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tv   Documentary  RT  March 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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really moved to the united states, why he died in 1965 is rodney historian. professor gideon drive says, but ukraine should not arrive history as a truthful all is come to the light. it's a shame me to stay in the disgrace. i think that will never be raised to call a street which is now a days called buffalo god street. why not to continue this name and to rename it to the yeah. and then the under the name of it also murderer. i've never heard of such a thing in itself the 1st time do gradients do such shame for action. i think it's speaking on the memory of the modern jews. soviets and others go to the chair and call was a member of the step. so the 1st, the shoots much after, but the, on the so called this is going to each individual before the game goes. mother us to collaborate that with the sort drive suite feature was loyal to each other. this
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is really a shame for an act which would be prevented by all means and not for the 1st time i do a gradient. who on or mode or what, what are these, these pieces of skin do? trying to understand. you can't rewrite history, fix are stronger than anything yet. and so you cannot 5 east 30 under the carpet or that's the all that now archie dot com is where you can get all the stories we are following this time. i'll see you again in a box at the the 15 states vote on super tuesday who was overwhelming with an iowa new hampshire, nevada, south carolina,
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michigan. it donald trump now guaranteed to be the republican presidential nominee sky. now here's it on this edition of $360.00 view, we're going to discuss the current state of the presidential race, as well as with the stepping down of national committee chair woman randa mcdaniel's means for the party and the candidates in the 2024 election cycle let's get started. the $1215.00. that is the magic number it takes within the republican party to secure the g o p nomination. the super tuesday is a term which has been in use since at least 1976 and march the day where the greatest number of states hold primaries for their parties. nomination. now 16 states are going to be holding their primaries today. this includes california, colorado, texas, my home state of tennessee,
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virginia and north carolina. $874.00 of the republican parties at $2429.00. delegates are awarded, which is about 36 percent of the total amount of delegates available. democrats will also be awarding around $1439.00 or 30 percent of their delegate alignment notes to for tuesday, is almost always the day when the candidates who are still in the race at that time recognize whether they have a real chance of winning the nomination and in are those rare election years when there is no incumbent running. and both parties are competing auto super tuesday is a great way to judge engagement and each party to but for our as the chair woman wanted mcdaniels, there is not that much to be considered super about super tuesday. now now that last week, the chair woman who has been over was a republican national committee for 7 years, said she will be stepping down on march 8th. now,
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randa says it's been traditional for the chairperson to step down. was the party has their nominee power? some say this is long overdue. as a republicans underperformed at the mid terms and their future control, the house is not clear. but what does this new leadership mean for the remainder of the 9 months following today's primary results? let's discuss this with our panel joyce, today's robert patello, lawyer and political commentator, and doctor linda leroy tarver, who was an election integrity expert and a former michigan, a civil rights commissioner. she's also staunch pro life proponent and christian author. you can find her book, died in the will, anywhere books are sold. welcome. i went to get all of your titles and he was very, very important to me. and i want to start with you, dr to her because donald trump pretty much is secure the republican nomination even before today. happen to super tuesday. however, nikki haley has refused to get out of the race after each major primary defeat,
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including her own state of south carolina. so what does it benefit for nikki haley to be in the race after today? so in bathroom hailey absolutely needs to utilize the funds that she has received as a result, she is definitely going to go through it for tuesday today in hopes that she can pick up the stage and move on there i there is no task for her. but she definitely wants to make sure that the contributors to her campaign have the representation that, that they have on it as an alternative to president trump. a lot of i understand that, but you know, robert on the opposite side you have the democrats because they feel like it kind of does a disservice. the democrats, that there was not really a viable challenge or to joe biden. therefore, they were not really able to accumulate all of the free media that usually comes around the campaign trail because joe's just been doing his job. no job. i didn't
