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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the, the, the be so rough between the german chancellor, i'm the nation's foreign minister, over delivering long waiting jobs to ukraine. it comes on the heels of russia and setting the bomb shot, or do you fall with specials, posted using buildings or friesland saws destroyed russian infrastructure for you. and especially on boy, on a piercing conflict says they're all reasonable ones to believe how much the committee of sexual violence during the 7th of october time is wrote. but admits that she calls the provide any evidence i did not meet with any survivors of sexual dot, as we looked at the sexual a lie that has pretty much, you know, vacuum and all she has to know. boy just call that session. george galloway,
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who's widely known for his empty establishment stance, is swooning to parliament, comcast we bring election victory. the british prime minister called the turn of events alone makes the very most good disability international. plenty of news and be used to bring you over the next 30 minutes. thank you. as always, for joining us. we'll russia is to strengthen its military and groupings. the it's north weston and weston borders. that's the message that's being delivered by the nation's defense minister, made nature's expansion and upcoming drills. me versus bull to, and the not sure where they can use the bank, drove of nato's military build up now rushes porters and the expansion of the lines through the session of finland. and in the long time, sweden, when taking steps,
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the strength and fruit groupings in the northwestern and weston strategic direction . and all the front lines in the ukraine in conflict to russia continues to advance . in the south troops of captured, the town of queencreek, giving them access to the neighbor river and in the next for public. the town of last to a funeral was secured off to the city of, of the africa came into russian control this past month. well, despite the german chances refusal to send you praying towards christmas. so i was saying it's a red line because bed deployment would require specialist from germany on the ground. not everyone in berlin shows his view with the nations foreign minister urging a coalition to quote, intensively consider taurus deliveries. we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine.
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from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear as well. the tourist massaro is a cruise and we saw that was jointly developed by germany and sweep now its praise for its long operational range. and also is employed by countries not just germany, but also spain in south korea. the missiles moorehead is designed to penetrate and destroy hauled and deeply buried. tockets, the european parliament to set the tourist system is among several that it needed fine. ukraine in a northern binding reservation, the calls on all member states to provide more weapons. we heard from michael maloof, who's a former pentagon senior security policy, unless he said that is the deliveries happen. it could lead to a repairable consequences if you allow these kinds of weapons into the hands of the premiums without supervision, without constraints. and it's really pretty hard,
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i think, to put limitations on cruise missiles like the then the moscow becomes the target a new white in the war. there's no doubt about it that that war would wide. here's the other consideration. i don't know what they are and game is, but this is not that it's already been stated. nato will not get involved with putting troops on the ground. and that would include those who would assist in in weapon systems. that, that said, if, if these countries individually enter into bilaterals to become countries of the, the willie and if you will, to, to assist ukraine on a bilateral basis. then they opened themselves up to, to attack. and she, article 5 under nato will not apply. where is this slippery slope going? that's the question. and what is there and, and game? and i think that they need, i think it's a desperation. i think it's
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a frustration on their part because they realize it's over. it was installed to the columns like to crane is receive more than a $170000000000.00 for miss west and patrons. oxy. contribute to rachel moss and raises the question of whether any a month will ever be enough for precedence to landscape. a straight up begging for weapons hasn't really produce the desired results. so now someone's case switching up and it be lation tactics telling the west or you just goes down there and take it like some kind of woods from russian and iranian drones. or are you going to fight like a real man, because the landscape says that he's just tired of waiting around to get all the weapons he needs for victory. implying this the wes fault that rushes winning, all that's needed is just a few more weapons. even though. 2 so in that least intercepted audio of senior german move twice officers talking about sending long range tours missiles to ukraine. and also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets
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the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge in the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do it. they had to admit that this so called game changer. the taurus would actually be any kind of magic bullet for ukraine at this point. kind of makes you wonder why ukraine didn't have every thing that it needed from the west before it's counter offensive. oh wait, overall through the contact group led by did not. did states need to analyze on partners have provided unprecedented support to ukraine? more than 98 percent of the come, but the vehicles promise to ukraine have all of the being delivered. they've got it . armor, artillery, air defense immunization, including just the reason package, not to mention the training we've done for multiple brigade, so if you creating it on forces outside the country. so it's not just the stuff.
