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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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the, the, we proceed from the spot, the gemini is obliged to give explanations. in is a very and for a minute the clash with a month ago, a link reveals high ranking meant the bus. and now, coordinating with you couldn't, you know, just like a russian infrastructure other folks search germany wouldn't be sending for us miss, i'll see, you painted the child. so say it's his decision is guided by the 5 of the funds to move would result in, but it's direct moment in the context of the i've something that i wasn't doing biplane instant garza end up in the c rather than reaching the stalling people. i'm going to use that for me to search for a supervisor. aided must be approved by the people in the tip of district.
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and on the bottom line here is 8, should be delivered safely to the people people should be protected while getting de the kids i will come thing today literally just google is around the emotional moment and this is our t international until our top story, jeremy security access code is 1234, the nation's defense mass. so i have sent me throwing up the white flag shoes in easy, possible, then i'm melting into to the world. this comes off that come on. those in but in the court would have defaulted movie opperation, the crane official though it is your network, it responds russell pharma transferred from there is a how robust, slimy, the buttons intentions. i noticed that this isn't in the past. i'm
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a nation has found itself on the wrong side of history, of those to will uh, put in the avalon uh no. what was presented to the world community shows the long time and plans intentional. the need to country gemini, to conduct the military operations against the russian federation. it was literally described step by step how terrorist attacks against civilian infrastructure would be carried out. and the speakers were clearly aware of the fact that they were discussing the bombing of we civilian bridge. and they specifically spoke on this topic saying that the bridge is of great political importance. that is peasy, she should know, tying in the yeah. and we proceed from the fact the gemini is obliged to give explanations to your those. and there should be an open conversation between violin, between government officials and their growing population, and excuse me, with the entire international community. because what the whole world has hud, and this audio recording is presented in its original races and
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a numerous number of questions for germany in general. especially forgive me, the very german officials who are there on this recording to remind each other of the glorious as a belief post of the lift box and what is the scores post of the lift will affect if they talk about the previous call. i'm about to experience, it's the 2nd world war and it turns out the experience of those he is still alive today. and this still willing to apply it. but it's a different dimensional altogether received board. and you shall go to main while jim is i'm boss of the most goes to being someone, the, to the for russian and pharmacy agency. and i was on the alarms door entering the building just immediately surrounding this little comes off. the phone conversation was intercepted by bush and released by on to the editor in chief on friday. so let's take a look at what exactly was uncovered in the old. yeah. in one conversation, jim and apple stops to discuss plans to help keep destroy the try. mean bridge,
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the authenticity of which was confirmed by the nation's defense ministry of the entire recording is 38 minutes long. but here a some of the key exits. and also this, i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do with the ammunition. depos can also be hit we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us a part of the conflict, mike. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. on monday, do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an
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american accent. on sunday, the german defies that as a final address. the lee vining in a positive rushes, inflammation will. that's just what the fact that it has verified the recordings legitimacy. the for the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation. it is positive and information war. the put in is waging. there is no doubt at all. it is a hybrid attack of this information. it's about division, but it really has a mazda in those uh for a part of november. and humbug is such a huge propaganda as, as the ball lo, i'm effects only one side of the issue in, but it, i mean, it's really disgusting and trivial lies. so this rockets as of today was something human which you want to go into a wall and test the test
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a uh fi uh nothing happens, but uh they are talking if they did so like trivializing well for children without thinking about any. busy grants or incentives and good times. well the leak had been opening up all of the discussion of cars that so that's really uh, strange proof. like on the and then you see the only main cross in this video is uh to slow off shots lose against uh um, bringing this weapon to ukraine. starting that up into ukraine. that's a really bad, bad protocol. and it's really disgusting. it's a human list when we look at this uh, video oh, from logo that the only personalized shows and they to present life of the politicians. they don't personalize this folks, cousins has date for the for delivering the towers. saying, jem,
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i think the nathan's call to the industry is involved significantly, and now they've painted faces long, but in the hardware and send it to kids through a youtube channel, supposedly an effort to educate them about the needs of the claim. in order to get my, shall come upon present laptop. why don't by definition heal, cutting it to leave on the bubbles when you have dispelled who still kind of come into the show me maybe having said that, but it remains unconvinced enough. so say that the requirements, the german soldiers to manage the automated system is a red light and he would not cos a science. you cannot deliver a weapon system that has a very wide reach and then not think about how control over the weapon system can take place. and if you want to have control, then it's only possible if german soldiers are involved. that's out of the question for me. but you started with for