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as of all incumbent president of that facing primary challenge. or i don't think anybody asked that bill to be your primary challenge. you gets trumpet 2024. is that for obama in 2012? it's just not what we do in our country. we give the income with the opportunity of run for his 2nd power divide is done. so we have the strong of 2nd term that's run on. and i think given the what the make you feel the question, i mean, he really has a very clear path to the moment ancient to believe that she sticks in here to accumulate its delegates that went down from both a jail. she will be the clear air up here because of no one else has any delegates with donald trump, who goes to jail. then who is that going with a party pick? they will have nobody else to turn to. you'll have k also be convention. nikki haley wants me to walk into that convince into that convention and say, look, i've picked up 2030 delegates. i'm the only other possible delegates, and therefore, by rule i get to be the nominee, as opposed to don junior, are you? what else hopping in there? trying to use her for and so i think you have a very clear path that you're trying to follow going forward. oh robert,
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i love that answer and i'm gonna let dr. tarver answer because the reality of it is with these delegates at our awards on top, especially after they super tuesday, if he is able to accumulate a large amount even if it, let's just say democrats get their dream and a good tank of some put away and jail and, and eligible to run. do you think the republicans who were elected as delegates for donald trump are going to support nikki haley? are they more likely to nominate somebody else from the floor that has not necessarily taken out donald trump? the president trump will be our nominee july 18th of 18th, which is our nomination. as in wisconsin, he will be our nominee and he certainly will be the nominee for us regardless of the criminal cases that have been stored up for him. we know that these are which hans and these are election interference cases that have no weight. this is just a distraction and with respect to joe biden,
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joe biden will likely not be the nominee in august when the democrats meet. there is a, an onslaught of democrats who are not particularly happy with it when the special prosecutor, her goals before congress to explain himself on why joe biden was not able to be prosecuted when he clearly, according to the report, clearly violated the law. because he is elderly and without memory. and so we're going to be able to get that answer. and i believe that the democrats will choose yet another person to be their nominee. they intentionally kept out kennedy out of this mix because they did not want any competition or any alternatives to run against them. well, then there would be a debate, and so i'll have to say that this is robert f. kennedy is the actually a democrat robert until i want to get your car take on if fight over your nominee. but i've actually, democrats actually identified,
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i think the majority of them with what kennedy has to present is platform a one job i didn't. and so now many job i knew well, service i can serve as president. these are things that are truism to the american politics. and i, i find it interesting. therefore, joe, by then to be this dimensional written old man who's also to handle the international crime and send the kid who doesn't know how to get out of bed at every morning and can't walk up a flight of stairs, but also conspiring of governments around the world, uh etc. wherever the republican faltered points around, joe biden, ever republican, seems to be running away from him. big hailey has been running a your complet harris for the last month. rhonda santa, who was running a gift, gavin newsome he would be given to the band against them of donald trump was running against the law of vivid rank one. it was running against reality when he was in the race. but at the end of the day, joe, by them have the records, but the american people can be proud of the other record that apparently square of the g o page. and this is why they keep floating out all these things. i've seen, people say, well, maybe michelle obama will run for president, maybe a little maybe vote trinity will be the mountain, the cetera. joe biden has,
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it could have had the most successful 1st term of any post that says f d r, legislatively. and i don't think that they, i think this is the reason you see republicans riding through the field trying to find anybody. the only reason republicans with nominate somebody was $91.00 felony charge of the gift to which you will you be included being found liable for such a little salt in florida. have $1000000000.00 of debt and they think that's their. busy the chance of reading don't bite it, and that's why they're really bragging. donald trump out here despite all his legal issues because they think that's the only chance of 2024, that is a great take on that. when go for doherty. dr. harvard democrats are delusional. to believe that this, the 1st term for joe biden is successful. i don't believe you're lying eyes and don't believe your line wallets, and that's the message that he has. we have democrats here in michigan that will not vote for joe biden. we have
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a laughing stock of the of world here in joe, but we have more is going on and we have an open border. and so i'm sorry, there are people in chicago. if you are paying attention to anything that will not vote for the democrat party and will not vote for joe biden in michigan where i live, our um, our homeless shelters are now full with illegals, who have come across the border and it is become a tragedy in new york, so we have high rent, high prices, high eggs in mills, i don't know where you shop, what are they? i do the grocery shopping at my home and divide nomics is absolutely not working. well, dr. norma, right. i do want to point to the fact that you're in michigan and there's a large movement for those who are not agreeing with the divided policy in regards to israel and what is going on, and how aside they're actually pushing for mazda and supporters to vote.
