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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EST

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jones, this remains an onset so many years. watch on archie. the pizza rep between the german jones, the nations foreign minister, if it's a living room range on the crane, it comes on the heels of russia intersecting the forms. oh, do file well officials voltage using force proves we solve dislike russian infrastructure 3, when special on the, on a b using conflict says a reasonable crimes to believe how much committed sexual violence during the 7th of october time as well. but admit, she called yet provide any evidence. i do not need. we've any survivors of sexual violence. we looked at sexual violence pretty much in a vacuum. is that drugs being allowed
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to do what can we make sure that the women and children in dogs i'll have something done now if we're just pull the system to it's galloway who's y d number, who's on here. stablish, who installed his phone and the parliament officer sweeping the election victory. the board, this prime minister, cool, the turn of events. a law link is galloway calls for sci fi, and saw that the quickest on 7 pm in most go. this is the news, our own all the into national as always a pleasure to have you company but russia is to strengthen its military grouping's, me. it's north weston, and weston borders. that's the message delivered by the nations defense minister. i mean, nature's expansion on the upcoming drills me
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a rushes border. the show in there where the guy is the backdrop of nato's military build up. now, russia's port is on the expansion of the lines through the session of finland. and in the long time, sweden, we've taken steps to strengthen for groupings in the northwest and, and weston strategic direction. and on the front lines in the ukraine and conflict, russia is continuing to advance in the suit in the south troops of cap should the town of green t a gaining full control of the last spine conflict in april river, in the area of the dentist school public the town of las tow skin nica was secured off to the city of, of the of co came under russian control this past month. well, despite the job and taxes refusal to send taurus, ukraine, taurus cruise, myself, saying that it's a red line because a deployment would require bundis. we have specialist on the ground. not everyone in bel inch as his view with the nation's foreign minister urging
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a co relation to quote, intensively considered a tourist deliveries. we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear. the tourist massaro is a cruise and massage warranty, developed by germany and sweden. it's been price for some long operational range ends employed by a number of countries, not just germany, but also spain and south korea. the missiles will head is designed to penetrate and destroy hot and deep buried targets. european parliament has said that the tourist system is monk samples that are needed by ukraine in a non binding resolution that cools on all member nations to provide more weapons as well. all of this comes against the backdrop of germany's plot to use these
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against targets inside russian territory. active based on the german 3 sacks and the policy funds, legal action against the ministry. stuff that were caught red handed and not intercepted conversation at the little c to the case of trying to carry out an act of aggression. but all of this is don't seem to phase the german defense minister as he claims everyone knows classified conversation. so not secure and trust in germany has not been shafted. you have a guest under spoke to my partners and colleagues in other countries on the phone and kind of trust in germany is unbroken. everyone is aware of the danger of such wiretapping attacks and knows that 100 percent protection can not be guaranteed for exist. well that's cost live not to get out of back. a german politician, a member of the european parliament for the alternative for germany party. thanks very much for joining us. hale and archie international. we've heard from the
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german defense some of this, the speaking today about a range of options to twine both the, the button display and that includes bringing back potentially compulsory military conscription in the country. and that could be as early as the end of next year, despite that feeling says it's got no intention of going to move. what do you make of the plan? i'm the timing of this. and i think it's important. so that a my, the background to these recent stay at the, the recording published by the use chapel about the space at least secret conversation amongst several high ranking job and office that is about the possible attack on the cry. mia bridge has been exceedingly embarrassing to the job and government. it's the 2 reasons. a it clearly displays an aggressive
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intention which has been shot by the boss. but john, a key at the job and populate the 2nd play. it shows the incompetence of a. ready job in military's a communications and i t system and you know, security systems. so i think that's the background. so the drum defense minister is now mentioning a whole range of possibilities. some of which uh, more realistic at their navisites, i think the reintroduction of military. so this is very far fetched possibility, especially from store gigabytes and makes the i didn't think that's realistic. it requires a sort of a public debate. i'm pretty sure it won't happen in
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2025. so it's probably empty rhetoric. nonetheless, it's not very helpful rhetoric, especially the lights are the very specific discussion that was revealed to of take place between high ranking job and the offices on the, on the i know, not discussion. sorry. um, i just want to ask you about the boris the story is to said that in a recent statement that he's, i'm good by the fact that the russian president is setting the agenda in germany by the publishing essentially of this conversation. what do you make of that statement? a quote. yes, he may well be angry at, but he's angry because it's clearly shows the competence of the security systems of the german military or it's not at all. the inadequacy not be inadequacy of the actual systems then saturday at the lights,
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halted or incompetent attitude of the military engaged in this conversation. it's highly embarrassing a to the german government base to has the intentions of its miller tre, revealed. and the fact that they should have been social security. and so that's a bar story and also went on to say that and he says best trust in germany is not broken off to that intersection by russia over the german service. men who flossing potential ways to attack russian infrastructure yet when you look at what other ne to countries is suggesting they're seeing that. uh, germany's perhaps that of the, the key when it comes to problems within nature. what do you think of that? and do you think that germany can be trusted? well i think that what you was good. ready so what you essentially saying is that
