailey has finally defeated donald trump somewhere at something. she has won the district of columbia for that when she gets 19 convention delegates after winning 62 percent of the vote there. but she's still miles and miles away from mr . trump. when it comes to actually being able to win the big enchilada notice her use here of the word bellas. she plays up femaleness. we had 14 people in the race. i defeated a dozen other fellows. i just said,
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i just have one more fella. i gotta catch up, do just one more fellow to catch up. meanwhile, the other woman, any presidential or vice presidential race is now asserting herself as well and she's doing it in the israeli palestinian conflict. look at this, given the amends scale of suffering. any god there must be an immediate cease fire. there she is calling for a cease fire. now, here's the question. what do you think the v p and not the president, not president biden? is making that statement. are they preparing her to take over as a candidate? are they trying to build her up to combat her? god, awful. pre any writings or democratic party officials addressing the fact that president biden has lost credibility on the is really palestinian issue with motors.
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and maybe this is why that's happening before i say, i say it's answered a very serious question about his real, for example, well, with the whole thing. and i ask, i know i was, i was like it's melting. this is weird. the question answered the question. yeah. that's how much of america is talking about. now to be fair. there's nothing wrong with the present united states having ice cream or having a chat with the late night comedian. he's not the 1st and he won't be the last to do something like that. but when you are hardly accessible to reporters, you don't take questions from real journalist in general, nor do you have or how many news conferences. when you finally do, sit down for an interview on something as important as foreign policy. one would think, right, one would think it would sit down with a real journalist, maybe somebody from the, you know, new york times,
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washington post wall street journal. whatever. not a late night comic. well eating ice cream. but that's what happened. speaking a foreign policy, a general topic most americans know very little about because we get very little information about it. there is a very big story that the rest of the world is hearing about. yep, they're hearing about it. we generally are not. it appears german military officials weren't met deep in discussions on how to blow up one of the most important bridges that connects russia, the country to cry, meal last october. now, this is what the eventual explosion that did take place look like. look at that, see that right there. that's it. and it's amazing to see that. and here's what we
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know. so germany's top military bras are overheard in the planning and destruction of that. it's called the courage bridge. the conversation takes place between high ranking a german military officials and it's very damning, very damning with the officials overheard devising a process a method to attack this bridge using the controversial taurus rock. they are also heard talking about how they can't rely on the ukrainians to do this on their own. and actually say this, you're about to hear it. now pay particular attention by the way, cuz it's caught me uh to how to use the personal pronoun. we don't say it, they say we, unless it been how often it's used in this 1st discussion here at let's, let's do it together. i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets,
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originally east and the munition depos above originally used as hard to reach. it's a rather small target for the tourist can be, i'm honest indeed, most can also be hit even if we consider the bridge. i don't think taurus is enough . we need to have an idea of how with money for, for the satellite data. all, i don't know if we can train the premiums for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month. now what again, let me just, i can't overstate this. what you just heard. there are german officials talking about blowing up a huge bridge that connects russia with crimea. that's what you're just sure. and what's even more damning is it the military officials are overheard discussing how they can do this without getting caught without getting caught. because after all, germany has said all along, and we've heard this many times, that there are no way directly involved in the attacks on russians that are taking
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place in ukraine. yes, they've provided some weapons, but that's about it. and they're certainly not involved in any attacks on russian territory. this is what they've said over and over again. i mean, this conversation, this conversation. it seems to refute that denial of some of the kind with us. yeah . hot, it doesn't matter. we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us a lot of the conflicts. might i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from problems from all so that no one notices that's already participation and we want to do that. yeah. you know, it's really interesting about this. and i find that what is most interesting about the reaction that's coming in on this is that media types as well as the german chancellor. you know, off the shoals has been the reaction has been surprising.
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depends on how much you know about this kind of thing. then again, maybe not start police to the sun is the i'm, so i'm leaving high to this a bit. does it say a lot for the state in tennessee? i'm here to get you off quickly. this is of no 10. so you notice the words they use, their serious matter must be investigated when he calls it a serious matter that needs to be investigating. what's he talking about? he's not referring to the fact that his military officials, his generals, highest ranking, are overheard or appear to be overheard planning an attack against russia. russian territory, a covert action that could be extensively lead to world war 3. know, do you know what he's actually talking about when he says that of what he plans to investigate and what is a serious matter according to him, is the leak. it's that the leak happen. that's what he wants to investigate.