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it's the know how, how to, how to use that stuff in the field for what we call combined arms maneuver, which is what they believe they're going to need operating in open terrain, integrating mechanized infantry and artillery and air defense all in the, in the field. so we've done everything we can, i think the grant as of right off of paired as you know very well the united states and other like countries in europe and a really around the world and providing training and immunization and advice. so if kids had all the western weapons needed for victory, then why does the wind ski make it sound like his sugar daddies are just a bunch of dead beads who never paid child support to the perpetually winey dependents? well, russian president vladimir putin did say right from the outset, that one of the main objectives of russia's military operation and ukraine, along with the notification was the militarization guess he wasn't kidding. it turns out that ukraine was about, as quote, well prepared to handle those weapons and preserved their existence on the battlefield. as a cheesecake factory would be to preserve its desert supply. what
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a fat kid walks in, looking to straight up, demolish it. western officials are now saying that, hey, they may have been a little over confident maybe the technical term i believe is getting high on one's on supply. apparently the ghost of t of and the heroes of snake island just couldn't translate their victory on social media over to the battlefield. all of this is a real let down for the very grounded and novel delusional nato brass. if we give the ukrainians the ammunition and training they need the when we have to be careful not to be overly pessimistic in 2024. the sheer fact that ukraine is still a sovereign state and that the ukrainians have taken back 50 percent of what the russians took in 20. 22 is remarkable. russia has learned a lot of lessons and it's also producing more ammunition and equipment than we collectively can provide. we need to be as innovative and flexible as ukrainians on the ground and start looking for equipment everywhere. so what's next?
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nato just moving into your brain to produce weapons for them. well, that's actually what zalinski has started asking for more recently. fine, you don't want to give the weapons, then just give me more money to make them myself. actually, germany's ride metal and britain's be systems are already making weapons in ukraine . talk about a license to print money, having russia blow them up as they rule right off the assembly line and german weapons production and ukraine has the added bonus of not having cut itself off from cheap russian gas to stick it to put in using russian gas to make weapons in ukraine to fight russia. sounds about right. anyway, some western officials are fed up with the whole charade. we believe we shouldn't give military support to ukraine while we are unable to defend our own country. the position of my government is that the immediate cessation of military operations is the best solution we have for ukraine. the european union should transform itself
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from an um, supply a to a piece makeup. we are no longer transferring any weapons to ukraine, because we will now arming ourselves with the most modern weapons. the europeans made $33.00 of the $50000000000.00 they transferred to ukraine as alone. let's make it alone. i spoke with trump this week about turning aide to ukraine into alone. i think people are going to be sitting in a recession and they're not going to write a blank check to ukraine. they just won't do it. it's not a free blank check. it was senator lindsey graham seriously things that key of is going to be repaying loans. what he actually means is that the western military industrial complex is not going to be out of pocket for you. pray. just ask this, you commissioner, underscoring that all that european artillery that zalinski thought was donated isn't actually free. where did most certainly don't. yeah, 3 ality is that in march, the 2070 u member states decided to deliver 1000000 shells to ukraine in one year. i said,
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deliver not transfer. no. so can't ukraine make weapons of its own? well, that's not really the question. nobody seems too interested in that answer either, but rather with the west. even let you pray, make weapons without stuffing its own pockets. first and foremost from the opportunity, sounds like shev is about to discover that the big downside of being so dependent on someone is the ultimately, they call the shots. so keeping the ran away from the battlefield. presidents lensky is facing companies, home friends that self the keeps man, full of books and champions, baton eclipse, coast slammed his decision to suck you queens of popular armed forces had as quote, a big mistake well developed. moving to that story, and many of us do head over to a website on the united nation special
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boy, you own a basing conflict has accused thomas of committing sexual violence during the 7th of october tax and is well saying they'll quote, reasonable grounds to believe that it happened, she made the statement while presenting report to the un. we also found the reasonable browse to believe that conflict related sexual violence, including rape and gang rape. all could during the 7th of october attacks in at least 3 locations. and in most of these incidents, victim woofers subjected to rate and then killed. and at least 2 incidents relate to the rate of women's pulses to. however, when quits by journalists about these claims of thomas carrying out the campaign of rape, as she had to admit that she will soon fall on able to provide any evidence. have you met the survivors or victims? and uh, you said that the, some of the bodies were shot and,
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or maybe was subject to as sexual violence. and then they were killed after that. have you seen these bodies yourself? i did not meet with any survivors of sexual. a lot of this, of the 7th of october with that's the oh, it's after much we try. we tried, but we received information that a friend full of survivors were receiving very specialized for my treatment. and what to, to where my goal is to, to speak. the objective of this visit was to gather analysis and analyze verify allegations. and yet it's not an investigative nature. then what is the nature of this? if these are not investigations, we looked at sexual light, is pretty much, you know, vacuum the way any investigation would collect and analyze evidence of such
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violations. and crimes perpetrated. we collected information which is which is completely a different class. so we, we did not record or preserve information documentation and every dentist, including interviews with this testimony in forensic material we, we did not identify those responsible with a view to ensuring that the perpetrators of violations are held accountable as well . the grazer and media are like carried out to sort of an investigation into the home us, right? planes, ultimately it from no evidence to support them. it's editor in chief is max blumenthal and he says the you a little boy is just recycling is really propaganda. i've listened to his these a trip that has no investigative mandate in which she was not collecting any evidence. by one point she said she's not even collecting information. so what was she doing there? yeah, she was there to simply validate them on so many of the claims by israel that have