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a pensive on seeing it and secure the policy on his mind. the visa shows is cited in the message that if such weapons were provided to you, it would mean a while i do. the key is basically saying that we're not going to get involved in this. one of his comments was luck on the chancellor. i have made a decision, the taurus is not going and that's a signal because if you allow these kinds of weapons into the hands of the premiums without supervision without constraints. and it's really pretty hard, i think, to put limitations on cruise missiles like that. then the moscow becomes the target a new white in the war. there's no doubt about it that that war would wind. here's the other consideration. i don't know what they are and game is, but this is not that it's already been stated. nato will not get involved with putting troops on the ground, and that would include those who would assist in in weapon systems. that,
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that said, if, if these countries individually enter into bilaterals to become countries of the, the willie and if you will, to, to assist ukraine on a bilateral basis. then they opened themselves up to, to attack. and article 5 under nato will not apply. where is this slippery slope going? that's the question. and what is there an in game? and i think that they need, i think it's a desperation. i think it's a frustration on their part because they realize it's over to the now. what are the same choices in the enclave is becoming dangerous and bullets. i'm of you and has issued this grim warning in the midst of his writing bombing, i'm increasingly terrible living circumstances. the warning gaza has already generated dangerous spill over in neighboring countries. and i'm deeply concerned
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that in this powder keg, any spock could lead to a much proto configuration. so this would have implications for every country in the middle east. and many beyond it honestly is the most recent ripple. it is very hit on a vehicle. it incentive because it is seen on the right. 9 people said the died and several more were injured in the incident, the united states and showed them the less carrying out its su miles and believe i don't live in the south. oh, but so it's a 1000 meals. i said the vin drops in the region, but it's important to remember that 1000000 policy is all seeking refuge in the area. as far as using the heart of it ended up in new rules and that it was is sufficient to feed everyone to stop the policy of air dropping humanitarian aid and preventing the delivery of aid through border crossings is in
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fact part of in the base of strategy that is not addressed, the core issue and resorts to theatrical and ineffective solutions. instead, some of the food bundles were dropped into the sea and did not reach the people. this is well humanitarian aid brought into gaza via trucks would reach a great proportion of the population and is not subject to damage. so they've always the regional communications office, sophie eunice, of at least i know if i spoke with us and he claims that in order to prevent additional silver starving to death, gaza urgently needs access for relief. the situation is this page. people in the guys took this but, and the bottom line here is 8. shouldn't be delivered safely to the people people should be protected as was getting day that's. that's the reality of the
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grounds right now in the new place in the states. now people are not safe to get the 8 that they needed, and this is really having a good that traffic impact on children and families. and i think that's what i should be focused now is understand i'll get some way to help those uh desperately in need. while any additional aid is really wilco. um, we do any, any air drops for them to distract us from the need and the necessary for a full access on the account. because that's the only way for uh, they've had to come and ask a of that as needed. and, and even then a is, is really a small i might not be sufficient. unfortunately the for this morning we, we received reports of over 10 children dying because of the migration i'm not
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interested in one a. i'm really afraid that this number is only part of the story and there are more in other hospitals, more in other areas in the step of course this uh, this issue is more present in the north where a i didn't make it through as much as the south i but however, threw out they've got this trip ages nothing now and we've been asking for, for that's 418 to $2.00 gigs and unconditionally and, and then unlimited minor and a safe matter work habits, tools and it needs to be respected by both parties. to, to the war until the conflicts and until now unfortunately, during the past 4 and a half months we've, we've seen a lot of respect for,
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for domestic human. and it's a low, we've seen a civilian as a stop to children and the places that they run for with used to being attacked and not being safe. and so they're not getting the protection that they are entitled to the off the hours of counseling ballot as the final result. so the rain in paula into an assembly of experts and actions are out . of course one is of july, the isn't wrong and has all the details, i suppose closed at 12 am local time on friday after a 6 hour extension. so totally view elections to 16 hours to wrap up. and now after hours of vote counting, the final results have been announced here at the interior ministry as was expect to be overwhelming. majority of the $290.00 seats. so they're all small events will
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be occupied by m. p. 's from the front of us comp. that's a political font that's classified as conservative politicians who stick to the traditional principles of these law make republic. they're known for their anti western approach. and essentially, they're opposed to reproach mon with the united states. that's a policy that's also shared by the government of abraham bracy, who is also a key figure from the principal has kept the incumbents line off of the problem. it is also dominated by principal, those that explains why the 2015 nuclear deal has been in limbo and talks with the european party. so the deal have faced a long time stalemate, so the new law makers will assume their seats later inmate. and from the released line off, we're not expecting a size make the change in debt, wants foreign policy, ties with the west. and the us in particular are expected to remain prostate. the arrival between the o. yea, and as long as the atomic energy organization over the countries nuclear program is