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germany may be, but we need and when it comes to intelligence, obviously, is it probably be, is it, when the defense ministers say trusted germany is diminished? what it means essentially the opposite of cos, job, and these western allies? well, annoyed by this to, to the initial sadie security incident. the whole thing is the reset. it needs to be spans that was supposed to be secret. and now the whole story has been blown. um yeah, i do think it's doing the job government a good at this incident, but i think the kind of weak threats there actually now even more foolish to threaten aggressive, to threaten aggression. if you have a well run a the tree is one. see if you have
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a week and i'm the requests military as jobs in germany as i think it's bordering on india. see to adopt a very aggressive pos chuck. i think there's one other consideration. i think the german government is in deep trouble. economically. it is so many of them i've tried to do in the past. they uh, tried to deflect from the domestic copeland's by drawing attention to the marriage security threat. and i don't see any problem domestically. i mean, within the cabinet, we've got a disagreement between schultz through saying he's refusing to send the tourist me solves to ukraine. on the other hand, we've got the german foreign minister a by about who's pushing the agenda and say, you know, they need to be sent. who do you think is going to win when it comes to that target for? it was sofa that their book was on dr. leah hold,
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as you say, in a sub. and john's atlantis is so fall. she's always wanted. it's possible that she would win again. shots, as proof shots is not the worst kind to read of when it comes to belligerents. he's less but nature and then his green coalition partners. but from what he's done so far, he's often said no ended the end. it was a yes. so there's at least the shots that on this particular issue, he will change his mind to get is especially off to visit bad as the security incident. and so we don't know, but there's always that shots, he's a very weak leader. okay, we're going to leave it that that's going to back a german politician, a member of the european parliament field, tentative for germany policy. thank you for joining us on the international web page in the ria and away from the battlefield present. so lensky is facing slack on
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hays hogan funds. that's of the key ups man. palmer boxing champion fatality glitch co slammed his decision to stock ukraine's popular armed forces head is quote, a big mistake to doubt more into that story to head over to our website. so much on that it's all teeth, the united nation special loan boy, you will not be seeing. conflict has accused thomas of committing sexual violence during the 7th of october tax and is well saying that quote, reasonable grounds to believe it happened. she made the statement while presenting a report to the un, and we also found that they are reasonable browse to believe that conflict related sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, or could during the 7th of october attacks in at least 3 locations. and in most of
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these incidents victim were 1st subjected to rate and then killed. and at least 2 incidents relate to the rate of women's courses. however, when quits by john lists about these claims of homeless carrying a campaign of right, she admitted that she was so far an able to provide any evidence have you met the survivors or victims? and uh, you said that the some of the bodies were shocked. and or maybe was subject to was sexual violence and then they were killed after that. have you seen these bodies yourself? i did not meet with any survivors of sex. a lot of this, of the 7th of october with tax the o. it's after months we tried, we tried, but we received information that a friend full of survivors were receiving very specialized for my treatment. and
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what to, to my goal is to, to speak. the objective of this visit was to gather analysis and analyze verify allegations. and yet, it's not an investigative nature, then what is the nature of this? it's, these are not investigations we looked at sexual light, is pretty much in a vacuum. the way an investigation would collect and analyze evidence of such violations and crimes perpetrated. we've collected information which is, which is completely a different special we, we did not record or preserve information documentation and evidence, including interviews with this testimony and forensic material. we did, we did not identify those responsible with a view to and showing that perpetrators a violations are held accountable. the great media account let carried on its own investigation into those rate planes by homeless. ultimately,
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it says that from no evidence to support them. it's editor in chief is max blumenthal and he says the un envoy is just recycling is rarely propaganda. have listened to his feats on a trip that has no investigative mandates in which she was not collecting any evidence. by one point she said, she's not even collecting information. so what was she doing there? yeah, she was there to simply validate them on so many of the claims by israel that have already been discredited. the bunk was due and blown out of the water by independent outlets like ours at the grace own, and by is really media itself. and what primula patton asked proceeded to do this in her press conference under enormous. so what are you fresher and what's a back intensive questioning from members of the media. so didn't the was to dissemble smires and basically acknowledge that there was no clear and convincing evidence of any systematic sexual assault on october 7th. and that in fact,
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she had not even been able to been able to meet with a single victim brooding 1st, which is real, hasn't produced a single victim. and that her entire trip was guided in her own words and despise railey institution. so this is not a credible finding, but from prefer israel's propaganda purposes. patton, achieve or goal. details of this report do not verify the as rarely propaganda. that's featured in the headlines in western media about familiar patton's presentation. and once again, she said this is not an investigation, she was not collecting evidence. she's produced nothing new here. they've just recycling propaganda that's already been seen in western media. and what we need is a real independent un investigation. i was under pressure by as rarely civil society and what she means that she was under pressure by cut outs of the as really government and is really intelligence the u. n. was under pressure. and that the
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israel lobby may have been incentivizing her trip. i mean, that's it, that's something we can take away from that kind of statement. so this is a politicized theatrical visit to israel in order to deflect the kind of pressure that, that organization is getting. while israel has refused to cooperate with the actual un investigative body that could deliver a thorough independent investigation into sexual violence on october 7th, on the grounds that the experts who comprise that body are anti semitic. so it was actually refusing to cooperate with a real investigation for miller pass and has been called previously delivery on the substantiated claims. she accused russian military service men of raping ukraine while using via i gra, at the time russian pranksters boban and lexis expose the u. n a special old boy.