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already been discredited the bunk was to and blown out of the water by independent outlets like ours at the grace own. and by is really media itself as to what formula patton asked proceeded to do this in her press conference under enormous. so what are you fresher and intensive questioning from members of the media? so didn't was to dissemble myrick and basically acknowledge that there was no clear and convincing evidence of any systematic sexual assault on october 7th. and that in fact, she had not even been able to been able to meet with a single victim reading 1st, which is real, hasn't produced a single victim. and that her entire trip was guided in her own words and best buy is rarely institutions. so this is not a credible finding, but from prefer israel's propaganda purposes. patton, achieve or goal. details of this report do not verify the as rarely propaganda. that's featured in the headlines in western media about familiar
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patton's presentation. and once again, she said this is not an investigation. she was not collecting evidence. she's produced nothing new here. they're just recycling propaganda. that's already been seen in western media. and what we need is a real independent un investigation. i was under pressure by as rarely civil society and what she means that she was under pressure by cut outs of the israeli government and is really intelligence the u. n. was under pressure. and that the israel lobby may have been incentivizing her trip. i mean that's, that's something we can take away from that kind of statement. so this is a politicized theatrical visit to israel in order to deflect the kind of pressure that, that organization is getting. while israel has refused to cooperate with the actual un investigative body that could deliver a thorough independent investigation into sexual violence on october 7th,
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on the grounds that the experts who comprise that body are anti semitic. so it was actually refusing to cooperate with the real investigation for miller patrick, who has previously been caught delivering unsubstantiated claims. she's accused russian military service, one of raping you quite a while using via gra. now all the time russian products does both vernon lexus expose the u. n. especially. oh boy, they discovered that the information that was present. ready to her was from officials in t f and she did not participate actual in any investigation that information was invited to me. the presence of the deputy prime minister testified me, she now and, and, and the deputy minister of foreign affairs. so good. you did not make any investigation about why yarbrough something, but it's not my, it's not my job to make. it hasn't been a do not have a monday. i think in new york and an office in new york,
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my role is not to investigate the investigation is going on by the human rights, money div and the international commission of inquiry in their report sofa. there is nothing about about the bible. the new york times when the headline saying the premier le packed it had gathered evidence on sexual assault by homeless. and shortly after they had to make a pretty quick edit saying that her information came directly from the israeli authorities. and now the headline has changed. it's now a little bit more vague reading grounds to support reports of sexual violence whether you and special representative also spoke about the mistreatment of policy opinions, which amongst other things included, sexual assaults now was in ramallah for one day. and we were able to meet, we full, uh, recently with these detainees. i did not receive a,
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but i didn't go to to gather information again. i mean, i, i stressed that i did not go to, but i met we've, we've them, and i got a very disturbing information from, from them with information about cruel in human and degrading treatment of by the students man and women in detention also under the admin administrative detention, including sexual violence and the forms of invasion. you've body searches, sweats of rape and prolonged force community. i don't have to go to occupied palestinian territory to collect data information because i received un verified information. it does demonstrate a lack of interest in the plight of palestinian women. and what we're, what we're looking at in the gaza strip is not just the abuse of palestinian women who have actually been abducted by israeli soldiers and subjected to abuse. including at the bare minimum threats of sexual violence. we've even documented
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this with our local partners at the great zone. through interviews with women who've been abducted by israeli soldiers off the streets. we're talking about the industrial slaughter of palestinian women. this is $400.00 cost indians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. so she's not really interested in the obvious, easily documented, live stream of abuse of palestinian women. well, in london, british politician, ears payments, but his aunty establishment views. this is, george galloway has been sworn in to paul and that's off the he swept election victory on friday is platform top line. the crisis in goal is bringing the message out to vote for him as the m p for wrote style. now in an exclusive and to be to all seem as the galloway i spoke to us about the public's growing discontent with the rulers in government. that they are that all over the country. people
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don't agree with me on the basic thinking this was all right. my apologies to walk us pond you, brenda, or as an independent that they will come forward now and college to stand and a judge when i do want to stress to your audience that i didn't just when i went to a lot of the slides and the man who came 2nd, wasn't independent. the no one in the country i had ever had the before. i'm between the independent checking place candidate and me. we got 2 thirds of the volts, which means that the government and the opposition. and by the other 5 days shift want to start all the votes. so this is pretty remarkable result. well, galloway gained any 40 percent of the protein what he described as that land slide when he didn't hold back during the campaign, slamming leaders of both labor and the conservative policies in the u. k. an
