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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the dispute the realm of a route between the german chancellor and the nations far in diminished over delivering long range on the train. and it comes on the heels of russia and assessing the bombshell audio file. well, officials public using germans taras closed muscles to strike russian infrastructure. and during the visit to prague, president my car, i just his allies, the quote not be college file supporting kia and he comes after he walks back comments on his own. that nature would put boots on the browser. the new train only is that it just drops the allowed it to work
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with one. can we make sure that the women and children in golf have somebody from argy hosted now, british politician and george galloway, who is widely known for his anti establishment stands, it's one into parliament. popular is slipping, election victory. the bridge is 5 minutes of cold. a ton of events alarming as galloway calls proceeds firing. garza the kind of a welcome to arch international routine. you live from a new center in moscow. i a michael, quite chat with the updates. russia is to strengthen its ministry, a groupings near its northern or north west and in western borders. and that's the message from the nation. defense minister i made need those expansion in the upcoming drills near roches border. another issue and then we can use the bank,
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drove of nato's military build up near russia's borders and the expansion of the lines through the session of finland. and in the long term, sweden, when taking steps, the strength and fruit groupings in the north western and weston strategic directions at on the front lines of the trade config to russia continues to advance in the south, the troops of captured the town of cranky, a gaining full control of the left bank of the new proud river in the area. it is an extra populate the town of rockport. skeena was also a secured and that's after the city of the f guide came on. the russian control this past month. but just by the jump on chancellor's refusal to send, you create entire us crews bestsellers, not everybody, but even she has this view. the nation's foreign minister has set a strong consideration to be given before rejecting the auction. we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine
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. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear germany and so we didn't jointly develop the target as mess. all countries like germany, spain and south korea use it due to age expensive. extensive operational range, the projectiles warhead is designed to penetrate and destroy deeply buried targets . and a non binding resolution that asks old member countries to provide more weapons. but european parliament listed a toddler system as one of many that you tre needs and that's all comes, it gets the bad drop of japanese lot to use it against pockets inside the russian territory. activists from the german free sense, any party follow the legal action against the ministry staff as his court right handed. and i did deceptive conversation that lawsuit has accused them of trying to
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carry out as an act of aggression. and it comes and it seems like this story is starting to get on this. the rest is not going to stuff the telephone. i mean, the reason that the phone call could still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application error. not all participants adhere to the secure dialing procedure as prescribed. according to current knowledge, data was leaked from the participant in single point of view is connected via and an authorized connection, i. e, virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what kootenai wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. he steps the agenda for what we're discussing here in germany, whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not at the time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among
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other things because we have been dealing with only this topic for 3 days here because yeah, like i said, i know we spoke to former us on the offices called ben a to says the job and offer souls are trying to distract the population from the topic at hand. i think we're watching an implosion of germany and an implosion of nato. and it's reminiscent of that play mastic final scene in the film county shack when the golf course starts exploding because of explosives set off by one of their own gardeners. in this case it's evelyn of their bach and it sholtes and it's golf course. others like vitamin reissue neck and they're, they're coming to part of the seeds and they're engaged in all sorts of distraction operations and distraction articles from the revelation from some far east singapore defense minister about f, 30 fives as a distraction to somehow. busy lower people away from the current leases like topic, which is germany's admission of pre planning
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a act of war against russia by attacking its infrastructure and the crime being bridge. and then when that is exposed and they start eating their own, the 1st one they eat is describing the levels on the old off schultz who looks like a shoot cobbler. and they start positioning natalie and a very box to replace. and then she becomes very militant, is the george soros puppet she is. and the cloud bobby. and that she is, she's tries to save. you become more military and again there you have everything, everything you great and we can. i think we're a witnessing and absolute cascade and failure and disintegration of nato. and this will follow the european governments and all of us in the west and predict where the america for mcgregor river, myself and larry johnson and others we've, we've all been talking about when this sans in the hourglass are finally going to come down to the last granules and we seem to be there right now with this revelation from internal german officers. and you also see this in the west