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they discovered that the information she had was presented to her by officials in kiev. and that she didn't post dissipate actual in any investigation. that information was invited to me. the presence of the deputy prime minister testified me, she now. and, and, and the deputy minister of foreign affairs. so good. you did not make any investigation about why yarbrough or something, but it's not my, it's not my job to make it. and then i do not have a monday. i sit in new york and then office in new york. my role is not to investigate the investigation is going on by the human rights management team and the international commission of inquiry in their reports sofa. there is nothing about about bad. well. well, the new york times had run the headlines, saying the premier le practice to gather evidence on sexual assault by hamis. and she, what else do they made? an edit saying that her information came directly from these rarely authorities.
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and of course the headline changed. now it's a little bit more of a greeting grounds to support reports of sexual violence. well the, you and the special representative also has spoken about the mistreatment of palestinians, which amongst other things included sexual assault. that was in the middle of a one day. and we were able to meet, we full, uh, recently released the detainees. i did not receive a, but i didn't go to, to gather information. again, i made some i, i stressed that i did not go to, but i met we've, we've them, and i got a very disturbing information from, from them with information about cruel in human and degrading treatment of by the students, men and women in detention. also under the admin administrative detention, including sexual violence and the forms of evasive body searches,
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threats of rape and prolonged force community. i don't have to go to occupied policy on territory to collect data information because i received un verified information. it does demonstrate a lack of interest in the plight of palestinian women. and what we're, what we're looking at in the gaza strip is not just the abuse of palestinian women who have actually been abducted by israeli soldiers and subjected to abuse. including at the bare minimum threats of sexual violence. we've even documented this with our local partners at the great zone. through interviews with women who've been abducted by israeli soldiers off the streets. we're talking about the industrial slaughter of palestinian women. this is 400000 indians have been killed in the west bank since october 7th. so she's not really interested in the obvious, easily documented, live stream of abuse of palestinian women not to london in the u.
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k. with a nearly swooning upon them in 3 men. but george galloway says he's ready to get to work on making a difference. helping his agenda is figuring out the ways to stop the people of goza from dying of salvation. and of course, i'm ready. do char bridge runs legitimate, the judge about national interest. and if we have a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship and if i can be of any help, then of course i'll give it. i wrote to. ready david, come run the british part executor, and just this morning saying that i'd seen these reports. i know nothing about them . they're not coordinating with me, i quickly stress, but i've seen these reports on the if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. it is not possible. they appears to project international shipping in the red sea, from the z ever the ducks. but given that the young man is only the, is that
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a the trucks being allowed into gaza? why gun waiters roshay are we on. c the why can we make sure that the women and children in golf have something to do? what's wrong with that? and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that? will galloway gains in any 40 percent in the vote in his land slide when he didn't whole bunch during the campaign slot? mean that he does have both labor and the conservative policies in the u. k. and accusing them of packing is railing gauze. a galloway's reason no new, he was described for me, u. k prime minister, tony blair as being a mass murdering will criminal for buttons, role in bombing iraq. he's also attended on team will process for syria and when to gains london's official policy by stating that you, russia is winning the war in ukraine. george galloway has also been the host of his
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own popular show on archie downing street was quick to cool galloway's victory. be on the alarming however, he is election. victory seems to be a point of contention for number, for tish ministers. some of which, you know, considering the bind of political activity of officials that they say on cooperating with pro palestinian activist groups. i, one of those groups is the palestine sold a darcy campaign that is close the palestinian refugees that were detained by b i. d. f to be released when we had the chance to speak with mr. galloway, who shed his fees on the current tape policies. mazda, of course i support a c spar that is not nearly enough. that must be a c spar. there must be a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from cause i would try to remind you is