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uncommitted and the democrat primary is there much of a support for that? do you feel like in michigan, or is this just, you know, a couple headlights for people to run with. and so what we're seeing is when you see an influx, an invasion, i would call it across our southern border and even our northern border in canada, where i live in michigan, we see the larger cities, mostly black cities, urban communities being invaded. and this is a result of the policies of joe biden. we see in the auto workers the electric vehicles are not selling in michigan. i, i don't know where the gentleman or hales from, but they're not selling in michigan. and we have this f, anti fossil fuel agenda. the auto workers are coming against the joe biden. the move on top population is coming against joe biden. the black men who are losing jobs to illegals are coming against joe biden. and we're seeing business owners and
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families that are coming against job i. so i'm, i'm not sure if we are to believe our line eyes divide. nomics is supposed to be working, but we are not better off today than we were under president trump, who definitely has a positive record. okay, so i want you to run a mcdaniel real quick on this one. just started, but real quick robert, do you feel like that the democrat party and the michigan primary was last week? we saw that result. but the fact that there was even that movement is the democrat party splintered right now. no, not at all. i'm amazed to see republicans now taking the side of them off terrorist against the frontier into 9 states wanted standby or ally gabriel. nobody has been a rock solid supporter of israel and their right to exist. you still will be indebted yahoo injury from after the october 7th, the tax. and as he's been trying to get 15000000000 dollars of a to israel, not just to have aided humanitarian crisis, but to give them the tools they need to fight the war. a delta, most terrorists will have republicans. busy lighting themselves and proceeded to
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leave them to squad in order to stop america prevail for being able to handle on quote, to national security. the interest that's important, our allies overseas. i've never thought i would look to see today what a republican party of george w bush with a line that itself will have most just to take down jo by that. but it's very clear that the democratic party, the united around joe biden, and the rings and the withholding personal afraid of him too, because he is the model except for its voice. he gives that voters won't be take on the left wing of his party and bring americans together. few posts for the most conservative immigration plan, the wheels name, and the last 25 years. i remind you, do republicans walked away from the mccain. kennedy, you compromise the 2005. they walked away from the shore, compromising 2013. they walked away from the obama compromise of 2015. they walked away away from derby rubio in 2018, one adult, and from the same as whole countries comments, they walked away from the 2021 reconciliation right now they walked away from the length of the bill and now they want to blame democrats for the walking away from
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appraisals for the last 2020 plus year is a ridiculous argument to the american people won't believe. and we know why we have my breast and northern cities because greg ever and roger sanders have been flying a bunch of them there. robert, i want to go off that, but i have to get before we go to the break with the doctor, i've gotta ask real quick. i'm talking about walking away run with daniel the stepping down. i'm a little confused. why considering it was trumps endorsement over harmony dylan to keep her position as our as a chair. why now do you think that she's stepping down? i believe that she will be a better asset for president trump in the uh, the best and the uh, primary sees the general election season. we know that president trump, when he ran in 2016 and won the election of 2016, one from portland, dallas b to kelly and conway. there is a shift in political strategy and i believe that placing the right people at the right time is essential. and so him centering the nomination and putting in people
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at the r and c. that will definitely help him. it is all good. and i believe that it will be a successful strategy for you. okay. well thank you. hold on doctor and robert because let's take a quick break because when we come back, former president trump recently spoke to the black and silver federation gala and suggested black motors related to his multiple indictments, oregon. discussed how this resonated when we return the the
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ok. welcome back. you're watching 360 view i'm sky now. he's now for the president, donald trump's, that time of south carolina, according black voters at a time where president joe biden is hemorrhaging the minority vote in 2020 trump garnered 50 percent more minority votes than he did in 2016. now. i 2020 bluebird poll suggests he could grab the 14 to 30 percent of the black vote. this is the most of any republican presidential nominee and history. so let's bring back in our panel, robert patel, a lawyer and political commentator, and doctor linda lee tarver election integrity expert and former michigan civil rights commissioner. now i want both of you to listen to the comments. i'm sure you've already heard them. the president trump recently made at the black can service separation gala in columbia, south carolina, and i want to get your reaction. but i got indicted for nothing for something that
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is nothing. they were doing it because of the election interference. and then i got indicted. the 2nd time in the 3rd time and a 4th time and a lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. and they actually viewed because i'm being discriminated against this. it's been pretty amazing. robert, they are usually not very sensitive, however, as a black american voter. what were your initial thoughts when you've heard these comments right before the south carolina primary? as a reminder of the quote from dr. change about the benign bigotry of low expectations in that many americans and will many white americans still have this almost cartoon, the 3 of the black community that we are just so people who suffer crime and that we, we venerate and loved people who are criminals. and that's somehow just part of the both of the black community, but then i thought to the let people who have endorsed president trump project trump being supported by the rappers. that's the red who is famous on. so my
