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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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to look some common ground. the dispute between the german chancellor and the nations foreign minnes spelled with delivering long range arms to ukraine. it comes with the heels of russia, intercepting the forms. oh, do you follow officials reported using berlin's tours. first. we saw to strike russian infrastructure for you and especially ongoing abuse in conflict says the reasonable grounds to believe how much committed sexual violence during the 7th of october tax in each room. but it meant so she called to get, provide any evidence. i did not meet with any survivors of sexual violence. we looked up sexual light and pretty much, you know, vacuum coordinates about is that drugs be allowed
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into golf work, drug leaders, or she or we why can't we make sure that the women and children in jobs are i've some of the hosting the wizard, george galloway who's y d n. c. establishment stones is holding to parliament offset a sweeping election victory. the purchase appointment was to cool the turn of events, alarming galloway quotes for us based on income. the spaces in these, our 13 minutes of news and views here and all of the international coming to life for most teachers in most go, thank you for changing what we're going to start. a new russia because it's due to strengths and it's military grouping's, near it's rules, weston and weston borders. that's the message that is being delivered by the
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nation's defense minister and made nature's expansion and upcoming drills near russia's buddha. the show in there where they can use the bank, drove of nato's military build up now rushes porters and the expansion of the lines through the session of finland. and in the long term, sweden, when taking steps, the strength and fruit groupings in the northwestern and west in strategic direction. and on the front lines in ukrainian conflict, russia continues to advance in the south troops of captured, the time of queen key, gaining full control of the last spine, complete enough for river in the area, and into doing that square public, the time of loss torch, can now was secured off to the city of the good came and russian control list post month. well, despite the drum, until those refusal to sudden declaring tourist christmas off saying it's a red line because that deployment will require the bundeswehr specialist on the grand note. everyone in building it shows his view with the nation's foreign
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minister urging a coalition to quote, intensively considered a tourist deliveries. we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear for the tourist miss sila is a cruise and we saw that was during the developed by germany and sweden. it's being praised, but it's a long operational range and was employed by countries, not just germany, but also spain in south korea. the missiles will head is designed to penetrate and destroy hard and deeply buried. at target's, european public said the tour system is among several that are needed by ukraine and a known binding resolution, the cause of all the nations to provide more weapons. we've heard from michael
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maloof, who is a former pentagon senior security policy analyst. he said that if the deliveries happen, it could lead to irreparable consequences if you allow these kinds of weapons into the hands of the gradients without supervision without constraints. and it's really pretty hard, i think, to put limitations on cruise missiles like the then the moscow becomes the target a new white in the war. there's no doubt about it that that war would wind. here's the other consideration. i don't know what they are and game is, but this is not that it's already been stated. nato will not get involved with putting troops on the ground. and that would include those who would assist in in weapon systems that, that said of if, if these countries individually enter into bilaterals to become countries of the, the willie. and if you will, to, to assist ukraine on
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a bilateral basis when they open themselves up to, to attack. and she, article 5 under nato will not apply. where is this slippery slope going? that's the question. and what is there an em game? and i think that they need, i think it's a desperation. i think it's a frustration on their part because they realize it's over with deep in the ria and away from the battle fields present. so lensky is facing flak on the home front too . that's come off the cubes, met the pool, the boxing champion vitale, keeps go slammed his decisions and stock ukraine's popular armed forces head as quote, being a big mistake. well, self move into that story and much, much will do how do but to our website to all the united nations special on boy, on a b as in conflict, has the keys,
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thomas of committing sexual violence during the sessions of october, attacks in israel saying the quote, reasonable grounds to believe that it happened. she made the statement while presenting a report to the un. and we also found that they are reasonable browse to believe that conflict related sexual violence including rape and gang raped all could during the 7th of october attacks in at least 3 locations. and in most of these incidents victim were 1st subjected to rate and then killed. and at least 2 incidents relate to the rate of women's courses. however, when quizzed by doing this to buy these claims upon us carrying as a campaign of rape, she had to admit that she was so far unable to provide any evidence for that. have you met to survivors or victims? and uh, you said that the, some of the bodies were shot and,