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seems curious to me and by the way that it's generally because i checked today, i started, you know, doing the whole crazy googling thing. right. and as i google the story, the more and more i googled it, i found that that's pretty much the way it's being reported to us here in the united states by our media. as if the russians did something wrong by finding out and then disclosing that german officials were involved in the planning of a bombing operation on their sovereign territory. okay. when we come back, is the western foreign policy reckless these days? and by the way, what are the ramifications of these latest actions i'm gonna ask, are guess, mark kosanota, why we as americans are being left out of this? i guess i don't know what, what foreign policy loop will be right back the
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the thought about homage sanchez. joining us now is marginal boda. he is an international relations and security expert. he's joining us mostly to talk about the situation we've learned from the leak of this conversation with german high ranking german military officials. you know, i don't know. some people may think less of me for asking this question, but the question that comes to my mind when i hear this and see this is, do they want to start world war 3? do they want to start world war 3, mark? you know, they, they don't want to start world war 3,
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but they want to be able to conduct cruise missile strikes on russia, on behalf of their uh, care of uh, proxy, which regime without getting caught according to the conversation. plausible deniability was of a very important concern to them. however, if it was that i suggest that they are incredibly incompetent, because it's almost certain that this conversation was intercepted. and we know that because not leaked because it was they that the military has told us they've told us the german military is told us this conversation was real. they had this conversation on and on secured online platform, web ex, which is i guess something similar to zoom or, or skype. and even further, one of the members of the numbers seeing single for adding
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a whole new realm of vulnerability through the conversation. forget all the way up quite a lot but, but the real question here is, why am i, how are you having a conversation period about attacking russian territory? it wouldn't be, as we overheard a conversation on the part of the chinese or, or the russians or the iranians on the web or about attacking the 7 mile bridge that connects florida the key west. i mean, when we knew it, yeah. what, what we would do, we would have declared war already. we would have made pre eminent strikes if someone was planning cruise, so uh on our territory. and they discussed both attacks on the crime in bridge and cry. mia, which okay, the west does not consider to be part of russia. other quite means disagree. my wife has cried me. i know i know what i'm talking about. full disclosure, but they also talked about an alternate target, which was ammunition depots and crashing the door on the other side of the bridge,
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which is unquestionably mainland russian territory raising the bumper. but before we leave that point, okay, if they were talking cry me a, maybe there could be an argument or a little bit of haziness there, but you were touching a bridge that doesn't commit to crimea to ukraine, that connects crimea to russia. yes, that's important. it has, yeah, and this is the 3rd time the bridge has been attacked. well, it's been attacked twice already if they carry during this attack, this would be the 3rd time this conversation was on february or 19th. and both times, before it suffered only superficial damage and was quickly restored. it's a pretty massive and impressive engineering feet. and the german generals on the top, on the conversation were discussing how difficult it would be to destroy, and that they might need 10 or 20 or more german tours cruise missiles in order to
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succeed. and even that it wouldn't be guaranteed. and it would have no military utility because the bridge is not used for military purposes. uh, certainly not the road part of the bridge. and it has no strategic value. russia is, has a um, they call it a land bridge, has territory extending down from the dawn boss to the cried mia. they also have an extensive ferry network. they're building new railroads all the way along the coast of the sea of us off. this is the bridge, even the german generals admit is, would be hit for political symbolic value because the cabbage in regards its destruction is kind of a habit of white whale. what does it say to you that they seem so comfortable discussing something? so the various and what, what it says to me is that this is not the 1st time this has been done that uh, both the german military, uh and other uh,
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nato military's have been up to all sorts of similar activity in the last 2 years in this conflict during the conversation, they also revealed that american and british troops are on the grounds, operating the equipment, high tech equipment that they have provided to the cambridge him. because the coverage seems forces can't be trained up quickly enough to operate properly. they speak about a large number of people with american accents wearing civilian clothings that could be brought into the loop. the harry carry out the operation and the british as well. the british are, are far more open that they have hundreds of military on the ground. participating in the conflict, so it's that they've done this before. that's what it's perfectly obvious from the domain or that they have during the conversation. if any of what you just said is
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true, that we have british and us troops on the ground disguised as ukrainians actually doing part of these operations. and if the reason they're so comfortable doing this is because they've done it before, then why aren't we me as an american living here in the united states? why is my media not telling me this? why aren't they screaming bloody murder and saying, look what we're doing, whether you're in favor of it or not, somebody's out, they're attacking a country that could lead to a massive, even nuclear war. where is this conversation? and they have actually in june of 2020 to the new york times and the washington boast, wrote both wrote about us and european intelligence and special forces commandos on the ground. and you grant, the british press reported about that. they had some $300.00 royal marine commanders on the ground carrying out extremely dangerous and politic