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country paint my booty hole brown. he'd been supported by the wrapper walker flock, a flight he'd been supported by the wrapper, little way locals evert you've been supported by little pop. well vicki, the people, the donald trump, things represent black america. and so of course, if you believe the battle, what black america isn't, what they'll be appeals to them, you're going to think that you being a criminal is what appeals to them. and we've heard from these people, the main reason of donald trump's support, among african americans up to it because he got rid of a socialist president. and during his last term they talk about the streaming checks the stimulus chance of came to people's houses. they had talked about the p p p level, so people were exporting and driving around with gucci belts and brand new cars. and they associate that with president trump. they associate truck with not having to go to work, not having to go to school for a check showing, got cheated on your wife, hanging off with port stores, etc. and that's the, the, the lowest common denominator, the present probably trying to appeal to. and he made it very clear who springs that he thinks that a mug shot and going to jail will help him with the black vote because that's what
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he thinks the black body is. doctor, you were actually at the gala in south carolina, you saw president trump speech and sometimes we don't see the reaction in the room . what was the reaction from the crowd and trumps popular and the black community has grown, but does it do a disservice for the reasoning behind that growth with comments like this? or even, i mean we can go as far as the release of sneakers as son a saw that is a give it to try to recruit young voters. so i don't know what reality the your other guest is from, but i will tell you in addition to a lack of lack of slave, i am also supporting president trump, but i have not been to prison and nor of my being a rapper. so i, i support him because of the policies that he has. he is not a racist at all, but i don't have to defend that because he is his result. as president united states showed that we had the lowest unemployment rate for black folks. and in
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genuine unemployment rate for, for uh, black business for black folks, black businesses supporting h b. c, use. and we all were elevated. as a result, the economic quality that we had, we were energy independence. we had the support of the black families and others who even make our food. so there are a lot of variety of different black people. we're not in unison when it comes to having a one say, what i will say is this president trouble getting jim shoes are reaching out or it did not offend anyone in the room that i spoke with. the matter of fact, my husband was in agreement that made up charges and made up criminal activity, and the charges that are pending against them that have not even been litigated or prosecuted by anyone else in american history is certainly something that black people can relate to. and that is that i can't speak for all black people. i don't
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believe your other guests can either, but i can speak for me and the people who are in that room. we were very supportive and we were very supportive for the reason that we had a better life under present donald trump. and let me just share with you about the sneakers president trump is a business man who knows how to make money. and that is what we want in the white house, not to hammer to money, but to make money. we've been spending on green energy, windmills, and everything else you can imagine, and getting rid of fossil fuels, an electric vehicles, electric buses that are going in nowhere under bite. but this man has had perfumes and cologne's, he still has trump wineries, he is ads, trump watches, trump meet trump university, you name it. this man has put it out there on the market, place his name on it, and was making money off of it. so i, i'm not going to hate the speaker con snigger con was not even created by black man . there were 3 white man that, that started sneaker con, it's so president trump,
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what is uh, his brand out there to see how it went. i love the gold sneakers and i'm not hating on a man who knows how to make money. i'm from michigan and lansing michigan. magic jobs and it's certainly one of the, uh, great, uh, basketball players out of michigan and michigan state university. he's diversified his portfolio and, and he's doing a great work selling products and doing his way or so. if you follow the wealthy individuals, especially black men and black women who are making money, they are diversifying, they might be selling cologne one day and wine the next day and selling t shirts and apps and you name it in real estate and doing other types of businesses, so that's what we live in a constitutional republic. and i love the capitalism that donald trump respects. we're not a welfare nation. and so i take exception with what was described there because
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it's not birth out of reality or truth. but i do know that this man knows how to make money, and we, we latch onto that as black americans and support him doing whatever he wants to with his brand. right. so robert, i gotta ask you, are, you know, the dr. barton from great entrepreneurial spirits, and that would, she feels like might be recruiting some diversity. but are you little shaw to that of all of the republican candidates that they've ever been able to present? why is donald trump actually being able to appeal to more within the black american community than any other previously as well, as i said, you don't have to get so you can talk to them and they will tell you is because of socialism. donald trump spent 8 trillion dollars in 4 years, 8 trillion dollars, and he spent a lot of that on the same people, friendships just at home of $73.00, just on there. wow. but i mean, there was pandemic. the damage with the republican site. it shouldn't be shut down anything we shouldn't have mass manage and have a back. so, you know, i'd be,
