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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the, the, this various of us between the job and also the countries on the so the be a long way weaponry. do you think it comes off to rush to intercepted and sort of thing on it. if it was a lot of these fund team towards closing his out infrastructure during a visit, the problem present micron urges his allies to the quote to the northeast. howard was sort of cool thing peeve in comes off the he won't find on his name. so we put in a good little brown try and given that to the ever, the supposedly is that a different drugs should be allowed to do a dog park drug liter dorsey. are we why we make sure
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that the women and children in golf have some formal all to you? how does it's added now, what is politician julie galloway? well known, but his m c. s tablet installed this morning to solomon fully on line. so i the election, big 3, the pretty 5 minutes is the cause of the events is subbing for pa galloway cold for a ceasefire and got the problem of the to the well, this is all to you. it is good to have your company today. my is going to a moment until our top story. russia is started swimming in. mid fi name is northwest. and wes and bulls of bucks. the message from the nations defensiveness mid natives expansion and upcoming drills. new rushes border. the sooner we can use the bank, drove of nato's military build up near russia's borders and the expansion of the
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lines through the section of finland. and in the long time, sweden when taking steps, the strength and fruit groupings in the northwestern and west in strategic direction. and the south rising seems kind of so the town of cutting t, uh, gaining full control of the left bank of the, the new river in the area. there is an s above the ton of less touch can now was also so good. as off of the city of, of the of k came on to russian control this past month is why the gentleman charles has refusals as a new frame, taurus, cruise and as i was not everybody in the lynch. as his view, the nation as a farm is a has said strong consideration should be given. before rejecting the option we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine . from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear to anybody as so we can jointly developed the taurus missile
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countries like germany, se then south, we use it june to is expensive range. the projectiles will head is designed to penetrate, then destroyed, didn't seem very targets and non binding resolution. the off old number countries to provide more weapons the parliament. this is a system as one has many that you play needs. it's this old gums. i gains the back, so i'll pub jeremy's plot to have time tanya is inside russian territory in response to this from the german re fax and the body file suit against some of the stuff quote but handed and intercepted conversation have a case that accuses them of trying to carry out and illegal acts of aggression. meanwhile, it seems like the store is being beginning to get on. the german defense versus nerves are going to stuff the telephone i in the reason that the phone call could
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still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application air. not all participants adhere to the secure dialing procedure as prescribe will be useful according to current knowledge. data was leased from the participant in single point of view is connected via and an authorized connection, i. e, virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what kootenai wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. he steps the agenda for what we're discussing here in germany. whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not at the time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among other things because we've been dealing with only this topic for 3 days. like this is really starting to for us all the of the score bennett has
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a job with the officials are trying to distract the population from the topic. and i think we're watching an implosion of germany and an implosion of nato. and it's reminiscent of that claim matic final scene in the film. county shack when the golf course starts exploding because of explosives, set off by one of their own gardeners. in this case it's adelina, very bach and it sholtes. and it's golf course. others like vitamin re, shack and they're, they're coming to part of the seeds and they're engaged at all sorts of distraction, operations, and distraction articles from the revelation from some far east singapore defense minister, about f, 30 fives as a distraction to somehow. busy lower people away from the current leases like topic, which is germany's admission of pre planning a act of war against russia by attacking its infrastructure and the crime being bridge. and then when that is exposed and they start eating their own,
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the 1st one they eat is describing the levels on the, olaf schultz who looks like a shoe cobbler. and they start positioning natalie and a very box to replace. and then she becomes very militant, is the george soros puppet she is. and the cloud shed bobby, and that she is, she's tries to say become more military. and again, there you have everything, everything you great and we can, i think we're witnessing an absolute cascade and failure and disintegration of nato . and this will follow the european governments and all of us in the west and predict where the america for mcgregor and a river myself and larry johnson and others we've, we've all been talking about when this sans and the hour glass are finally going to come down to the last granules and we seem to be there right now with this revelation from internal german officers. and you also see this in the west prosecution of 63 year old league or who gives dating information secret