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internationally. ready recognized illegally occupied territory. israel has no right to be the legal they and following on from the withdrawal, then we can have an all for all exchange of hostages, prisoners call them what you will of the thousands and thousands. so publish them in hostages or prisoners depending on how you want to describe them. and then there has to be, as uh, prices and for to themselves said many times during this process, that has to be an immediate hygiene and maybe it establishment. all the info is the minute state, you know, i supported the oslo agreement, but i've been supporting it for mold. i'm starting to years. where is it? where is the so called 2 state solution. now if we don't get the,
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then another prison break up from the guys that it's kind of deep. uh, more bloodshed on both sides is got. it would all be by having this conversation all over again. the which does nothing come the reality and the wish rusher. i shouldn't be defeated in the proxy war over the dead bodies of ukrainians. a wage financial does not in any way got a victory. indeed it has a value to complete defeat. so new to has been comprehensively defeated, i would argue, humiliate in this proxy war. the one thing you can say has been proved is that rush, i will not be confident. it will not be balkanized broken up into pieces. the better have to be fixed. the phone and explore the turning one piece against the
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other in the interest of the american lead, new to a lot of we can say for sure. now that is not going to happen. we've already begun about accountability in pursuit of this full how the mission. i know that we know that it has failed. why keep sacrificing young? i say young is older and older. ukrainian, man, i know even women are in the graveyards and in and you grade the finding of a media. it's not just a r d a. they found, uh, press dvd or in, in a national broadcast though. uh, even a chinese tv. cctv uh is no longer available in bristol. uh, they didn't make a political binding older on it, but they just managed to lose their application for the renewal of that license. so just try not rush off around. uh, maybe all those kid is your uh,
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in south america. they, you just can't get it right. and then the reason is pretty simple. if you think about it too many people are watching these television channels too many people were watching or not just in for them, but even more so in germany that's right. are the was closed started because too many of the public were watching it. how's up for free to? okay, we have the chance to speak with jesse williams, the recruitment officer for the workers policy of britain, which is currently at the will use for women self and russia. he says the judge galloway's entrance department represents a threat to both major policies in the u. k. going off against a political establishment is an insane up hill by so even outside of paul them. and he's been the strongest advocate for palestine. we have a life policy that's completely what it's to the, to the woman green,
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the late to the military. industrial complex. uh to zine is in and, you know, galloway is gonna go in guns blazing and parliament scattering everyone because even the left wing of the labor policy, you know, sorry to live because they have been absolutely lot closer to all these questions from palestine from the military industrial complex to the war and ukraine. so it's so refreshing to have that new perspective and ottoman, uh, you know, the problem is come out crowing like a little baby about it. uh so, yeah, i mean, i was laughing. uh, you know, it has been nothing but good news from here on out. uh, we offer it to the establishment because uh, we speak the truth. uh, we don't want, will we speak in the interest of the working gloss in person who do not want was russia or china? we are the policy of pay some way the policy of progress. well, we'll do festival is continuing in southern russia. it's being held on the black
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sea coast and is bringing together tens of thousands of young people from around the globe move back to share the fees and back home and features. so you are hearing a base of back. that's right. the festival week we're going to be bringing you all very special coverage, spots offense. the lot the best, but we both i chose to hear from alexandro olivia, who is vice president of the cas and not fully cultural center. he shared his impressions of the festivals and of russia in general. it is quite nice the purpose of the sale of solid project because the same that the exchange between the self fulfilling and our sites might see more of most pro cookies. but actually, that are very strong, these 30 quarter basis, and these dialogues now we see of making a new morales that to, to visualize these,
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creating new new forms of cultural exchange between us, our purpose we have just incorporated so soon that we'd be to kick off of our, of our associates and hopefully you was that i said that they wouldn't be part of these of these cd cities. and they mean, we want to make many projects like grunge, carter to keep the students from drugs. so going to naples, and at the same time, from naples, it's coming to a delay. we want to make many then same that the culture of the air from the music and from many other aspects. i'm not surprised from the sight evolved from these organizations because for us is it great for the reason? it's a very open country. since i've been here, i've never faced any, so we've received them and what so ever. i always expect would come. and i could never imagine that us and people to be, i would in the meet endings and that are like we really believe that these, these events that it can lead to phone days.


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