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or maybe was subject to as sexual violence. and then they were killed after that. have you seen these bodies yourself? i did not meet with any survivors of sexual a lot is of the 7th of october attacks the o. it's after much we twice. we tried, but we received information that a handful of survivors were receiving very specialized for my treatment. and what to, to my goal is to, to speak. the objective of this visit was to gather analysis and analyze verify allegations. and yet it's not an investigative nature. then what is the nature of this? it is, these are not investigations we looked at sexual light, is pretty much in a vacuum. the way any investigation would collect and analyze evidence of such
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violations and crimes perpetrated. we've collected information which is, which is completely a different special we, we did not record or preserve information documentation and evidence, including interviews with this testimony and forensic material. we, we did not identify those responsible with a view to and showing that perpetrators a violations are held accountable degrees. every media outlet carried as its own investigation into the homeless white plains. but it ultimately said that it found no evidence to support them. it said that during cheapest max blumenthal and he says the un owned boy is just recycling. is there any propaganda? have listened to his these a trip that has no investigative mandates in which she was not collecting any evidence. by one point she said, she's not even collecting information. so what was she doing there? yeah, she was there to simply validate the demand. so many of the claims by israel that
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have already been discredited, the bunk was due and blown out of the water by independent outlets like ours at the grey's own, and by is really media itself. and what primula patton asked proceeded to do in her press conference under enormous. so what are you fresher and intensive questioning from members of the media? so didn't do was to dissemble smires and basically acknowledge that there was no clear and convincing evidence of any systematic sexual assault on october 7th. and that in fact, she had not even been able to been able to meet with a single victim reading 1st, which is real, hasn't produced a single victim and, and that her entire trip was guided then in her own words and despise railey institution. so this is not a credible finding, but from prefer israel's propaganda purposes. patton, achieve or goal. details of this report do not verify the as rarely propaganda. that's featured in the headlines in western media about familiar
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patton's presentation. and once again, she said this is not an investigation. she was not collecting evidence. she's produced nothing new here. they're just recycling propaganda. that's already been seen in western media. and what we need is a real independent un investigation. i was under pressure by as rarely civil society and what she means that she was under pressure by cut outs of the is really government and is really intelligence the u. n. was under pressure and that the israel lobby may have been incentivizing her trip. i mean that's, that's something we can take away from that kind of statement. so this is a politicized theatrical visit to israel in order to deflect the kind of pressure that, that organization is getting. while israel has refused to cooperate with the actual un investigative body that could deliver a thorough independent investigation into sexual violence on october 7th,
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on the grounds that the experts who comprise that body are anti semitic. so it was actually refusing to cooperate with the real investigation. what were you? and special representative also spoke about the mistreatment of palestinians, which amongst other things included, sexual assaults. now was either on my left for one day and we were able to meet we full recently with these detainees. i did not receive a, but i didn't go to to gather information. again, i made i, i stressed that i did not go to, but i met we've, we've them, and i got a very disturbing information from, from them with information about cruel in human and degrading treatment of by the students man and women in detention also under the admin administrative detention, including sexual violence and the forms of invasion. you've body searches,
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sweats of rape and prolonged force community. i don't have to go to occupied policy and territory to collect data information because i received un verified information. it does demonstrate a lack of interest in the plight of palestinian women. and what we're, what we're looking at in the gaza strip is not just the abuse of palestinian women who have actually been abducted by israeli soldiers and subjected to abuse. including at the bare minimum threats of sexual violence. we've even documented this with our local partners at the great zone. through interviews with women who've been abducted by israeli soldiers off the streets. we're talking about the industrial slaughter of palestinian women. this is 400000 indians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. so she's not really interested in the obvious, easily documented live stream of abuse of palestinian women most had to the u. k.
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now in london, in particular, because the british politician famous for his anti establishment fees to, to galloway, has been sworn in to parliament off that his sweeping election victory own friday. his platform, top line, the crisis in garza bringing the message out to vote for him as the m p for wrote stay in an exclusive interview to all team. mister galloway spoke about the public's growing discontentment with the rulers in u. k. government. and they fear that all over the country. people don't agree with me on the basic thinking, this was all right. my fault in the work of paul to brenda r as in independence, that they will come forward now and college to stand. and a judge when i do want to stress the audience that i didn't just when i went to a lot of slides. and the man who came 2nd wasn't independent. that no one in the country i had ever had the before. i'm between the independent,