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information on the dating app. i think that is also meant to contain the hemorrhaging of information that's about to become pouring out from various leaks from active officers in the military, in the united states, in germany, in britain, people that have never been part of this war against russia. and they realized the futility, the mad this the crime against humanity, the waste that it is. but of course the climactic joy is the termination of victoria newland is. the house fell upon her at last as it should have. so i think you're witnessing everyone that's been behind this ruinous escapade starting to flee the ship, but i think they're all going to drown in the process. present maximum has arrived in prong officials. he said fond supports the verse of buying the weapon, perfume and policies with you and the tablet to run
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a frequency until his eyes and onto the ours and support you frame is that the we are certainly approaching the time and now you are up when we must not be cowards. we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil, we want success powers that have become on stuff people are extending the threat every day. attacking us. we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the courage it implies. so it's like you to just output us from macro and what the law support if it wasn't so serious, he's courting on his europe in western allies, not to be cowards. now he's continued to write to talk about rhetoric since last week. if you were cool, he was saying that they may be in the to put food from the ground. and you probably know the code came on to find from nato, a, you and western allies for saying this. he's in prague at the moment macro on. and this is where the officials analysis vicious proposal when they talking about boosting um, owns production on owns procure,
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to reduce that reliance on the united states. now the, you in total market commission to, to tell the branch on. he spoke about this high intensity bull on the use board is and he spoke about this new security permit. i'm coming into the 30 of the conflict and ukraine. the other thing that they were speaking about is this check plan. and this is supported by around 15 countries. so far they've signed up to this. and they took my accelerating the production box and started looking to at the 3rd countries, belgium in the netherlands of 2 countries, which i have signed off to this initiative micro and said last week that he supported the proposal, which is a again, a bit of a user and because previously from had committed to buying and producing munitions in ukraine. but my phone has been joined by the check president who was also spoken about how nato can safely cross this red line. i mean,
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if we behave and act within the limits of international law, we should not give up options to help you streams of volume and saver of thinking new ways. including the continuing debate on a potential presence in ukraine in different ways in different forms. there are concerns that we might talk about sending combat troops to ukraine because this could really mean crossing the red line, but that's not on the table if we are talking about assistance. so this is quite because already, hey, you have both fronts and the czech republic, mulling the idea about how they can both send you a troops to ukraine on how to do it. um, so this message is really just inconsistent. today is a rhetoric seems like a you ton, you know, from what the president used to stand on and see before he's in a. well, this is quite a huge and a dramatic user. and in fact, because of the manual macro on the course, was very well known for these lengthy conversations with uh, flooded, made food. and i think he was trying to position himself as the senior statesman
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within the european union country. so he was having these long kind of phone conversations, even up until very recently, december 2023. i was insisting the rushes position should be heard. and the point is also one of the essential points we must address. as president putin has always said, setup is the fear that nato comes right up to its doors of minute and the deployment of weapons that could threaten russia. we need to prepare what we are ready to do, how we protect our allies and member states, and how to give guarantees to russia the other day it returns to the negotiating table. hey, we have a manual microphone. on the one hand, he's coating for increase weapons of more weapons to be sent to ukraine. and on the other hand, he is acknowledging that these very weapons pose a threat to russia as it is right now. what has been the reaction of the ukrainian officials are the happy with this one of course we've heard that then skis. um
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please. and he's never ending cold for more arms or more weapons. he's gone. uh tough. been hand around the to various paula minutes to various forms in countries across the world, begging full more. so now we have the, uh, the head of a raul, the committee on foreign policy. he's not even saying, but it's better for the west to send more weapons, more arms, more munitions than it is to send more troops. let's take a listen. it's better for our allies to send enough weapons rate instead of sending troops. president mcroy on statement is truly important because it is in line with a strategic ambiguity which makes the kremlin so nervous and even hysterical, psychologically it's important to show the kremlin that all options are on the table. it disorient putting and makes them less confident. so that we have, and the big question now is why is from some of the older you repeat nations and old is the western countries positioning itself as the biggest woman the