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prosecution of 63 year old leeker who gives dating information secret information on a dating app. i think that is also meant to contain the hemorrhaging of information that's about to become pouring out from various leaks from active officers in the military, in the united states, in germany, in britain and people that have never been part of this war against russia. and they realized the futility, the mad this, the crime against humanity, the waste that it is. but of course, the climactic joy is the termination of victoria new and does the house fell upon her at last as it should have. so i think you're witnessing every one that's been behind this ruin this escapade starting to flee the ship, but i think they're all going to drown in the process. president, my hall has arrived in prime pe. he suggested fond supports diversifying the ease,
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use weapon for coming policy outside of europe for ukraine. didn't attempt to rally the troops he told his allies not to be quote, howard's, and support the key ever seen. it. is that the whole don't? we are certainly approaching the time and all europe, when we must not be cowards. we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil, we will succeed powers that have become on stuff or bull are extending the threat every day. attacking us shows we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the courage. it implies latest outputs from mackerel and what the law for board if it wasn't so same as he's quoting on his european and western allies, not to be cowards. now he's continued to write to talk about rhetoric since last week. if you recall. um, he was saying that they may be in the to put troops on the ground and you probably know the co payment define from nato, a, you and western allies for saying this. he's in prague at the moment. microphone
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and this is where the officials analysis, vicious proposal would make talking about boosting, alms production on owns procure, to reduce over lions on the united states. now the, you in total market commission to, to, to have the branch on. he spoke about this high intensity bull on the use board is and he spoke about this new security permit. i'm coming into the 3rd year of the conflict and you pray. and the other thing that they were speaking about is this check plan. and this is supported by around 15 countries. so far they've signed up to this and they took my accelerating the production box and started looking to at the 3rd countries, belgium in the netherlands or 2 countries which i've signed off to this initiative micro on said last week that he supported the proposal, which is a, again, a bit of a user and because previously from had committed to buying and producing munitions in ukraine. but my phone has been joined by the check president who was also spoken
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about how nato can safely cross this red line on me if we behave and act within the limits of international law. as you know, we should not give up options to help you rains of volume and saver of seeking new ways, including the continuing debate on a potential presence and ukraine in different ways in different forms. there are concerns that we might talk about sending combat troops to ukraine because this can really mean crossing the red line, but that's not on the table. we are talking about assistance. so this is quite this already. hey, you have both fronts and the czech republic, mulling the idea about how they can both send you troops to ukraine and how not to do it. um, so this message is really just uh, inconsistent today is a rhetoric seems like a you ton, you know, from what the president used to stand on and see before he's in a well, this is quite a huge and a dramatic youth. and in fact,
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because of the manual macro on the cost was very well known for these lengthy conversations with vladimir putin. i think he was trying to position himself as the senior statesman within the european union countries. and he was having these long telephone conversations, even a, up until very recently, december 2023. i was insisting the rushes position should be heard. and the point is function. one of the essential points we must address as president putin has always said, setup is the fear that nato comes right up to its doors of minute and the deployment of weapons that could threaten russia. we need to prepare what we are ready to do, how we protect our allies and member states, and how to give guarantees to russia the other day it returns to the negotiating table. hey, we have a manual microphone. on the one hand, he's coating for increase weapons of more weapons to be sent to ukraine. and on the other hand, he is acknowledging that these very weapon, this pose of freight to russia as it is right now,
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what has been the reaction of ukrainian or specialist audi happy with this. one of course we've heard, is it len skis, please? and he's never ending cold for more on some more weapons. he's gone uh time behind around the to various paula minutes to various forms in countries across the world, begging full more. but now we have the, uh, the head of a raw, the committee on foreign policy. these are we even saying, but it's better for the west to send more weapons, more arms, more munitions than it is to send more troops. but it's taking this, it's better for allies to send enough web injury instead of sending troops. president micron statement is truly important because it is in line with a strategic ambiguity which makes the kremlin so nervous. and even hysterical psychologically. it's important to show the kremlin that all options are on the table, it disorient putting and makes him less confident. so that we have,
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and the big question now is why is from some of the older european nations in the western countries positioning itself as the biggest woman and i know, but to the war. and guys are now the way us secretary of state onto the blinking has said that these are almost maximize, every possible means 2 additional assistance reaches those in need. it comes with the easel intensive, 5, it strikes on guys, a us national security council spots, but i think don't care. but even note that these roles seems to be putting up road blocks to prevent aid from getting in. so there has been some obstacles to get some the ayden data organic to the effect that we're talking about a war zone. but also there have been some energetic obstacles thrown up in some cases by some members of these really cabinet that i've made it hard to get that aided this. what do you see here? so the 1st us see baby tear and a drop in the solvent gazda report, at least nearly 30000 meals were delivered. how about 1.5, medium palestinians?