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most likely not going to subside. and if we review the activities of press upon us and these are, they were the ones who passed the bill that's required the countries atomic organization to scale back it's commitments to the nuclear deal and ramp up uranium enrichment in response to washington's unilateral withdrawal from the court, so there were forms to adopt a more moderate approach to relations with the west will be significantly out numbered by the principal has also strongly backed the resistance access and its actions against as well. and that you was emma, the ongoing is where the war and guys, it's also important to add that our 2 elections were held at the same time. the other one was the vote for the assembly affects the experts. a powerful body of 80 ac logins and religious experts who are in charge of choosing or dismissing give on supreme leader and also to oversee his performance. presidents. abraham bracy was already a member of this clerical body and was re elected to the assembly of experts. this
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time as well beyond the outcome of the elections voter turnout has always been a major issue in any election and have on the interior ministry for the overall turn out. at 41 percent, it's means out of $61000000.00 eligible voters with $21000000.00 took part and cast their ballots. this is the lowest participation rates and the history of these womic repub, like during the previous parliamentary elections, this number stood at 42 percent. so earlier there were speculations about a much lower turnout given the economic challenges, as long as facing mainly caused by western sanctions. that have led to soaring inflation rates and depreciating national currency, which were expected to dissuade many from turning out for the elections. but again, despite hitting a record low, the turn out was much higher than watts many had predicted
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i was a time man now why the nation's highest legislative body, the national b, will congress has become, is i know, meeting i provided roommate. because with the report on the government's progress or isn't going to china is gdp surpassed 126 trillion. you on an increase of 5.2 percent raging. china, among the fastest growing major economies in the world, china continues to gain greater international influence and appeal. the foundations for secure development were further consolidated. steady progress was made in diffusing major economic and financial risks as, as well as alive to see j t n. carlos, wondering in say, is out joining us in a very, thanks a lot for taking that time. so what are the, some of the key takeaways from the national the, was congress. can you bring this up to speed this? well this every year there was a national people's congress recapping the situation from the last year and making
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new plans for the new year. but certainly the europe 2024 the china has set the target of the new g. d. p growth is 5 percent around 5 percent and that is based on the current situation. chinese premier lee has delivered the work report at the great hall of the people behind me and then he said, i quote that the car and titus development information environment is facing strategic opportunities and challenges. he says that the favorable conditions is over waiting, unassailable one. so he's given an overall evaluation on during the work report and also in addition to that, there is a, a, the work report also address on china is foreign policy. uh, it says that to china will carry on his foreign policy of independent for him policy. and also being committed to the strategy of opening up for a mutual benefit. if i didn't, when he told me specifically about the international arena,
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was there anything specific in the details or was it quite a broad statement? i think is a even more like a prostate statement because business, the government report a, it's a great basically, he's emphasizing the on the foreign policy in general. but he also emphasized that to the current situation around the world. so this is the work report that really emphasized on the economic development when it comes to relationship with foreign countries. premier lee also mention about further carry on high quality opening up . so china is further opening it up. it's market in order to expand its connection to where the international world now. yes i, well i also mentioned that was a, a government a set the go for the g d p to be, it was about around 5 percent. uh, do we know what sentences will be the main drivers of the, for this progress?
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well this year has a very new term is called new quality, productive forces. so basically, china is encouraging new emerging industries. so what does he mean? it has split into 3 different sections in the work report, a government war report, it's a premier lease as that time is committed to upgrade the industrial chain. it says to foster emerging economy and also boosting digital economy. so i guess those are the major points. outcomes from the new quality productive forces. i n f i also, we know that we've heard the other amazes, going to be taking place for basing to perhaps i trucks, foreign investors. what do we know about that? right. as well as our investors. uh, basically it's a long term commitment from china and then also in the work report these being mentioned about further carry on the opening up and then i'll open wider to the
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international arena and also uh, basically this is the gathering for lawmakers, the deputies they represent uh the uh, the people, so of course there will be the, uh delegates will come from the investment sector as well as economic sector. and during the future, a few days of discussion, they will be more discussion on how to in china, further carry on and including more a foreign investor, ryan's us and a lot of course, here before i let you go, you'd say, what are some of the main challenges the premier, the state council outlined for 2024 or 2024. as i mentioned the, the beginning mention about the overall situation. we mentioned about challenges previously. also mentioned about as favorable conditions. but at the same time, the saying that china has an even larger market. so this is a big, a big country,