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both of the warren gauze in that way, us secretary of state and city, one of them has said is last month, somebody of every possible means to show assistance, reaches those in a direct, convers is intensifies, it strikes on gauze of us and national security council, socialism, john covey, even known to the israel, seems to be putting out roadblocks to prevent aid from guessing so there has been some obstacles to getting the 8 in the organic to the fact that we're talking about a war zone. but also there have been some energetic obstacles thrown up in some cases by some members of these really cabinet that have made it hard to get that aided. this fits, it says the 1st us supervisor, a aid ad dropped in to southern the ripple. the new 30000 meals were delivered. however, one of many impasse is sheltering the according to local authorities. some supplies landed in the sea and the my main to is insufficient to feed the number of c for
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salt lake american vice president, come by the house, boston is open. not helping golf is facing particularly dias. circumstances given the amends scale of suffering any gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire. the conditions are in hue, maine, and our common humanity compels us to act and be as rarely governments must do more to significantly increase the flow of a no excuses say in the own glue. the idea of has before the open fire and hungry residence in gaza city as they were on the way to receive the mail. meanwhile, the passing authorities media is a fuse. the us of exasperating the imaginary dissolves the in gaza. as
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a number of the rising death of jude's hung up mile nutritious mountain. nutrition and drought continues to rise their results. some officials in washington have had to onset some tough questions. but you don't doubt that there's a military fire on, on those people, they have that do a gunshot. they have, they have offered a public assessment of what's happened. and they said that they did fire in one context. we do not have any independent confirmation of how the actual events rolled out. i know that there are different assessments and, and a conflicting evidence about what happened, which is why we're going to wait the outcome of the investigation. yeah. but you know, uh, i mean, as to, as wonderful as it is to send him aid by airplanes. i mean 38000 meals. that's like point 07117 to each one person. i mean, that's
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a very small amount. the best way obviously, is the ground and the us can send in trucks. i don't think that there's where it is, which would or would fire on, you know, american controls for a trailer trucks. and so i think you're, you, number one are missing everything. i just said both in my opening comments and now this, this, i don't please don't interrupt. i didn't interrupt you, nor was i dropped the thing. i realize that it's, you know, it's an effort, but it's a very small effort. there are other ways and even even by see, i mean, i understand the us, me that they have these wonderful causeway. they can roll things in doesn't, don't have to have a hardware. and so, but that is still inefficient. i mean, it's kinda high stakes and just and so the very the political decision you know, to, to ensure, i mean, to basically force, since we have to allow trucks and i believe that they will prepare. you don't think that the us can prevail if it pressure is, is rare to allow these trucks and we are making clear that more trucks need to come
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in from the senior most levels of this government. yes. say devonne was not a loan in receiving, could zoom bro bye and media chelsea and also condemned russians policy. so it was the confidence in gauze pulling it's immoral. the result is that american policy on the gaza war now appears hapless and effective and immoral that we. so to lead attorney, i'm founder of move the legal house on a ship. and now he says at the bottom, unionization is consistent in the genocide in god. the american position is laughable. i mean, basically it's they, they are providing weapons that have massacred tens of thousands of civilians made hundreds of thousands destroyed the lives of over a 1000000 people. and then they want to criticize the lack of aid that's being sent and they're reigning thousands of bonds for every piece of bread that they send
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over. they are, it's like an abuser that is beating his children, beating his wife, and then giving them a small band a while he continues to be. it's laughable. it's embarrassing the united states right now. the by doing administration is complicit in one of the worst genocides this modern world has witnessed. we are enabling it. we are funding it. and i think a, any, any discussion of sending aid is merely the tricks and optics to try it is going to send in a better life as we have lost the, the more around in the world. it's, i'm at a loss for words, words in american. i think a lot of americans share my sentiment. we've never been so it seemed to be americans. as we're witnessing old government enabled israel to star children, the star elder, elderly people to death. people are literally dying of thirst and dying of hunger. it is for read what we are witnessing, and that's why you recently had a us servicemen,
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a member of the us air force light himself on fire and from the is really embassy in protest to the heretic. crimes against humanity, we are shamefully witnessing our government complicit. and so america's acts of air dropping, you know, uh, a one parcel of a firm for every thousands of bonds that they provide israel again, it's on your, a tokenized active humanitarian aid. if america really wants to fix this problem, immediately cuts off military aid to israel and it demands an immediate cease fire . and the pressures is able to open the borders to allow the many countries of the world provide the emergency manager and it need that as so desperately need it on the ground right now us. so you have a who is he who said it has struck to us navy as slaves and the red sea. there's an escalation, as calm as incentives in the region is being witnessed by the world that would involve somebody and say that global insect traffic has been just something to do to damage in could to a least full on the sink. data cables. processing the region according to the hong