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i sheltering that according to local authority, some supplies landed in the sea and the remain there is insufficient to feed the number of people starving americans, vice president to cover the hire is blocked the diesel for not helping guidance facing particularly dissect them. census, given the amends, scale of suffering any god there must be an immediate cease fire. the conditions are in hue, maine, and our common humanity compelled us to act and be as rarely, governments must do more to significantly increase the flow of a no excuses. high level meetings are often held with approval of a country is head of state,
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especially when it comes to these roles. primary ally, the united states, however, is rarely. ignace, that deputy many guns has arrived at the meeting of the white house. again, spend a minute the hours wishes. while i have my delegation arrived in egypt for peace talks on sunday, only to find out the usual was a no show of there's comes just a week after the job. i didn't set the seas file will be achieved by the weekend the whole week, staying in the air and play the adf has reported the open fire on hungry residents in gather, said to you as there were on the way to receive them. you. meanwhile, the policy in the fall with these meta office has the to use the us of executive bathing the many tier and disaster vein gaza, the number of rising that's due to a honda ball nutrition and drives continues to rise in response um officials in
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washington and have had to answer some tough questions, but you don't doubt that there's a military that fired on, on those people. they have that they were gunshot, they have, they have offered a public assessment of what's happened. and they said that they did fire in one context. we do not have any independent confirmation of how the actual events rolled out. i know that there are different assessments and, and a conflicting evidence about what happened, which is why we're going to wait the outcome of the investigation. yeah. but, you know, i mean, as to, as wonderful as it is to send him aid by airplanes. i mean, it's 38000 meals. that's like point 07117 to each person. i mean, that's a very small amount to the best way. obviously is the ground and the us can send in
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trucks. i don't think that is which would or would fire on, you know, american controls for a trailer trucks. and so i think you're, you, number one are missing everything i just said both in my opening comments and now this, this, i don't, please don't interrupt, i didn't interrupt you, nor was i dropped the thing. i realize that it's, you know, it's an effort, but it's a very small effort. there are other ways and even even by see, i mean, i understand that you asked me that they had these wonderful cause ways they can roll things in. doesn't even have to have a harbor. and so, but that is still an efficient that mean it's high states and be just and so the very the political decision, you know, to, to ensure, i mean, to basically force, since we have to allow trucks. and i believe that they will prepare, you don't think that the us can prevail if it pressure is, is rare to allow these trucks. and we are making clear that more trucks need to come in from the senior most levels of this government of the us state department was not alone and receiving criticism, not prob,
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i didn't media channel. cnn also condemned the washington's policy towards the conflict in gaza, calling it more. the result is that american policy on the garza war now appears, hapless, ineffective, and a more now that's not across live to lead alternate hands founder of most of them legal hass on surely how sign is good to have you join me right now. great. now, john car, besides some members of these ready cabinet, hardships, talking deliveries, and you know, to humanitarian. uh, a guys that i wonder, what's your assessment of as development there from this statement? the american position is laughable. i mean basically it's they, they are providing weapons that have massacred tens of thousands of civilians made
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hundreds of thousands destroyed the lives of over a 1000000 people. and then they want to criticize the lack of aid that's being sent their reigning thousands of bonds for every piece of bread that they send over. they are, it's like an abuser that is beating his children, beating his wife, and then giving them a small band a while he continues to be. it's laughable. it's embarrassing the united states right now, and by doing it ministration is complicit in one of the worst. genocides, this modern world has witnessed, we are enabling it, we are funding it. and i think any, any discussion of sending aid is, is merely the tricks and optics to try it is going to send in a better light as we have lost the, the more around in the world. it's, i'm at a loss for work words in american. i think a lot of americans share my sentiment. we've never been sort of seem to be americans. as we're witnessing our government enabled israel to star children,
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the star elder, elderly people to death. people are literally dying of thirst and dying of hunger. it is for rustic, well, we are witnessing, and that's why you recently had a us servicemen, a member of the us air force light himself on fire and from the is really embassy and protests to the heretic, crimes against humanity. we are shamefully witnessing our government complicit. and now as the us, as these roles most vital pipe know what is preventing it from increasing the past and demanding tel aviv stop the balance right now. i think it's the fact that people like biden and members of congress have sold their souls to the a tax lobbying movement that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to corrupt these politicians interest so that they no longer represent the american people, nor they were present american interest, nor do they represent basic human rights and values. rather,
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they are agents of the is really parias state that is using it's lobbying dollars further ends of a genocide. and it seems that it's getting away with this i, i simply think these people lack morals, they lack humanity, and they are slaves to power and position and wealth. and they feel that they can best keep their power by enabling the genocide, essentially, their power is fueled by the blood of tell us the children. and it's just utterly terrific. what we are witnessing and, and frankly, i believe american leadership as well as is really leadership. media needs to be put on trial for times against humanity. what we're witnessing right now being in gaza, the pictures of children that are barely skin and bones, babies, young kids and the elderly, along with many women and men that are just starving to death. those pictures are no different than what we witnessed in the nazi concentration camps and also which where, where jews were starved to death. and now people who claim to be their descendants,