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accusing them of backing is rarely goes a galloway's visa, no new, he's once described form a u. k prime minister. tony blair as being a mass murdering will criminal that was for buttons rolling bombing a rock. he also tended on to move purchased with syria and went against london's official policy by stating that russia is winning in ukraine with george galloway was also a host of his own popular show on asi downing street was quick to cool galloway's victory as be owned, alarming now democracy itself is a target council meetings and local events have been storm and piece do not feel safe. and the hugs, longstanding, parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns and is beyond alarming the last night,
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the rush style ball election returned the candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on october the 7th, to glorify it has the law. i don't know what that means, but as for most, my pause israel's occupation of lebanon, and i respect the rightful people in the occupied territory to resist occupying the community election. me or issue. so now i've got the democratic monday. yeah. not really. so not he didn't even come 2nd. don't be like telling me about the prime minister as if he was moses. you don't respect the congress, do i respect the prime minister? i despise the prime minister. and guess the millions and millions and millions of people in this country. well, however, his election victory seems to be a point of contention for a number of purchasing ministers. selma considering to fund the political activity
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of officials saying that they are cooperating with pro palestinian active based groups. now one of them is the palestine solidarity campaign that is cool, the policy and refugees that were detained by the id s to be released. his victory comes as a leader of a who see who has been. yeah, been said, the british appointment is the full responsibility for a recently hit call go ship in the red feed tagging georgia galloway's name. choose the post, as we say, just do not q and you'll government bear responsibility for the ship. the m v ruby mob and the responsibility of supporting the genocide and stage of the goals. will you have a chance to salvage the end? the ruby ma, by sending a letter of guarantee, signed by george galloway saying relieve trucks will end to go. is that at an agreed time? it is not possible. they appears to protect international shipping in the roads.
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see from the z every day attacks. but given the, the m and the only demand is that a, the trucks being allowed into gaza, work during the winter bushy, are we all that down there? why can't we make sure that the women and children in golf have something to get? what's wrong with that and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that? well, let's get more on the story now and crossed over and international editor of the morning. star news that left it's watch and mackenzie who's joining us life from oxford wrote you thank you very much for joining us. first of all, i just would like to get your thoughts on george galloway's shoes, landslide victory and roach, dale. and will you sing his re entry into parliament will shake future discussions in the house of commons? it was fantastic at that side to george. well, i'm
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a congratulations to him so that it's a huge victory. but it was a huge victory, that the people of gauze of the palestinians in garza and george made that really clear that he's not just being elected by the muslims within rock style, which is have it's been to try it. but actually it was at the vast majority of the people within rock style. i think something like 80 percent more than 90 percent of the population. when not muslims were not asian. what people who astounded know, so the palestinians and they got the message. read it clear. how does that and the plat, components, well and play georgia has a long, long record of standing up to the politicians, but also a long record is a previous member paul events of saying, well, somebody's mind saying what's on the mind that the people, the standing up for the people and not full and then this nonsense kind of stuff
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that, you know, kind of parliamentary and protocols and so on. and people stand up able site playing people side, claire. and he will stand up for the palestinians and he'll stand up for what's right. you're right, that i think 13 percent of the population in roxanne is mostly making 70 percent know most of them in not but i want to make so based on t. welcome math. that was will that for george galloway in london, not only was the british prime minister declaring him as a threat to democracy, but they struggled to get to m p's to introduce him back to the house, which is president. it's yeah, it's, it's dishonest. nonsense franklin a from the stablish ment, potters within uh, within palm and that again, that gang up against george galloway in the same. why did they gang up the gains? jeremy colbin and they've done it up against any m. p. 's whose dad to stand
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against the line, that's either great. what we have in britain at the monuments is essentially a one party system. we have 2 names to the pots, the 2 wings to the policy, but essentially a one party system where the same line is trust to the same support to the genocide that's taking place in gaza. is that, you know, on your, on your trial it to, there's the thoughts about the they seem to be like human governments and the way that they've been making sure that there's, this is from some sense in terms of who gets through and the read, say, should i try, it's only the united states and the u. k. and that leave a single member. however, the last the connection, it remains of attention advancing to the company again. yeah, we do,
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we have you back. please go here. okay, i was just trying to say if the us and britain put the same amount of attention into protecting the people of palestine night to show that he mounted savvy and i got in as they do to protecting trade. that's where the red se, then people i think would have a little bit more respect for them, but people will not have respect to them because they've seen that double standards . the mask has slipped investors, nope, to slit as they ripped off by the way that they behave black also. so, you know, on, on the lights it's, it's, um we're in the situation that way we can, i guess the truth is told with empowerment overall to mackenzie. thank you very much for joining us on field store. so i'm not re election of george galloway's and m p for roach telling the u. k. also an international editor of the morning star who joined us by life from ox. that's well, that's
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a from us with a sour thank you as ever for joining us here. we need to all to international, would be back with more news and fees in around 30 minutes. the the, in previous to us of duty, i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war. soldiers were pieces and it's often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what the soldiers are like, what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down. yeah. they have a.


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