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sacred plays candidate and me. we got 2 thirds of the volts, which means that the government and the opposition drive and by the other parties share wants to start all the votes. so this is pretty remarkable result. well, galloway game, nearly 40 percent of the vote in his land slide when he didn't hold back during the campaign, slamming leaders of both the u. k. labor and conservative policies and accusing them of backing israel and going into galloway's views on the new he once described former u. k. prime minister, tony blair as being a mass murdering rule criminal that was for persons role in wyoming, iraq. he's also attended on team will protests for syria on went against london's official policy by stating that russia is winning in ukraine. george galloway was also once the host of his own popular show here on oxy dining street was quick to
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cool galloway's victory beyond alarming. now while democracy itself is a target council, meetings and local events have been storm and piece, do not feel safe. and the hugs longstanding, parliamentary conventions have been up ended because of safety concerns and is beyond alarming the last night, the rush style ball election returned to candidates who dismisses the horror of what happened on october. the 7th, who glorifies has belong. i don't know about meetings, but as for my own pause, israel's occupation of lebanon, and i respect the rights of people in the occupied territory to resist are occupied, the community election, me our issue. so now i've got the democratic monday here. not really. so not you
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didn't even come 2nd. don't be like telling me about the prime minister as if he was moses. you don't respect the congress, do i respect the prime minister? i despise the prime minister. and guess the millions and millions and millions of people in this country. it's, however, his election victory seems to be a point of contention for a number of 1st fish ministers summer considering the bond uh to find the political activity of officials, which they said cooperating with pro palestinian activate square. it's one of those groups is the palestine is solid, there are 2 contain that's cool for, for allison, you refugees, that was attained by the idea to be released. his victory comes as the leader of the who seekers in yemen says the british prime minister, full responsibility for recent they hit call go shift in the red sea tagging georgia galloway's name to that post. we say just sooner you and your government
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bear responsibility for the ship, the m v ruby mob and the responsibility of supporting the genocide and say you should the goals will you have a chance to salvage the and the ruby ma by sending a letter of guarantee signed by george galloway saying relief trucks will end to goes at an agreed time. it is not possible they appears to protect international shipping in the roads. see from the z every day attacks. but given the human is only demand, is that a drops being allowed into gaza wardrobe. wait or bushy are we all. c down there, why can't we make sure that the women and children in golf have something to get? what's wrong with that, and what's wrong with a government there will refuse that. meanwhile, the purchased prime minister, who has engine routes originally,
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so knock has stopped fury on line of to rejecting planes and u. k has been on the wrong side of history, have a blessed a. they want us to downtown ourselves, to down to each other, to doubt our country's history and achievements. they won't allow us to accept a moral equivalence between britain and some of the most despicable regimes in the world. they want us to believe that our country and the west more generally, is solely responsible for the world's els. and that we, along with the allies all the problems and show they want to destroy our confidence and hope. we must not allow that to happen. when these groups claim the britain is and has been on the wrong side of history, we should reject it and reject it again. i do not agree with the resist tune up the street for the fall. as an indian, we are in a victim of the for over $300.00 the ups. so uh that the whole thing on the like
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side will be taking over the phone. right, to send me an issue and envisioning and some other properties. he's not being on the right side of it that are been, my name's guns, is the wrong one policy. you don't even know the you the that the some in the newton please and the address on the new grid laws and the so for the proxy, well, i can go on the list is endless. that'd be goodness, not always been on the right side of people. do really all the plus really the new by new and exploring to the new windows in the most society. you look at these to many countries, whatever to do it. and there hasn't been the same problem and i didn't get it
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written into a clear did a in the window the, which is you or uh, now you don't with the students. so it is also the best to don't be just going to really and that is being reflected now in india and got a lot of let them is zalinski is not just a venting his spleen. it is weston back. as for the lack of support, he's also taking the swipe furbished farmers for booking ukrainian trucks from entering the you could, we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board. i don't mind just going beyond both economics and morality alone go. it is simply impossible to explain how the hardships that they believed in country can be used in domestic political strawberries. or this comes, this polish farmers have blocked all 6 word crossings between poland and ukraine.