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can have it both ways. you've got people struggle. i but i find it ironic that we're talking about the pro sneaker concept, because this is a huge con, i think about all the entrepreneurial spirit we do, talked about the trunk foundation, who's ordered here, 2.5 $1000000.00 fine for for fraud control university. your $25000000.00 just want to jump through the fraud of the truck organization a full $115000000000.00. a lot of just like just him for flawed. the eugene carroll at $85000000.00 just want to get through for sexual assault and rape. and we're talking about better media, entrepreneurial spirit. we have a perfectly presidential candidate enter into generally left to rank quarterly $1000000000.00 in debt. and we don't, and we think that's just fine. therefore the entrepreneurial spirit that attracts people to him. he government, the government will socialist. he was bankrupting his personal life and bankruptcy . and so 14 times, i believe in getting paid several $100.00 in taxes, the last time he paid taxes. now he look, recordable a $1000000000.00 in depth isn't running caused the entire time. and we're going to
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say that the entrepreneurial spirit that makes people want to vote for them. okay, give me a break. so robert, i like what you're saying, because you're obviously pointing out why you feel like that there might be an attraction to down to it. but i gotta ask you, why are democrats losing the same minority vote so, i mean, if they're going to donald trump, why, why can't the democrats be able to retain them? oh, very easily. the democrats have a humongous problem. well, just treating minority voters, it's like a good journal on a saturday night and they look like it is. it's always pull up at 2 am and they'll always be there for me. that's about the way you keep voters lawyer when think about the things that they promised to the african american community in the 2020 election. we are problem was a joyful with justin, some police and yet never got past and we've got to vote. we've had problems with john lewis, right. the voted protects him for voting rights. never got to vote. never pass. we're probably try re, mickle do be the intervene that will win, come to criminal justice report. never even voted on and never had a hearing on it. and we were almost a passive, into our 40, the state of conditional reparation of a johnny pond has been working on for the last 50 plus years,
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never even voted on it. so the reason you're hemorrhage in support is a lack of batch. if you can't talk about all the great things you've got done during your 1st term is a long lot of great things you got done. done and then say, well, i couldn't get anything done for black people in the same thing for um, for most of the americans in michigan, as you said, stated well received as a lead will say they are uh, they disagree and present biden policy towards our side and toward the middle east say they will let you know, voters were promised the pathway to sudden strip we were promised a a. how will the dreamer or problems, comprehensively, groceries more so when you talked about the things that were promised versus what was delivered, that's why, of democrats or him during support with minorities. what do you still have time to correct that, but it doesn't mean they're going towards the top. it just means they're not motivated to vote for the party is not deliberate for that. ah, interesting, and i've got to end it there. dr. tarver robert taylor, we could go on as this subjects where to continue to be talked about for the next 9 months to election day. thank you so much for your take. you know, the things that which makes the super tuesday,
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so super to most americans is after today and 15 states, there'll be a great reduction of annoying political ads and their phones will stop ringing with all the rubber calls and any other election cycle tomorrow would be the start of the main competition between both parties. nominees, however, i think most americans felt like me for the 2020 campaign season, how it never really ended. and we are just on this continuous, merry go round of promises, which will eventually be broken and pandering into groups rather than looking at individual needs. yeah, the average voter has no idea who is their leader of their political party, or there's even a central office staff and well, so many conservatives are cheering. the stepping down of rhonda mcdaniel and then they achieved the victory. i guarantee whoever is put in her place is already set up to be hated. and there's a lot easier to blame the head of a political party for losses, rather than the real reason. which is too often a poor choice of candidates on sky. now here's,
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and this has been your 360 view of the news that's affecting you. thanks for watching the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distorted by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground? can the, the
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disputes around a rock between the german chancellor and the nations far diminished over delivering long range on the train. and it comes on the heels of russia, intercepting the bombshell audio file. well, especially about the using germans tower as close mess of to strike russian infrastructure and during a visit to prague, president my car. i just his allies, the quote not be college file supporting here. and it comes after he was fine comments on his own that they too would put boots on the route in the train terminates only is that it just drops the allowed it to go work drug leaders or she.


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