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who said never again are doing the very same for rustic things to the palestinians . it is shameful is disgusting, and it needs to stop immediately. while that's the view of most part of the world as well. now as usual, blocks committee chair and age from entering on the ground, the u. s. had the ad drop assistance, even those a lot of it fell into the sea. but what does this tell you about the state of us usual diplomacy? are you seeing some friction here? you know, i think there's a lot of pressure within the united states from even members of the white house members of the military members of congress. and definitely amongst the general public, the majority of the public are against the genocide. that is happening against the palestinians by these realities that is funded by our tax dollars. but it's clear that the buying and ministration wants to further enable it. however, they're concerned about losing the selection and mark my words. they will lose this election and they will lose this upcoming election precisely because they have to
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blow the palestinian children on their hands. so they're trying to do with these near token acts of humanitarian aid is, is simply trying to recover what little support they have left within the art of american community and most of the community and the majority of americans that support him and right. but i don't think the american people buy it. i mean, as do you manage our need is being dropped for the palestinians. they're starving to death in gaza. american bullets are being fired on the starving palestinians that are going to try to get some of that flowers, some of that be to feed their children. we've seen so much footage of bags of flour be covered in blood as israel is intentional targeting, filling the civilians that are going to get that aid. so america's acts of air dropping, you know, uh, a one possible aid for, for every thousands of bonds that they provide israel. again, it's an you're a tokenize, active humanitarian aid. if america really wants to fix this problem,
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it immediately cuts off military aid to israel. and it demands an immediate cease fire, and the pressure is israel to open the borders to allow the many countries of the world provide the emergency humanity or an e better so desperately need it on the ground right now. well, it is not the 1st time or even 2nd time, but we're hearing all the ease roll shooting and killing people, trying to get 2 minutes here in a well, how long do you think or do you expect so just toss of these do take place before the international community takes action be on the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the bravo condemnation of the, of all these, rather than what they're doing. that's a great question. and it really begs the question, will our generation see the change this world needs? i don't know if we will see it, frankly, within our lifetime, but what i firmly believe do this next generation that is growing up and witnessing
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this for rustic, nazi like carnage. that israel is a lucian on the pallets and people will raise a new generation determined to vote for a fellow citizens that will stand by human rights that will not sell out their souls for her sake. terrorist supporting lobby groups like a pack and will bring about a new generation of leadership at home in the us that will not tolerate these war crimes. that is the best we can hold for. and i'm seeing an emergency of youth therapy, any politically involved. we are part of the abandoned binding campaign. i'm going to tell you right now, the american muslim community which can influence these elections will not be voting for binding. and hopefully as more of this younger generation becomes old enough to both, we can elect new officials that will create a change change will come. it's only a matter of time. and history will not remember kindly, a genocide enablers, like biden, and those who supported the other carnage. we're seeing israel on leash on the policy and i firmly believe that these people will be remembered in the worst of lights along the likes of hitler in the history books. and i believe they will
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definitely have tremendous regret when they stand to answer before god for every tear shed by a palace in child. and every drop of blood shed by a of the pulsing people. all right, what we have, we have to, excuse me, we have to living here now a lead actually in the founder of muslim legal hass and shibley's. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. god bless you right now, you have many who the group has said a has talked to us navy destroyer is in the red sea by the latest escalations come as tension in the region as being witnessed by the weld to the reports coming in. say the global internet traffic has been disrupted, due to damaging, cared to at least 44 on the see data cables, translating the region according to a hong kong telecommunications company. 25 percent of the traffic between asia,
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europe and the middle east has been impacted as to who the group which has been exchanging fire with us led forces on the open sea since the beginning of the year has been either involvement. one of the group have i said that the plans to continue a tax on a new ships contained or connected to ease rob at the south minister or the who. the minister in charge of communication said all ships entering many want as from now on, unless the paid permission and i meant the west and the types on the who these now at least $19.00 in the u. k is not opposed to reaching a deal with a young man near the new lease one in the u. k. parliament. but george galloway says he's ready to sit down and talk in order to stop guys ends from dying of starvation. of course i'm ready to shar bridge on. so the judge about the judge about national interest. i live, we have
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a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship and if i can be of any help, then of course i'll give it. i wrote to. ready david, come run the british part executor, and just this morning saying that i've seen these reports. i know nothing about them that are all good agent with me. i quickly stress. i've seen these reports, and if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. it is not possible. they appears to protect international shipping in the red sea, from the z every day attacks. but given the am and age only the is that it drops be allowed into gaza work during winter bushy are we on. c the level, why can't we make sure that the women and children in gods have something to do? what's wrong with that? and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that?
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well, that's all for me now. my colleague moore to mind me will be with you at the top of the hour. by now the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can the
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after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies, the plundering of the occupied territories, had my le devastated as a result of the decades loan fighting extremely hard gazing grew and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency. in response, patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army, and began a guerrilla war. london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass d, port agents executions of civilians and sprain of chemicals. scale being and cutting off at these were the barbaric methods. the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully committed by the scots guards against the young arms fed.


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