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that's according to the ukraine. and buddha security protest isn't demanding brussels councils regulations that allow ukraine inputs into the block to bypass the tariffs farm is in all the european states that include belgium, fonts, and spain have also joined the protest, accusing here of closing a price crash on you. markets senior research fellow at the global policy institute george sam really says brussels has turned a blind eye to the suffering of farmers in the book. the use good itself into this, a terrible mess. we need to essentially lifted the, the barriers that are supposed to protect your, of small lives. they did it last year on the grounds, a little you pray, come to export. it's green through the black sea. but since then this is changed benefit. your brain is now able to get is great now through the black sea,
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at the time when you're a small, is already hosted securely with a, an energy prices soaring and with the tax was being raised against them. and so is a why exactly are we being hit like this? because the whole point of the use will become an agricultural policy, was that it protects your ups. farm is. these are small pharmacies, a family funds move in, you know, it'd be passed on from generation to generation. they have very tight margins. so suddenly they did the prices of green collapse, then they could, you could just simply go out of business. so think of this very upset and said, well this is a major your of why phenomena. in slovakia, the country's prime minister has lost so to the u. k. basset, to the soft of the zipper. lot criticize the slow about government for not supporting west position regarding ukraine, nor towing the e u and they to men but narrative. i was also shocked by the way,
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the british ambassador to the slovak republic nigel baker spoke about the policy of the slow back government. imagine if our ambassador were to speak in london about the british government's policy and the british prime minister. i am amazed at the ambassador is surprised by my comments that the west does not support peace in ukraine. perhaps it would be better if he explained to the citizens of the u. k. the role played by former british prime minister boris johnson, shortly after the start of the war and ukraine. the influence of the ukrainian political leadership, not to sign the peace treaty with russia, which guaranteed ukraine and he, you perspective and military neutrality. well the you can master the stages, the western countries world peace in ukraine, but claims slovakia is opposing it. it follows prime minister robot feet says comments that sort of i kid does not want to send it. so just to the ukranian battlefield. he also said that 2 years ago
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a piece deal between cab most go could have been reached. but leading western states and the mind that foreign policy analyst smelting, do risk believes the waning us financial support view quite lies behind the southern pressure that the u. k. is pushing on european countries, such as the fact you a government. dyslexia has full rights to, to react on this declaration and says, okay, this is your opinion. we accept that. but the, we have different opinions in this, in this, in this topic. i fear so in this, so the corporation of the british empire say they're like some kind of pressure on the government, the central europe, these way in, in slack. yeah. and the main reason what i see behind is, is ability of the united states congress to, to provide or sense and under billions and billions to ukraine, to,
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to me through the landscape. so they force to, through european states for tested in the they, they will provide the money better weapons and so on. i see the lights on my kind of salts father games for like a like a victim advocates. while the world g express really is continuing in the south in russia, it's being held on the black sea coast and it's bringing together tens of thousands of young people full around the globe. push that to share the views on back home and future throughout the past. week we're bringing you all special coverage of the event the well at the festival we had a ton stay from the price, isn't of the stop the will a midland committee. they told us that i me see. he shared his views on the russian ukraine in conflict, done the prospective cooperation between russia and actually,
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or those are interested in visiting russia during these kinds of trouble. because it was demonstrates, the country was not isolated from the war. that's the west is raising against this proxy was in the ukraine, then states that the russian people, our allies, our friends and our open, the found are with open hands, welcoming everybody from the worlds. i was very surprised at the opening ceremony when i sold 20000 people for more than a 180 countries lift their arms, holding them together, praying for unity, for traditional values against eagle on it. it gave me to use my eyes. so on counsel the city of getting the most gets on on was invited to become president for the city of milan, of the national organization coming from the woods translate that means organization for stopping the war. we already use the shipments of weapons to ukraine. we are a per russian organization that wants to obtain this because our constitution is against, well as what it's worth, it is participation in words against funding. so
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a demonstration of the common people obviously are against the policies of our governments, which are doing their job against our interests. so i got very much press the notes from the government directly, both from calling people from university institutions. i was, for instance, i was fucking of a life getting killed. i was threatened to not to get any jobs anymore and for my life. so it demonstrates with us uh, there is a very strong informational going base, even simple civilians. i have invested in my life and i willing most of my life into the creation of a multi polar order in the world so that we may live in peace. so that's a so we may be freed from the americans and germany from the beach states military industrial complex, an irish of italy and a resume once again cooperates for that. so we have food this out would be back in 30 minutes with the freshman. these are for you to have that you can join the
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the the hi everybody, i broke sanchez. you know, i've been doing news now for some 30 years to languages all over the world. here in the united states. i've interviewed for president, worked, and 4 of the united states is a major television networks. and i say that because i'm not crazy about what they do, you know why i think new should be honest, direct and impactful. this is direct impact.
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the okay, here we go. these are the stories that we're going to bring you because you're not going to see them on us newscast. i'm going to tell you that whether our government wants to admit it or not guys, the tax are escalating. yes they are. they are escalating outside of israel. i'm gonna show you something right here. see that? that's a us, that's a, that's a ship, that's thinking it's a freighter. it was attacked off the coast of yemen and we're going to be talking about that also, why is vice president common law harris suddenly asserting herself in the war on the gaza. ask yourself, what's really a play here. and then the woman who may be calm, love harris's republican counterpart, has finally notched a win against former president trump. and she uses the wind to assert her womanhood
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. but the most important part of that story that you won't hear about of the u. s. mainstream media is a german military officials have been caught red handed planning on attack on russia. okay. remember when the bridge into crimea was blown up? it's the one that goes over. you see it there. it's the one that goes over the curse straight, which is part of the black seat connect russia with crimea. there is now a linked conversation with german military officials where they sound, well they sound guilty as all get out in planning the attack on the bridge. and this is a big deal. all right, let's get started. finally knocking here 1st 2024, when with a victory in washington dc, nikki haley continues cruise crossing the country, hoping to spark a bit.


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