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a big state. and there is a, a huge opportunity for the country to a new or in order to find new, new growth, high quality development. so that's why he address a lot on the new policy, productive forces. so basically uh, also here at the to session the lawmakers will address it that the government report is just one of them. and there is many other reports including the work report of the nbc standing committee, the work report a see from people sports. and they will also do apps as well as plans for the country to choose further plans for his economic and social development as well as central and local budget. yeah. what are interesting data and very coincides gonna have to leave it that i'm thank you. so you can say is i will see dtn correspondent, thanks again for your time us the us supreme pool highs over and a low and do just to do this rerouting, which ain't for ben donald trump from the supposed to in primary elation. now let's
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take a look at how the form a present reacted to the good news. essentially, you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's the leading candidate, whether it was the leading candidate or a candidate that was well down on the totem pole. you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take the person out of the rest very quickly, but a court shouldn't be doing that in the supreme court. so that very well. and i really do believe that will be a unifying factor of the supreme court. somebody was indicted, mostly the old line justices over the locals decision. even 3 levels, due to the offense, the attempt to remove from from the balance was covers again, so by itself of a slew of all the charges against the former president. for the image this campaign, we spoke with folks who host sleep mode. well, he says the supreme court intervention is meant to send
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a message. i had all this is a tuesday fibers to see this court, which is so i the logically oppose the conservative of a portion with the liberal portion to see them rule 9 to nothing. it sends a clear message to america that, you know, there's a way to do this and the state, a state like colorado or any one of the 30 some odd states that have considered doing something similar to that it can be done by states. you can't take a federal candidate off of a ballad in the state, but the only people who have the authority do is set the court is the us congress. the us congress would need to enforce the portion of the constitution that the colorado state supreme court ruled was violated by donald trump, that he fell under for a for
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a leading and insurrection. now donald trump is never been charged with leading an insurrection, and they've charged him with just about everything else you can think of. but this nonetheless, the colorado state supreme court said yes, interaction off the valid that can not have. but then the timing of this was which was really amazing because the supreme court is not in session right now, but they made sure that they weighed in before tomorrow. super tuesday primaries. there are primaries in several states across america for the presidential race. and they wanted to send a message at donald trump hughes and will remain on the ballot. so africa now what the law of, of the u. s. is reaching out once again, as in bob ways the, the, i'm the other senior government officials who've had additional sanctions living here. some of allegations of elections abuses o m, a son managua,
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was really considered an old spot, according to international reserve, as the pony info sort of democratic standards, new us versus replace a router 2 decade old program is a south of the nation into american officials. the a is not to target was involved in people when i what is the 2nd consecutive national leaders are facing us citizens. we heard from was involved with international communications director, richard law home. but he says that funds to the measures taken by the government, the country has successfully bosses the effects of western restrictions. the beloved you have any other scenes about which is a cause suitable americans like 12 inches through a little position, but that's the want. so that's the, this, the gains so far independent, so the washing tone should not, in the, in the affairs of other nations and they should respect they both know windows does
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include as far as policy formulation is concerned, then the lender form problem is that particular uh, you know, benchmarking position the whole saw, oh, book to the consent of minds though it seems that we go to a land into a nearby giving take our legs on y'all's policies. no man's of the amount of sanctions they impose on us. not meant that the amount of restrictions they impose in or not. oh, willing to go see guys including our president, not zimbabwe holds the title, was the most sanctioned country in africa. now we understand the government had to ask washington not to impose the assumption that they would undermine the country. how do you expect this functions to effect zimbabwe as a country? so uh, this functions imperfect to the education sector, idea of effort that are out sick time. i think dent, dental roads, trends and the, the, the, the did, how can press drugs uh, they have affected manufactured. so for life do sunday including the they did the
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banking system, but uh, as in bob way is not folded its ends all, but is in the context of cold is, you know, god, us trophies that i created by the rest of the month way is i suddenly said, come back to mesa as an informal for the mining sector. we have seen that to just been a veteran resilience think that just actually be a complementary of uh, you know, a painting site doesn't feel like you're going on to ensure that, you know, people get to the, as somebody's in timed, ensure that the industry is alive and, and all these other things, so yes, wirelessly, as small as the sanctions of the mortgage in the states. but i should also flow to the government for these policies. visions that do been pro tough throughout the toners and sector to agree college through. we've been defining st the end, you mentioned investment for prospects because and bob,
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which has been focused on not missing alternative capital, be under the big ones it built on what's new institutions. so some of these uh, issues that have been put out for us by the government really. com is in the end to say comes in to measure as to, to do the sanctions. they've gotten this of the design the mission to well, but so for me, for today as it was, it's great to have a company like calling social skills. hannah will be with you, but some of the out. so i be due for that because the, the 15 states vote on super tuesday who was overwhelming with in iowa, new hampshire, nevada, south carolina and michigan. it donald trump now guaranteed to be the republican presidential non.


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