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kong telecommunications company, 25, besides the traffic between asia, europe. i haven't been these as it impacted the group which has been exchanging fly with us that focuses on the open sea since the beginning of the year has been either both. the group, however, said that it puts it into a tax on any ships connected to it, as well as the minister in charge of communication said all ships entering in many waters from now on most of the ames, the mission, o, cham, i know the piece for them to stop the war in yemen, says that the monies have every right to respond to you, okay? and you as aggression a, say the system, the 0 and you have and we consider british policy to be colonialism which still exists and has this significant history of colonization. we hope they would change this, but they pursue cobra colonization. the many tools serving them in the region. they
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still have emissions and a clear agenda in the region and are part of the quartet, and that has been besieging the nation for years. today they're waging a direct score and you haven't with airstrikes lacking any legal justification, or even any official approval from the security council united nations, or even the many governments. therefore, what is written doing? we in yemen, consider blights and aggression and humanities have the natural right to respond. the british and americans today are in the same trench, whether in the events in gaza, german or the red sea. they would have sought de escalation and gaza, which i would also cast a shadow on the escalation in the red sea. the major countries of the general policy towards their world hardly changes. it may only be slightly moderate. therefore, maybe the current prime minister has proven that he stands alongside design is the entity and alongside the killing and blockade. we consider bridge and stance very bad up to this moment. we hope that it will change during the prime ministers term,
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but i believe that the british prime minister will not last and will fail as well as the american president. he will fall in the upcoming elections and they have ended their political lives on a very bad stance of killing women. children and standing alongside the extreme is design a sense of the size of the who sees these. what mine in the phase knows, oppose. so we can deal with the evan, this one in u. k. problem and med, george galloway. he says he's ready to sit down, talk in order to something garza from dine of salvation. of course, i'm ready to show our bridge runs legitimate, legitimate national interest. and if we have a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship and if i can be of any help, then of course i will give it. i wrote to. ready david, come running the british part executor, and just this morning saying that i've seen these reports. i know nothing about
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them. they're not coordinating with me. i quickly stress. i've seen these reports and if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. it is not possible they appears to project international shipping in the red sea, from the z ever the ducks. but given that the young man is only dom i'm, is that a the trucks being loaded to a guy? what gun, winter? bushy, are we all that down there? why can't we make sure that the women and children in gods have something to get? what's wrong with that? and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that a getaway? again, any 40 percent of the votes and a lot of slides when they didn't hold back during the campaign. so i'm in the needs of both of them a but i'm conservative, but these are the fusion. the backing is well in gaza. got always, views are not new, it was just slide for me. you k prime minister, tony blair as
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a mass med room will well now for bruce's role in wyoming or ok also attended and she will protest for so i'm going to against london official policy by stating that russia is winning in ukraine. galloway also hosted his own show here on all to dialing street who has clicked to cool galloway's a big feet beyond allow me however, that is the nice of a tree seems to be a point of contention of a number of bridge menaces. so considering binding the physical i, 70 of officials, they say a cool poison with food products and activist groups. one of them is the past on some of the as the campaign which is full for refugees that was retained by the idea of to be released later on. so i'll just leave with mr. galloway who shared his views on part. okay. post it was of course i was born a cease fire. that is not nearly enough. that must be
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a ceased far. there must be a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from god's i would try to remind you is internationally recognized, illegally occupied territory. israel has no right to be the legal they and following on from the withdrawal, then we can have an old for all exchange of hostages prisoners call them once you will have the thousands and thousands so published in hostages or prisoners depending on how you want to describe them and then there has to be as uh, prices unfortunately himself said many times during this crisis that has to be an immediate, the media establishment. all the info is the new state. you know, i supported the oslo agreement, but i've been supporting it for mold. i'm starting to years. where is it?