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political risk. the operations in the area of the ukrainian conflict. but it's not allowed to penetrate the narrative memory. it's noted and then forgotten. because worst we're supposed to believe that the west is not involved in this conflict. and, and even when it obviously is, it's a matter of, you know, don't see, don't hear. don't right, well, we live in a time. let's be honest about this. we live in a time where if you want people to not know about it, put it in a newspaper and put it on page 15. the new york times area. and the americans are not going to know anything about this. maybe one or 2 percent people like you, it may be me who are paid to, to try and know a little bit about something about this. but the real conversation in america, the national conversation, as we call it, takes place on cnn and nbc, and nowadays, somewhat on alternative media on the, on the google's, etc. and that's where you're not seeing this. i'll guarantee your youtube won't let
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this story appear there today. i, i can certainly see that and that's a problem. i mean it's, it's almost like when we were in vietnam and i know you'd have had these conversations in the past, at least during the mom as an american, we started getting a semblance of some things that made us go low. we need to back up here, mr. johnson or mr. nixon. there's none of that right now mark. yeah, um, it is rather interesting how uh, the anti war sentiment movements in the united states have been completely new to it over time. the last time that we saw significant anti war movements was during the iraq war and despite hundreds of thousands, millions of people protesting in the street. and nothing happened. but it has to be noted. i think that because most anti war protesters tend to be of, shall we say,
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a liberal or democratic bent. they don't protest conflicts when they're conducted by democratic presidents as a rule, it's partisan. but what, what do you make of, uh, shows is a reaction. and there's, there's some talk, i've heard that the russians are trying to take him to react somehow that they're kind of uh, targeting him in some ways with this leak that they were able to manifest. what do you make of that? yeah, um sure. i think definitely the russians are trying to get the german government to cease trying to declare, you know, to conduct the acts of war on rush. i don't think there's any, any question about that because of, of where inevitably that could lead. um there's, there's 2 possibilities of sholtes has told us multiple times already. he's supposedly resisted pressure from his allies. he does not want to send taurus cruise missiles to you grant. yet his own generals are planning out how to use
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towards career cruise missiles. it ended in russia against russia, with ukrainian serving as a free belief of plausible by now at the die, the deniability loop. so either all of schultz is lying to russia to his own people, to the world, about whether he plans the centaurs cruise missiles, or he doesn't have control of his own military. and perhaps his own, the powerful politically ambitious defense minister boris of the story is and actually many russian analysts say that those taurus cruise missiles that they're planning to use in these attacks are already on the ground in ukraine. and they're just waiting for the order. by the way, speaking of the story, as i was reading that he is, let me just check to make sure i wrote this down, right. the defense minister, the story is calling it this information russian,
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this information. how can this be the is he saying it's all a lot and if it's a lie, why aren't they saying it's a lie? why are they coming out and saying this thing never happened. it was made up. the russians just put dolls there and, and spoke for them like a like puppets or something that's not what they're say. yeah, it is quite humorous that they hear him say that this is part of an information war . when they're planning an actual war on russia, that's, that's, that's quite, that's quite amusing. i mean, they were caught red handed. yeah. the german ministry of defense has admitted that is authentic. and they have not challenged the contents of the recording that it has been edited or anything. so when he's talking this information, they simply object to the fact that russia has made it public and has caused their government a political embarrassment. and perhaps even expose what their military is up to that their government doesn't even know about. and the thing that i keep coming
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back to is that it's a conversation that is not being had. that's what we try to do with this particular show that we do here now daily. by the way, for those of you who don't know, we're going to be starting, we're going to do this show now every day, instead of just once a week. and it's for this reason i just named off 3 or 4 stories at the top there. but you're not going to get that perspective unless you're watching us or perhaps a few other people, maybe tucker carlson, etc. and i'm not saying i'm right. i'm not saying everything we say is the most important thing in the world, but by god it needs to be said and the american people need to hear it. and i mean that i think this story is one of the most important things in the world. to be frank soto, i'm my friend, soto. i'm archibald. it's always a pleasure to talk to you. thank you for sharing some of your wisdom with us. marks on both of these on international relations and security analysts. so before i go, i want to remind you of our mission here. simple, really the side of the world. man, we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we know this and the other guy
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or the other guy. all those this know truths don't live in boxes. truth is everywhere. so let's deal and truth. i'm rick sanchez. i'll be looking for you again. right here to provide a direct impact the russian states never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say they requested the, the, the
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we proceed from the spot, the gemini is obliged to give explanations. well, it is a varying for a move to crash with moscow link reveals. high ranking meant to buzz them out, coordinating with you, couldn't you? just like russian insisted on ourselves. serge, germany wouldn't be sending for us, miss. i'll see you paying the child. so say it's his decision is guided by the 5 of the funds to move would result in, but it's direct moment in the complex of the eyes. so why wasn't good? why plain is the gums i end up in the see rather than reaching the stalling people of the unicef spokesperson tomorrow. 18 of must be from 5 the people in.


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