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where is the so called 2 state solution. now, if we don't get the, then another prison break up from gaza. it's kind of deep uh, more bloodshed on both sides is got it. i would all be, but having this conversation all over again, the founding of a media. it's not just a r d a. they found press dvd or in, in a national broadcast or even a chinese stevie z tv is no longer available in bristol, they didn't make a political binding older on it, but they just managed to lose the application for the renewal of that license. so just trying not rush off around. uh, there may be others kelly's, your in south america. they, you just can't get it right. and then the reason is pretty simple. if you think
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about it too many people were watching these television channels. too many people were watching or not just in for them, but even more so in germany. that's right. are the was closed started because too many of them were watching it. how's up for free to of the same as it is i is the most important day. the 2020 full us elections. i'm is almost over as the majority of states close that is preliminary result. so by 9 from the leading the race for that policies candidate, how old a americans from 15 sites and one 3rd has been causing the ballots. for the last 9 campaign use super choose as successfully myers to identify who in betsy became the policy representative. the reason for this is roughly one 3rd of voted from both groups of cost on this day. now the main containers for the position of president from that representative policy. the job i'm, i'm
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a former president and donald trump biden has no arrivals along farms or made appointment is a former us. i'm positive to the united nations nikki haiti, who has a report of the castle, oil expenses for further promotion of the election campaign. media sources are already put, they do not have a will drop out. so that's, that was the lives of it as well as john and jordan, joining us from california. and john, appreciate you waiting that we know you're busy and mine's the results role in also millions of americans cost the on this super choose a, it seems is all this i who will when that policy nomination, my gosh. and so, if nickie any decides to step aside, we'll see in those tribe what will happen to have? well, that's 2 great questions. first of all, if she steps aside, if she wants a future and she is young, if she has to support the ultimate republican nominee,
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which is going to be a former president, trump, she's going to have to try to find a way to walk back a lot of the things that she's dead because she's burned a lot of bridges, not just with president trump, but with a lot of his supporters. and so she has to try to burn her way back into the tap if she needs to have a future in 2028 or beyond. as for her voters, that's the $64.00 question. as you say in the united states, what happens to them? i don't think that most of them watches that breaking this couple of different categories in a lot of states. um, even on super tuesday, you can vote. even if you're a democrat, you could vote in there but looking primary. so inside of making hayley's vote doubles, are a lot of democrats and independents that may bring back towards biden, or may stay at home. there's probably some republicans in there that don't like drum, but will probably hold their nose. i'm so that's the universe of nikki haley. motors, how, what percentage they break out amongst those 3 options remains to be seen, but boat campaigns, bindings and trumps will compete heavily for those voters. hi john,
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my name's question. hey, this is as low as possible today was bright, and clearly the fund run up with a democratic party. the super choose day submit him in all kind of the dental class, but someone else in the race at a later stage. that's great, that's the question of the politics of america, the mechanics of american politics, which can be somebody complicated to outside hers. so the race here isn't about votes. it isn't, it isn't because votes generate delegates and the not many of either party republicans and democrats isn't chosen until their party conventions later in the summer, july and august. so until that point, there really isn't a nominate 11. there's a different majority is needed for each, but neither truck nor bide. we'll have a majority up to sue, produce a, but we'll probably in the next month or so. now, to your question, you can by can be replaced. the 1st question, the 1st part of that is that binding would have to bones.


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